


橡皮筋,簡稱橡筋,是一種用橡膠乳膠作成的短圈,一般用來把東西綁在一起。於1845年英國一家橡膠工廠的老闆史蒂芬·派瑞(Stephen Perry),發明了橡皮筋。是一種環形的物體,可以將許多物體鞏固在一起。橡皮筋是以橡膠和其他材料混合製成的。如今,橡皮筋已經廣泛地被運用在日常生活中,且有各種不同的尺寸。

A rubber band, also known as an elastic band, laggy band, gum band, or elastic, is usually ring shaped and commonly used to hold multiple objects together. The rubber band was patented in England on March 17, 1845, by Stephen Perry.[1][2][3][4] Mesoamericans (such as Aztecs and Mayans) were using natural rubber products by 1600 B.C.; they mixed latex with other materials to get desired properties. In 1839, Charles Goodyear developed vulcanization which is used to make rubber today.[5] Most rubber bands are manufactured out of natural rubber. Rubber bands come in a variety of sizes.

















A rubber band is given a standard or quasi-standard number based on its dimensions.

Generally, rubber bands are numbered from smallest to largest, width first. Thus, rubber bands numbered 8–19 are all 1/16 inch wide, with lengths going from 7/8 inch to 312 inches. Rubber band numbers 30–34 are for width of 1/8 inch, going again from shorter to longer. For even longer bands, the numbering starts over for numbers above 100, again starting at width 1/16 inch.

The origin of these size numbers is not clear and there appears to be some conflict in the "standard" numbers. For example, one distributor[7] has a size 117 being 1/16 inch wide and a size 127 being 1/8 inch wide. However, an OfficeMax size 117[8] is 1/8 inch wide. A manufacturer[9] has a size 117A (1/16 inch wide) and a 117B (1/8 inch wide). Another distributor[10] calls them 7AA (1/16 inch wide) and 7A (1/8 inch wide) (but labels them as specialty bands).

通常, 橡皮筋的編號由最小到最大, 寬度優先 因此, 编号8–19的橡皮筋都是1/16 英寸宽, 长度从7/8 英寸到312 英寸 橡胶带编号30–34为宽度为1/8 英寸, 再从短到长 对于更长的频带, 编号将从100以上的数字开始, 再从宽度1/16 英寸开始 这些大小数字的来源并不清楚, "标准" 数字似乎存在某种冲突 例如, 一个分发服务器的大小117为1/16 英寸宽, 大小127为1/8 英寸宽 但是, OfficeMax 大小 117是1/8 英寸宽 制造商有大小 117A (1/16 英寸宽) 和 117B (1/8 英寸宽) 另一个经销商称他们 7AA (1/16 英寸宽) 和 7A (1/8 英寸宽) (但标签他们作为专业带)

尺寸 長度 (英寸) 寬度 (英寸) 厚度 (英寸)
10 1.25 1/16 1/32
12 1.75 1/16 1/32
14 2 1/16 1/32
31 2.5 1/8 1/32
32 3 1/8 1/32
33 3.5 1/8 1/32
61 2 1/4 1/32
62 2.5 1/4 1/32
63 3 1/4 1/32
64 3.5 1/4 1/32
117 7 1/16 1/32



Temperature affects the elasticity of a rubber band in an unusual way. Heating causes the rubber band to contract and cooling causes expansion.[11] One can observe this: stretching a rubber band will cause it to release heat (press it against your lips to notice this), while releasing it after it has been stretched will make it absorb heat, causing its surroundings to become cooler. This effect is due to the higher entropy of the unstressed state, which is more entangled and therefore has more states available. In other words, the ability to convert thermal energy into work while the rubber relaxes is allowed by the higher entropy of the relaxed state.

The result is that a rubber band behaves somewhat like an ideal monatomic gas, inasmuch as (to good approximation) elastic polymers do not store any potential energy in stretched chemical bonds. No elastic work is done to "stretch" molecules when work is done upon these bulk polymers. Instead, all work done upon the rubber is "released" (not stored) and appears immediately in the polymer as thermal energy. Conversely, when the polymer does work on the surroundings (such as contracting to lift an object) it converts thermal energy to work in the process and cools in the same manner as an ideal gas expanding while doing work.



英國2004年期間,民眾抱怨關於郵差丟棄用來固定信件在一起的橡皮筋從而製造垃圾。[12]之後皇家郵政給工作人員引進了紅橡皮筋使用 : 希望紅橡皮筋比傳統的黃橡皮筋還要更容易認出,而且因為只有皇家郵政會使用紅橡皮筋,所以如果工作人員不小心把橡皮筋掉下去,他們會容易看到並且撿起來。現在,皇家郵政每年使用約三億四千兩百萬條的紅橡皮筋。[13]

Ranger bands

Ranger bands made from moped inner tube

This type of rubber band was popularized by use in the military. Ranger bands are essentially sections of tire inner tubing cut into various sizes. They have the advantage of being versatile, durable, and resistant to weather and abrasion. They are commonly used for lashings, and can also be used for makeshift handle grips, providing a strong high-friction surface with excellent shock absorption.[14]

这种橡胶带在军事上得到了推广 游侠乐队基本上是部分轮胎内管切割成各种大小 他们的优点是多才多艺, 耐用, 耐天气和耐磨 它们通常用于鞭打, 也可以用于临时手柄, 提供一个强大的高表面, 具有优异的减震能力






Rubber bands have long been one of the methods of powering small free-flight model aircraft, the rubber band being anchored at the rear of the fuselage and connected to the propeller at the front. To 'wind up' the 'engine', the propeller is repeatedly turned, twisting the rubber band. When the propeller has had enough turns, the propeller is released and the model launched, the rubber band then turning the propeller rapidly until it has unwound.

One of the first to use this method was pioneer aerodynamicist George Cayley, who used rubber band driven motors for powering his small experimental models. These 'rubber motors' have also been used for powering small model boats.




  1. ^ Loadman, John; James, Francis, The Hancocks of Marlborough: Rubber, Art and the Industrial Revolution – A Family of Inventive Genius: 89, 2009, ISBN 978-0-19-957355-4 
  2. ^ March 17 – Today in Science History – Scientists born on March 17th, died, and events. todayinsci.com. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 How rubber bands are made. This reference states that the rubber is vulcanized before it is extruded. The rubber is then "cured" on mandrels.[與來源不符] The "Made How" reference appears to directly copy text from other sources, some of which appears to be incorrect. The exact same text regarding Thomas Hancock appears in a 1995 book entitled "CD's, super glue and salsa: how everyday products are made" by Kathleen Witman, Kyung-Sun Lim, Neil Schlager. Contradicting other sources, both credit Thomas Perry rather than Stephen Perry for the invention of the rubber band.
  4. ^ British Patent 13880/1845, "Specification of the Patent granted to Stephen Perry, of Woodland's-place, St. John's-wood, in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, and Thomas Barnabas Daft, of Birmingham, Manufacturer, for Improvements in Springs to be applied to Girths, Belts, and Bandages, and Improvements in the Manufacture of Elastic Bands. — Sealed March 17, 1845", http://todayinsci.com/Events/Misc/Perry-ElasticBandsPatent.htm
  5. ^ Bhanoo, Sindya. Ancient Mesoamerica's Rubber Industry. New York Times Corporation. [29 March 2013]. 
  6. ^ Lee Rubber Products, How rubber bands are made. This reference states that the rubber is vulcanized after it is extruded.
  7. ^ Rubber Band Size & Color Chart – Big Wig Bands. bigwigbands.com. 
  8. ^ OfficeMax, #OM97352, UPC 011491-973520
  9. ^ sizes of standard and common rubber bands, rubber band sizes, rubber band measurements. lee-rubber.com. 
  10. ^ Rubber bands, large rubber bands, pallet bands from Dykema Rubber Band.. dykemarubberband.com. 
  11. ^ Thermodynamics of a Rubber Band, American Journal of Physics, May 1963, 31 (5): 397–397, doi:10.1119/1.1969535 
  12. ^ Rubber bands: The Royal Mail used the red bands.
  13. ^ The Times: "Posties' red rubber bands stretch public's patience"
  14. ^ Ranger Bands (Rubber Bands on Steroids). instructables.com. 

