4 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Basics (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Basics (100篇條目)" |
技术 | level | 1 |
topic | "技術" |
trimmed_link | "/第一級" |
水 | level | 2 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "科學和醫學(26 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#科學和醫學(26 個條目)" |
迈克尔·杰克逊 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "作曲家、音樂家" |
trimmed_link | "#作曲家、音樂家" |
孔子 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "哲學家及社會學家" |
trimmed_link | "#哲學家及社會學家" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
无神论 | level | 3 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "哲學" |
trimmed_link | "#哲學" |
无政府主义 | level | 3 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "政治" |
trimmed_link | "#政治" |
东南亚国家联盟 | level | 3 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "國際組織" |
trimmed_link | "#國際組織" |
水星 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "天文" |
trimmed_link | "#天文" |
鸠鸽科 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "物种" |
trimmed_link | "#物种" |
犬 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "物种" |
trimmed_link | "#物种" |
无机化学 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "化學" |
trimmed_link | "#化學" |
酸 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "化學" |
trimmed_link | "#化學" |
水循环 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "地球科學" |
trimmed_link | "#地球科學" |
声音 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "物理學" |
trimmed_link | "#物理學" |
无穷 | level | 3 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "數學" |
trimmed_link | "#數學" |
水坝 | level | 3 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "建築、土木工程" |
trimmed_link | "#建築、土木工程" |
墨西哥 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "國家" |
trimmed_link | "#國家" |
墨西哥城 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "城市" |
trimmed_link | "#城市" |
东京 | level | 3 |
section | "城市" |
trimmed_link | "#城市" |
迈尔·古根海姆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Businesspeople, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Businesspeople, 40" |
鸠摩罗什 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Buddhism, 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Buddhism, 16" |
迈克·华莱士 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Journalists, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Journalists, 19" |
迈克尔·乔丹 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
迈克尔·舒马赫 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
迈克尔·菲尔普斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
薄伽梵歌 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Eastern religions, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Eastern religions, 45" |
瑜伽 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Eastern religions, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Eastern religions, 45" |
赤道 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "基礎, 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#基礎, 48" |
东西伯利亚海 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "海、洋, 67" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#海、洋, 67" |
墨西哥湾 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "海、洋, 67" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#海、洋, 67" |
东海 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "海、洋, 67" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#海、洋, 67" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "海、海湾、海岛" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#海、海湾、海岛" |
墨累河 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "河流, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#河流, 71" |
东欧平原 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "地形, 75" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#地形, 75" |
东北格陵兰国家公园 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "世界遺產, 33" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#世界遺產, 33" |
京都市 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "亞洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#亞洲" |
迈阿密 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "美洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#美洲" |
京斯敦 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "美洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#美洲" |
墨尔本 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "大洋洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#大洋洲" |
东帝汶 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
赤道几内亚 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
匈牙利 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
秘鲁 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
东南亚 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Regions, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Regions, 19" |
技术恐惧 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 45" |
技术融合 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 45" |
技术革新 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 45" |
技术决定论 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 45" |
除草剂 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Agriculture, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Agriculture, 49" |
水產養殖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Agriculture, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Agriculture, 49" |
悬索桥 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Construction, 98" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Construction, 98" |
水泥 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Construction, 98" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Construction, 98" |
水力發電 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Energy and Fuel, 25" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Energy and Fuel, 25" |
水力 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Energy and Fuel, 25" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Energy and Fuel, 25" |
輸電網路 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Energy and Fuel, 25" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Energy and Fuel, 25" |
輸電系統 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Energy and Fuel, 25" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Energy and Fuel, 25" |
烘箱 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Food and health, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Food and health, 17" |
水肺装备 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Food and health, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Food and health, 17" |
水淨化 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Food and health, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Food and health, 17" |
水塔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Food and health, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Food and health, 17" |
陀螺儀 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Navigation and timekeeping, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Navigation and timekeeping, 20" |
声呐 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Navigation and timekeeping, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Navigation and timekeeping, 20" |
水鐘 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Navigation and timekeeping, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Navigation and timekeeping, 20" |
无线电 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Media and communication, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Media and communication, 40" |
錄音 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Media and communication, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Media and communication, 40" |
无畏舰 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
除法 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "基础 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#基础 58" |
整数 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "基础 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#基础 58" |
最优化 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "微积分与数学分析 38" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#微积分与数学分析 38" |
组合数学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "离散数学 22" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#离散数学 22" |
純粹數學 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "其他 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#其他 32" |
最大似然估计 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "概率与统计 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#概率与统计 45" |
繼親 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Family and kinship , 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Family and kinship , 50" |
餐 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Basic, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Basic, 20" |
餐馆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Basic, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Basic, 20" |
酸奶 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Dairy and analogues, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Dairy and analogues, 14" |
薄荷 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Herbs and condiments, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Herbs and condiments, 31" |
腰帶 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Clothing and fashion, 26" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Clothing and fashion, 26" |
餐叉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Kitchen utensils, 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Kitchen utensils, 6" |
嬰兒 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Stages of life, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Stages of life, 10" |
注意 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Psychology, 90" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Psychology, 90" |
匈牙利语 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Specific languages, 78" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Specific languages, 78" |
水族箱 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Recreation: games and sports, 180" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Recreation: games and sports, 180" |
水球 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
摔跤 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
4月 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Timekeeping, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Timekeeping, 30" |
技术史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "History of science and technology -科學及技術史, 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#History of science and technology -科學及技術史, 18" |
墨西哥历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Americas -美洲, 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Americas -美洲, 15" |
秘鲁历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Americas -美洲, 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Americas -美洲, 15" |
匈牙利历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Europe -歐洲, 35" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Europe -歐洲, 35" |
匈奴 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Asia, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Asia, 10" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
孔雀王朝 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia, 11" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Southern Asia, 11" |
迈锡尼文明 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Europe, 45" |
匈人 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Europe, 45" |
匈牙利王国 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Europe and Central, 26" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Europe and Central, 26" |
墨洛溫王朝 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 45" |
东向移民运动 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 45" |
後黎朝 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Asia, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Asia, 23" |
东方战线 (第一次世界大战) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Basics, 46" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Basics, 46" |
墨西哥独立战争 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Americas, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Americas, 23" |
墨西哥革命 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Americas, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Americas, 23" |
东欧剧变 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Europe, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Europe, 30" |
器官 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Anatomy and Morphology -解剖學及型態學, 100" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Anatomy and Morphology -解剖學及型態學, 100" |
组织 (生物学) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Anatomy and Morphology -解剖學及型態學, 100" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Anatomy and Morphology -解剖學及型態學, 100" |
淀粉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Biochemistry, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Biochemistry, 28" |
无性生殖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Biological reproduction and Ontogeny, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Biological reproduction and Ontogeny, 34" |
无脊椎动物 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Basic, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Basic, 10" |
水黽科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Insects, 63" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Insects, 63" |
水母 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Cnidarians, 3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Cnidarians, 3" |
无足目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Amphibians, 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Amphibians, 5" |
无尾目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Amphibians, 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Amphibians, 5" |
赤蛙科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Amphibians, 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Amphibians, 5" |
鲸头鹳 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Birds, 104" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Birds, 104" |
孔雀鱼 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fishes, 56" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fishes, 56" |
狐蝠科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
犬科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
犬部 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
狐 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
水獺 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
水牛 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
嬰猴科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
狐猴型下目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
水豚 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
赤蠵龜 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Reptiles, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Reptiles, 19" |
水仙属 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
水青冈属 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
无患子目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
腰果 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
悬铃木属 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
酸模 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Vegetables and Grain, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Vegetables and Grain, 49" |
純種馬 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Animal breeding, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Animal breeding, 29" |
护理学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
輸血 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
器官移植 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
腰椎穿刺 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
水痘 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Disease, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Disease, 80" |
專業協會 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Basics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Basics, 20" |
學會 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Basics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Basics, 20" |
宜家家居 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Companies, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Companies, 19" |
學院 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Education, 110" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Education, 110" |
測驗 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Education, 110" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Education, 110" |
學術院 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Education, 110" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Education, 110" |
專業文憑 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Education, 110" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Education, 110" |
墨西哥国立自治大学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Educational institutions, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Educational institutions, 65" |
京都大学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Educational institutions, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Educational institutions, 65" |
东京大学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Educational institutions, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Educational institutions, 65" |
东非共同体 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
各国议会联盟 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
无国界记者 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
謀殺 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Basics, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Basics, 31" |
东京国立博物馆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Museums, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Museums, 20" |
最低工資 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
护照 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
无产阶级专政 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
鄰里社區 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
傀儡政權 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
组织 (社会科学) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Groups, 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Groups, 7" |
秘密結社 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Groups, 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Groups, 7" |
部落 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Groups, 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Groups, 7" |
无产阶级 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Social status, 8" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Social status, 8" |
停火 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "War and military, 86" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#War and military, 86" |
後勤學 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "War and military, 86" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#War and military, 86" |
赤纬 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
赤经 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
鲸鱼座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
狐狸座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
玄武 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "神话与宗教" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#神话与宗教" |
水委一 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
赤道坐標系統 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Celestial mechanics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Celestial mechanics, 20" |
軌道根數 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Celestial mechanics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Celestial mechanics, 20" |
軌道離心率 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Celestial mechanics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Celestial mechanics, 20" |
酸碱理论 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Basics, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Basics, 49" |
4族元素 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
钴 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
镨 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
钐 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
铼 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
镄 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
𨧀 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
无机化合物 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemical compounds, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemical compounds, 65" |
悬浊液 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemical mixtures, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemical mixtures, 19" |
组 (地质学) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Geology, 52" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Geology, 52" |
玄武岩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Geology, 52" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Geology, 52" |
盤古大陸 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Geology, 52" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Geology, 52" |
悬崖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "地貌学,58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#地貌学,58" |
水庫 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "地貌学,58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#地貌学,58" |
酸性泥炭沼泽 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "生物群落,26" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#生物群落,26" |
酸雨 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "气象学,45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#气象学,45" |
水圈 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Water, 27" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Water, 27" |
水文学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Water, 27" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Water, 27" |
水文地理学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Water, 27" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Water, 27" |
水解 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
水力学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
水蒸气 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
无定形体 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Condensed matter physics, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Condensed matter physics, 30" |
夸克-膠子電漿 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Condensed matter physics, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Condensed matter physics, 30" |
X射线 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 47" |
夸克 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "粒子物理学,43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#粒子物理学,43" |
迈克耳孙-莫雷实验 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Theory of relativity, 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Theory of relativity, 5" |
声学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Waves, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Waves, 13" |
墨西哥城都主教座堂 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
姬路城 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
孔庙 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
匈牙利议会大厦 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
水浒传 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific works of literature, 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific works of literature, 58" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "明代" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#明代" |
组曲 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Music genres/forms, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Music genres/forms, 66" |
颤音琴 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Musical instruments, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Musical instruments, 59" |
狐步 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Forms, 54" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Forms, 54" |
傀儡戲 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Forms, 54" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Forms, 54" |
京剧 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Forms, 54" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Forms, 54" |
學院藝術 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "History of art, 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#History of art, 50" |
墨水 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "History of art, 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#History of art, 50" |
水彩画 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Concepts and forms, 39" |
无声电影 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Concepts and forms, 39" |
最后的晚餐 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific works, 21" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific works, 21" |
玄奘 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "中世紀歷史 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#中世紀歷史 5" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
东条英机 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 49" |
迈克尔·柯林斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "歐洲 64" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#歐洲 64" |
匈雅提·亚诺什 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "中世紀歷史 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#中世紀歷史 10" |
张衡 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "古代 12" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#古代 12" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
浸礼宗 | level | 4 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "亞伯拉罕諸教 73" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/哲學和宗教#亞伯拉罕諸教 73" |
秘密宗教 | level | 4 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "神秘学、魔法和神话 77" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/哲學和宗教#神秘学、魔法和神话 77" |
測量學 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "地圖學 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#地圖學 15" |
墨西哥灣暖流 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "海及大洋 56" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#海及大洋 56" |
东非 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "非洲 7_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#非洲 7_2" |
东亚 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "亞洲 42" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#亞洲 42" |
迈索尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "南亞 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#南亞 48" |
岘港市 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "東南亞 25" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#東南亞 25" |
东北地方 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "亞洲 70" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#亞洲 70" |
东欧 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "歐洲 53" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#歐洲 53" |
墨西加利 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美洲 91" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/城市#美洲 91" |
墨西哥飲食 | level | 4 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "料理 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/日常生活#料理 9" |
餐具 | level | 4 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "用具 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/日常生活#用具 9" |
水肺潛水 | level | 4 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "水上运动 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/日常生活#水上运动 10" |
东亚史 | level | 4 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "各洲份及地區歷史 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/歷史#各洲份及地區歷史 16" |
无神论的历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "其他主題歷史 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/歷史#其他主題歷史 16" |
无翅亚纲 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "昆蟲 116" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#昆蟲 116" |
东方蠊 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "昆蟲 116" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#昆蟲 116" |
冠輪動物 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "其他無脊椎動物 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#其他無脊椎動物 19" |
孔雀 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "鳥類 158" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#鳥類 158" |
後肛魚科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
狐鰮科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
屬 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
狐蝠屬 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "哺乳动物 170" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#哺乳动物 170" |
狐猴总科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "哺乳动物 170" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#哺乳动物 170" |
Xanthorrhoea | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "單子葉植物 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#單子葉植物 50" |
菸草鑲嵌病毒 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "其他生物 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#其他生物 28" |
整骨療法 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "醫學領域 42" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#醫學領域 42" |
注意力不足過動症 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "疾病 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#疾病 79" |
水产业 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "基礎商業及經濟 73" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#基礎商業及經濟 73" |
學前教育 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "教育 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#教育 71" |
无罪推定原则 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "基礎 22" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#基礎 22" |
水污染 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "議題 25" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#議題 25" |
後備軍事動員 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "軍事 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#軍事 6" |
无线电频谱 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "电磁学 44" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/物理#电磁学 44" |
肘 (單位) | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "科學" |
section | "尺寸, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/科學#尺寸, 13" |
憨第德 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
到燈塔去 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
技術劇場 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "形式, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#形式, 39" |
迈克尔·克莱顿 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
赤川次郎 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
张祜 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (35篇條目)" |
迈尔·阿姆谢尔·罗斯柴尔德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Banking, finance and trade (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Banking, finance and trade (48篇條目)" |
迈克尔·布隆伯格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Computing and information technology (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Computing and information technology (40篇條目)" |
迈克尔·戴尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Computing and information technology (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Computing and information technology (40篇條目)" |
迈克尔·科林斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Space travelers (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Space travelers (60篇條目)" |
迈克·戈德温 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
张德拉·巴哈杜尔·丹奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Case studies (25/25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Case studies (25/25篇條目)" |
墨子 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Ancient (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Ancient (51篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
迈克尔·波兰尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Modern (160篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Modern (160篇條目)" |
迈克尔·E·霍华德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Historians (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Historians (161篇條目)" |
迈克尔·波特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
迈伦·舒尔兹 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
迈克尔·斯彭斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
迈克尔·约翰斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Political scientists and writers (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Political scientists and writers (41篇條目)" |
迈克尔·希尔弗斯坦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Linguists (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Linguists (87篇條目)" |
迈克尔·文特里斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Linguists (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Linguists (87篇條目)" |
无著 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "印度佛教 (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#印度佛教 (10篇條目)" |
优素福·本·塔什芬 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Africa (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Africa (22篇條目)" |
後醍醐天皇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Japan (3篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Japan (3篇條目)_2" |
赤松德贊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Tibet (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Tibet (2篇條目)" |
无情者哈拉尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Scandinavia (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Scandinavia (7篇條目)" |
夸烏特莫克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Aztec (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Aztec (6篇條目)" |
咸丰帝 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "China (20篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#China (20篇條目)_2" |
张作霖 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Warlord Era (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Warlord Era (5篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
张闻天 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Communists (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Communists (6篇條目)" |
迈克尔·约瑟夫·萨瓦奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "New Zealand (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#New Zealand (6篇條目)" |
张成泽 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "N. Korea (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#N. Korea (6篇條目)" |
东姑阿都拉曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Malaysia (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Malaysia (6篇條目)" |
迈克尔·索马雷 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Papua New Guinea (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Papua New Guinea (2篇條目)" |
张任谦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Medicine (111篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Medicine (111篇條目)" |
赤崎勇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
迈克尔·阿蒂亚 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (79篇條目)" |
迈克尔·J·福克斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
迈克尔·克劳福德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Europe (113篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Europe (113篇條目)" |
迈克尔·雷德格雷夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Europe (113篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Europe (113篇條目)" |
姬拉·麗莉 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Europe (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Europe (66篇條目)" |
姬莎·卡索-休斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Oceania (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Oceania (4篇條目)" |
迈克尔·西米诺 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (128篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (128篇條目)" |
迈克·尼科尔斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (128篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (128篇條目)" |
迈克尔·帕林 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Radio and television (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Radio and television (83篇條目)" |
姬絲·阿基諾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Other countries (82篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Other countries (82篇條目)" |
姬·摩絲 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Models (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Models (40/40篇條目)" |
水樹奈奈 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Voice actors, radio announcers and narrators (30/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Voice actors, radio announcers and narrators (30/30篇條目)" |
水牛比爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Other (16/15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Other (16/15篇條目)" |
迈克·索耐特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "家具设计师 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#家具设计师 (6篇條目)" |
张芝 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "中国 (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#中国 (29篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
张承业 (朝鲜) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "朝鲜 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#朝鲜 (6篇條目)" |
水木一郎 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "电影,电视,视频游戏及其他娱乐 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#电影,电视,视频游戏及其他娱乐 (30篇條目)" |
张学友 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Burmese (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Burmese (20篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
X JAPAN | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Japanese (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Japanese (25篇條目)" |
水牛春田合唱团 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
声音花园乐队 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Alternative music (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Alternative music (40/40篇條目)" |
XXXTentacion | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "American and Canadian hip-hop (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#American and Canadian hip-hop (63篇條目)" |
东乡平八郎 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "亞洲 (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#亞洲 (41篇條目)" |
张献忠 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "General (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#General (51篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
迈克尔·约翰逊 (田径运动员) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "田徑 (90/90篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#田徑 (90/90篇配額)" |
迈克·泰森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "拳擊 (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#拳擊 (40/40篇條目)" |
姬蒂·雷德基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "游泳 (20/20篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#游泳 (20/20篇配額)" |
迈克·沙舍夫斯基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "籃球 (25/25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#籃球 (25/25篇條目)" |
迈克尔·莫里斯·基拉宁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "奧林匹克運動會 (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#奧林匹克運動會 (11篇條目)" |
整全觀 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Approaches (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Approaches (6篇條目)" |
无神论人口 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Non-theistic philosophies (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Non-theistic philosophies (22篇條目)" |
无宗教 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Non-theistic philosophies (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Non-theistic philosophies (22篇條目)" |
最后的审判 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Theology (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Theology (63篇條目)" |
各国伊斯兰教 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Basics (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Basics (13篇條目)" |
无为 (道家) | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Taoism (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Taoism (9篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#思想" |
墨家 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Ancient religions (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Ancient religions (23篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#思想" |
迈达斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Greek mythological people (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Greek mythological people (22篇條目)" |
孔·提奇·維拉科查 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Native American mythology (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Native American mythology (11篇條目)" |
狐 (日本民俗) | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
东洋 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "General (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#General (26篇條目)" |
赤道几内亚行政区划 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "General (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#General (20篇條目)" |
夸拉州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Nigeria (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Nigeria (38篇條目)" |
夸祖魯-納塔爾省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "South Africa (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#South Africa (19篇條目)" |
东部南极洲 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Antarctica (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Antarctica (11篇條目)" |
东北亚 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "General (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#General (24篇條目)" |
东方文化 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "General (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#General (24篇條目)" |
迈门辛专区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Bangladesh (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Bangladesh (9篇條目)" |
东爪哇省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
东南苏拉威西省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
京都府 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Japan (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Japan (52篇條目)" |
咸镜北道 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "North Korea (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#North Korea (10篇條目)" |
咸镜南道 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "North Korea (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#North Korea (10篇條目)" |
东部省 (沙特阿拉伯) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Saudi Arabia (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Saudi Arabia (15篇條目)" |
京畿道 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "South Korea (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#South Korea (10篇條目)" |
宜蘭縣 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Taiwan (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Taiwan (14篇條目)" |
东佛兰德省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Belgium (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Belgium (13篇條目)" |
匈牙利行政區劃 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Hungary (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Hungary (20篇條目)" |
东约克郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
墨西哥行政區劃 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Mexico (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Mexico (32篇條目)" |
墨西哥州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Mexico (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Mexico (32篇條目)" |
鲸湾港 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "纳米比亚 (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#纳米比亚 (2篇條目)" |
水牛城 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國東北部 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國東北部 (42篇條目)" |
东城区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华北地区 (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华北地区 (24篇條目)" |
赤峰市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华北地区 (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华北地区 (24篇條目)" |
张家口市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华北地区 (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华北地区 (24篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "河北省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#河北省" |
阜新市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "东北地区 (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#东北地区 (21篇條目)" |
东营市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
无锡市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "江苏省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#江苏省" |
东莞市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "广东省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#广东省" |
张家界市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
咸阳市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西北地区 (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西北地区 (11篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "陕西省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#陕西省" |
姬路市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "近畿地方 (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#近畿地方 (9篇條目)" |
水戶市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "關東地方 (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#關東地方 (13篇條目)" |
咸興市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 (4篇條目)" |
水原市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
迈门辛市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "孟加拉国 (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#孟加拉国 (17篇條目)" |
坤甸 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "加里曼丹 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#加里曼丹 (6篇條目)" |
墨西拿 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "意大利 (46篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#意大利 (46篇條目)" |
測深學 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "General (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#General (11篇條目)" |
測量 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Cartography (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Cartography (23篇條目)" |
墨西哥地理 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Americas (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Americas (5篇條目)" |
秘鲁地理 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Americas (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Americas (5篇條目)" |
孔恩瀑布 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Waterfalls (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Waterfalls (26篇條目)" |
东北地岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Europe (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Europe (88篇條目)" |
东北平原 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Eastern Asia (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Eastern Asia (19篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其它" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#其它" |
迈泰奥拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Europe (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Europe (36篇條目)" |
水火山 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America and Central America (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America and Central America (34篇條目)" |
除号 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Basics (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Basics (100篇條目)" |
除以零 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Basics (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Basics (100篇條目)" |
整除规则 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Basics (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Basics (100篇條目)" |
最大公因數 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Basics (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Basics (100篇條目)" |
最小公分母 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Basics (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Basics (100篇條目)" |
最小公倍數 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Basics (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Basics (100篇條目)" |
整函数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "General (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#General (42篇條目)" |
最速降線問題 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Two-dimensional space (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Two-dimensional space (37篇條目)" |
悬链线 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Two-dimensional space (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Two-dimensional space (37篇條目)" |
最大后验概率 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Statistics (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Statistics (45篇條目)" |
最大期望算法 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Statistics (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Statistics (45篇條目)" |
无穷公理 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Axiomatic systems (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Axiomatic systems (19篇條目)" |
组合子逻辑 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
停机问题 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
组合计数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Combinatorics (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Combinatorics (24篇條目)" |
最大流最小割定理 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
最大流问题 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
最小费用最大流问题 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
最短路问题 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
最大與最小元 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Order theory (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Order theory (26篇條目)" |
整數分拆 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Sums and products (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Sums and products (8篇條目)" |
匈牙利算法 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Optimization (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Optimization (13篇條目)" |
水族館 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Recreation and tourism (49/50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Recreation and tourism (49/50篇條目)" |
水上遊樂園 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Amusement parks (25/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Amusement parks (25/30篇條目)" |
陀螺 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Toys (35/65篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Toys (35/65篇條目)" |
水槍 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Toys (35/65篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Toys (35/65篇條目)" |
孔明棋 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Tabletop games (92篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Tabletop games (92篇條目)" |
东亚电子角色扮演游戏史 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
Xbox (遊戲機) | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
Xbox 360 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
Xbox One | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
Xbox Series X/S | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
最終幻想系列 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
最终幻想 (游戏) | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
最終幻想IV | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
最终幻想VII | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
最後一戰系列 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
墨西哥賓果 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Gambling (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Gambling (14篇條目)" |
悬挂式滑翔 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Air sports (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Air sports (5篇條目)" |
墨爾本盃 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Animal sport (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Animal sport (24篇條目)" |
桨板 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Water sports (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Water sports (29篇條目)" |
墨西哥足球超級聯賽 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Sports leagues (58篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Sports leagues (58篇條目)" |
袜 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Hosiery (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Hosiery (4篇條目)" |
墨西哥宽边帽 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Outerwear (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Outerwear (40篇條目)" |
水煮 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food preparation and serving (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food preparation and serving (27篇條目)" |
烘炒 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food preparation and serving (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food preparation and serving (27篇條目)" |
墨西哥薄饼 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Grains-based products (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Grains-based products (29篇條目)" |
水煮蛋 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
水煮嫩蛋 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
水牛城辣雞翅 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
水产加工 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
无水黄油 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Dairy and analogues (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Dairy and analogues (41篇條目)" |
酸奶油 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Dairy and analogues (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Dairy and analogues (41篇條目)" |
饼干 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
墨西哥卷饼 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
匈牙利湯 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
酸辣湯 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
墨西哥牛肚湯 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
墨西哥夹饼 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
薄荷茱莉普 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Alcoholic drinks (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Alcoholic drinks (51篇條目)" |
餐刀 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Cooking and eating (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Cooking and eating (22篇條目)" |
最低合法性行為年齡 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
後背體位 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
緬因省 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Colonial history (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Colonial history (26篇條目)" |
墨西哥裔美国人 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History by demographic group (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History by demographic group (12篇條目)" |
赤道幾內亞歷史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (56篇條目)" |
东帝汶历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Asia (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Asia (62篇條目)" |
迈锡尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (20篇條目)" |
後現代主義電影 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History of art (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History of art (41篇條目)" |
无穷小演算 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History of mathematics (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History of mathematics (12篇條目)" |
繼業者戰爭 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia (53篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Asia (53篇條目)" |
匈牙利人入侵歐洲 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern and Central Europe (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern and Central Europe (45篇條目)" |
东恒伽王朝 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southern Asia (24篇條目)" |
後三國時代 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Asia (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern Asia (33篇條目)" |
陀羅缽地 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southeastern Asia (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southeastern Asia (20篇條目)" |
迈索尔王国 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia (23篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southern Asia (23篇條目)_2" |
墨西哥第二帝國 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (89篇條目)" |
秘魯獨立戰爭 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (89篇條目)" |
兼并阿穆尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "East Asia (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#East Asia (8篇條目)" |
緬甸戰役 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "World War II (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#World War II (72篇條目)" |
水晶之夜 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Europe (33篇條目)" |
後蘇聯衝突 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Europe (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern Europe (49篇條目)" |
後蘇聯國家 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Europe (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern Europe (49篇條目)" |
水门事件 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (62篇條目)" |
墨西哥毒品戰爭 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (21篇條目)" |
整形外科 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Medical procedures (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Medical procedures (31篇條目)" |
水痘疫苗 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Vaccines (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Vaccines (10篇條目)" |
嬰兒猝死症 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Disease (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Disease (44篇條目)" |
學習障礙 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Disabilities (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Disabilities (12篇條目)" |
冠状病毒 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Infectious disease (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Infectious disease (62篇條目)" |
後口動物 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "General classifications (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#General classifications (12篇條目)" |
緬甸貓 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Cats (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Cats (24篇條目)" |
緬因貓 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Cats (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Cats (24篇條目)" |
秘書處 (競賽馬) | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Racehorses (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Racehorses (26篇條目)" |
狐属 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Canines (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Canines (8篇條目)" |
东北虎 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Panthera (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Panthera (17篇條目)" |
水鼬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Mustelidae (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Mustelidae (15篇條目)" |
犬浣熊属 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Procyonidae (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Procyonidae (7篇條目)" |
嵌齒象科 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Proboscidea (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Proboscidea (7篇條目)" |
东仓鸮 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Strigiformes (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Strigiformes (6篇條目)" |
水蚺屬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Snakes (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Snakes (25篇條目)" |
墨西哥钝口螈 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Salamanders and newts (7篇條目))" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Salamanders and newts (7篇條目))" |
鶴鱵科 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Beloniformes (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Beloniformes (7篇條目)" |
躄魚科 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Lophiiformes (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Lophiiformes (3篇條目)" |
无鞭目 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Arachnids (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Arachnids (17篇條目)" |
墨鱼目 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Mollusks (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Mollusks (37篇條目)" |
水螅纲 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Cnidarians (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Cnidarians (12篇條目)" |
水綿 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Green algae (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Green algae (7篇條目)" |
狐尾松亚组 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Pinophyta (conifers) (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Pinophyta (conifers) (13篇條目)" |
墨西哥萊檬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Citrus fruits (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Citrus fruits (17篇條目)" |
酸豆 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Tropical and tropical-like fruit (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Tropical and tropical-like fruit (13篇條目)" |
墨西哥辣椒 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Botanical fruits used as culinary vegetables (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Botanical fruits used as culinary vegetables (20篇條目)" |
水稻 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Grains (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Grains (22篇條目)" |
腰豆 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Pulses (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Pulses (27篇條目)" |
墨角蘭 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
釀酒酵母 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Basics (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Basics (19篇條目)" |
水生棲熱菌 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Gram-negative bacteria (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Gram-negative bacteria (11篇條目)" |
肘 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Skeletal system (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Skeletal system (25篇條目)" |
蹠骨 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Skeletal system (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Skeletal system (25篇條目)" |
酸碱平衡 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Basics (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Basics (19篇條目)" |
頸卵器 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Plant reproduction (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Plant reproduction (10篇條目)" |
水楊酸 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Hormones (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Hormones (27篇條目)" |
兼性二足行走动物 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Ethology (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Ethology (28篇條目)" |
墨西哥比索 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Specific currencies (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Specific currencies (32篇條目)" |
學徒 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Employment (59篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Employment (59篇條目)" |
停工 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Employment (59篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Employment (59篇條目)" |
水管工 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
秘書 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
墨西哥经济 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Economies (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Economies (31篇條目)" |
东芝 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Computing, electronics and software (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Computing, electronics and software (42篇條目)" |
學術研討會 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
技术传播 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
學士 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (71篇條目)" |
技能 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (71篇條目)" |
專業認證 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (71篇條目)" |
專科學校 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (71篇條目)" |
东南联盟 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "SEC (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#SEC (15篇條目)" |
东北大学 (日本) | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Japan (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Japan (13篇條目)" |
墨尔本大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Australia (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Australia (8篇條目)" |
括号 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Grammar (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Grammar (49篇條目)" |
冠词 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Vocabulary (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Vocabulary (18篇條目)" |
輔音弱化 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sound change and alternation (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sound change and alternation (10篇條目)" |
组织法 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Constitutional law (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Constitutional law (17篇條目)" |
掠夺 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Crimes against property (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Crimes against property (25篇條目)" |
秘密情報局 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Government agencies (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Government agencies (40篇條目)" |
无政府工团主义 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Ideology and political theory (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Ideology and political theory (74篇條目)" |
後悔 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Emotions and traits (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Emotions and traits (48篇條目)" |
赤貧 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Issues (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Issues (40篇條目)" |
东西方二分法 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
东帝汶国旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
匈牙利国旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
墨西哥国旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
秘鲁国旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
匈牙利国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
墨西哥国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
秘鲁国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
掠奪性出版 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Mass Media (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Mass Media (40篇條目)" |
东区人 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
护滩使者 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
X档案 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
最後流亡 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Japan (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Japan (33篇條目)" |
4chan | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Websites (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Websites (40篇條目)" |
技術生命週期 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (18篇條目)" |
技術採用生命週期 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (18篇條目)" |
技术转移 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (18篇條目)" |
水耕栽培 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Forms (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Forms (41篇條目)" |
组织工程学 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Biotechnology (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Biotechnology (66篇條目)" |
技术奇点 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Artificial intelligence concepts (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Artificial intelligence concepts (15篇條目)" |
X86 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer architecture concepts (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer architecture concepts (20篇條目)" |
X86-64 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer architecture concepts (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer architecture concepts (20篇條目)" |
声卡 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
嵌入式系统 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
X視窗系統 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "User interface (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#User interface (23篇條目)" |
韌體 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Operating systems (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Operating systems (35篇條目)" |
纠错码 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (64篇條目)" |
XML | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Programming languages (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Programming languages (43篇條目)" |
技术制图 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Basics (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Basics (18篇條目)" |
水利工程 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
水污染控制工程 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
水磨 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Energy and fuel (109篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Energy and fuel (109篇條目)" |
輸電線塔 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Electricity transmission and distribution (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Electricity transmission and distribution (19篇條目)" |
析出硬化 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Metallurgy (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Metallurgy (30篇條目)" |
水丰水库 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Dams (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Dams (31篇條目)" |
盤浦大橋 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Bridges (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Bridges (50篇條目)" |
水壶 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Containers (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Containers (18篇條目)" |
水碓 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Industrial machinery (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Industrial machinery (6篇條目)" |
錄影機 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
水雷 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Naval warfare (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Naval warfare (15篇條目)" |
薄透鏡 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Optics (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Optics (8篇條目)" |
赤道仪 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Astronomical technology (65篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Astronomical technology (65篇條目)" |
XMM-牛顿卫星 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Space-based observatories (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Space-based observatories (15篇條目)" |
水星计划 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Programs and launch sites (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Programs and launch sites (20篇條目)" |
停車場 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Road transport (91篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Road transport (91篇條目)" |
停车换乘 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Road transport (91篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Road transport (91篇條目)" |
水翼船 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Naval transport (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Naval transport (44篇條目)" |
水上電單車 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Naval transport (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Naval transport (44篇條目)" |
墨西哥城地铁 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Americas (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Americas (13篇條目)" |
京都市營地下鐵 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Asia (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Asia (29篇條目)" |
水蒸气蒸馏 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Separation processes (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Separation processes (38篇條目)" |
水的性質 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
叠氮化合物 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
水合氢离子 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
水溶液 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Chemical mixtures (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Chemical mixtures (34篇條目)" |
赤道隆起 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "General (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#General (13篇條目)" |
赤铁矿 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
孔隙率 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Petrology (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Petrology (62篇條目)" |
淤泥 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Sedimentology (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Sedimentology (42篇條目)" |
悬移质 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Sedimentology (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Sedimentology (42篇條目)" |
叠覆律 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Stratigraphy (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Stratigraphy (27篇條目)" |
Δ18O | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Geochemistry (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Geochemistry (17篇條目)" |
部分熔融 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Geochemistry (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Geochemistry (17篇條目)" |
後期重轟炸期 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Events (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Events (20篇條目)" |
薄霧 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Clouds (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Clouds (24篇條目)" |
厘米-克-秒制 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Measurement systems (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Measurement systems (34篇條目)" |
厘米 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Length (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Length (43篇條目)" |
夸脫 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Volume (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Volume (31篇條目)" |
測光系統 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Basics (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Basics (34篇條目)" |
X射线天文学 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "High-energy astronomy (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#High-energy astronomy (5篇條目)" |
水星大氣 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
軌道傾角 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Celestial mechanics (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Celestial mechanics (68篇條目)" |
薄暮 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Celestial mechanics (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Celestial mechanics (68篇條目)" |
蝘蜓座 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Other (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Other (76篇條目)" |
水蛇座 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Other (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Other (76篇條目)" |
孔雀座 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Other (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Other (76篇條目)" |
X射线联星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
X射线脉冲星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
水平分支 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
薄盤 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Basics (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Basics (49篇條目)" |
最亮團星系 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Galaxy classification (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Galaxy classification (22篇條目)" |
夸克時期 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Physical cosmology (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Physical cosmology (51篇條目)" |
最小作用量原理 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Classical mechanics (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Classical mechanics (90篇條目)" |
純量勢 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Classical mechanics (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Classical mechanics (90篇條目)" |
夸克模型 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "General (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#General (43篇條目)" |
无质量粒子 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "General (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#General (8篇條目)" |
无毛定理 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
声爆 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Waves (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Waves (47篇條目)" |
声压 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Waves (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Waves (47篇條目)" |
X射线晶体学 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Waves (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Waves (47篇條目)" |
叠加原理 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Waves (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Waves (47篇條目)" |
东方主义 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Modern era (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Modern era (13篇條目)" |
东京铁塔 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Asia (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Asia (52篇條目)" |
墨西哥国家美术馆 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Latin America (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Latin America (14篇條目)" |
墨西哥城博物馆 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Latin America (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Latin America (14篇條目)" |
京都國立博物館 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Asia (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Asia (20篇條目)" |
緬希科夫宮 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Russia (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Russia (9篇條目)" |
无调音乐 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Music theory (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Music theory (37篇條目)" |
器樂 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "General (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#General (20篇條目)" |
後硬核 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Rock (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Rock (29篇條目)" |
无伴奏大提琴组曲 (巴赫) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Baroque (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Baroque (22篇條目)" |
水上音樂 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Baroque (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Baroque (22篇條目)" |
匈牙利舞曲 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Romantic (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Romantic (56篇條目)" |
4分33秒 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "20th century (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#20th century (32篇條目)" |
你好,多莉! | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Musicals (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Musicals (25篇條目)" |
墨西哥国歌 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Anthems and patriotic songs (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Anthems and patriotic songs (19篇條目)" |
最终幻想系列的音乐 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Film, television and video game music (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Film, television and video game music (10篇條目)" |
墨西哥摔角 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Professional wrestling (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Professional wrestling (11篇條目)" |
水墨画 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Non-Western art traditions (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Non-Western art traditions (22篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "绘画" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#绘画" |
後像 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms (115/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Concepts and forms (115/100篇條目)" |
蚀刻版画 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms (115/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Concepts and forms (115/100篇條目)" |
水粉画 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Painting (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Painting (8篇條目)" |
最后的晚餐 (达芬奇) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Pre-modern (59篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Pre-modern (59篇條目)" |
最后的审判 (壁画) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Pre-modern (59篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Pre-modern (59篇條目)" |
你何時結婚? | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Modern (98篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Modern (98篇條目)" |
水晶人头骨 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
孔雀厅 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Other media (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Other media (24篇條目)" |
後期製作 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Filmmaking (10/10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Filmmaking (10/10篇條目)" |
墨西哥电影 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Cinema by country (28/25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Cinema by country (28/25篇條目)" |
後窗 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Horror and thriller (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Horror and thriller (22篇條目)" |
X战警 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Heroes (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Heroes (14篇條目)" |
悬疑小说 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Crime fiction (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Crime fiction (4篇條目)" |
无名的裘德 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
最後的摩根戰士 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
你往何處去 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
純真年代 (小說) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
赤腳阿元 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Manga (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Manga (21篇條目)" |
犬夜叉 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Manga (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Manga (21篇條目)" |
Xkcd | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Webcomics (1篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Webcomics (1篇條目)" |
东方朔 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
孔融 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
张九龄 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
孔尚任 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
张爱玲 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代" |
张艺谋 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
张曼玉 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
张艾嘉 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
张僧繇 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
张萱 (唐朝画家) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
张旭 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
张择端 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
张仲景 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
张益唐 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
孔祥重 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
张锋 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
孔伋 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
张华 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
张载 (北宋) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
张栻 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
张伯苓 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
张其昀 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
张君劢 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
张仪 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
张良 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
张居正 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
张之洞 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代_2" |
张国焘 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代_2" |
张辽 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
张飞 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
张巡 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
张煌言 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
张学良 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
张怡宁 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "体育人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#体育人物" |
张道陵 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
张角 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
张鲁 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
鉴真 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
张三丰 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
张天然 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
张骞 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
张謇 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
张弼士 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
孔祥熙 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
张忠谋 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
张一鸣 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
赤松德赞 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
张桂梅 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
东岳大帝 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
夸父 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
宜昌市 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "湖北省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#湖北省" |
宜宾市 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "四川省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#四川省" |
张掖市 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "甘肃省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#甘肃省" |
庐山 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "山脉和山峰" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#山脉和山峰" |
玄武湖 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "湖泊与湿地" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#湖泊与湿地" |
京杭大运河 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "水利工程" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#水利工程" |
部首 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
注音符号 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
兼爱 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#思想" |
除夕 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "民俗、节日" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#民俗、节日" |
孔子诞辰日 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "民俗、节日" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#民俗、节日" |
坤舆万国全图 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "文物与宝物" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#文物与宝物" |
东北菜 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "菜系" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#菜系" |
水煮鱼 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "食物和调料" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#食物和调料" |
墨子 (书) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "先秦" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#先秦" |
水经注 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "六朝" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#六朝" |
墨 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "文房四宝" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#文房四宝" |
孔府 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
孔林 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
东方明珠广播电视塔 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
东周 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
东汉 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
东晋 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
东魏 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
犬戎攻周之戰 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "殷商和西周" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#殷商和西周" |
东汉统一战争 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
东汉与鲜卑的战争 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
赤壁之戰 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
玄武門之變 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "隋唐" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#隋唐" |
後周代漢 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "五代十國" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#五代十國" |
夸梅·恩克鲁玛 | level | 3 |
section | "Political leaders" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Political leaders" |
水力资源 | level | 3 |
section | "能源 (15個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/英語維基百科第三級#能源 (15個條目)" |
水循環 | level | 3 |
trimmed_link | "/靜態版本" |