the ideas contained in literary or artistic works, processes, operating methods or mathematical concepts in themselves, systems or the ideological or technical content of scientific works, or the industrial or commercial exploitation thereof,
Note: The technical procedures extend to audiovisual footage not considered as a "work", nor that exceed the degree of creativity or technical skill to enjoy the "related rights" of the "producer" according to Art. 146. See Res. 371-2001/TPI-INDECOPI.
official texts of legislative, administrative or judicial character, or official translations thereof, without prejudice to the obligation to respect the texts and mention the source,
Note: This includes documents of administrative nature ("TUPA" standard) or issued from State authorities (see COM:Peru, Government section). Other formats of government acts in open data portals are also under free licenses with some conditions such as right of attribution or share-alike (see also contents suitable for free reproduction).
news of the day, provided that, in the case of word-for-word reproduction, the source from which it has been taken shall be mentioned,
simple facts or data,
aboriginal expressions of folklore (previously indicated in the law 13714 Art. 62a and supported by Res. 0001-2023/DDA-INDECOPI).
秘魯有一些與原創性門檻相關的法庭案件。根據第0286-1998/TPI-INDECOPI(也稱為1349-2001/TPI-INDECOPI)決議,Indecopi聲明作品要求創作具有主觀原創性,前提是它是在藝術、文學或科學的方式。這必須是作者自己的,不包括文化遺產(包括民俗、行政或司法起源)、技術性質的機制(建築標準)、事物的純粹性質(瑣碎的著作)、簡單的說明(成分)或手工功利過程(如字體)。 因此,標誌和其他簡單設計的原創性門檻很高。有關更多信息,請參閱COM:CRT/Peru#Threshold of originality。
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