


瑙鲁内战(英语:Nauruan Civil War)发生在1878年—1888年10月,战争双方分别为效忠时任瑙鲁国王阿维达英语Aweida的力量和那些试图推翻他、支持另一位竞争者的势力。内战的导火索是火器被引入岛上,导致全体瑙鲁居民(瑙鲁人)掌握了武器。在战争的大部分时间里,忠于国王的一方和反叛者陷入僵局,一方控制着岛屿的北部,另一方则控制着南部。




  1. ^ The Nauru War - The Smallest Conflict in History. MilitaryHistoryNow.com. 2013-02-18 [2022-01-03] (美国英语). The conflict, which was fuelled by equal parts locally-made palm wine and European armaments, broke out during a wedding feast on the three-kilometre-wide island in 1878. A disagreement between two guests over the finer points of dining etiquette grew hostile, at which point one of the debaters produced a pistol and began blazing away. A stray bullet struck the son of a clan chief killing him. The island’s factions, who were already nursing old grudges, used the occasion to attack one another. The fighting escalated from there. 
  2. ^ Petit-Skinner, Solange. The Nauruans: Nature and Supernature in an Island of the Central Pacific. MacDuff Press. 1981: 29. ISBN 9780960627202 (英语). This pervasive influence ended, in 1878, with a full scale war which broke out between the people of the Northern and Southern districts.