This SVG image is a modified export of a sketch or diagram created with Gnome Dia.
When changes are neccessary, other sketches or diagrams in the same look are demanded, copy the following source code from the article's source code between <!-- and -->. Paste it to a plain text editor and save file. Open with or drop it into Gnome Dia. (Hint: Dia saves GZippedXML code.) Within the license it would be nice to return your new diagram source code to public.
Color Codes:
Green areas: #7ed4a4
White marks: #ffffff
Road: #525252
Bridge: #d61201
Sidewalk: #a020f0
Grn Hwy Sgn: #00796b
Blu Autobn: #00599a
This is a general soucre code, matching this file. Other parcial cloverleaf sketches have been created by minor edits of this file.