

亚历山大·海·里奇 (Alexander Hay Ritchie)所创作的版画,描绘了雪曼向大海進軍

向喬治亞州進軍 (英語:Marching Through Georgia) 又名「Marching Thru' Georgia」或「Marching Thro Georgia 」是亨利·克萊·沃克在1865年南北戰爭結束時創作的一首進行曲。這首歌的標題與歌詞是指美國陸軍少將雪曼的“雪曼向大海進軍”,攻占了佐治亞州薩凡納




一张 20 世纪早期的明信片,上面有这首歌。





1. Bring the good old bugle, boys
We’ll sing another song
Sing it with a spirit that will
Start the world along
Sing it as we used to sing it
Fifty thousand strong [N 1]
While we were marching through Georgia

2. How the darkeys shouted when
They heard the joyful sound
How the turkeys gobbled
Which our commissary found
How the sweet potatoes even
Started from the ground
While we were marching through Georgia

3. Yes, and there were Union men
Who wept with joyful tears
When they saw the honor’d flag
They had not seen for years
Hardly could they be restrained
From breaking forth in cheers
While we were marching through Georgia

4. “Sherman’s dashing Yankee boys
Will never reach the coast!”
So the saucy rebels said
And ’twas a handsome boast
Had they not forgot, alas
To reckon with the host
While we were marching through Georgia

5. So we made a thoroughfare
For Freedom and her train
Sixty miles in latitude
Three hundred to the main
Treason fled before us
For resistance was in vain
While we were marching through Georgia

“Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee[N 2]
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!”
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea
While we were marching through Georgia

  1. ^ 謝爾曼在喬治亞州的軍隊實際上有接近62,000人。
  2. ^ 聖經中對奴隸解放的暗示 利未記第25章




  • Erbsen, Wayne. Rousing Songs and True Tales of the Civil War. Native Ground Books & Music, 2008. 2008. ISBN 978-1-883206-33-8. 

