User:SunAfterRain/js/MOSNUM dates.js
< User:SunAfterRain | js
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* Base on
* Partial Reference:
// <nowiki>
mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.gadget.HanAssist' ] )
).then( function ( _$, require ) {
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) !== 'edit' || !mw.config.get( 'wgIsProbablyEditable' ) ) {
const HanAssist = require( 'ext.gadget.HanAssist' );
const summaryPrefix = '[[User:SunAfterRain/js/MOSNUM_dates.js]]:';
const dateRegExp = {
YYYY: /([1-2]\d{3})/,
MM: /(0?[1-9]|1[012])/,
DD: /(0?[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])/,
Month: /(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December|(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sept?|Oct|Nov|Dec)\.?)/,
Day: /((?:0?[1-9]|[12]?\d|3[01]))(?:st|nd|rd|th|)?/
const monthNames = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ];
const monthNamesShort = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ];
function makeDateRegExp( rawRegExp ) {
let raw = rawRegExp.source;
for ( const key of Object.keys( dateRegExp ) ) {
raw = raw.replace( new RegExp( '@' + key + '\\b', 'g' ), dateRegExp[ key ].source );
return new RegExp( raw, rawRegExp.flags );
function upperFirst( str ) {
return str.slice( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + str.slice( 1 );
function covertMonth( $m ) {
if ( $m.endsWith( '.' ) ) {
$m = $m.slice( 0, -1 );
$m = $m.toLowerCase();
$m = $m.slice( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + $m.slice( 1 );
return ( monthNames.includes( $m ) ? monthNames.indexOf( $m ) : monthNamesShort.indexOf( $m ) ) + 1;
function padZero( str ) {
return String( str ).padStart( 2, '0' );
function checkPortlet() {
if ( !document.getElementById( 'p-mosnum' ) ) {
const $mosnum = $( '#p-tb' ).clone().attr( {
id: 'p-mosnum',
'aria-labelledby': 'p-mosnum-label'
} );
$mosnum.find( '#p-tb-label, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6' ).first().attr( {
id: 'p-mosnum-label'
} ).text( HanAssist.conv( {
hans: '参考资料日期修正',
hant: '參考資料日期修正'
} ) );
$mosnum.find( 'ul' ).empty();
$mosnum.insertAfter( '#p-tb' );
class MOSNum {
constructor( id, name, tooltip, summary ) { = id; = name;
this.tooltip = tooltip;
this.summary = summary;
this.replaceMap = [];
doReplace( pattern, replacement ) {
this.replaceMap.push( { pattern, replacement } );
return this;
doDateReplace( pattern, replacement ) {
if ( typeof replacement === 'function' ) {
const oldReplacement = replacement;
replacement = ( ...args ) => {
const result = oldReplacement( ...args );
console.log( {
replaceArgs: args,
} );
return result;
this.replaceMap.push( { pattern: makeDateRegExp( pattern ), replacement } );
return this;
register() {
return $( mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-mosnum', '#',, 't-mosnum-' +, this.tooltip ) )
.on( 'click', this.onClick );
get onClick() {
return ( event ) => {
let wikitext = $( '#wpTextbox1' ).val();
for ( const { pattern, replacement } of this.replaceMap ) {
wikitext = wikitext.replace( pattern, replacement );
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).val( wikitext );
const oldSummary = $( '#wpSummary' ).val();
if ( !oldSummary ) {
$( '#wpSummary' ).val( summaryPrefix + this.summary );
} else {
$( '#wpSummary' ).val( summaryPrefix + this.summary + ';' + oldSummary );
if ( !window.wgMOSNumNoAutoShowDiff ) {
$( '#wpDiff' ).click();
const formats = [
id: 'en2iso',
name: '英文日期->ISO',
tooltip: '英文日期格式修正至ISO格式',
summary: '參考資料英文日期格式轉ISO',
replace: [
[ 'DateReplace', /(\|\s*(?:(?:(?:access|archive|)-?)date)\s*)=(\s*)@Day @Month,? @YYYY(?=[\s]*[|}])/gi, ( _orig, $1, $d, $m, $y, $2 ) => {
return `${ $1 }=${ $2 }${ $y }-${ padZero( covertMonth( $m ) ) }-${ padZero( $d ) }`;
} ],
[ 'DateReplace', /(\|\s*(?:(?:(?:access|archive|)-?)date)\s*)=(\s*)@Month @Day,? @YYYY(?=[\s]*[|}])/gi, ( _orig, $1, $m, $d, $y, $2 ) => {
return `${ $1 }=${ $2 }${ $y }-${ padZero( covertMonth( $m ) ) }-${ padZero( $d ) }`;
} ],
[ 'DateReplace', /(?:Retrieved |Accessed)[ ]*(?:on |)@Day @Month,? @YYYY(?=[\s]*[|}])/gi, ( _orig, $d, $m, $y ) => {
return `Retrieved ${ $y }-${ padZero( covertMonth( $m ) ) }-${ padZero( $d ) }`;
} ],
[ 'DateReplace', /(?:Retrieved |Accessed)[ ]*(?:on |)@Month @Day,? @YYYY(?=[\s]*[|}])/gi, ( _orig, $m, $d, $y ) => {
return `Retrieved ${ $y }-${ padZero( covertMonth( $m ) ) }-${ padZero( $d ) }`;
} ],
[ 'Replace', /\|\s*df\s*=\s*[\w-]*(?=[\s]*[|}])/gi, '' ],
[ 'Replace', /{{\s*use (dmy|mdy) dates\s*\|[^}]*}}(\n)?/gi, '' ]
id: 'zh2iso',
name: '中文日期->ISO',
tooltip: '中文日期格式修正至ISO格式',
summary: '參考資料中文日期格式轉ISO',
replace: [
[ 'Replace', /(\|\s*(?:access|archive|)-?date\s*=\s*)(\d+)年(\d+)月(\d+)日(?=[\s]*[|}])/gi, ( _orig, $1, $y, $m, $d ) => {
return `${ $1 }${ $y }-${ padZero( $m ) }-${ padZero( $d ) }`;
} ]
id: 'dmy2ymd',
name: 'ISO日月年->ISO年月日',
tooltip: HanAssist.conv( {
hans: 'ISO格式的日月年日期修正,包括ISO年月日标准格式修正',
hant: 'ISO格式的日月年日期修正,包括ISO年月日標準格式修正'
} ),
summary: '參考資料ISO日月年格式修正',
replace: [
// ISO style
[ 'DateReplace', /(\|\s*(?:(?:(?:access|archive|)-?)date)\s*=\s*)@YYYY[.\/-]@MM[.\/-]@DD(?=[\s]*[|}])/gi, ( _orig, $1, $y, $m, $d ) => {
return `${ $1 }${ $y }-${ padZero( $m ) }-${ padZero( $d ) }`;
} ],
// UK style
[ 'DateReplace', /(\|\s*(?:(?:(?:access|archive|)-?)date)\s*=\s*)@DD[.\/-]@MM[.\/-]@YYYY(?=[\s]*[|}])/gi, ( orig, $1, $d, $m, $y ) => {
if ( Number.parseInt( $y, 10 ) !== Number.parseInt( $m, 10 ) && Number.parseInt( $y, 10 ) <= 12 ) {
return orig;
return `${ $1 }${ $y }-${ padZero( $m ) }-${ padZero( $d ) }`;
} ]
id: 'mdy2ymd',
name: 'ISO月日年->ISO年月日',
tooltip: HanAssist.conv( {
hans: 'ISO格式的月日年日期修正,包括ISO年月日标准格式修正',
hant: 'ISO格式的月日年日期修正,包括ISO年月日標準格式修正'
} ),
summary: '參考資料ISO月日年格式修正',
replace: [
// ISO style
[ 'DateReplace', /(\|\s*(?:(?:(?:access|archive|)-?)date)\s*=\s*)@YYYY[.\/-]@MM[.\/-]@DD(?=[\s]*[|}])/gi, ( _orig, $1, $y, $m, $d ) => {
return `${ $1 }${ $y }-${ padZero( $m ) }-${ padZero( $d ) }`;
} ],
// US style
[ 'DateReplace', /(\|\s*(?:(?:(?:access|archive|)-?)date)\s*=\s*)@MM[.\/-]@DD[.\/-]@YYYY(?=[\s]*[|}])/gi, ( orig, $1, $m, $d, $y ) => {
if ( Number.parseInt( $y, 10 ) <= 12 ) {
return orig;
return `${ $1 }${ $y }-${ padZero( $m ) }-${ padZero( $d ) }`;
} ]
id: 'del-language',
name: HanAssist.conv( {
hans: '删除语言参数',
hant: '刪除語言參數'
} ),
tooltip: HanAssist.conv( {
hans: '删除参考资料语言标签',
hant: '刪除參考資料語言標籤'
} ),
summary: '刪除所有語言參數',
replace: [
[ 'Replace', /(\|\s*language\s*=\s*)([\w-]*)(?=[\s]*[|}])/gi, '$1' ]
for ( const format of formats ) {
const instance = new MOSNum(,, format.tooltip, format.summary );
for ( const [ type, pattern, replacement ] of format.replace ) {
if ( type === 'DateReplace' ) {
instance.doDateReplace( pattern, replacement );
} else {
instance.doReplace( pattern, replacement );
} );
// </nowiki>