拉什卡建筑学派(塞尔维亚语西里尔字母:Рашка школа архитeктуре,拉丁字母:Raška škola arhitekture),也称拉什卡风格(塞爾維亞語:Рашки стил,拉丁字母:Raški stil),是中世纪塞尔维亚尼曼雅王朝时期盛行的一种教会建筑风格[1][2][3]。该风格将传统的斯拉夫建筑与早期的基督教教堂设计相结合,并经常使用石材和木材的组合。
[编辑]- ^ Panić-Surep, Milorad. Yugoslavia: Cultural Monuments of Serbia. Turistička štampa. 1965: 12.
the Raška school.. began with the formation of the state at the end of the 12th century, lasted throughout the 13th century..
- ^ McDonald, Gordon C. Area Handbook for Yugoslavia. U.S. Government Printing Office. 1973: 191.
The eleventh century and, especially, the twelfth witnessed a period of increased building and the emergence, under the Nemanijic dynasty, of the so - called Raska school of architecture..
- ^ Rossi, Maria Alessia; Sullivan, Alice Isabella (编). Byzantium in Eastern European Visual Culture in the Late Middle Ages. BRILL. 2020: 168. ISBN 978-9-0044-2137-0.
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