


本頁羅列了請求將某人的內容於維基百科再次利用的模板文本。要這樣做,著作權持有者必須以創用CC 姓名標示與/或相同方式分享、CC0或其相容條款再次授權。有關更多資訊,請閱讀Wikipedia:著作權資訊。圖像部分可以用其他部分條款授權,請參考Wikipedia:檔案著作權標誌,但不能只以GFDL進行授權。





我是維基百科的編輯志工。我想要將 [] 的照片用於維基百科的 [] 條目。但是,維基百科只能使用以創用CC「姓名標示-相同方式分享」或列於「https://wiki.zwnes.eu.org/wiki/WP:ICT/FL」的相容自由授權條款釋出的照片。

如果您能夠允許我們提供一份自由授權的照片(可以不是新創作的照片)用於維基媒體計畫,請參考「https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/COM:ET/zh」的指示,或者寄送該照片或該頁的同意許可信件至permissions-zh@wikimedia.org,或是寄送到我的信箱 []。





<作者 | 網站管理員> 您好:

I wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your <WEBSITE TITLE> at <WEBSITE URL>, which I found while researching for the free online encyclopedia "Wikipedia"; I thought that your information on the subject might be worthy of inclusion in our living and growing document.

Wikipedia (https://www.wikipedia.org) is an encyclopedia that is collaboratively edited by volunteers from around the world. Our goal is to create a comprehensive knowledge base that is not only available at no charge, but is also freely distributed. It is one of many projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation.

I am seeking your permission to use your text either directly, or as a reference for my original writing on the subject. I'd like to include your materials in this article:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/<RELEVANT_WIKIPEDIA_PAGE>. (To get a sense of the freedom of Wikipedia, you yourself can edit this page without registration, right now.)

We can only use your material if you are willing to grant permission for it to be used under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License. This means that although you retain the copyright and authorship of your own work, you are granting permission for all others (not just Wikipedia) to use, copy, and share your materials freely—and even potentially use them commercially—as long as they do not try to claim the copyright themselves, or try to prevent others from using or copying them freely. You can read this license in full at:

Please note that your contributions may not remain intact as submitted; this license, and the collaborative nature of our project, also entitles others to edit, alter, and update them at will, i.e., to keep up with new information, or suit the text to a different purpose. However, the license also expressly protects authors "from being considered responsible for modifications made by others" while ensuring that those authors get credit for their work. There is more information on our copyright policy at:

We choose the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported license because it is the best available tool for ensuring that our encyclopedia is and can remain free for all to use, and for providing credit to everyone who donates text and images. It may or may not be compatible with your goals in creating the materials available on your website — that is your choice. Please be assured that if you do not grant permission, your <copyrighted?/original?> materials will not be used at Wikipedia; we have a very strict policy against copyright violations.

If you do agree to grant permission, we will credit you for your work in the resulting article's references section, by stating it was based on your work and is used with your permission, and by providing a link back to your website.

<You are obviously <very interested/an expert> in your field, and we invite your active collaboration in writing and editing articles on this subject and any others that might be attractive to you. If you are interested, please see:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Introduction for more information!>







Name or Title

Dear <NAME>:

I am an editor of Wikipedia, a multilingual project to create a complete and accurate encyclopedia by open editing. We gather information from all types of sources, but the web sites of government bodies, institutes of higher learning, and other non-profit organizations are often particularly useful. The English-language version may be viewed on the Web at https://en.wikipedia.org/. As a unique and highly visible project, we freely and publicly release our work, that it may benefit humankind. To this end, we deeply respect copyright, and are careful to prevent any infringement.

We would like your permission to include resources created by your organization in our encyclopedia. Specifically, we are interested in copying <TITLE>, accessible at <URL>. In order for us to do so, it would be necessary for you to license your work under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). You can find the license text at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License.

If you licensed one or more of your documents under this license, you would retain full copyright. However, we would be licensed to distribute the material, as would future users of it. We would distribute your work free of charge. However, future commercial distribution could occur. This is because users of our encyclopedia are authorized by the CC-BY-SA to distribute it, or any part of it, for a fee.

The license does stipulate that any copy of the material, even if modified, must carry the same license. This guarantees that if licensed in this manner, no copy of your work could be made proprietary. That means that no one who distributes the work can ever restrict future distribution.

Please notify me if you are interested in licensing <TITLE>, or all of your copyrighted material, under the CC-BY-SA. I can be contacted by email at [email address], by telephone at [telephone number] (I am in time zone

[postal address]
[city], [state/province abbreviation] [zip/postal code]
[country code]

Thank you for your time and consideration.

<full name>


Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to you on behalf of the Wikipedia project <https://www.wikipedia.org/>, an endeavour to build a fully-fledged multilingual encyclopaedia in an entirely open manner, to ask for permission to use your copyrighted material.
Your organisation has on its website content which would undoubtedly enhance communication with our target audience; in order to do so, I should like to ask for your authorisation to use such content, namely the [photograph, illustration, etc] located at [URL], under the terms of Wikipedia's licence.
Wikipedia licenses all its content under the licence developed for purposes of free documentation by the Creative Commons, the text of which can be found at <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode>. It should be borne in mind that if you choose to allow Wikipedia to use the stated [photograph, illustration, etc], it will remain copyrighted to you; however, the said licence stipulates that third parties must be permitted to reuse the licensed work so long that they retain the licence of this work and any derivatives from it. Consequently, you may wish to consider carefully whether you are prepared to compromise some of your rights granted to you by copyright law by licensing your work as suggested.
That said, allow me to reiterate that your material will be used to the noble end of providing a free collection of knowledge for everyone; naturally enough, only if you agree. If that is the case, please copy the form at <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Declaration_of_consent_for_all_enquiries> into the email by which you grant us permission to use your content, and make any necessary amendments before sending the email to our email response team ("OTRS") at permissions-en@wikimedia.org
We shall greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
I look forward to your reply.
Yours Faithfully, <name surname>

(alternatively, the salutation can be 'Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Surname' if the surname of the person to whom the letter is being sent is known, in which case the complementary closing must be 'Yours Sincerely,' as opposed to 'Yours Faithfully,')



Note: this is intended for use where a free image is available, and thus used, that may be unflattering to the subject.

Dear <Mr./Ms./etc.> <last name>:

I am one of the many volunteer editors of the English Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org), the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia is among the most-visited sites on the Internet, ranking near the top ten according to the estimates of Alexa Internet (alexa.com), and it is likely that many people visit our article about you (<insert link to article here>) each day. Unfortunately, our article currently makes use of an image of you that might be considered unflattering due to its comparatively low quality.

I am aware that there are many publicity images of you available, but since Wikipedia aims to be reproducible even for profit and even in nations where generous United States "fair use" provisions in copyright law are inapplicable, we cannot use an image that is not released under a so-called "free license". Essentially, the copyright holder of any image that we use must irrevocably permit anyone else to use it, modify it, or sell it, with the only permissible requirements being that the author be named and that any modifications be released under an identical license. (Exceptions may be made if there is no image available that meets these criteria, but that is not the case here.)

Example licenses that would permit us to use a better-quality image would be: the GNU Free Documentation License (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode). You are under no obligation to release any material under such licenses, but I thought that for public-relations purposes, you might want to consider it given Wikipedia's great popularity.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely, <name>