


更年性水果(英語:climacteric fruit),又稱更性水果後熟型水果,泛指熟成英语Ripening的過程中經歷呼吸躍變respiratory climacteric)的水果








植物合成乙烯的前驅物為甲硫胺酸,其轉為S-腺苷甲硫氨酸後,可由ACC合成酶英语1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase(ACS)轉為1-氨基環丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)與甲硫腺苷(5'-methylthioadenosine),前者再經ACC氧化酶(ACO)作用即可產生乙烯,後者則可透過楊氏循環轉變回甲硫胺酸[5]。ACC合成酶與ACC氧化酶皆分別由一個基因家族的許多基因編碼,且系統I與系統II中,兩種酵素各基因的表現量有所不同[4][5],以番茄模式生物的研究顯示系統I仰賴的ACC合成酶主要為ACS1A與ACS6,兩者均會被乙烯所抑制;系統II則仰賴ACS2與ACS4,乙烯可刺激兩者的活性,形成正回饋的自催化反應。另外系統II中ACC氧化酶的表現量亦高於系統I[6][7]






1925年,英國劍橋低溫研究站(Low Temperature Research Station)的研究員富蘭克林·基德(Franklin Kidd)與查爾斯·韋斯特(Charles West)觀察採收後的蘋果熟成的現象,他們量測二氧化碳的濃度,發現蘋果的呼吸作用有上升的現象,並將此現象命名為更年性(climacteric[8][10]劍橋大學的植物學家弗雷德里克·布萊克曼以兩人的研究為基礎,開啟了此領域的相關研究[11]


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  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Mingchun Liu, Julien Pirrello, Christian Chervin, Jean-Paul Roustan, and Mondher Bouzayen. Ethylene Control of Fruit Ripening: Revisiting the Complex Network of Transcriptional Regulation. Plant Physiology. 2015, 169 (4): 2380–2390. doi:10.1104/pp.15.01361. 
  7. ^ Cornelius S. Barry, M. Immaculada Llop-Tous, Donald Grierson. The Regulation of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid Synthase Gene Expression during the Transition from System-1 to System-2 Ethylene Synthesis in Tomato. Plant Physiology. 2000, 123 (3). doi:10.1104/pp.123.3.979. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Anthony Keith Thompson. Fruit ripening conditions. Fruit and Vegetables: Harvesting, Handling and Storage. John Wiley & Sons. 2008: 86 [2019-03-24]. ISBN 1405147806. (原始内容存档于2019-03-24). 
  9. ^ J. C. Pech, M. Bouzayen, A. Latché. Climacteric fruit ripening: Ethylene-dependent and independent regulation of ripening pathways in melon fruit. Plant Science. 2008, 175 (1-2): 114-120. doi:10.1016/j.plantsci.2008.01.003. 
  10. ^ F Kidd, C West. The course of respiratory activity throughout the life of an apple. Report of the Food Investigation Board for the Year 1924. 1925: 27-33. 
  11. ^ George G.Laties. Franklin Kidd, Charles West and F.F. Blackman: The start of modern postharvest physiology. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 1995, 5 (1-2): 1-10. doi:10.1016/0925-5214(94)00009-H.