


条目名称:宇宙 [1]


宇宙公式(the universe formula) 用高等数学的多重积分可以推导出,宇宙是从0维度,1维度,2维度,3维度,4维度...n维度,而n足够大趋于0,然后1,2,3...循环的。 在quora的universe formula 空间看推导过程 宇宙是多维度循环的。并且,公式的推论,重力是宇宙亿万三角函数形成的。这给进入反重力时代带来了希望。

宇宙公式(the universe formula) 用高等数学的多重积分可以推导出,宇宙是从0维度,1维度,2维度,3维度,4维度...n维度,而n足够大趋于0,然后1,2,3...循环的。 在quora的universe formula 空间看推导过程 宇宙是多维度循环的。并且,公式的推论,重力是宇宙亿万三角函数形成的。这给进入反重力时代带来了希望。 数学,是宇宙的语言,有了宇宙的大一统公式,就可以结束关于宇宙的种种猜测和幻想。 宇宙是符合我们的常识和直觉的。 宇宙从高能量无形状态(sheldon glashow语),闪出一道光,为一维度;弯曲最后形成圆,二维度;圆再旋转,三维度球;球甩出泥点,形成太阳系那样的行星系统,四维...直到无限多的N维度,体积趋于无形,闪出一道光... 1.gravity is from y=sin^A x Standing wave synthesis.whenA is odd and increase,shrink =gravity when A is even and decrease,expand to anti-gravity The mountain is a stele of hero... the wave can see called light,wave cannot see called darkmatter,and dark energy. 2.covid-19 maybe have 72dimension,it is from nature,vaccine is suspicious

  • 3.god is from people,God is the undifferentiated of thousands millions people. God is survival knowledge that has accumulated thousands of years.

4.country managememt in 1 dimension(right-wrong) is suspicious 5.legal jutice in 1dimenssion(eg.qulified -not qulified)is suspicious.The text is a compression of realistic world, which is a description of reality, and the character is 1 dimension(doesnot stand for all life world). 6medical thought in 1dimension(know:rna unknow:virus;know:keep unknow:saw) is suspicious 7.earthcentric-suncentric-blackhole centric essence is 0 dimension. even Time ,time does not exist, it is illusion, just the circle limitation of each species. if people know whats universe ,may know how to manage country,deal medical,hope maths could promote creating a new civilization.



在quora的universe formula 空间看推导过程