伴随向量映射原理(covector mapping principle)是泛函分析的基础定理里斯表示定理中的一个特例。名称是由Ross和其工作伙伴所命名[1][2][3][4][5][6]。伴随向量映射原理提供了运算型最优控制中,可以将离散化和对偶性(dualization)交换顺序的条件。
[编辑]假设要将庞特里亚金最大化原理应用在问题,会从给定的最佳控制问题产生一个边值问题。依照Ross的论点,此边值问题是庞特里亚金提升(Pontryagin lift),表示为问题。
现在要离散化问题,这会产生问题,其中 表示离散化的点数。为了方便起见,有需要证明下式成立:
在1960年代Kalman等人[7]就已证明要求解会非常的困难。此困难性称之为“复杂度咒诅”(curse of complexity)[8],是“维度咒诅”(dimensionality)的互补。
[编辑]- ^ Ross, I. M., “A Historical Introduction to the Covector Mapping Principle,” Proceedings of the 2005 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, August 7–11, 2005 Lake Tahoe, CA. AAS 05-332.
- ^ Q. Gong, I. M. Ross, W. Kang, F. Fahroo, Connections between the covector mapping theorem and convergence of pseudospectral methods for optimal control, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 41, pp. 307–335, 2008
- ^ Ross, I. M. and Fahroo, F., “Legendre Pseudospectral Approximations of Optimal Control Problems,” Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 295, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003, pp 327–342.
- ^ Ross, I. M. and Fahroo, F., “Discrete Verification of Necessary Conditions for Switched Nonlinear Optimal Control Systems,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, June 2004, Boston, MA
- ^ Ross, I. M. and Fahroo, F., “A Pseudospectral Transformation of the Covectors of Optimal Control Systems,” Proceedings of the First IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control, Prague, Czech Republic, 29–31 August 2001.
- ^ W. Kang, I. M. Ross, Q. Gong, Pseudospectral optimal control and its convergence theorems, Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems, Springer, pp.109–124, 2008.
- ^ Bryson, A.E. and Ho, Y.C. Applied optimal control. Hemisphere, Washington, DC, 1969.
- ^ Ross, I. M. A Primer on Pontryagin's Principle in Optimal Control. Collegiate Publishers. Carmel, CA, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9843571-0-9.