

注意:保存之后,你必须清除浏览器缓存才能看到做出的更改。Google ChromeFirefoxMicrosoft EdgeSafari:按住⇧ Shift键并单击工具栏的“刷新”按钮。参阅Help:绕过浏览器缓存以获取更多帮助。
 * Ajax-based stub tag manager
 * 说明页面:[[User:BlackShadowG/StubSorter]]
 * 原作者页面:[[w:en:User:SD0001/StubSorter]]

// <nowiki>
// jshint maxerr: 999

	mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.Title', 'jquery.chosen'])
).then(function() {

var API = new mw.Api({
	ajax: { headers: { 'Api-User-Agent': '[[User:BlackShadowG/StubSorter.js]]' } }

var activate = function(container) {

	// if already present, don't duplicate
	if ($('#stub-sorter-wrapper').length !== 0) {

		$('<div>').attr('id', 'stub-sorter-wrapper').css({
			'max-height': 'max-content',
			'background-color': '#c0ffec',
			'margin-bottom': '10px'
				.attr('id', 'stub-sorter-select')
				.attr('multiple', 'true')

			$('<div>').attr('id', 'stub-sorter-previewbox').css({
				'background-color': '#cfd8eb' // '#98b685'
				// 'border-bottom': 'solid 0.5px #aaaaaa'


	var $select = $('#stub-sorter-select');

	var selectExistingStubTags = function($html) {
		$html.find('.stub .hlist .nv-view a').each(function(_, e) {
			var template = e.title.slice('Template:'.length);
				$('<option>').text(template).val(template).attr('selected', 'true')

	if (mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') === mw.config.get('wgRevisionId')) {
		// Viewing the current version of the page, no need for api call to get the page html
	} else {
		// In edit/history/diff/oldrevision mode, get the page html by api call
		API.parse(new mw.Title(mw.config.get('wgPageName'))).then(function(html) {

		search_contains: true,
		placeholder_text_multiple: '输入以添加小作品标签……',
		width: '100%',

		// somehow beacuse of the hacks below, the no_results_text shows up
		// when the search results are loading, and not when there are no results
		no_results_text: '正在搜索'

	var $input = $('#stub_sorter_select_chosen input');

	var menuFrozen = false;
	var searchBy = getPref('searchBy', 'prefix');

	$('#stub_sorter_select_chosen .chosen-choices').after(


			// Freeze button
				$('<a>').text('锁定菜单 ').click(function() {
					menuFrozen = !menuFrozen;
					if (menuFrozen) {
						$(this).text('解锁菜单 ');
						$(this).parent().css('font-weight', 'bold');
					} else {
						$(this).text('锁定菜单 ');
						$(this).parent().css('font-weight', 'normal');
					'padding-right': '100px',
					'padding-left': '5px'

			// Search mode select
			).change(function(e) {
				searchBy = e.target.value;

			// help button after the search mode select
				' (', $('<a>').text('帮助').attr('href', '/wiki/User:BlackShadowG/StubSorter#搜索模式').attr('target', '_blank'), ')'
			'border-bottom': 'solid 0.5px #aaaaaa',
			'border-left': 'solid 0.5px #aaaaaa',
			'border-right': 'solid 0.5px #aaaaaa'


	// Save button
			'float': 'right'
		.attr('id', 'stub-sorter-save')
		.attr('accesskey', 's')
		.insertAfter($('#stub_sorter_select_chosen .chosen-choices'));

	// hide selected items in dropdown
		'#stub_sorter_select_chosen .chosen-results .result-selected { display: none; }'

	// Focus on the search box as soon as the the sorter menu loads
	// Add placeholder, because chosen's native placeholder doesn't work with a changing menu.
	// Reset the search box width to accomodate the placeholder text
	// Keep resetting whenever the input goes out of focus
		.attr('placeholder', '输入以添加小作品标签……')
		.css('width', '200px')
		.blur(function() {
			$(this).css('width', '100%');

	// also reset it when an option is selected by clicking on it
	// or when clicking on the search box after the $input has become narrow (despite our best efforts...)
	$('.chosen-container').click(function() {
		$input.css('width', '100%');

	// Adapted from [[User:Enterprisey/afch-master.js/submissions.js]]'s category selection menu:
	// Offer dynamic suggestions!
	// Since jquery.chosen doesn't natively support dynamic results,
	// we sneakily inject some dynamic suggestions instead.
	// Consider upgrading to select2 or OOUI to avoid these hacks
	$input.keyup(function(e) {
		var searchStr = $input.val();

		// The worst hack. Because Chosen keeps messing with the
		// width of the text box, keep on resetting it to 100%
		$input.css('width', '100%');
		$input.parent().css('width', '100%');

		// Ignore arrow keys and home/end keys to allow users to navigate through the suggestions or through the search query
		// and don't show results when an empty string is provided
		if ((e.which >= 35 && e.which <= 40) ||
			(menuFrozen && e.which !== undefined) ||
			!searchStr) {

		// true when fake keyup is produced by the Freeze button
		// in this case, api limit has to be raised to 500
		var extended = e.which === undefined;

			searchBy !== 'regex' ? getStubSearchResults('prefix', searchStr, extended) : undefined,
			searchBy !== 'regex' ? getStubSearchResults('intitle', searchStr, extended) : undefined,
			searchBy === 'regex' ? getStubSearchResults('regex', searchStr, extended) : undefined
		).then(function(stubsPrefix, stubsIntitle, stubsRegex) {

			var stubs;
			switch (searchBy) {
				case 'prefix': stubs = uniqElements(stubsPrefix, stubsIntitle); break;
				case 'intitle': stubs = uniqElements(stubsIntitle, stubsPrefix); break;
				case 'regex': stubs = stubsRegex; break;

			// Reset the text box width again
			$input.css('width', '100%');
			$input.parent().css('width', '100%');

			// If the input has changed since we started searching,
			// don't show outdated results
			if ($input.val() !== searchStr) {

			// Clear existing suggestions

			// Now, add the new suggestions
			stubs.forEach(function (stub) {

				// do not add if already selected
				if ($select.val().indexOf(stub) !== -1) {

			// We've changed the <select>, now tell Chosen to
			// rebuild the visible list
			$input.css('width', '100%');
			$input.parent().css('width', '100%');

		}).catch(function(e) {
			if ($input.val() !== searchStr) {
					.text('Error fetching results: ' + e)
					.attr('disabled', 'true')
			$input.css('width', '100%');
			$input.parent().css('width', '100%');



var getStubSearchResults = function(searchType, searchStr, extended) {
	var query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'list': 'search',
		'srsearch': 'incategory:"小作品訊息模板" ',
		'srnamespace': '10',
		'srlimit': extended ? '500' : '100',
		'srqiprofile': 'classic',
		'srprop': '',
		'srsort': 'relevance'
	switch (searchType) {
		case 'prefix':
			query.srsearch += 'prefix:"Template:' + searchStr + '"';
		case 'intitle':
			var searchStrWords = searchStr.split(' ').filter(function(e) {
				return !/^\s*$/.test(e);
			query.srsearch += 'intitle:"' + searchStrWords.join('" intitle:"') + '"';
		case 'regex':
			query.srsearch += 'intitle:/' + mw.util.escapeRegExp(searchStr) + '/i';

	return API.get(query).then(function(response) {
		if (response && response.query && response.query.search) {
			return response.query.search.map(function(e) {
				return e.title.slice(9);
		} else {
			return $.Deferred().reject(JSON.stringify(response));
	}, function(e) {
		return $.Deferred().reject(JSON.stringify(e));

var handlePreview = function() {

	// Show preview
	var $this = $(this);
	var selectedTags = $this.val();
	if (selectedTags.length) {
		var tagsWikitext = '{{' + selectedTags.join('}}\n{{') + '}}';

		API.parse(tagsWikitext).then(function(parsedhtmldiv) {

			// Do nothing if tag selection has changed since we
			// sent the parse API call, comparing lengths is enough
			if (selectedTags.length !== $this.val().length) {
	} else {
	// $input.css('width', '100%');  // doesn't work

var createEdit = function(pageText, values) {
	var tagsBefore = (pageText.match(/\{\{[^{ ]*?([sS]tub|小作品)(?:\|.*?)?\}\}/g) || []).map(function(e) {
		// capitalise first char after {{
		return e[0] + e[1] + e[2].toUpperCase() + e.slice(3);
	var tagsAfter = values.map(function(e) {
		return '{{' + e + '}}';
	// Automatically remove {{Stub}} if accidentally left behind
	if (tagsAfter.length > 1) {
		var idx = tagsAfter.indexOf('{{Stub}}');
		if (idx !== -1) {
			tagsAfter.splice(idx, 1);	

	// remove all stub tags
	pageText = pageText.replace(/\{\{[^{ ]*([sS]tub|小作品)(\|.*?)?\}\}\s*/g, '').trim();

	// add selected stub tags
	pageText += '\n\n\n' + tagsAfter.join('\n'); 	// per [[MOS:LAYOUT]]

	// For producing edit summary
	var summary = '';

	var tagsAdded = tagsAfter.filter(function(e) {
		return tagsBefore.indexOf(e) === -1;
	var tagsRemoved = tagsBefore.filter(function(e) {
		return tagsAfter.indexOf(e) === -1;

	tagsRemoved.forEach(function(e) {
		summary += '–' + e + ', ';
	tagsAdded.forEach(function(e) {
		summary += '+' + e + ', ';
	summary = summary.slice(0, -2); // remove the final ', '

	return {
		text: pageText,
		summary: ' 使用[[User:BlackShadowG/StubSorter|StubSorter]]'+ summary  ,
		nocreate: 1,
		minor: getPref('minor', true),
		watchlist: getPref('watchlist', 'nochange')

var handleSave = function submit() {
	var $status = $('<div>').text('读取页面……')
		.attr('id', 'stub-sorter-status')
			'float': 'right'
	API.edit(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), function(revision) {
		var pageText = revision.content;
		return createEdit(pageText, $('#stub-sorter-select').val());
	}).then(function() {
		setTimeout(function() {
			window.location.href = mw.util.getUrl(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
		}, 500);
	}).fail(function(e) {
			.attr('id', 'stub-sorter-error')
				'color': 'red',
				'font-weight': 'bold',
				'padding-right': '5px'
		console.error(e); // eslint-disable-line no-console
		setTimeout(function() {
		}, 500);

// utility function to get unique elements from 2 arrays
var uniqElements = function(arr1, arr2) {
	var obj = {}; var i;
	for (i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
		obj[arr1[i]] = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
		obj[arr2[i]] = 0;
	return Object.keys(obj);

// function to obtain a preference option from common.js
var getPref = function(name, defaultVal) {
	if (window['StubSorter_' + name] === undefined) {
		return defaultVal;
	} else {
		return window['StubSorter_' + name];

 ********************* SET UP *********************

// auto start the script when navigating to an article from CAT:STUBS
if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') === 'Category:小作品') {
	$('#mw-pages li a').each(function(_, e) {
		e.href += '?startstubsorter=y';

// show only on existing articles, and my sandbox (for testing)
if ((mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 0 ||
	mw.config.get('wgPageName') === 'User:BlackShadowG/StubSorter_sandbox') &&
	mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') !== 0
) {
	mw.util.addPortletLink(getPref('portlet', 'p-cactions'), '#', '小作品分类',
	'ca-stub', '增加或移除小作品标签').addEventListener('click', function(e){

// Enable activation from other scripts
window.StubSorter_create_edit = createEdit;

if (mw.util.getParamValue('startstubsorter')) {
	setTimeout(function() {
	}, 1000);


// </nowiki>