Note: This historical image is not a factually accurate paleontological restoration.
Reason: This early paleontological restoration of the Jurassic Period is regarded to be extremely inaccurate. For example: Body Proportions; Stegosaurus is way too theropod-like, when Stegosaurus is considered to be an ornithischian dinosaur but not an theropod dinosaur, head and mouth shaping is wrong; Stegosaurus did not have body armor like that, spikes on back and plates only on tail; the fact that dinosaurs had kangaroo-like body shape are now considered to be outdated; Compsonotus is an hypothetical animal; Pterodactyls are no longer considered to be marsupial mammals. TheRealLTGtalk 20:37, 4 February 2021 (UTC)
You may ask further questions about the accuracy of this image at the image review page of Wikiproject Palaeontology on the English Wikipedia. Note that this image may be appropriate to illustrate obsolete paleontological views.
描述Dinosaurs Sci Am 1884.png
English: Early restoration of Jurassic North America. Clockwise from top: "Pterodactyls", Stegosaurus, and Compsonotus. Original caption: "American landscape of the Jurassic epoch with reptiles and plants of the period."
"Dinosaurs." Scientific American, 51 (22): p. 343. November 29, 1884.