






无浪漫倾向者能夠建立其他形式的關係,並可能建立性关系[12]。也有的會決定養育孩子[12][13]——他們不一定不會在性方面受其他人吸引[14]。很多无浪漫倾向者同時是無性戀者[12][7],但也有很多會認為其他人擁有性吸引力[15]。因此,屬於後一種情況的无浪漫倾向者可能會以「无浪漫倾向的雙性戀者」等身分認同來標籤自己[16]分离的吸引力模型英语Split attraction model可用於解釋這一種情況。根據該一模型,對一些人而言,認為其他人擁有性吸引力不等同能對相應对象產生浪漫情感。无浪漫倾向的無性戀者在英語中有時稱為「aro-ace」或「aroace」[17]

部分无浪漫倾向者能建立柏拉图式恋爱或堅定的友情關係,也有的會建立不帶浪漫成分的親密關係(酷兒柏拉圖式關係英语Queerplatonic relationship[13]。不過也有人認為柏拉图式的關係欠缺吸引力[18]

The Mary Sue網站和《海峽時報》分別指出,无浪漫倾向者在流行文化中經常欠角色代表[19]和在大眾話語中受誤解[20]。部分西方大眾對無浪漫傾向者存有刻板印象,認為他們害怕感到親密、冷血無情、自欺欺人[7]。 除此之外,以无浪漫倾向者作研究对象的研究仍然很少[21][8]




由志願者營運的無浪漫傾向光譜承認、教育、倡議聯盟(Aromantic-spectrum Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy)皆在教育公眾更多有关無浪漫傾向光譜的資訊[24][25]。其會在每年2月協助舉辦无浪漫倾向现身週(Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week)[26]



2014年,Cameron Whimsy設計出無浪漫傾向驕傲旗幟。他選擇了綠色作為旗幟的主色,因為這一顔色跟常用於代表愛情的紅色相反。而當中亦配有白色、灰色、黑色三種顔色。白色代表柏拉圖式的愛和友誼,而灰色和黑色則代表性方面的光譜[2][27]





Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW) is held annually during the first full week after Valentine's Day (beginning on Sunday). In 2025 it will be observed from February 16-22.

The event was first recognized from November 10–17, 2014, and was subsequently moved to February in 2015 to be held the week after Valentine's Day.[28] It is an awareness period that was created to celebrate, raise awareness of, and bring acceptance to aromantic spectrum identities and the issues people on the aromantic spectrum face.[26] ASAW is led and organized by the Aromantic-spectrum Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy (AUREA) and members of the aromantic community.[26]

ASAW has been officially recognized by a handful of states in the United States including Washington State.[29][30]

Aromantic Visibility Day


The first annual Aromantic Visibility Day was held on 5 June 2023. It was organized by a call to action on Twitter to give visibility to people on the aromantic spectrum using the Hashtag #AromanticVisibilityDay and spread across social media including Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, reddit and various online forums and a cover interview by Hello! magazine with aromantic-asexual author Alice Oseman.[31]

Cultural representation


Aromanticism is rarely depicted in media, but is slowly gaining more widespread acceptance and representation.[32]

Books and literature

Michael Paramo was referred to as "one of the globe's leading aro academics" by ITV's Woo and published a non-fiction book on the subject in 2024.[33]





The interdisciplinary journal known as AZE, created by Michael Paramo in 2016, showcases the works and experiences of aromantic, asexual and agender people.[34][35][36]

Online media

Popular YouTube animator Jaiden Dittfach published a video on coming out as aro-ace in 2022.[37]

The podcast Sounds Fake but Okay by Sarah Costello and Kayla Kaszyca focuses on aromanticism and asexuality and has been credited with helping increase public representation of the aspec (aromantic and asexual) community and has won the 2020 Discover Pods Award for best LGBTQ+ Culture Podcast.[38][39]

Popular YouTube animator Jaiden Dittfach published a video in March 2022, coming out as aromantic asexual, also known as aro-ace.[37][40][41]

Discrimination and cultural erasure


Discrimination, fear and prejudice against aromantic people, commonly referred to as "arophobia", or when directed at both aromantic and asexual (aspec) people, "aphobia" is prevalent in both the general public as well as within the LGBTQIA+ community.

Although aromantics and asexuals have existed for as long as humans have, the terminology and openness has only gone mainstream more recently.[42]

Aromantic people are often left out of discussions and representations, including within the LGBTQIA+ community itself.[42] This extends to some people's and media organizations misuse of the expanded LGBT acronym LGBTQIA+ acronym itself wherein some people mistakenly claim that A in LGBTQIA+ stands for ally. In actuality, the A in LGBTQIA+ represents aromanticism, asexuality and agender.[43][22][44][45]

This erasure extends into modern TV media, very prominently that of the character Jughead Jones, who is asexual and aromantic: in the 2017 television show Riverdale, the writers chose to depict Jughead as a heterosexual despite pleas from both fans and Jughead actor Cole Sprouse to retain Jughead's asexual aromantic identity to allow the community to be represented.[46]

To counteract the stigma and discrimination against aromantic people, various community and health and wellness organizations have published articles and educational materials to educate the public.[7][47][48]

The English aromantic and asexual activist Yasmin Benoit called out that this erasure expands to official government offices, such as the Government Equalities Office not yet acknowledging aromanticism in their latest LGBT Survey and people having to label themselves under "other" instead.[49]

It is worth noting that sometimes this erasure of aromantic identities even happens within the aspec community itself, with people assuming that aromanticism and asexuality are the same thing, when in actuality they are different things and many aromantic people do not identify as asexual.[50][51]

In the Aromantic Census 2020, 82.43% of respondents reported not being taken seriously, being ignored, or being dismissed by others. 48.34% reported having experienced attempts or suggestions to "fix" or "cure" them. 70.51% of respondents indicated some impact of discrimination against their aromantic identity.[52]



As the general term of aromanticism is still relatively young, studies on aromanticism in the scientific research field are still scarce and under-researched[8][12][53] and of the few studies that exist, many treat aromanticism as a sub-set of asexuality.[54]

In April 2023 two University of Toronto professors launched the Asexuality and Aromanticism Bibliography to better collect and track academic articles on asexuality and aromanticism.[55][56]

The concept that there is a distinction between romantic and sexual orientation has not been studied extensively yet,[57] but the diversity of attraction has been progressively recognized in newer studies.[15][58]

A 2022 study on concordance between romantic orientation and sexual attitudes found that while there is some concordance between romantic orientation and sexual orientation, the two were not a complete match, suggesting that the experience of split attraction between romantic and sexual orientation exists both in allosexual as well in asexual people. The authors also note that they were surprised that out of their sample population, as compared to asexual participants, only few allosexual people self-identified as aromantic and hypothesize that this may be due to the unfamiliarity with the concept and term.[58]

According to Debra Laino, an AASECT-certified clinical sexologist and relationship coach, one of the most common misconceptions around aromantic people is that they do not want to have sex. She explains that "aromantic people can still feel sexual attraction, but they might not identify with the way romance is often present in current media and culture."[25]

A research article from 2021 discusses zines and their role within the aromantic and asexual community to help people navigate their identity and the authors note that aromanticism is "too often explored as a tag-on to asexuality".[59]



The representation of aromantic people within the general population is not yet well understood. Of the population of asexual people, which is believed to be approximately 1% of the general population, about 26% also identified as aromantic.[12] There is however not much qualitative or quantitative research around how many allosexual people also identify as aromantic, thus making it hard to say how much of the general public identifies as aromantic.

One study of 414 American adults found that about 1% of participants indicated that they were not romantically attracted to either sex (i.e. aromantic). The study also found that about 10.6% of participants had discordant (different) romantic and sexual orientations.[15]

Calls for more research on aromanticism


Aromanticism as its own term originated within the asexual community online, but newer research is acknowledging that romantic and sexual orientation are not one and the same and attitudes towards recognition of this separation and difference are changing.[58] A contributing factor to this is that many people have difficulty distinguishing between romantic and sexual attraction as they intertwined for most people[57] and that between 19% and 28% of asexual individuals do also identify as aromantic.[60][61]

Calls for more research around aromanticism and asexuality are highlighted by a recent study centered on the thematic analysis of online communications within the aromantic and asexual community, which highlights that allonormativity is prevalent in the field of communication studies and needs to be combated in order to provide qualitative academic work around aromanticism and asexuality.[53]

In January 2024, PRIDEnet, a project of Stanford University School of Medicine, published a report as a result of a series of research community listening sessions with members of the aromantic community held in 2023 in recognition of the need for more affirming research related to the aromantic community to "address the lack of information surrounding the social, mental, and physical health of aromantic people and help us understand the challenges faced by and the resilience of the aromantic community".[62]


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  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Przybylo, Ela; Gupta, Kristina. Editorial Introduction: The Erotics of Asexualities and Nonsexualities: Intersectional Approaches. Feminist Formations. 2020, 32 (3): vii–xxi [2022-04-21]. ISSN 2151-7371. S2CID 235009367. doi:10.1353/ff.2020.0034. (原始内容存档于2022-03-06). 
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