//Convert HTML to wikitext
function autoEdHTMLtoWikitext(str) {
// <b>, <strong>, <i>, and <em> tags
str = str.replace(/<(B|STRONG)[ ]*>((?:[^<>]|<[a-z][^<>]*\/>|<([a-z]+)(?:| [^<>]*)>[^<>]*<\/\3>)*?)<\/\1[ ]*>/gi, "'''$2'''");
str = str.replace(/<(I|EM)[ ]*>((?:[^<>]|<[a-z][^<>]*\/>|<([a-z]+)(?:| [^<>]*)>[^<>]*<\/\3>)*?)<\/\1[ ]*>/gi, "''$2''");
// </br>, <\br>, <br\>, <BR />, ...
str = str.replace(/<[\\\/]+BR[\\\/\s]*>/gim, '<br />');
str = str.replace(/<[\\\/\s]*BR[\s]*[\\\/]+[\s]*>/gim, '<br />');
// <.br>, <br.>, <Br>, ...
str = str.replace(/<[\s\.]*BR[\s\.]*>/gim, '<br />');
// <hr>
str = str.replace(/([\r\n])[\t ]*<[\\\/\. ]*HR[\\\/\. ]*>/gi, '$1----');
str = str.replace(/(.)<[\\\/\. ]*HR[\\\/\. ]*>/gi, '$1\n----');
// Not really an HTML-to-wikitext fix, but close enough
str = str.replace(/<[\\\/\s]*REFERENCES[\\\/\s]*>/gim, '<references />');
// Repeated references tag
str = str.replace(/(<references \/>)[\s]*\1/gim, '$1');
// Make sure <H1>, ..., <H6> is after a newline
str = str.replace(/([^\r\n ])[\t ]*(<H[1-6][^<>]*>)/gim, '$1\n$2');
// Make sure </H1>, ..., </H6> is before a newline
str = str.replace(/(<\/H[1-6][^<>]*>)[\t ]*([^\r\n ])/gim, '$1\n$2');
// Remove newlines from inside <H1>, ..., <H6>
var loopcount = 0;
while( str.search( /<H([1-6])[^<>]*>(?:[^<>]|<\/?[^\/h\r\n][^<>]*>)*?<\/H\1[^<>]*>/gim ) >= 0 && loopcount <= 10 ) {
str = str.replace(/(<H)([1-6])([^<>]*>(?:[^<>]|<\/?[^\/h\r\n][^<>]*>)*?)[\r\n]((?:[^<>]|<\/?[^\/h\r\n][^<>]*>)*?<\/H)\2([^<>]*>)/gim, '$1$2$3 $4$2$5');
// Replace <H1>, ..., <H6> with wikified section headings
str = str.replace(/(^|[\r\n])[\t ]*<H1[^<>]*>([^\r\n]*?)<\/H1[\r\n\t ]*>[\t ]*([\r\n]|$)/gim, '$1=$2=$3');
str = str.replace(/(^|[\r\n])[\t ]*<H2[^<>]*>([^\r\n]*?)<\/H2[\r\n\t ]*>[\t ]*([\r\n]|$)/gim, '$1==$2==$3');
str = str.replace(/(^|[\r\n])[\t ]*<H3[^<>]*>([^\r\n]*?)<\/H3[\r\n\t ]*>[\t ]*([\r\n]|$)/gim, '$1===$2===$3');
str = str.replace(/(^|[\r\n])[\t ]*<H4[^<>]*>([^\r\n]*?)<\/H4[\r\n\t ]*>[\t ]*([\r\n]|$)/gim, '$1====$2====$3');
str = str.replace(/(^|[\r\n])[\t ]*<H5[^<>]*>([^\r\n]*?)<\/H5[\r\n\t ]*>[\t ]*([\r\n]|$)/gim, '$1=====$2=====$3');
str = str.replace(/(^|[\r\n])[\t ]*<H6[^<>]*>([^\r\n]*?)<\/H6[\r\n\t ]*>[\t ]*([\r\n]|$)/gim, '$1======$2======$3');
return str;