


科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
门: 假單胞菌門 Pseudomonadota
纲: β-變形菌綱 Betaproteobacteria
目: 伯克氏菌目 Burkholderiales
科: 叢毛單胞菌科 Comamonadaceae
Willems et al. 1991
(ex Davis and Park 1962) De Vos et al. 1985





  • 食酸菌属 Acidovorax Willems et al. 1990
  • Albidiferax Ramana and Sasikala 2009
  • Alicycliphilus Mechichi et al. 2003
  • Allofranklinella Deshmukh and Oren 2023
    • Allofranklinella schreckenbergeri (Bernard et al. 2022) Deshmukh and Oren 2023[2]
  • 水杆状菌属 Aquabacterium Kalmbach et al. 1999
  • 短单胞菌属 Brachymonas Hiraishi et al. 1995
  • Caenibacterium Manaia et al. 2003,为Caldimonas Takeda et al. 2002的异名
  • Caenimonas Ryu et al. 2008
  • 喜热单胞菌属 Caldimonas Takeda et al. 2002
  • Calidifontimicrobium Ding et al. 2019
    • Calidifontimicrobium sediminis Ding et al. 2019
  • 丛毛单胞菌属 Comamonas (ex Davis and Park 1962) De Vos et al. 1985
  • Corticibacter Fang et al. 2015
    • Corticibacter populi Fang et al. 2015
  • Curvibacter Ding and Yokota 2004
  • 代尔夫特菌属 Delftia Wen et al. 1999
  • Diaphorobacter Khan and Hiraishi 2003
  • Extensimonas Zhang et al. 2013
  • Giesbergeria Grabovich et al. 2006
  • 氢噬胞菌属 Hydrogenophaga Willems et al. 1989
  • Hylemonella Spring et al. 2004
    • Hylemonella delicata
    • Hylemonella gracilis
  • 艾德昂菌属 Ideonella Malmqvist et al. 1994
  • Kinneretia Gomila et al. 2010
  • 俊片菌属 Lampropedia Schroeter 1886 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • 纤发菌属 Leptothrix Kützing 1843 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • Limnohabitans Hahn et al. 2010
    • Limnohabitans australis Hahn et al. 2010
    • Limnohabitans curvus Hahn et al. 2010
    • Limnohabitans lacus Jung et al. 2024[3]
    • Limnohabitans parvus Kasalický et al. 2010
    • Limnohabitans planktonicus Kasalický et al. 2010
    • Limnohabitans radicicola Chhetri et al. 2021
  • 大单胞菌属 Macromonas Utermöhl and Koppe 1924 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • Malikia Spring et al. 2005
    • Malikia granosa Spring et al. 2005
    • Malikia spinosa (Leifson 1962) Spring et al. 2005
  • Melaminivora Wang et al. 2014
    • Melaminivora alkalimesophila Wang et al. 2014
    • Melaminivora jejuensis Kim et al. 2018
    • Melaminivora suipulveris Won et al. 2023[4]
  • Mitsuaria Amakata et al. 2005
  • Oryzisolibacter Vaz-Moreira et al. 2017
  • Ottowia Spring et al. 2004,以Johannes C. G. Ottow的名字命名,他对土壤和活性污泥脱硝的知识作出了贡献
    • Ottowia beijingensis Cao et al. 2014
    • Ottowia caeni Pang et al. 2021
    • Ottowia cancrivicina Song et al. 2024[5]
    • Ottowia flava Shi et al. 2020
    • Ottowia konkukae Yi et al. 2018
    • Ottowia massiliensis Maaloum et al. 2023
    • Ottowia oryzae Heo et al. 2018
    • Ottowia pentelensis Felföldi et al. 2011
    • Ottowia shaoguanensis Geng et al. 2014
    • Ottowia testudinis Busse et al. 2022
    • Ottowia thiooxydans Spring et al. 2004
  • Paucibacter Rapala et al. 2005
  • Pelomonas Xie and Yokota 2005
    • Pelomonas aquatica Gomila et al., 2007
    • Pelomonas depolymerans
    • Pelomonas puraquae Gomila et al., 2007[6]
    • Pelomonas saccharophila (Doudoroff, 1940) Xie & Yokota, 2005
  • 极地单胞菌属 Polaromonas Irgens et al. 1996
  • Pseudacidovorax Kämpfer et al. 2008
    • Pseudacidovorax intermedius Kämpfer et al. 2008
  • Pseudorhodoferax Bruland et al. 2009
    • Pseudorhodoferax aquiterrae Chen et al. 2013[7]
    • Pseudorhodoferax caeni Bruland et al. 2009
    • Pseudorhodoferax soli Bruland et al. 2009
  • Pulveribacter Heo et al. 2019
  • Ramlibacter Heulin et al. 2003
    • Ramlibacter agri Dahal et al. 2022
    • Ramlibacter albus Kang et al. 2023[8]
    • Ramlibacter algicola Kim et al. 2021[9]
    • Ramlibacter alkalitolerans Lee and Cha 2017
    • Ramlibacter aquaticus Props et al. 2020
    • Ramlibacter aurantiacus Kang et al. 2023
    • Ramlibacter cellulosilyticus Kang et al. 2023[10]
    • Ramlibacter ginsenosidimutans Wang et al., 2014
    • Ramlibacter henchirensis Heulin et al., 2003
    • Ramlibacter humi Zhang et al. 2019
    • Ramlibacter lithotrophicus Yu and Leadbetter 2020
    • Ramlibacter monticola Chaudhary and Kim 2017
    • Ramlibacter pallidus Kang et al. 2023[11]
    • Ramlibacter paludis Lim et al. 2023[12]
    • Ramlibacter rhizophilus Yan et al. 2017
    • Ramlibacter solisilvae Lee et al., 2014
    • Ramlibacter tataouinensis Heulin et al. 2003
  • 红育菌属 Rhodoferax Hiraishi et al. 1992
  • Roseateles Suyama et al. 1999
    • Roseateles albus Park et al. 2023
    • Roseateles amylovorans Guliayeva et al. 2023[13]
    • Roseateles aquae Woo et al. 2024[14]
    • Roseateles aquaticus (Gomila et al. 2007) Park et al. 2023
    • Roseateles aquatilis Gomila et al. 2008
    • Roseateles asaccharophilus (Gomila et al. 2010) Liu et al. 2023
    • Roseateles chitinivorans (Sisinthy and Gundlapally 2021) Liu et al. 2023
    • Roseateles chitosanitabidus (Amakata et al. 2005) Liu et al. 2023
    • Roseateles depolymerans Suyama et al. 1999
    • Roseateles koreensis Park et al. 2023
    • Roseateles noduli (Fan et al. 2018) Liu et al. 2023
    • Roseateles oligotrophus (Pheng et al. 2017) Liu et al. 2023
    • Roseateles puraquae (Gomila et al. 2007) Liu et al. 2023
    • 嗜糖假单胞菌 Roseateles saccharophilus (Doudoroff 1940) Liu et al. 2023
    • Roseateles subflavus[15]
    • Roseateles terrae Gomila et al. 2008
    • Roseateles toxinivorans (Rapala et al. 2005) Liu et al. 2023
  • 红长命菌属 Rubrivivax Willems et al. 1991
  • Schlegelella Elbanna et al. 2003
  • Scleromatobacter Mieszkin et al. 2023
    • Scleromatobacter humisilvae Mieszkin et al. 2023[16]
  • Simplicispira Grabovich et al. 2006
    • Simplicispira hankyongi Siddiqi et al. 2020
    • Simplicispira lacusdiani Shi et al. 2019
    • Simplicispira limi Lu et al. 2007
    • Simplicispira metamorpha (Terasaki 1961) Grabovich et al. 2006
    • Simplicispira piscis Hyun et al. 2015
    • Simplicispira psychrophila (Terasaki 1973) Grabovich et al. 2006
    • Simplicispira sedimenti Chen et al. 2024
    • Simplicispira soli Dahal and Kim 2018
    • Simplicispira suum Cho et al. 2018
  • 球衣菌属 Sphaerotilus Kützing 1833
  • Tepidicella França et al. 2006
  • Tepidimonas Moreira et al. 2000
    • Tepidimonas alkaliphila corrig. Habib et al. 2019
    • Tepidimonas alkaliphilus Habib et al. 2019
    • Tepidimonas aquatica Freitas et al. 2003
    • Tepidimonas arfidensis Ko et al. 2005
    • Tepidimonas charontis Albuquerque et al. 2020
    • Tepidimonas fonticaldi Chen et al. 2013
    • Tepidimonas ignava Moreira et al. 2000
    • Tepidimonas sediminis Habib et al. 2019
    • Tepidimonas taiwanensis Chen et al. 2006
    • Tepidimonas thermarum Albuquerque et al. 2007
  • 硫单胞菌属 Thiomonas Moreira and Amils 1997
  • Tibeticola Khan et al. 2017
  • 贪食菌属 Variovorax Willems et al. 1991
  • Verminephrobacter Pinel et al. 2012
  • Xenophilus Blümel et al. 2001
    • Xenophilus aerolatus Kim et al. 2010
    • Xenophilus arseniciresistens Li et al. 2014
    • Xenophilus azovorans Blümel et al. 2001
  • 嗜木杆菌属 Xylophilus Willems et al. 1987
  • Zhizhongheella Dong et al. 2014
    • Zhizhongheella caldifontis Dong et al., 2014


  1. ^ Comamonadaceae. GBIF. [2023-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-28). 
  2. ^ Deshmukh UB, Oren A. Proposal of Allomuricauda gen. nov. and Allofranklinella gen. nov. as replacement names for the illegitimate prokaryotic generic names Muricauda and Franklinella, respectively. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:6023.
  3. ^ Jung Y, Chhetri G, Kim I, So Y, Park S, Woo H, Seo T. Lysobacter stagni sp. nov. and Limnohabitans lacus sp. nov., isolated from a pond. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2024; 74:6400.
  4. ^ Won M, Heo J, Lee D, Han BH, Hong SB, Kwon SW. Melaminivora suipulveris sp. nov., isolated from pigpen dust. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:5701.
  5. ^ Song Y, Yuan XY, Cong HY, Liu Y, Liu P, Wang MY, Du ZJ. Ottowia cancrivicina sp. nov., isolated from human stomach. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2024; 74:6360.
  6. ^ Gomila M, Bowien B, Falsen E, Moore ER, Lalucat J. Description of Pelomonas aquatica sp. nov. and Pelomonas puraquae sp. nov., isolated from industrial and haemodialysis water. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2007; 57:2629-2635.
  7. ^ Chen WM, Lin YS, Young CC, Sheu SY. Pseudorhodoferax aquiterrae sp. nov., isolated from groundwater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2013; 63:169-174.
  8. ^ Kang M, Chhetri G, Kim I, So Y, Seo T. Comparative genomic analyses of four novel Ramlibacter species and the cellulose-degrading properties of Ramlibacter cellulosilyticus sp. nov. Sci Rep 2022; 12:21233.
  9. ^ Kim HM, Han DM, Chun BH, Jung HS, Kim KH, Jeon CO. Ramlibacter algicola sp. nov., isolated from a freshwater alga Cryptomonas obovoidea. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2021; 71:5010.
  10. ^ Kang M, Chhetri G, Kim I, So Y, Seo T. Comparative genomic analyses of four novel Ramlibacter species and the cellulose-degrading properties of Ramlibacter cellulosilyticus sp. nov. Sci Rep 2022; 12:21233.
  11. ^ Kang M, Chhetri G, Kim I, So Y, Seo T. Comparative genomic analyses of four novel Ramlibacter species and the cellulose-degrading properties of Ramlibacter cellulosilyticus sp. nov. Sci Rep 2022; 12:21233.
  12. ^ Lim JE, Jo JH, Im WT. Ramlibacter paludis sp. nov., isolated from wetland. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:5792.
  13. ^ Guliayeva D, Akhremchuk A, Sikolenko M, Evdokimova O, Valentovich L, Sidarenka A. Roseateles amylovorans sp. nov., isolated from freshwater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:6133.
  14. ^ Woo H, Chhetri G, Kim I, So Y, Park S, Jung Y, Seo T. Roseateles subflavus sp. nov. and Roseateles aquae sp. nov., isolated from artificial pond water and Roseateles violae sp. nov., isolated from a Viola mandshurica root. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2024; 74:6426.
  15. ^ Roseateles subflavus sp. nov. and Roseateles aquae sp. nov., isolated from artificial pond water and Roseateles violae sp. nov., isolated from a Viola mandshurica root. GBIF. [2024-06-17]. (原始内容存档于2024-06-17). 
  16. ^ Mieszkin S, Trouche B, Ancousture J, Raouf Y, Uroz S, Alain K. Scleromatobacter humisilvae gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from oak forest soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:5793.
  • LPSN - List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature