User:Sz-iwbot/category redirect log
[编辑]- False positive: Category:2009年播出的电视剧
- False positive: Category:K-型主序星
- False positive: Category:Lady Gaga專輯
- False positive: Category:NADH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:NADPH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:X射线双星
- False positive: Category:三段論邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:不相干的謬論
- False positive: Category:中共中央顾问委员会委员
- False positive: Category:中医学
- False positive: Category:中国已撤销的行政区划
- False positive: Category:中國大陸城市軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中國軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中醫傳統理論
- False positive: Category:亞森·羅蘋
- False positive: Category:人机工程学
- False positive: Category:以电视台划分的电视剧列表
- False positive: Category:似鳥龍科
- False positive: Category:侏儸紀
- False positive: Category:偷蛋龍亞科
- False positive: Category:先鋒霉素
- False positive: Category:全日空
- False positive: Category:兽医
- False positive: Category:冠龍族
- False positive: Category:凹齒龍科
- False positive: Category:初龍形下綱
- False positive: Category:初龍形動物
- False positive: Category:副櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:化妝品化學物
- False positive: Category:北朝鮮行政區劃
- False positive: Category:北朝鲜政治人物
- False positive: Category:北韓歷史
- False positive: Category:北韓觀光地點
- False positive: Category:区域经济
- False positive: Category:半导体器件
- False positive: Category:南十字龍科
- False positive: Category:南卡羅萊納州
- False positive: Category:南方巨獸龍亞科
- False positive: Category:印第安人
- False positive: Category:厚頭龍科
- False positive: Category:厚鼻龍族
- False positive: Category:原角龍科
- False positive: Category:发展生物学
- False positive: Category:古角龍科
- False positive: Category:台北市議員
- False positive: Category:台北市醫院
- False positive: Category:台南市立國民中學
- False positive: Category:台灣中等學校校友
- False positive: Category:台灣地域文化
- False positive: Category:台灣插畫家
- False positive: Category:台灣生化學家
- False positive: Category:台灣醫院
- False positive: Category:各職業朝鮮人
- False positive: Category:各辅因子酶
- False positive: Category:命題邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:哺乳形動物
- False positive: Category:喬治亞城市
- False positive: Category:單爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:四川背景电影
- False positive: Category:因果謬論
- False positive: Category:图书
- False positive: Category:圓頂龍科
- False positive: Category:土家族人物
- False positive: Category:土撥鼠
- False positive: Category:坎特伯里大主教
- False positive: Category:埃德蒙頓龍族
- False positive: Category:大椎龍科
- False positive: Category:天文物理
- False positive: Category:奇異龍亞科
- False positive: Category:契約
- False positive: Category:奔龍獸下目
- False positive: Category:婦產學家
- False positive: Category:宁波裔香港人
- False positive: Category:宇宙的大尺度結構
- False positive: Category:對抗疾病題材作品
- False positive: Category:尖角龍族
- False positive: Category:尚未清空的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:山东背景电影
- False positive: Category:峨嵋龍科
- False positive: Category:川江水系
- False positive: Category:巨龍類
- False positive: Category:已撤消的广东行政区
- False positive: Category:希腊巨人
- False positive: Category:平頭龍科
- False positive: Category:廣州企業
- False positive: Category:彎龍科
- False positive: Category:形式謬論
- False positive: Category:形式邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:御宅族主題作品
- False positive: Category:恶神
- False positive: Category:愛情主題作品
- False positive: Category:慈母龍族
- False positive: Category:插畫家
- False positive: Category:文化遗产保护制度
- False positive: Category:斑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:斑龍科
- False positive: Category:斯拉夫人
- False positive: Category:日本动画片
- False positive: Category:日本工程公司
- False positive: Category:日本狸妖
- False positive: Category:昌都
- False positive: Category:星爆星系
- False positive: Category:星系型態類型
- False positive: Category:曼哈顿计划人物
- False positive: Category:最佳化
- False positive: Category:有袋亞綱
- False positive: Category:有頜總綱
- False positive: Category:朝陽龍科
- False positive: Category:朝鮮政治人物
- False positive: Category:朝鲜独立运动
- False positive: Category:未知重要度
- False positive: Category:本菲卡球員
- False positive: Category:東京地鐵
- False positive: Category:東京旅遊
- False positive: Category:東北角海岸國家風景區
- False positive: Category:板龍科
- False positive: Category:格式範本
- False positive: Category:桃園
- False positive: Category:梁龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棘龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棱齒龍科
- False positive: Category:楔齒龍類
- False positive: Category:槽齒目
- False positive: Category:樱属
- False positive: Category:機率謬論
- False positive: Category:橡樹龍科
- False positive: Category:櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:比赛
- False positive: Category:民主社會主義政黨
- False positive: Category:水游蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:沙俄行政區劃
- False positive: Category:法国游戏公司
- False positive: Category:法布爾龍科
- False positive: Category:海底山脈
- False positive: Category:海蛇属
- False positive: Category:消亡的職業
- False positive: Category:清代繙譯進士
- False positive: Category:清朝翰林院庶吉士
- False positive: Category:渺子偶素化合物
- False positive: Category:湯達鳩龍科
- False positive: Category:滅絕物種
- False positive: Category:澳門輕鐵
- False positive: Category:火山齒龍科
- False positive: Category:無失真壓縮算法
- False positive: Category:無線衛星電視
- False positive: Category:無頷總綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲類
- False positive: Category:爵士乐器
- False positive: Category:特定穴
- False positive: Category:特种兵
- False positive: Category:狩隼线
- False positive: Category:珠海書院校友
- False positive: Category:瓜巴龍科
- False positive: Category:瓜羅蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:生化學家
- False positive: Category:生化燃料
- False positive: Category:用戶訊息模板
- False positive: Category:用语表
- False positive: Category:甲龍亞科
- False positive: Category:电邮客户端
- False positive: Category:異特龍超科
- False positive: Category:異齒蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:盤足龍科
- False positive: Category:真曲頸龜下目
- False positive: Category:真盤龍亞目
- False positive: Category:着色剂
- False positive: Category:硬舌亞目
- False positive: Category:磨羯座
- False positive: Category:社会民主党
- False positive: Category:神经病学
- False positive: Category:禽龍科
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年代
- False positive: Category:科学史上的16世纪
- False positive: Category:科幻电影
- False positive: Category:空尾龍下目
- False positive: Category:空難
- False positive: Category:童子軍
- False positive: Category:第3屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第6屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第7屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:粮草
- False positive: Category:系外行星
- False positive: Category:納喇氏
- False positive: Category:維基百科相關用戶框模板
- False positive: Category:繩蜥科
- False positive: Category:纖角龍科
- False positive: Category:细胞学
- False positive: Category:缺齒亞目
- False positive: Category:羊肚菌
- False positive: Category:美國印第安人
- False positive: Category:美扭椎龍亞科
- False positive: Category:联合王国
- False positive: Category:腔骨龍科
- False positive: Category:腱龍科
- False positive: Category:腿龍科
- False positive: Category:自由软件许可证
- False positive: Category:臺灣
- False positive: Category:臺灣報紙
- False positive: Category:臺灣射箭運動員
- False positive: Category:臺灣旅遊
- False positive: Category:臺灣省議員
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫學家
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫生
- False positive: Category:臺灣電視
- False positive: Category:航海家系列
- False positive: Category:艺校
- False positive: Category:艾雷拉龍科
- False positive: Category:苗栗
- False positive: Category:英國首相夫人
- False positive: Category:药学家
- False positive: Category:華盛頓巫師隊球員
- False positive: Category:華陽龍科
- False positive: Category:萧氏媒体制作的电视节目
- False positive: Category:蓝藻门
- False positive: Category:藻類植物
- False positive: Category:虛骨龍下目
- False positive: Category:蜥形綱
- False positive: Category:蜥蜴亞科
- False positive: Category:蠟皮蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:行星系統
- False positive: Category:袋鼠目
- False positive: Category:褐藻門
- False positive: Category:西班牙自治市
- False positive: Category:西藏自治区
- False positive: Category:角鼻龍科
- False positive: Category:角龍超科
- False positive: Category:言詞謬論
- False positive: Category:謬論
- False positive: Category:貘頭獸下目
- False positive: Category:貝里肯龍科
- False positive: Category:資料型態
- False positive: Category:資料類型
- False positive: Category:起源謬論
- False positive: Category:辐鳍鱼类
- False positive: Category:近蜥龍科
- False positive: Category:述詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:迷惑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:透鏡星系
- False positive: Category:逻辑谬论
- False positive: Category:里奧哈龍科
- False positive: Category:重爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬誤
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:錯誤的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:鐮刀龍科
- False positive: Category:鑲嵌踝類初龍
- False positive: Category:關聯性謬論
- False positive: Category:阿爾巴特-帡幪線
- False positive: Category:隆柯龍類
- False positive: Category:雌駝龍亞科
- False positive: Category:雙脊龍科
- False positive: Category:電波望遠鏡
- False positive: Category:非形式謬論
- False positive: Category:韩国语
- False positive: Category:順德
- False positive: Category:風神龍族
- False positive: Category:风景区
- False positive: Category:食肉牛龍亞科
- False positive: Category:香港媒體製作劇集
- False positive: Category:香港發展商物業
- False positive: Category:馬門溪龍科
- False positive: Category:马来西亚铁道
- False positive: Category:高平
- False positive: Category:鯨龍科
- False positive: Category:鳥頸類初龍
- False positive: Category:鴨嘴龍族
- False positive: Category:鸚鵡嘴龍科
- False positive: Category:黄藻纲
- False positive: Category:黄藻门
- False positive: Category:黑丘龍科
- False positive: Category:鼠屬
- False positive: Category:鼯鼠亞科
- Skipping Category:Pages with incorrect ref formatting; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中国人物导航模板; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:俄罗斯铁路客车; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:基督新教; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:宗教人士; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:平行計算; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:新城区; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:樂團; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:神秘題材的作品; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:科学模板; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:芝加哥大学與学院; in cooldown period.
- Category:Basic 使用者: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:Screenshots of Windows software: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:Software logos: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:Zh 母语使用者: 125 found, 0 moved
- Category:中国革命烈士: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國配音演員: 8 found, 0 moved
- Category:九字消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:兰州市: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:出生不详: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:哲學模板: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:唐代行政區劃: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:塔什库尔干县行政区划: 12 found, 0 moved
- Category:拿玻里球員: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:柑橘屬: 9 found, 0 moved
- Category:欧洲建筑: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:民謠: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:沔陽人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:浙赣铁路车站: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:漆树属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:漩涡星系: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:澳大利亞地形: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:王姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:石栎属: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:納米科技: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:约翰霍普金斯大学校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:美国电影制片人: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:美國列表: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:美國電視劇: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:脈葉蘭屬: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:苏州市乡镇: 28 found, 0 moved
- Category:華裔美國人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:蒙古軍事: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:藥物模板: 13 found, 0 moved
- Category:西山区行政区划: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:陈姓三字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:雏兰属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:需要補充來源的生物条目: 57 found, 0 moved
- Category:非裔美國人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:韓國軍事: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:香港电视演员: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:鲍螺属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:寻求帮助的维基人 is a hard redirect to Wikipedia:新手求助
- Category:需要修復的訊息框 redirects to Category:需要修復的信息框
- Category:醫師 redirects to Category:醫生
- Category:九鐵巴士路線 redirects to Category:港鐵巴士路綫
- Category:明朝阁臣 redirects to Category:明朝内阁辅臣
- Category:中国城市规划 redirects to Category:中國都市計畫
[编辑]- False positive: Category:2009年播出的电视剧
- False positive: Category:K-型主序星
- False positive: Category:Lady Gaga專輯
- False positive: Category:NADH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:NADPH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:X射线双星
- False positive: Category:三段論邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:不相干的謬論
- False positive: Category:中共中央顾问委员会委员
- False positive: Category:中医学
- False positive: Category:中国已撤销的行政区划
- False positive: Category:中國大陸城市軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中國軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中醫傳統理論
- False positive: Category:亞森·羅蘋
- False positive: Category:人机工程学
- False positive: Category:以电视台划分的电视剧列表
- False positive: Category:似鳥龍科
- False positive: Category:侏儸紀
- False positive: Category:偷蛋龍亞科
- False positive: Category:先鋒霉素
- False positive: Category:全日空
- False positive: Category:兽医
- False positive: Category:冠龍族
- False positive: Category:凹齒龍科
- False positive: Category:初龍形下綱
- False positive: Category:初龍形動物
- False positive: Category:副櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:化妝品化學物
- False positive: Category:北朝鮮行政區劃
- False positive: Category:北朝鲜政治人物
- False positive: Category:北韓歷史
- False positive: Category:北韓觀光地點
- False positive: Category:区域经济
- False positive: Category:半导体器件
- False positive: Category:南十字龍科
- False positive: Category:南卡羅萊納州
- False positive: Category:南方巨獸龍亞科
- False positive: Category:印第安人
- False positive: Category:厚頭龍科
- False positive: Category:厚鼻龍族
- False positive: Category:原角龍科
- False positive: Category:发展生物学
- False positive: Category:古角龍科
- False positive: Category:台北市議員
- False positive: Category:台北市醫院
- False positive: Category:台南市立國民中學
- False positive: Category:台灣中等學校校友
- False positive: Category:台灣地域文化
- False positive: Category:台灣插畫家
- False positive: Category:台灣生化學家
- False positive: Category:台灣醫院
- False positive: Category:各職業朝鮮人
- False positive: Category:各辅因子酶
- False positive: Category:命題邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:哺乳形動物
- False positive: Category:喬治亞城市
- False positive: Category:單爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:四川背景电影
- False positive: Category:因果謬論
- False positive: Category:图书
- False positive: Category:圓頂龍科
- False positive: Category:土家族人物
- False positive: Category:土撥鼠
- False positive: Category:坎特伯里大主教
- False positive: Category:埃德蒙頓龍族
- False positive: Category:大椎龍科
- False positive: Category:天文物理
- False positive: Category:奇異龍亞科
- False positive: Category:契約
- False positive: Category:奔龍獸下目
- False positive: Category:婦產學家
- False positive: Category:宁波裔香港人
- False positive: Category:宇宙的大尺度結構
- False positive: Category:對抗疾病題材作品
- False positive: Category:尖角龍族
- False positive: Category:尚未清空的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:山东背景电影
- False positive: Category:峨嵋龍科
- False positive: Category:川江水系
- False positive: Category:巨龍類
- False positive: Category:已撤消的广东行政区
- False positive: Category:希腊巨人
- False positive: Category:平頭龍科
- False positive: Category:廣州企業
- False positive: Category:彎龍科
- False positive: Category:形式謬論
- False positive: Category:形式邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:御宅族主題作品
- False positive: Category:恶神
- False positive: Category:愛情主題作品
- False positive: Category:慈母龍族
- False positive: Category:插畫家
- False positive: Category:文化遗产保护制度
- False positive: Category:斑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:斑龍科
- False positive: Category:斯拉夫人
- False positive: Category:日本动画片
- False positive: Category:日本工程公司
- False positive: Category:日本狸妖
- False positive: Category:昌都
- False positive: Category:星爆星系
- False positive: Category:星系型態類型
- False positive: Category:曼哈顿计划人物
- False positive: Category:最佳化
- False positive: Category:有袋亞綱
- False positive: Category:有頜總綱
- False positive: Category:朝陽龍科
- False positive: Category:朝鮮政治人物
- False positive: Category:朝鲜独立运动
- False positive: Category:未知重要度
- False positive: Category:本菲卡球員
- False positive: Category:東京地鐵
- False positive: Category:東京旅遊
- False positive: Category:東北角海岸國家風景區
- False positive: Category:板龍科
- False positive: Category:格式範本
- False positive: Category:桃園
- False positive: Category:梁龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棘龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棱齒龍科
- False positive: Category:楔齒龍類
- False positive: Category:槽齒目
- False positive: Category:樱属
- False positive: Category:機率謬論
- False positive: Category:橡樹龍科
- False positive: Category:櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:比赛
- False positive: Category:民主社會主義政黨
- False positive: Category:水游蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:沙俄行政區劃
- False positive: Category:法国游戏公司
- False positive: Category:法布爾龍科
- False positive: Category:海底山脈
- False positive: Category:海蛇属
- False positive: Category:消亡的職業
- False positive: Category:清代繙譯進士
- False positive: Category:清朝翰林院庶吉士
- False positive: Category:渺子偶素化合物
- False positive: Category:湯達鳩龍科
- False positive: Category:滅絕物種
- False positive: Category:澳門輕鐵
- False positive: Category:火山齒龍科
- False positive: Category:無失真壓縮算法
- False positive: Category:無線衛星電視
- False positive: Category:無頷總綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲類
- False positive: Category:爵士乐器
- False positive: Category:特定穴
- False positive: Category:特种兵
- False positive: Category:狩隼线
- False positive: Category:珠海書院校友
- False positive: Category:瓜巴龍科
- False positive: Category:瓜羅蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:生化學家
- False positive: Category:生化燃料
- False positive: Category:用戶訊息模板
- False positive: Category:用语表
- False positive: Category:甲龍亞科
- False positive: Category:电邮客户端
- False positive: Category:異特龍超科
- False positive: Category:異齒蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:盤足龍科
- False positive: Category:真曲頸龜下目
- False positive: Category:真盤龍亞目
- False positive: Category:着色剂
- False positive: Category:硬舌亞目
- False positive: Category:磨羯座
- False positive: Category:社会民主党
- False positive: Category:神经病学
- False positive: Category:禽龍科
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年代
- False positive: Category:科学史上的16世纪
- False positive: Category:科幻电影
- False positive: Category:空尾龍下目
- False positive: Category:空難
- False positive: Category:童子軍
- False positive: Category:第3屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第6屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第7屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:粮草
- False positive: Category:系外行星
- False positive: Category:納喇氏
- False positive: Category:維基百科相關用戶框模板
- False positive: Category:繩蜥科
- False positive: Category:纖角龍科
- False positive: Category:细胞学
- False positive: Category:缺齒亞目
- False positive: Category:羊肚菌
- False positive: Category:美國印第安人
- False positive: Category:美扭椎龍亞科
- False positive: Category:联合王国
- False positive: Category:腔骨龍科
- False positive: Category:腱龍科
- False positive: Category:腿龍科
- False positive: Category:自由软件许可证
- False positive: Category:臺灣
- False positive: Category:臺灣報紙
- False positive: Category:臺灣射箭運動員
- False positive: Category:臺灣旅遊
- False positive: Category:臺灣省議員
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫學家
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫生
- False positive: Category:臺灣電視
- False positive: Category:航海家系列
- False positive: Category:艺校
- False positive: Category:艾雷拉龍科
- False positive: Category:苗栗
- False positive: Category:英國首相夫人
- False positive: Category:药学家
- False positive: Category:華盛頓巫師隊球員
- False positive: Category:華陽龍科
- False positive: Category:萧氏媒体制作的电视节目
- False positive: Category:蓝藻门
- False positive: Category:藻類植物
- False positive: Category:虛骨龍下目
- False positive: Category:蜥形綱
- False positive: Category:蜥蜴亞科
- False positive: Category:蠟皮蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:行星系統
- False positive: Category:袋鼠目
- False positive: Category:褐藻門
- False positive: Category:西班牙自治市
- False positive: Category:西藏自治区
- False positive: Category:角鼻龍科
- False positive: Category:角龍超科
- False positive: Category:言詞謬論
- False positive: Category:謬論
- False positive: Category:貘頭獸下目
- False positive: Category:貝里肯龍科
- False positive: Category:資料型態
- False positive: Category:資料類型
- False positive: Category:起源謬論
- False positive: Category:辐鳍鱼类
- False positive: Category:近蜥龍科
- False positive: Category:述詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:迷惑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:透鏡星系
- False positive: Category:逻辑谬论
- False positive: Category:里奧哈龍科
- False positive: Category:重爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬誤
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:錯誤的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:鐮刀龍科
- False positive: Category:鑲嵌踝類初龍
- False positive: Category:關聯性謬論
- False positive: Category:阿爾巴特-帡幪線
- False positive: Category:隆柯龍類
- False positive: Category:雌駝龍亞科
- False positive: Category:雙脊龍科
- False positive: Category:電波望遠鏡
- False positive: Category:非形式謬論
- False positive: Category:韩国语
- False positive: Category:順德
- False positive: Category:風神龍族
- False positive: Category:风景区
- False positive: Category:食肉牛龍亞科
- False positive: Category:香港媒體製作劇集
- False positive: Category:香港發展商物業
- False positive: Category:馬門溪龍科
- False positive: Category:马来西亚铁道
- False positive: Category:高平
- False positive: Category:鯨龍科
- False positive: Category:鳥頸類初龍
- False positive: Category:鴨嘴龍族
- False positive: Category:鸚鵡嘴龍科
- False positive: Category:黄藻纲
- False positive: Category:黄藻门
- False positive: Category:黑丘龍科
- False positive: Category:鼠屬
- False positive: Category:鼯鼠亞科
- Skipping Category:Edouardlicn的維基用戶分身; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:Windows; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中國神話動物; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:乌兹别克斯坦体育场; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:人文地理; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:人物 (依職業區分); in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:人类社会; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:以英國為背景的電影; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:俄罗斯铁路客车; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:北朝鮮城市; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:北齊军事; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:北齐軍事人物; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:去氧核糖核酸; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:各地理設定電影; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:國籍區分的裝甲戰鬥車輛; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:基督新教; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:宗教人士; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:工程技术; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:平行計算; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:新城区; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:樂團; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:神秘題材的作品; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:科学模板; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:蒙古; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:蒙古河流; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:軍階; in cooldown period.
- Category:1945建立的國家或政權: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:1945終結的國家或政權: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:Basic 使用者: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:Screenshots of Windows software: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:Software logos: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:Zh 母语使用者: 125 found, 0 moved
- Category:世界建筑之最: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中国省级行政区列表: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中国革命烈士: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國大陸演員: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國未來建設: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國配音演員: 8 found, 0 moved
- Category:九字消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:俄羅斯作家: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:信息科学: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:兰州市: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:出生不详: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:前3世纪建立的国家或政权: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:加利福尼亚州人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:印度尼西亚: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:印度尼西亚动物: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:县: 2 found, 1 moved
- Category:哲學模板: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:唐代行政區劃: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:图书馆学: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:國立台灣大學教授: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:國立台灣大學校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:塔什库尔干县行政区划: 12 found, 0 moved
- Category:宋代行政區劃: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:家鼠属: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:康奈尔大学校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:慶應大學校友: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:手機: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:拿玻里球員: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:文学家: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:文学杂志: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:朝陽區: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:李姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:柑橘屬: 9 found, 0 moved
- Category:欧洲建筑: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:民謠: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:沔陽人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:法国政治家: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:浙赣铁路车站: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:清苑人: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:漆树属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:漩涡星系: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:澳大利亞地形: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:王姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:石栎属: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:磐田山葉球員: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:納米科技: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:維基百科編輯指引: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:约翰霍普金斯大学校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:美國列表: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:美國電視劇: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:脈葉蘭屬: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:苏州市乡镇: 28 found, 0 moved
- Category:華裔美國人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:蒙古軍事: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:藥物模板: 14 found, 0 moved
- Category:西山区行政区划: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:那不勒斯球员: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:陈姓三字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:雏兰属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:需要補充來源的生物条目: 57 found, 0 moved
- Category:非裔美國人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:韓國軍事: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:餐廳: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:香港电视演员: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:鲍螺属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:寻求帮助的维基人 is a hard redirect to Wikipedia:新手求助
- Category:芝加哥大学與学院 redirects to Category:芝加哥大專院校
- Category:需要修復的訊息框 redirects to Category:需要修復的信息框
- Category:醫師 redirects to Category:醫生
- Category:九鐵巴士路線 redirects to Category:港鐵巴士路綫
- Category:明朝阁臣 redirects to Category:明朝内阁辅臣
- Category:中国城市规划 redirects to Category:中國都市計畫
[编辑]- Added {{分类重定向}} to Category:平行計算
- False positive: Category:2009年播出的电视剧
- False positive: Category:K-型主序星
- False positive: Category:Lady Gaga專輯
- False positive: Category:NADH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:NADPH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:X射线双星
- False positive: Category:三段論邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:不相干的謬論
- False positive: Category:中共中央顾问委员会委员
- False positive: Category:中医学
- False positive: Category:中国已撤销的行政区划
- False positive: Category:中國大陸城市軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中國軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中醫傳統理論
- False positive: Category:亞森·羅蘋
- False positive: Category:人机工程学
- False positive: Category:以电视台划分的电视剧列表
- False positive: Category:似鳥龍科
- False positive: Category:侏儸紀
- False positive: Category:偷蛋龍亞科
- False positive: Category:先鋒霉素
- False positive: Category:全日空
- False positive: Category:兽医
- False positive: Category:冠龍族
- False positive: Category:凹齒龍科
- False positive: Category:初龍形下綱
- False positive: Category:初龍形動物
- False positive: Category:副櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:化妝品化學物
- False positive: Category:北朝鮮行政區劃
- False positive: Category:北朝鲜政治人物
- False positive: Category:北韓歷史
- False positive: Category:北韓觀光地點
- False positive: Category:区域经济
- False positive: Category:半导体器件
- False positive: Category:南十字龍科
- False positive: Category:南卡羅萊納州
- False positive: Category:南方巨獸龍亞科
- False positive: Category:印第安人
- False positive: Category:厚頭龍科
- False positive: Category:厚鼻龍族
- False positive: Category:原角龍科
- False positive: Category:发展生物学
- False positive: Category:古角龍科
- False positive: Category:台北市議員
- False positive: Category:台北市醫院
- False positive: Category:台南市立國民中學
- False positive: Category:台灣中等學校校友
- False positive: Category:台灣地域文化
- False positive: Category:台灣插畫家
- False positive: Category:台灣生化學家
- False positive: Category:台灣醫院
- False positive: Category:各職業朝鮮人
- False positive: Category:各辅因子酶
- False positive: Category:命題邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:哺乳形動物
- False positive: Category:喬治亞城市
- False positive: Category:單爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:四川背景电影
- False positive: Category:因果謬論
- False positive: Category:图书
- False positive: Category:圓頂龍科
- False positive: Category:土家族人物
- False positive: Category:土撥鼠
- False positive: Category:坎特伯里大主教
- False positive: Category:埃德蒙頓龍族
- False positive: Category:大椎龍科
- False positive: Category:天文物理
- False positive: Category:奇異龍亞科
- False positive: Category:契約
- False positive: Category:奔龍獸下目
- False positive: Category:婦產學家
- False positive: Category:宁波裔香港人
- False positive: Category:宇宙的大尺度結構
- False positive: Category:對抗疾病題材作品
- False positive: Category:尖角龍族
- False positive: Category:尚未清空的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:山东背景电影
- False positive: Category:峨嵋龍科
- False positive: Category:川江水系
- False positive: Category:巨龍類
- False positive: Category:已撤消的广东行政区
- False positive: Category:希腊巨人
- False positive: Category:平頭龍科
- False positive: Category:廣州企業
- False positive: Category:彎龍科
- False positive: Category:形式謬論
- False positive: Category:形式邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:御宅族主題作品
- False positive: Category:恶神
- False positive: Category:愛情主題作品
- False positive: Category:慈母龍族
- False positive: Category:插畫家
- False positive: Category:文化遗产保护制度
- False positive: Category:斑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:斑龍科
- False positive: Category:斯拉夫人
- False positive: Category:日本动画片
- False positive: Category:日本工程公司
- False positive: Category:日本狸妖
- False positive: Category:昌都
- False positive: Category:星爆星系
- False positive: Category:星系型態類型
- False positive: Category:曼哈顿计划人物
- False positive: Category:最佳化
- False positive: Category:有袋亞綱
- False positive: Category:有頜總綱
- False positive: Category:朝陽龍科
- False positive: Category:朝鮮政治人物
- False positive: Category:朝鲜独立运动
- False positive: Category:未知重要度
- False positive: Category:本菲卡球員
- False positive: Category:東京地鐵
- False positive: Category:東京旅遊
- False positive: Category:東北角海岸國家風景區
- False positive: Category:板龍科
- False positive: Category:格式範本
- False positive: Category:桃園
- False positive: Category:梁龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棘龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棱齒龍科
- False positive: Category:楔齒龍類
- False positive: Category:槽齒目
- False positive: Category:樱属
- False positive: Category:機率謬論
- False positive: Category:橡樹龍科
- False positive: Category:櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:比赛
- False positive: Category:民主社會主義政黨
- False positive: Category:水游蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:沙俄行政區劃
- False positive: Category:法国游戏公司
- False positive: Category:法布爾龍科
- False positive: Category:海底山脈
- False positive: Category:海蛇属
- False positive: Category:消亡的職業
- False positive: Category:清代繙譯進士
- False positive: Category:清朝翰林院庶吉士
- False positive: Category:渺子偶素化合物
- False positive: Category:湯達鳩龍科
- False positive: Category:滅絕物種
- False positive: Category:澳門輕鐵
- False positive: Category:火山齒龍科
- False positive: Category:無失真壓縮算法
- False positive: Category:無線衛星電視
- False positive: Category:無頷總綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲類
- False positive: Category:爵士乐器
- False positive: Category:特定穴
- False positive: Category:特种兵
- False positive: Category:狩隼线
- False positive: Category:珠海書院校友
- False positive: Category:瓜巴龍科
- False positive: Category:瓜羅蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:生化學家
- False positive: Category:生化燃料
- False positive: Category:用戶訊息模板
- False positive: Category:用语表
- False positive: Category:甲龍亞科
- False positive: Category:电邮客户端
- False positive: Category:異特龍超科
- False positive: Category:異齒蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:盤足龍科
- False positive: Category:真曲頸龜下目
- False positive: Category:真盤龍亞目
- False positive: Category:着色剂
- False positive: Category:硬舌亞目
- False positive: Category:磨羯座
- False positive: Category:社会民主党
- False positive: Category:神经病学
- False positive: Category:禽龍科
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年代
- False positive: Category:科学史上的16世纪
- False positive: Category:科幻电影
- False positive: Category:空尾龍下目
- False positive: Category:空難
- False positive: Category:童子軍
- False positive: Category:第3屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第6屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第7屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:粮草
- False positive: Category:系外行星
- False positive: Category:納喇氏
- False positive: Category:維基百科相關用戶框模板
- False positive: Category:繩蜥科
- False positive: Category:纖角龍科
- False positive: Category:细胞学
- False positive: Category:缺齒亞目
- False positive: Category:羊肚菌
- False positive: Category:美國印第安人
- False positive: Category:美扭椎龍亞科
- False positive: Category:联合王国
- False positive: Category:腔骨龍科
- False positive: Category:腱龍科
- False positive: Category:腿龍科
- False positive: Category:自由软件许可证
- False positive: Category:臺灣
- False positive: Category:臺灣報紙
- False positive: Category:臺灣射箭運動員
- False positive: Category:臺灣旅遊
- False positive: Category:臺灣省議員
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫學家
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫生
- False positive: Category:臺灣電視
- False positive: Category:航海家系列
- False positive: Category:艺校
- False positive: Category:艾雷拉龍科
- False positive: Category:苗栗
- False positive: Category:英國首相夫人
- False positive: Category:药学家
- False positive: Category:華盛頓巫師隊球員
- False positive: Category:華陽龍科
- False positive: Category:萧氏媒体制作的电视节目
- False positive: Category:蓝藻门
- False positive: Category:藻類植物
- False positive: Category:虛骨龍下目
- False positive: Category:蜥形綱
- False positive: Category:蜥蜴亞科
- False positive: Category:蠟皮蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:行星系統
- False positive: Category:袋鼠目
- False positive: Category:褐藻門
- False positive: Category:西班牙自治市
- False positive: Category:西藏自治区
- False positive: Category:角鼻龍科
- False positive: Category:角龍超科
- False positive: Category:言詞謬論
- False positive: Category:謬論
- False positive: Category:貘頭獸下目
- False positive: Category:貝里肯龍科
- False positive: Category:資料型態
- False positive: Category:資料類型
- False positive: Category:起源謬論
- False positive: Category:辐鳍鱼类
- False positive: Category:近蜥龍科
- False positive: Category:述詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:迷惑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:透鏡星系
- False positive: Category:逻辑谬论
- False positive: Category:里奧哈龍科
- False positive: Category:重爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬誤
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:錯誤的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:鐮刀龍科
- False positive: Category:鑲嵌踝類初龍
- False positive: Category:關聯性謬論
- False positive: Category:阿爾巴特-帡幪線
- False positive: Category:隆柯龍類
- False positive: Category:雌駝龍亞科
- False positive: Category:雙脊龍科
- False positive: Category:電波望遠鏡
- False positive: Category:非形式謬論
- False positive: Category:韩国语
- False positive: Category:順德
- False positive: Category:風神龍族
- False positive: Category:风景区
- False positive: Category:食肉牛龍亞科
- False positive: Category:香港媒體製作劇集
- False positive: Category:香港發展商物業
- False positive: Category:馬門溪龍科
- False positive: Category:马来西亚铁道
- False positive: Category:高平
- False positive: Category:鯨龍科
- False positive: Category:鳥頸類初龍
- False positive: Category:鴨嘴龍族
- False positive: Category:鸚鵡嘴龍科
- False positive: Category:黄藻纲
- False positive: Category:黄藻门
- False positive: Category:黑丘龍科
- False positive: Category:鼠屬
- False positive: Category:鼯鼠亞科
- Skipping Category:Edouardlicn的維基用戶分身; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:Windows; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中國神話動物; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:乌兹别克斯坦体育场; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:人文地理; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:人物 (依職業區分); in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:人类社会; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:以英國為背景的電影; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:俄罗斯铁路客车; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:动画片; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:北朝鮮城市; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:北齊军事; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:北齐軍事人物; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:去氧核糖核酸; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:各地理設定電影; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:國籍區分的裝甲戰鬥車輛; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:工程技术; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:平行計算; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:神秘題材的作品; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:蒙古; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:蒙古河流; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:軍階; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:阿布鲁佐市镇; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:陸港矛盾; in cooldown period.
- Category:1945建立的國家或政權: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:1945終結的國家或政權: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:Basic 使用者: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:M-型主序星: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:Screenshots of Windows software: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:Software logos: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:Zh 母语使用者: 124 found, 0 moved
- Category:世界建筑之最: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中国省级行政区列表: 36 found, 35 moved
- Category:中国革命烈士: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國大陸演員: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國未來建設: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國配音演員: 8 found, 0 moved
- Category:伊利諾州大學: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:俄羅斯作家: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:八字消歧义: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:兰州市: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:内蒙古自治区: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:出生不详: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:前3世纪建立的国家或政权: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:加利福尼亚州人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:印度尼西亚: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:印度尼西亚动物: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:县: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:台湾教育家: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:哲學模板: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:唐代行政區劃: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:图书馆学: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:國立台灣大學教授: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:國立台灣大學校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:塔什库尔干县行政区划: 12 found, 0 moved
- Category:宋代行政區劃: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:家鼠属: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:康城電影節: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:康奈尔大学校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:慶應大學校友: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:手機: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:拿玻里球員: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:文学家: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:文学杂志: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:朝陽區: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:李姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:柑橘屬: 9 found, 0 moved
- Category:樂團: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:欧洲建筑: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:民謠: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:沔陽人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:浙赣铁路车站: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:漆树属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:漩涡星系: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:澳大利亞地形: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:王姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:石栎属: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:磐田山葉球員: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:突尼西亞行政區劃: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:納米科技: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:維基百科編輯指引: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:约翰霍普金斯大学校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:美国电影制片人: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:美国电视制片人: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:美國列表: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:美國電視劇: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:脈葉蘭屬: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:艾美奖获得者: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:苏州市乡镇: 28 found, 0 moved
- Category:華裔美國人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:蒙古軍事: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:藥物模板: 26 found, 12 moved
- Category:西山区行政区划: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:那不勒斯球员: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:陈姓三字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:雏兰属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:需要補充來源的生物条目: 57 found, 0 moved
- Category:非裔美國人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:韓國軍事: 2 found, 1 moved
- Category:餐廳: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:香港电视演员: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:鲍螺属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:寻求帮助的维基人 is a hard redirect to Wikipedia:新手求助
- Category:醫師 redirects to Category:醫生
- Category:九鐵巴士路線 redirects to Category:港鐵巴士路綫
- Category:明朝阁臣 redirects to Category:明朝内阁辅臣
- Category:中国城市规划 redirects to Category:中國都市計畫
[编辑]- False positive: Category:2009年播出的电视剧
- False positive: Category:K-型主序星
- False positive: Category:Lady Gaga專輯
- False positive: Category:NADH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:NADPH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:X射线双星
- False positive: Category:三段論邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:不相干的謬論
- False positive: Category:中共中央顾问委员会委员
- False positive: Category:中医学
- False positive: Category:中国已撤销的行政区划
- False positive: Category:中國大陸城市軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中國軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中醫傳統理論
- False positive: Category:亞森·羅蘋
- False positive: Category:人机工程学
- False positive: Category:以电视台划分的电视剧列表
- False positive: Category:似鳥龍科
- False positive: Category:侏儸紀
- False positive: Category:偷蛋龍亞科
- False positive: Category:先鋒霉素
- False positive: Category:全日空
- False positive: Category:兽医
- False positive: Category:冠龍族
- False positive: Category:凹齒龍科
- False positive: Category:初龍形下綱
- False positive: Category:初龍形動物
- False positive: Category:副櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:化妝品化學物
- False positive: Category:北朝鮮行政區劃
- False positive: Category:北朝鲜政治人物
- False positive: Category:北韓歷史
- False positive: Category:北韓觀光地點
- False positive: Category:区域经济
- False positive: Category:半导体器件
- False positive: Category:南十字龍科
- False positive: Category:南卡羅萊納州
- False positive: Category:南方巨獸龍亞科
- False positive: Category:印第安人
- False positive: Category:厚頭龍科
- False positive: Category:厚鼻龍族
- False positive: Category:原角龍科
- False positive: Category:发展生物学
- False positive: Category:古角龍科
- False positive: Category:台北市議員
- False positive: Category:台北市醫院
- False positive: Category:台南市立國民中學
- False positive: Category:台灣中等學校校友
- False positive: Category:台灣地域文化
- False positive: Category:台灣插畫家
- False positive: Category:台灣生化學家
- False positive: Category:台灣醫院
- False positive: Category:各職業朝鮮人
- False positive: Category:各辅因子酶
- False positive: Category:命題邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:哺乳形動物
- False positive: Category:喬治亞城市
- False positive: Category:單爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:四川背景电影
- False positive: Category:因果謬論
- False positive: Category:图书
- False positive: Category:圓頂龍科
- False positive: Category:土家族人物
- False positive: Category:土撥鼠
- False positive: Category:坎特伯里大主教
- False positive: Category:埃德蒙頓龍族
- False positive: Category:大椎龍科
- False positive: Category:天文物理
- False positive: Category:奇異龍亞科
- False positive: Category:契約
- False positive: Category:奔龍獸下目
- False positive: Category:婦產學家
- False positive: Category:宁波裔香港人
- False positive: Category:宇宙的大尺度結構
- False positive: Category:實質謬論
- False positive: Category:對抗疾病題材作品
- False positive: Category:尖角龍族
- False positive: Category:尚未清空的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:山东背景电影
- False positive: Category:峨嵋龍科
- False positive: Category:川江水系
- False positive: Category:巨龍類
- False positive: Category:已撤消的广东行政区
- False positive: Category:希腊巨人
- False positive: Category:平頭龍科
- False positive: Category:廣州企業
- False positive: Category:彎龍科
- False positive: Category:形式謬論
- False positive: Category:形式邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:御宅族主題作品
- False positive: Category:恶神
- False positive: Category:愛情主題作品
- False positive: Category:慈母龍族
- False positive: Category:插畫家
- False positive: Category:文化遗产保护制度
- False positive: Category:斑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:斑龍科
- False positive: Category:斯拉夫人
- False positive: Category:日本动画片
- False positive: Category:日本工程公司
- False positive: Category:日本狸妖
- False positive: Category:昌都
- False positive: Category:星爆星系
- False positive: Category:星系型態類型
- False positive: Category:曼哈顿计划人物
- False positive: Category:最佳化
- False positive: Category:有袋亞綱
- False positive: Category:有頜總綱
- False positive: Category:朝陽龍科
- False positive: Category:朝鮮政治人物
- False positive: Category:朝鲜独立运动
- False positive: Category:未知重要度
- False positive: Category:本菲卡球員
- False positive: Category:東京地鐵
- False positive: Category:東京旅遊
- False positive: Category:東北角海岸國家風景區
- False positive: Category:板龍科
- False positive: Category:格式範本
- False positive: Category:桃園
- False positive: Category:梁龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棘龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棱齒龍科
- False positive: Category:楔齒龍類
- False positive: Category:槽齒目
- False positive: Category:樱属
- False positive: Category:機率謬論
- False positive: Category:橡樹龍科
- False positive: Category:櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:比赛
- False positive: Category:民主社會主義政黨
- False positive: Category:水游蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:沙俄行政區劃
- False positive: Category:法国游戏公司
- False positive: Category:法布爾龍科
- False positive: Category:海底山脈
- False positive: Category:海蛇属
- False positive: Category:消亡的職業
- False positive: Category:清代繙譯進士
- False positive: Category:清朝翰林院庶吉士
- False positive: Category:渺子偶素化合物
- False positive: Category:湯達鳩龍科
- False positive: Category:滅絕物種
- False positive: Category:澳門輕鐵
- False positive: Category:火山齒龍科
- False positive: Category:無失真壓縮算法
- False positive: Category:無線衛星電視
- False positive: Category:無頷總綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲類
- False positive: Category:爵士乐器
- False positive: Category:特定穴
- False positive: Category:特种兵
- False positive: Category:狩隼线
- False positive: Category:珠海書院校友
- False positive: Category:瓜巴龍科
- False positive: Category:瓜羅蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:生化學家
- False positive: Category:生化燃料
- False positive: Category:用戶訊息模板
- False positive: Category:用语表
- False positive: Category:甲龍亞科
- False positive: Category:电邮客户端
- False positive: Category:異特龍超科
- False positive: Category:異齒蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:盤足龍科
- False positive: Category:真曲頸龜下目
- False positive: Category:真盤龍亞目
- False positive: Category:着色剂
- False positive: Category:硬舌亞目
- False positive: Category:磨羯座
- False positive: Category:社会民主党
- False positive: Category:神经病学
- False positive: Category:禽龍科
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年代
- False positive: Category:科学史上的16世纪
- False positive: Category:科幻电影
- False positive: Category:空尾龍下目
- False positive: Category:空難
- False positive: Category:童子軍
- False positive: Category:第3屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第6屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第7屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:粮草
- False positive: Category:系外行星
- False positive: Category:納喇氏
- False positive: Category:維基百科相關用戶框模板
- False positive: Category:繩蜥科
- False positive: Category:纖角龍科
- False positive: Category:细胞学
- False positive: Category:缺齒亞目
- False positive: Category:羊肚菌
- False positive: Category:美國印第安人
- False positive: Category:美扭椎龍亞科
- False positive: Category:联合王国
- False positive: Category:腔骨龍科
- False positive: Category:腱龍科
- False positive: Category:腿龍科
- False positive: Category:自由软件许可证
- False positive: Category:臺灣
- False positive: Category:臺灣報紙
- False positive: Category:臺灣射箭運動員
- False positive: Category:臺灣旅遊
- False positive: Category:臺灣省議員
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫學家
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫生
- False positive: Category:臺灣電視
- False positive: Category:航海家系列
- False positive: Category:艺校
- False positive: Category:艾雷拉龍科
- False positive: Category:苗栗
- False positive: Category:英國首相夫人
- False positive: Category:药学家
- False positive: Category:華盛頓巫師隊球員
- False positive: Category:華陽龍科
- False positive: Category:萧氏媒体制作的电视节目
- False positive: Category:蓝藻门
- False positive: Category:藻類植物
- False positive: Category:虛骨龍下目
- False positive: Category:蜥形綱
- False positive: Category:蜥蜴亞科
- False positive: Category:蠟皮蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:行星系統
- False positive: Category:袋鼠目
- False positive: Category:褐藻門
- False positive: Category:西班牙自治市
- False positive: Category:西藏自治区
- False positive: Category:角鼻龍科
- False positive: Category:角龍超科
- False positive: Category:言詞謬論
- False positive: Category:謬論
- False positive: Category:貘頭獸下目
- False positive: Category:貝里肯龍科
- False positive: Category:資料型態
- False positive: Category:資料類型
- False positive: Category:起源謬論
- False positive: Category:辐鳍鱼类
- False positive: Category:近蜥龍科
- False positive: Category:述詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:迷惑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:透鏡星系
- False positive: Category:逻辑谬论
- False positive: Category:里奧哈龍科
- False positive: Category:重爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬誤
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:錯誤的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:鐮刀龍科
- False positive: Category:鑲嵌踝類初龍
- False positive: Category:關聯性謬論
- False positive: Category:阿爾巴特-帡幪線
- False positive: Category:隆柯龍類
- False positive: Category:雌駝龍亞科
- False positive: Category:雙脊龍科
- False positive: Category:電波望遠鏡
- False positive: Category:非形式謬論
- False positive: Category:韩国语
- False positive: Category:順德
- False positive: Category:風神龍族
- False positive: Category:风景区
- False positive: Category:食肉牛龍亞科
- False positive: Category:香港媒體製作劇集
- False positive: Category:香港發展商物業
- False positive: Category:馬門溪龍科
- False positive: Category:马来西亚铁道
- False positive: Category:高平
- False positive: Category:鯨龍科
- False positive: Category:鳥頸類初龍
- False positive: Category:鴨嘴龍族
- False positive: Category:鸚鵡嘴龍科
- False positive: Category:黄藻纲
- False positive: Category:黄藻门
- False positive: Category:黑丘龍科
- False positive: Category:鼠屬
- False positive: Category:鼯鼠亞科
- Skipping Category:加拿大相关人物; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:大阪人; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:尺蠖蛾科; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:尺蠖蛾總科; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:毀滅戰士; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:烏龜; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:美軍犯罪; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:自行车运动; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:臺中市歷史; in cooldown period.
- Category:.44 馬格南槍械: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:Basic 使用者: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:Screenshots of Windows software: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:Zh 母语使用者: 120 found, 0 moved
- Category:世界建筑之最: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中国革命烈士: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國大陸演員: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國未來建設: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國配音演員: 8 found, 0 moved
- Category:中華人民共和國縣級行政區: error in move_contents
- Category:以南卡羅萊那州為舞台的作品: error in move_contents
- Category:伊利諾州大學: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:俄羅斯作家: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:八字消歧义: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:兰州市: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:前3世纪建立的国家或政权: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:加利福尼亚州人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:印度尼西亚: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:县: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:双流县人: error in move_contents
- Category:台湾教育家: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:各地鐵路車輛: error in move_contents
- Category:合理使用图像模板: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:哲學模板: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:图书馆学: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:國立台灣大學教授: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:國立台灣大學校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:塔什库尔干县行政区划: 12 found, 0 moved
- Category:大學校: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:宋代行政區劃: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:家鼠属: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:岩攀鼠屬: error in move_contents
- Category:康城電影節: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:康奈尔大学校友: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:慶應大學校友: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:手機: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:拿玻里球員: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:文学家: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:文学杂志: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:朝陽區: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:李姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:柑橘屬: 9 found, 0 moved
- Category:樂團: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:民謠: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:沔陽人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:浙赣铁路车站: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:漆树属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:漩涡星系: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:澳大利亞地形: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:王姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:石栎属: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:神鬼認證: error in move_contents
- Category:納米科技: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:維基女孩: error in move_contents
- Category:維基百科編輯指引: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:约翰霍普金斯大学校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:美國列表: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:美國電視劇: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:脈葉蘭屬: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:苏州市乡镇: 28 found, 0 moved
- Category:英國搖滾樂隊: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:華裔美國人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:蒙古机场: error in move_contents
- Category:西山区行政区划: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:陈姓三字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:雏兰属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:需要補充來源的生物条目: 57 found, 0 moved
- Category:非洲的惡魔: error in move_contents
- Category:非裔美國人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:韓國軍事: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:餐廳: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:香港电视演员: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:鲍螺属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:寻求帮助的维基人 is a hard redirect to Wikipedia:新手求助
- Category:醫師 redirects to Category:醫生
- Category:九鐵巴士路線 redirects to Category:港鐵巴士路綫
- Category:明朝阁臣 redirects to Category:明朝内阁辅臣
- Category:中国城市规划 redirects to Category:中國都市計畫
[编辑]- False positive: Category:2009年播出的电视剧
- False positive: Category:K-型主序星
- False positive: Category:Lady Gaga專輯
- False positive: Category:NADH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:NADPH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:X射线双星
- False positive: Category:三段論邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:不相干的謬論
- False positive: Category:中共中央顾问委员会委员
- False positive: Category:中医学
- False positive: Category:中国已撤销的行政区划
- False positive: Category:中國大陸城市軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中國軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中醫傳統理論
- False positive: Category:亞森·羅蘋
- False positive: Category:人机工程学
- False positive: Category:以电视台划分的电视剧列表
- False positive: Category:似鳥龍科
- False positive: Category:侏儸紀
- False positive: Category:偷蛋龍亞科
- False positive: Category:先鋒霉素
- False positive: Category:全日空
- False positive: Category:兽医
- False positive: Category:冠龍族
- False positive: Category:凹齒龍科
- False positive: Category:初龍形下綱
- False positive: Category:初龍形動物
- False positive: Category:副櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:化妝品化學物
- False positive: Category:北朝鮮行政區劃
- False positive: Category:北朝鲜政治人物
- False positive: Category:北韓歷史
- False positive: Category:北韓觀光地點
- False positive: Category:区域经济
- False positive: Category:半导体器件
- False positive: Category:南十字龍科
- False positive: Category:南卡羅萊納州
- False positive: Category:南方巨獸龍亞科
- False positive: Category:印第安人
- False positive: Category:厚頭龍科
- False positive: Category:厚鼻龍族
- False positive: Category:原角龍科
- False positive: Category:发展生物学
- False positive: Category:古角龍科
- False positive: Category:台北市議員
- False positive: Category:台北市醫院
- False positive: Category:台南市立國民中學
- False positive: Category:台灣中等學校校友
- False positive: Category:台灣地域文化
- False positive: Category:台灣插畫家
- False positive: Category:台灣生化學家
- False positive: Category:台灣醫院
- False positive: Category:各職業朝鮮人
- False positive: Category:各辅因子酶
- False positive: Category:命題邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:哺乳形動物
- False positive: Category:喬治亞城市
- False positive: Category:單爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:四川背景电影
- False positive: Category:因果謬論
- False positive: Category:图书
- False positive: Category:圓頂龍科
- False positive: Category:土家族人物
- False positive: Category:土撥鼠
- False positive: Category:坎特伯里大主教
- False positive: Category:埃德蒙頓龍族
- False positive: Category:大椎龍科
- False positive: Category:天文物理
- False positive: Category:奇異龍亞科
- False positive: Category:契約
- False positive: Category:奔龍獸下目
- False positive: Category:婦產學家
- False positive: Category:宁波裔香港人
- False positive: Category:宇宙的大尺度結構
- False positive: Category:實質謬論
- False positive: Category:對抗疾病題材作品
- False positive: Category:尖角龍族
- False positive: Category:尚未清空的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:山东背景电影
- False positive: Category:峨嵋龍科
- False positive: Category:川江水系
- False positive: Category:巨龍類
- False positive: Category:已撤消的广东行政区
- False positive: Category:希腊巨人
- False positive: Category:平頭龍科
- False positive: Category:廣州企業
- False positive: Category:彎龍科
- False positive: Category:形式謬論
- False positive: Category:形式邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:御宅族主題作品
- False positive: Category:恶神
- False positive: Category:愛情主題作品
- False positive: Category:慈母龍族
- False positive: Category:插畫家
- False positive: Category:文化遗产保护制度
- False positive: Category:斑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:斑龍科
- False positive: Category:斯拉夫人
- False positive: Category:日本动画片
- False positive: Category:日本工程公司
- False positive: Category:日本狸妖
- False positive: Category:昌都
- False positive: Category:星爆星系
- False positive: Category:星系型態類型
- False positive: Category:曼哈顿计划人物
- False positive: Category:最佳化
- False positive: Category:有袋亞綱
- False positive: Category:有頜總綱
- False positive: Category:朝陽龍科
- False positive: Category:朝鮮政治人物
- False positive: Category:朝鲜独立运动
- False positive: Category:未知重要度
- False positive: Category:本菲卡球員
- False positive: Category:東京地鐵
- False positive: Category:東京旅遊
- False positive: Category:東北角海岸國家風景區
- False positive: Category:板龍科
- False positive: Category:格式範本
- False positive: Category:桃園
- False positive: Category:梁龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棘龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棱齒龍科
- False positive: Category:楔齒龍類
- False positive: Category:槽齒目
- False positive: Category:樱属
- False positive: Category:機率謬論
- False positive: Category:橡樹龍科
- False positive: Category:櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:比赛
- False positive: Category:民主社會主義政黨
- False positive: Category:水游蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:沙俄行政區劃
- False positive: Category:法国游戏公司
- False positive: Category:法布爾龍科
- False positive: Category:海底山脈
- False positive: Category:海蛇属
- False positive: Category:消亡的職業
- False positive: Category:清代繙譯進士
- False positive: Category:清朝翰林院庶吉士
- False positive: Category:渺子偶素化合物
- False positive: Category:湯達鳩龍科
- False positive: Category:滅絕物種
- False positive: Category:澳門輕鐵
- False positive: Category:火山齒龍科
- False positive: Category:無失真壓縮算法
- False positive: Category:無線衛星電視
- False positive: Category:無頷總綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲類
- False positive: Category:爵士乐器
- False positive: Category:特定穴
- False positive: Category:特种兵
- False positive: Category:狩隼线
- False positive: Category:珠海書院校友
- False positive: Category:瓜巴龍科
- False positive: Category:瓜羅蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:生化學家
- False positive: Category:生化燃料
- False positive: Category:用戶訊息模板
- False positive: Category:用语表
- False positive: Category:甲龍亞科
- False positive: Category:电邮客户端
- False positive: Category:異特龍超科
- False positive: Category:異齒蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:盤足龍科
- False positive: Category:真曲頸龜下目
- False positive: Category:真盤龍亞目
- False positive: Category:着色剂
- False positive: Category:硬舌亞目
- False positive: Category:磨羯座
- False positive: Category:社会民主党
- False positive: Category:神经病学
- False positive: Category:禽龍科
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年代
- False positive: Category:科学史上的16世纪
- False positive: Category:科幻电影
- False positive: Category:空尾龍下目
- False positive: Category:空難
- False positive: Category:童子軍
- False positive: Category:第3屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第6屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第7屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:粮草
- False positive: Category:系外行星
- False positive: Category:納喇氏
- False positive: Category:維基百科相關用戶框模板
- False positive: Category:繩蜥科
- False positive: Category:纖角龍科
- False positive: Category:细胞学
- False positive: Category:缺齒亞目
- False positive: Category:羊肚菌
- False positive: Category:美國印第安人
- False positive: Category:美扭椎龍亞科
- False positive: Category:联合王国
- False positive: Category:腔骨龍科
- False positive: Category:腱龍科
- False positive: Category:腿龍科
- False positive: Category:自由软件许可证
- False positive: Category:臺灣
- False positive: Category:臺灣報紙
- False positive: Category:臺灣射箭運動員
- False positive: Category:臺灣旅遊
- False positive: Category:臺灣省議員
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫學家
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫生
- False positive: Category:臺灣電視
- False positive: Category:航海家系列
- False positive: Category:艺校
- False positive: Category:艾雷拉龍科
- False positive: Category:苗栗
- False positive: Category:英國首相夫人
- False positive: Category:药学家
- False positive: Category:華盛頓巫師隊球員
- False positive: Category:華陽龍科
- False positive: Category:萧氏媒体制作的电视节目
- False positive: Category:蓝藻门
- False positive: Category:藻類植物
- False positive: Category:虛骨龍下目
- False positive: Category:蜥形綱
- False positive: Category:蜥蜴亞科
- False positive: Category:蠟皮蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:行星系統
- False positive: Category:袋鼠目
- False positive: Category:褐藻門
- False positive: Category:西班牙自治市
- False positive: Category:西藏自治区
- False positive: Category:角鼻龍科
- False positive: Category:角龍超科
- False positive: Category:言詞謬論
- False positive: Category:謬論
- False positive: Category:貘頭獸下目
- False positive: Category:貝里肯龍科
- False positive: Category:資料型態
- False positive: Category:資料類型
- False positive: Category:起源謬論
- False positive: Category:辐鳍鱼类
- False positive: Category:近蜥龍科
- False positive: Category:述詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:迷惑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:透鏡星系
- False positive: Category:逻辑谬论
- False positive: Category:里奧哈龍科
- False positive: Category:重爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬誤
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:錯誤的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:鐮刀龍科
- False positive: Category:鑲嵌踝類初龍
- False positive: Category:關聯性謬論
- False positive: Category:阿爾巴特-帡幪線
- False positive: Category:隆柯龍類
- False positive: Category:雌駝龍亞科
- False positive: Category:雙脊龍科
- False positive: Category:電波望遠鏡
- False positive: Category:非形式謬論
- False positive: Category:韩国语
- False positive: Category:順德
- False positive: Category:風神龍族
- False positive: Category:风景区
- False positive: Category:食肉牛龍亞科
- False positive: Category:香港媒體製作劇集
- False positive: Category:香港發展商物業
- False positive: Category:馬門溪龍科
- False positive: Category:马来西亚铁道
- False positive: Category:高平
- False positive: Category:鯨龍科
- False positive: Category:鳥頸類初龍
- False positive: Category:鴨嘴龍族
- False positive: Category:鸚鵡嘴龍科
- False positive: Category:黄藻纲
- False positive: Category:黄藻门
- False positive: Category:黑丘龍科
- False positive: Category:鼠屬
- False positive: Category:鼯鼠亞科
- Skipping Category:X1; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中华人民共和国军事力量的编成; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中国人民解放军编成; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中国公司列表; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中国大陆社会; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中港矛盾; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:以1930年代為背景的電影; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:合理使用图像模板; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:外科手术; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:大韩民国国军; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:文学模板; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:歷史題材的作品; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:毀滅戰士; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:航天飞行器; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:航空飞行器; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:船舶列表; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:荷蘭台灣; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:軍事艦艇模板; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:韓國軍事; in cooldown period.
- Category:Basic 使用者: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:Screenshots of Windows software: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:Zh 母语使用者: 116 found, 0 moved
- Category:世界建筑之最: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中国革命烈士: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國大陸演員: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國未來建設: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國配音演員: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:伊利諾州大學: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:俄羅斯作家: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:八字消歧义: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:兰州市: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:前3世纪建立的国家或政权: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:加利福尼亚州人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:印度尼西亚: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:县: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:台湾教育家: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:哲學模板: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:图书馆学: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:國立台灣大學教授: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:國立台灣大學校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:塔什库尔干县行政区划: 12 found, 0 moved
- Category:大學校: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:宋代行政區劃: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:家鼠属: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:康城電影節: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:康奈尔大学校友: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:慶應大學校友: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:手機: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:拿玻里球員: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:文学家: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:文学杂志: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:朝陽區: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:李姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:柑橘屬: 9 found, 0 moved
- Category:樂團: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:民謠: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:沔陽人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:浙赣铁路车站: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:漆树属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:澳大利亞地形: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:王姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:石栎属: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:納米科技: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:維基百科編輯指引: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:约翰霍普金斯大学校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:美国电影制片人: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:美國電視劇: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:脈葉蘭屬: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:苏州市乡镇: 28 found, 0 moved
- Category:華裔美國人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:西山区行政区划: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:陈姓三字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:雏兰属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:需要補充來源的生物条目: 57 found, 0 moved
- Category:非裔美國人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:餐廳: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:香港电视演员: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:鲍螺属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:寻求帮助的维基人 is a hard redirect to Wikipedia:新手求助
- Category:醫師 redirects to Category:醫生
- Category:九鐵巴士路線 redirects to Category:港鐵巴士路綫
- Category:明朝阁臣 redirects to Category:明朝内阁辅臣
- Category:中国城市规划 redirects to Category:中國都市計畫
[编辑]- False positive: Category:2009年播出的电视剧
- False positive: Category:K-型主序星
- False positive: Category:Lady Gaga專輯
- False positive: Category:NADH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:NADPH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:X射线双星
- False positive: Category:三段論邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:不相干的謬論
- False positive: Category:中共中央顾问委员会委员
- False positive: Category:中医学
- False positive: Category:中国已撤销的行政区划
- False positive: Category:中國大陸城市軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中國軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中醫傳統理論
- False positive: Category:亞森·羅蘋
- False positive: Category:人机工程学
- False positive: Category:以电视台划分的电视剧列表
- False positive: Category:似鳥龍科
- False positive: Category:侏儸紀
- False positive: Category:偷蛋龍亞科
- False positive: Category:先鋒霉素
- False positive: Category:全日空
- False positive: Category:兽医
- False positive: Category:冠龍族
- False positive: Category:凹齒龍科
- False positive: Category:初龍形下綱
- False positive: Category:初龍形動物
- False positive: Category:副櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:化妝品化學物
- False positive: Category:北朝鮮行政區劃
- False positive: Category:北朝鲜政治人物
- False positive: Category:北韓歷史
- False positive: Category:北韓觀光地點
- False positive: Category:区域经济
- False positive: Category:半导体器件
- False positive: Category:南十字龍科
- False positive: Category:南卡羅萊納州
- False positive: Category:南方巨獸龍亞科
- False positive: Category:印第安人
- False positive: Category:厚頭龍科
- False positive: Category:厚鼻龍族
- False positive: Category:原角龍科
- False positive: Category:发展生物学
- False positive: Category:古角龍科
- False positive: Category:台北市議員
- False positive: Category:台北市醫院
- False positive: Category:台南市立國民中學
- False positive: Category:台灣中等學校校友
- False positive: Category:台灣地域文化
- False positive: Category:台灣插畫家
- False positive: Category:台灣生化學家
- False positive: Category:台灣醫院
- False positive: Category:各職業朝鮮人
- False positive: Category:各辅因子酶
- False positive: Category:命題邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:哺乳形動物
- False positive: Category:喬治亞城市
- False positive: Category:單爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:四川背景电影
- False positive: Category:因果謬論
- False positive: Category:图书
- False positive: Category:圓頂龍科
- False positive: Category:土家族人物
- False positive: Category:土撥鼠
- False positive: Category:坎特伯里大主教
- False positive: Category:埃德蒙頓龍族
- False positive: Category:大椎龍科
- False positive: Category:天文物理
- False positive: Category:奇異龍亞科
- False positive: Category:契約
- False positive: Category:奔龍獸下目
- False positive: Category:婦產學家
- False positive: Category:宁波裔香港人
- False positive: Category:宇宙的大尺度結構
- False positive: Category:實質謬論
- False positive: Category:對抗疾病題材作品
- False positive: Category:尖角龍族
- False positive: Category:尚未清空的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:山东背景电影
- False positive: Category:峨嵋龍科
- False positive: Category:川江水系
- False positive: Category:巨龍類
- False positive: Category:已撤消的广东行政区
- False positive: Category:希腊巨人
- False positive: Category:平頭龍科
- False positive: Category:廣州企業
- False positive: Category:彎龍科
- False positive: Category:形式謬論
- False positive: Category:形式邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:御宅族主題作品
- False positive: Category:恶神
- False positive: Category:愛情主題作品
- False positive: Category:慈母龍族
- False positive: Category:插畫家
- False positive: Category:文化遗产保护制度
- False positive: Category:斑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:斑龍科
- False positive: Category:斯拉夫人
- False positive: Category:日本动画片
- False positive: Category:日本工程公司
- False positive: Category:日本狸妖
- False positive: Category:昌都
- False positive: Category:星爆星系
- False positive: Category:星系型態類型
- False positive: Category:曼哈顿计划人物
- False positive: Category:最佳化
- False positive: Category:有袋亞綱
- False positive: Category:有頜總綱
- False positive: Category:朝陽龍科
- False positive: Category:朝鮮政治人物
- False positive: Category:朝鲜独立运动
- False positive: Category:未知重要度
- False positive: Category:本菲卡球員
- False positive: Category:東京地鐵
- False positive: Category:東京旅遊
- False positive: Category:東北角海岸國家風景區
- False positive: Category:板龍科
- False positive: Category:格式範本
- False positive: Category:桃園
- False positive: Category:梁龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棘龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棱齒龍科
- False positive: Category:楔齒龍類
- False positive: Category:槽齒目
- False positive: Category:樱属
- False positive: Category:機率謬論
- False positive: Category:橡樹龍科
- False positive: Category:櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:比赛
- False positive: Category:民主社會主義政黨
- False positive: Category:水游蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:沙俄行政區劃
- False positive: Category:法国游戏公司
- False positive: Category:法布爾龍科
- False positive: Category:海底山脈
- False positive: Category:海蛇属
- False positive: Category:消亡的職業
- False positive: Category:清代繙譯進士
- False positive: Category:清朝翰林院庶吉士
- False positive: Category:渺子偶素化合物
- False positive: Category:湯達鳩龍科
- False positive: Category:滅絕物種
- False positive: Category:澳門輕鐵
- False positive: Category:火山齒龍科
- False positive: Category:無失真壓縮算法
- False positive: Category:無線衛星電視
- False positive: Category:無頷總綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲類
- False positive: Category:爵士乐器
- False positive: Category:特定穴
- False positive: Category:特种兵
- False positive: Category:狩隼线
- False positive: Category:珠海書院校友
- False positive: Category:瓜巴龍科
- False positive: Category:瓜羅蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:生化學家
- False positive: Category:生化燃料
- False positive: Category:用戶訊息模板
- False positive: Category:用语表
- False positive: Category:甲龍亞科
- False positive: Category:电邮客户端
- False positive: Category:異特龍超科
- False positive: Category:異齒蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:盤足龍科
- False positive: Category:真曲頸龜下目
- False positive: Category:真盤龍亞目
- False positive: Category:着色剂
- False positive: Category:硬舌亞目
- False positive: Category:磨羯座
- False positive: Category:社会民主党
- False positive: Category:神经病学
- False positive: Category:禽龍科
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年代
- False positive: Category:科学史上的16世纪
- False positive: Category:科幻电影
- False positive: Category:空尾龍下目
- False positive: Category:空難
- False positive: Category:童子軍
- False positive: Category:第3屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第6屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第7屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:粮草
- False positive: Category:系外行星
- False positive: Category:納喇氏
- False positive: Category:維基百科相關用戶框模板
- False positive: Category:繩蜥科
- False positive: Category:纖角龍科
- False positive: Category:细胞学
- False positive: Category:缺齒亞目
- False positive: Category:羊肚菌
- False positive: Category:美國印第安人
- False positive: Category:美扭椎龍亞科
- False positive: Category:联合王国
- False positive: Category:腔骨龍科
- False positive: Category:腱龍科
- False positive: Category:腿龍科
- False positive: Category:自由软件许可证
- False positive: Category:臺灣
- False positive: Category:臺灣報紙
- False positive: Category:臺灣射箭運動員
- False positive: Category:臺灣旅遊
- False positive: Category:臺灣省議員
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫學家
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫生
- False positive: Category:臺灣電視
- False positive: Category:航海家系列
- False positive: Category:艺校
- False positive: Category:艾雷拉龍科
- False positive: Category:苗栗
- False positive: Category:英國首相夫人
- False positive: Category:药学家
- False positive: Category:華盛頓巫師隊球員
- False positive: Category:華陽龍科
- False positive: Category:萧氏媒体制作的电视节目
- False positive: Category:蓝藻门
- False positive: Category:藻類植物
- False positive: Category:虛骨龍下目
- False positive: Category:蜥形綱
- False positive: Category:蜥蜴亞科
- False positive: Category:蠟皮蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:行星系統
- False positive: Category:袋鼠目
- False positive: Category:褐藻門
- False positive: Category:西班牙自治市
- False positive: Category:西藏自治区
- False positive: Category:角鼻龍科
- False positive: Category:角龍超科
- False positive: Category:言詞謬論
- False positive: Category:謬論
- False positive: Category:貘頭獸下目
- False positive: Category:貝里肯龍科
- False positive: Category:資料型態
- False positive: Category:資料類型
- False positive: Category:起源謬論
- False positive: Category:辐鳍鱼类
- False positive: Category:近蜥龍科
- False positive: Category:述詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:迷惑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:透鏡星系
- False positive: Category:逻辑谬论
- False positive: Category:里奧哈龍科
- False positive: Category:重爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬誤
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:錯誤的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:鐮刀龍科
- False positive: Category:鑲嵌踝類初龍
- False positive: Category:關聯性謬論
- False positive: Category:阿爾巴特-帡幪線
- False positive: Category:隆柯龍類
- False positive: Category:雌駝龍亞科
- False positive: Category:雙脊龍科
- False positive: Category:電波望遠鏡
- False positive: Category:非形式謬論
- False positive: Category:韩国语
- False positive: Category:順德
- False positive: Category:風神龍族
- False positive: Category:风景区
- False positive: Category:食肉牛龍亞科
- False positive: Category:香港媒體製作劇集
- False positive: Category:香港發展商物業
- False positive: Category:馬門溪龍科
- False positive: Category:马来西亚铁道
- False positive: Category:高平
- False positive: Category:鯨龍科
- False positive: Category:鳥頸類初龍
- False positive: Category:鴨嘴龍族
- False positive: Category:鸚鵡嘴龍科
- False positive: Category:黄藻纲
- False positive: Category:黄藻门
- False positive: Category:黑丘龍科
- False positive: Category:鼠屬
- False positive: Category:鼯鼠亞科
- Skipping Category:X1; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中华人民共和国军事力量的编成; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中国人民解放军编成; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中国公司列表; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中国大陆社会; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:以倫敦為背景的電影; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:光神; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:各地區生態學; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:合理使用图像模板; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:外科手术; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:大韩民国国军; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:希伯来圣经地点; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:文学模板; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:歷史題材的作品; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:航天飞行器; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:航空飞行器; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:船舶列表; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:荷蘭台灣; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:軍事艦艇模板; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:韓國軍事; in cooldown period.
- Category:Basic 使用者: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:Screenshots of Windows software: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:Zh 母语使用者: 114 found, 0 moved
- Category:世界建筑之最: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中国革命烈士: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國大陸演員: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國未來建設: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國配音演員: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:伊利諾州大學: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:俄羅斯作家: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:信息科学: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:八字消歧义: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:兰州市: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:前3世纪建立的国家或政权: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:加利福尼亚州人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:印度尼西亚: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:县: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:台湾教育家: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:哲學模板: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:图书馆学: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:國立台灣大學教授: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:國立台灣大學校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:塔什库尔干县行政区划: 12 found, 0 moved
- Category:大學校: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:宋代行政區劃: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:家鼠属: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:康城電影節: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:康奈尔大学校友: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:慶應大學校友: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:手機: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:拿玻里球員: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:文学家: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:文学杂志: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:朝陽區: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:李姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:柑橘屬: 9 found, 0 moved
- Category:樂團: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:民謠: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:沔陽人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:浙赣铁路车站: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:漆树属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:澳大利亞地形: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:王姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:石栎属: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:納米科技: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:維基百科編輯指引: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:约翰霍普金斯大学校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:美國電視劇: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:脈葉蘭屬: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:苏州市乡镇: 28 found, 0 moved
- Category:華裔美國人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:西山区行政区划: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:陈姓三字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:雏兰属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:需要補充來源的生物条目: 57 found, 0 moved
- Category:非裔美國人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:餐廳: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:香港电视演员: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:鲍螺属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:寻求帮助的维基人 is a hard redirect to Wikipedia:新手求助
- Category:醫師 redirects to Category:醫生
- Category:九鐵巴士路線 redirects to Category:港鐵巴士路綫
- Category:明朝阁臣 redirects to Category:明朝内阁辅臣
- Category:中国城市规划 redirects to Category:中國都市計畫
[编辑]- Added {{分类重定向}} to Category:大韩民国国军
- Added {{分类重定向}} to Category:韓國軍事
- False positive: Category:2009年播出的电视剧
- False positive: Category:K-型主序星
- False positive: Category:Lady Gaga專輯
- False positive: Category:NADH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:NADPH-依赖性酶
- False positive: Category:X射线双星
- False positive: Category:三段論邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:不相干的謬論
- False positive: Category:中共中央顾问委员会委员
- False positive: Category:中医学
- False positive: Category:中国已撤销的行政区划
- False positive: Category:中國大陸城市軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中國軌道交通
- False positive: Category:中醫傳統理論
- False positive: Category:亞森·羅蘋
- False positive: Category:人机工程学
- False positive: Category:以电视台划分的电视剧列表
- False positive: Category:似鳥龍科
- False positive: Category:侏儸紀
- False positive: Category:偷蛋龍亞科
- False positive: Category:先鋒霉素
- False positive: Category:全日空
- False positive: Category:兽医
- False positive: Category:冠龍族
- False positive: Category:凹齒龍科
- False positive: Category:初龍形下綱
- False positive: Category:初龍形動物
- False positive: Category:副櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:化妝品化學物
- False positive: Category:北朝鮮行政區劃
- False positive: Category:北朝鲜政治人物
- False positive: Category:北韓歷史
- False positive: Category:北韓觀光地點
- False positive: Category:区域经济
- False positive: Category:半导体器件
- False positive: Category:南十字龍科
- False positive: Category:南卡羅萊納州
- False positive: Category:南方巨獸龍亞科
- False positive: Category:印第安人
- False positive: Category:厚頭龍科
- False positive: Category:厚鼻龍族
- False positive: Category:原角龍科
- False positive: Category:发展生物学
- False positive: Category:古角龍科
- False positive: Category:台北市議員
- False positive: Category:台北市醫院
- False positive: Category:台南市立國民中學
- False positive: Category:台灣中等學校校友
- False positive: Category:台灣地域文化
- False positive: Category:台灣插畫家
- False positive: Category:台灣生化學家
- False positive: Category:台灣醫院
- False positive: Category:各職業朝鮮人
- False positive: Category:各辅因子酶
- False positive: Category:命題邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:哺乳形動物
- False positive: Category:喬治亞城市
- False positive: Category:單爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:四川背景电影
- False positive: Category:因果謬論
- False positive: Category:图书
- False positive: Category:圓頂龍科
- False positive: Category:土家族人物
- False positive: Category:土撥鼠
- False positive: Category:坎特伯里大主教
- False positive: Category:埃德蒙頓龍族
- False positive: Category:大椎龍科
- False positive: Category:天文物理
- False positive: Category:奇異龍亞科
- False positive: Category:契約
- False positive: Category:奔龍獸下目
- False positive: Category:婦產學家
- False positive: Category:宁波裔香港人
- False positive: Category:宇宙的大尺度結構
- False positive: Category:實質謬論
- False positive: Category:對抗疾病題材作品
- False positive: Category:尖角龍族
- False positive: Category:尚未清空的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:山东背景电影
- False positive: Category:峨嵋龍科
- False positive: Category:川江水系
- False positive: Category:巨龍類
- False positive: Category:已撤消的广东行政区
- False positive: Category:希腊巨人
- False positive: Category:平頭龍科
- False positive: Category:廣州企業
- False positive: Category:彎龍科
- False positive: Category:形式謬論
- False positive: Category:形式邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:御宅族主題作品
- False positive: Category:恶神
- False positive: Category:愛情主題作品
- False positive: Category:慈母龍族
- False positive: Category:插畫家
- False positive: Category:文化遗产保护制度
- False positive: Category:斑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:斑龍科
- False positive: Category:斯拉夫人
- False positive: Category:日本动画片
- False positive: Category:日本工程公司
- False positive: Category:日本狸妖
- False positive: Category:昌都
- False positive: Category:星爆星系
- False positive: Category:星系型態類型
- False positive: Category:曼哈顿计划人物
- False positive: Category:最佳化
- False positive: Category:有袋亞綱
- False positive: Category:有頜總綱
- False positive: Category:朝陽龍科
- False positive: Category:朝鮮政治人物
- False positive: Category:朝鲜独立运动
- False positive: Category:未知重要度
- False positive: Category:本菲卡球員
- False positive: Category:東京地鐵
- False positive: Category:東京旅遊
- False positive: Category:東北角海岸國家風景區
- False positive: Category:板龍科
- False positive: Category:格式範本
- False positive: Category:桃園
- False positive: Category:梁龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棘龍亞科
- False positive: Category:棱齒龍科
- False positive: Category:楔齒龍類
- False positive: Category:槽齒目
- False positive: Category:樱属
- False positive: Category:機率謬論
- False positive: Category:橡樹龍科
- False positive: Category:櫛龍族
- False positive: Category:比赛
- False positive: Category:民主社會主義政黨
- False positive: Category:水游蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:沙俄行政區劃
- False positive: Category:法国游戏公司
- False positive: Category:法布爾龍科
- False positive: Category:海底山脈
- False positive: Category:海蛇属
- False positive: Category:消亡的職業
- False positive: Category:清代繙譯進士
- False positive: Category:清朝翰林院庶吉士
- False positive: Category:渺子偶素化合物
- False positive: Category:湯達鳩龍科
- False positive: Category:滅絕物種
- False positive: Category:澳門輕鐵
- False positive: Category:火山齒龍科
- False positive: Category:無失真壓縮算法
- False positive: Category:無線衛星電視
- False positive: Category:無頷總綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲綱
- False positive: Category:爬蟲類
- False positive: Category:爵士乐器
- False positive: Category:特定穴
- False positive: Category:特种兵
- False positive: Category:狩隼线
- False positive: Category:珠海書院校友
- False positive: Category:瓜巴龍科
- False positive: Category:瓜羅蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:生化學家
- False positive: Category:生化燃料
- False positive: Category:用戶訊息模板
- False positive: Category:用语表
- False positive: Category:甲龍亞科
- False positive: Category:电邮客户端
- False positive: Category:異特龍超科
- False positive: Category:異齒蛇亞科
- False positive: Category:盤足龍科
- False positive: Category:真曲頸龜下目
- False positive: Category:真盤龍亞目
- False positive: Category:着色剂
- False positive: Category:硬舌亞目
- False positive: Category:磨羯座
- False positive: Category:社会民主党
- False positive: Category:神经病学
- False positive: Category:禽龍科
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年
- False positive: Category:科学史上的1500年代
- False positive: Category:科学史上的16世纪
- False positive: Category:科幻电影
- False positive: Category:空尾龍下目
- False positive: Category:空難
- False positive: Category:童子軍
- False positive: Category:第3屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第6屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:第7屆台北市議員
- False positive: Category:粮草
- False positive: Category:系外行星
- False positive: Category:納喇氏
- False positive: Category:維基百科相關用戶框模板
- False positive: Category:繩蜥科
- False positive: Category:纖角龍科
- False positive: Category:细胞学
- False positive: Category:缺齒亞目
- False positive: Category:羊肚菌
- False positive: Category:美國印第安人
- False positive: Category:美扭椎龍亞科
- False positive: Category:联合王国
- False positive: Category:腔骨龍科
- False positive: Category:腱龍科
- False positive: Category:腿龍科
- False positive: Category:自由软件许可证
- False positive: Category:臺灣
- False positive: Category:臺灣報紙
- False positive: Category:臺灣射箭運動員
- False positive: Category:臺灣旅遊
- False positive: Category:臺灣省議員
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫學家
- False positive: Category:臺灣醫生
- False positive: Category:臺灣電視
- False positive: Category:航海家系列
- False positive: Category:艺校
- False positive: Category:艾雷拉龍科
- False positive: Category:苗栗
- False positive: Category:英國首相夫人
- False positive: Category:药学家
- False positive: Category:華盛頓巫師隊球員
- False positive: Category:華陽龍科
- False positive: Category:萧氏媒体制作的电视节目
- False positive: Category:蓝藻门
- False positive: Category:藻類植物
- False positive: Category:虛骨龍下目
- False positive: Category:蜥形綱
- False positive: Category:蜥蜴亞科
- False positive: Category:蠟皮蜥亞科
- False positive: Category:行星系統
- False positive: Category:袋鼠目
- False positive: Category:褐藻門
- False positive: Category:西班牙自治市
- False positive: Category:西藏自治区
- False positive: Category:角鼻龍科
- False positive: Category:角龍超科
- False positive: Category:言詞謬論
- False positive: Category:謬論
- False positive: Category:貘頭獸下目
- False positive: Category:貝里肯龍科
- False positive: Category:資料型態
- False positive: Category:資料類型
- False positive: Category:起源謬論
- False positive: Category:辐鳍鱼类
- False positive: Category:近蜥龍科
- False positive: Category:述詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:迷惑龍亞科
- False positive: Category:透鏡星系
- False positive: Category:逻辑谬论
- False positive: Category:里奧哈龍科
- False positive: Category:重爪龍亞科
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬誤
- False positive: Category:量限詞邏輯謬論
- False positive: Category:錯誤的已重定向分類
- False positive: Category:鐮刀龍科
- False positive: Category:鑲嵌踝類初龍
- False positive: Category:關聯性謬論
- False positive: Category:阿爾巴特-帡幪線
- False positive: Category:隆柯龍類
- False positive: Category:雌駝龍亞科
- False positive: Category:雙脊龍科
- False positive: Category:電波望遠鏡
- False positive: Category:非形式謬論
- False positive: Category:韩国语
- False positive: Category:順德
- False positive: Category:風神龍族
- False positive: Category:风景区
- False positive: Category:食肉牛龍亞科
- False positive: Category:香港媒體製作劇集
- False positive: Category:香港發展商物業
- False positive: Category:馬門溪龍科
- False positive: Category:马来西亚铁道
- False positive: Category:高平
- False positive: Category:鯨龍科
- False positive: Category:鳥頸類初龍
- False positive: Category:鴨嘴龍族
- False positive: Category:鸚鵡嘴龍科
- False positive: Category:黄藻纲
- False positive: Category:黄藻门
- False positive: Category:黑丘龍科
- False positive: Category:鼠屬
- False positive: Category:鼯鼠亞科
- Skipping Category:X1; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中华人民共和国军事力量的编成; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中国人民解放军编成; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中国公司列表; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:中国大陆社会; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:以倫敦為背景的電影; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:光神; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:各地區生態學; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:合理使用图像模板; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:外科手术; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:大韩民国国军; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:希伯来圣经地点; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:帶鰆科; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:批判性思維; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:文学模板; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:歷史題材的作品; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:电影节; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:航天飞行器; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:航空飞行器; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:船舶列表; in cooldown period.
- Skipping Category:韓國軍事; in cooldown period.
- Category:Basic 使用者: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:Screenshots of Windows software: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:Zh 母语使用者: 114 found, 0 moved
- Category:世界建筑之最: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中国革命烈士: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國大陸演員: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國未來建設: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:中國配音演員: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:伊利諾州大學: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:俄羅斯作家: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:八字消歧义: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:兰州市: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:前3世纪建立的国家或政权: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:副省级行政区: error in move_contents
- Category:加利福尼亚州人: 2 found, 1 moved
- Category:印度尼西亚: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:县: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:台北市出身人物: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:台湾教育家: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:哲學模板: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:图书馆学: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:國立台灣大學教授: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:國立台灣大學校友: 4 found, 2 moved
- Category:塔什库尔干县行政区划: 12 found, 0 moved
- Category:大學校: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:存命人物: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:宋代儒學學者: error in move_contents
- Category:宋代行政區劃: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:家鼠属: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:康城電影節: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:康奈尔大学校友: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:慶應大學校友: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:手機: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:拿玻里球員: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:文学家: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:文学杂志: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:朝陽區: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:李姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:柑橘屬: 9 found, 0 moved
- Category:樂團: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:民謠: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:江苏省医院: 192 found, 192 moved
- Category:沔陽人: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:浙赣铁路车站: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:漆树属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:澳大利亞地形: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:王姓二字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:石栎属: 7 found, 0 moved
- Category:磐田山葉球員: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:納米科技: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:維基百科編輯指引: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:约翰霍普金斯大学校友: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:美國電視劇: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:脈葉蘭屬: 3 found, 0 moved
- Category:苏州市乡镇: error in move_contents
- Category:英國搖滾樂隊: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:英國海軍: error in move_contents
- Category:華裔美國人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:蒙古: 1 found, 1 moved
- Category:西山区行政区划: 6 found, 0 moved
- Category:陈姓三字人名消歧义: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:雏兰属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:需要補充來源的生物条目: 57 found, 0 moved
- Category:非裔美國人: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:餐廳: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:香港电视演员: 2 found, 0 moved
- Category:鲍螺属: 1 found, 0 moved
- Category:寻求帮助的维基人 is a hard redirect to Wikipedia:新手求助
- Category:醫師 redirects to Category:醫生
- Category:九鐵巴士路線 redirects to Category:港鐵巴士路綫
- Category:明朝阁臣 redirects to Category:明朝内阁辅臣
- Category:镇海 redirects to Category:镇海区
- Category:中国城市规划 redirects to Category:中國都市計畫