




  • Lucien Ballard,80岁,美国电影摄影师(看护人),车祸。[1]
  • 特雷弗·赫里恩(Trevor Herion),29岁,爱尔兰歌手和词曲作者,自杀。[2]
  • Sacheverell Sitwell,90岁,英国作家。[3]
  • 帕夫勒·武伊西奇,62岁,南斯拉夫演员。
  • Hamengkubuwono IX,76岁,印尼政治家和爪哇王室成员,印尼副总统,内出血。[4]
  • 彼得·亨特爵士,72岁,英国陆军总司令,总参谋长。
  • 亚历克·伊西戈尼斯(Alec Issigonis),81岁,奥斯曼帝国-英国汽车设计师(迷你)。[5]
  • Thomas J. Kelly,65岁,美国陆军士兵,荣誉勋章获得者,心脏病发作。[6]
  • 小杰内罗索·波普(Generoso Pope Jr.),61岁,美国媒体大亨(国家询问报),心脏病发作。[7]
  • Florence E. Wall,95岁,美国化妆品化学家。[8]
  • 诺曼·巴里(Norman Barry),90岁,美国法官,政治家和足球教练(芝加哥红雀队),心脏病发作。[49]
  • 梅尔文·弗兰克,75岁,美国编剧和制片人(A Touch of ClassWhite Christmas),心脏病并发症。[50]
  • 爱琳·亨特(Irene Hunt),96岁,美国无声银幕女演员。
  • 迈克·威尼斯,43岁,美国纯种赛马骑师,赛马事故。[51]
  • 约翰·鲍尔,77岁,美国悬疑小说作家(《在炎热的夜晚》),结肠癌。[54]
  • 维克多·科普斯,69岁,加拿大政治家,安大略省汉密尔顿市市长。[55]
  • 詹姆斯·克雷格,46岁,北爱尔兰忠诚准军事人员,被枪杀。[56]
  • Piero Fornasetti,74岁,意大利艺术家和设计师,在小手术中死亡。[57]
  • Khudu Mammadov,60岁,阿塞拜疆地质学家(晶体化学)。[58]
  • Rallou Manou,72-73岁,希腊编舞家。
  • Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji,96岁,英国作曲家、钢琴家和作家。[59]
  • Labdhi Bhandari,40岁,艾哈迈达巴德印度管理学院市场营销学教授,空难。
  • Henry W. Buse Jr.,76岁,美国海军陆战队将军。[71]
  • 劳伦斯·巴特勒(Lawrence W. Butler),80岁,美国特效艺术家,蓝屏工艺发明者(《巴格达小偷》),心脏病发作。[72]
  • 威廉·约瑟夫·坎贝尔,83岁,美国法官(美国伊利诺伊州北区联邦地区法院)。[73]
  • Fathead,27-28岁,牙买加出生的美国舞厅deejay,被谋杀。
  • Son House,86岁,美国歌手和吉他手,喉癌。[74]
  • 海伦·奥班农(Helen O'Bannon),49岁,美国经济学家,宾夕法尼亚州公共福利部长,癌症。[75]
  • 斯滕·苏维奥,76岁,芬兰拳击手,奥运会金牌得主。[76]
  • Friedrich Weinreb,77岁,荷兰经济学家,二战中的骗子。[77]
  • 吉多·贝克(Guido Beck),85岁,阿根廷物理学家,车祸。
  • 雷吉·奥特罗,73岁,古巴职业棒球大联盟(芝加哥小熊),心脏病发作。[82]
  • Nyari Welly,43岁,印度政治家(阿鲁纳恰尔邦邦立法议会)。
  • Hap Emms,83岁,加拿大NHL冰球运动员,教练和球队老板(Barrie Flyers),心力衰竭。[87]
  • 劳伦斯·欧文(Laurence Irving),91岁,英国书籍插画家和好莱坞布景设计师。
  • 安德列·内尔(André Neher),74岁,法国犹太学者和哲学家。[88]
  • 朝潮太郎,58岁,日本相扑摔跤手,中风。
  • William T. R. Fox,76岁,美国外交政策教授(哥伦比亚大学),创造了“超级大国”一词,心脏病。[89]
  • 撒母耳·富勒(Samuel B. Fuller),83岁,美国企业家,全国黑人商业联盟(National Negro Business League)主席,肾衰竭。[90]
  • 本尼·乔伊(Benny Joy),52岁,美国摇滚吉他手和歌手,癌症。[91]
  • Ratna Mohini,84岁,爪哇舞者。[92]
  • 瓦莱丽·泰勒(Valerie Taylor),85岁,英国女演员(伯克利广场)。[93]
  • R. K. Baliga,58岁,印度工程师,电子城创始人,糖尿病相关并发症。[99]
  • 乔吉特·科恩(Georgette Cohan),88岁,美国女演员(《皮姆先生路过》)。
  • 露丝·格维斯(Ruth Gervis),94岁,英国插画家(芭蕾舞鞋)。[100]
  • Tatapuram Sukumaran,65岁,印度马拉雅拉姆文作家。


  • 格里·利文斯顿,73-74岁,加拿大商人。
  • 邓尼斯·马丁,67-68岁,北爱尔兰歌手、演员和戏剧制作人。
  • Anant Sharma,68岁,印度铁路工会领导人和政治家,工业国务部长。


  1. ^ Glenn Collins. Lucien Ballard, Cinematographer需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 6 October 1988: B 26 [1 April 2024]. 
  2. ^ B-Side the Leeside: Trevor Herion - Beauty Life. Irish Examiner (year of death only). Retrieved 12 Jun 2024.
  3. ^ Sir Sacheverell Sitwell Dies at 90, Last of Trio of Literary Eccentrics需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 3 October 1988: B 6 [1 April 2024]. 
  4. ^ Hamengku Buwono IX, 78, Indonesia Sultan. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jul 2024.
  5. ^ Alec Issigonis Dies; Auto Designer, 81, Introduced the Mini. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jul 2024.
  6. ^ Thomas J. Kelly, 65; Won Medal of Honor. New York Times. Retrieved 16 Jun 2024.
  7. ^ Generoso P. Pope Jr. Dead at 61; The National Enquirer's Publisher. New York Times. Retrieved 2 Jul 2024.
  8. ^ Florence E. Wall, 95, Authority on Cosmetics. New York Times. Retrieved 14 Jul 2024.
  9. ^ Conspiracy Theorist Mae Brussell Dies of Cancer. The Monterey Herald (Wayback Machine). Retrieved 30 May 2024.
  10. ^ Death of Admiral's Son Explained by Coroner. New York Times. Retrieved 17 Jul 2024.
  11. ^ Clarence Carnes, 61; Tried to Flee Alcatraz. New York Times. Retrieved 31 May 2024.
  12. ^ Dr. George Hatem Is Dead at 78; Leader in Public Health in China. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Jun 2024.
  13. ^ Franz Josef Strauss Is Dead at 73; Conservative Led Bavarian State. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jul 2024.
  14. ^ Zlatko Grgić. National Film Board of Canada. Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  15. ^ Herbert Mitgang. Geoffrey Household, 87, Novelist Who Wrote Suspense Works, Dies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 7 October 1988: A 24 [1 April 2024]. 
  16. ^ Ron Staniforth Ronald Staniforth (Player). National Football Teams. Retrieved 9 Jul 2024.
  17. ^ Lois Burnham Wilson, a Founder Of Al-Anon Groups, Is Dead at 97. New York Times. Retrieved 14 Jul 2024.
  18. ^ Dean Burk, 84, Chemist for Cancer Institute. New York Times. Retrieved 30 May 2024.
  19. ^ Obituary - Ledoux, Paul. Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol.155, No. 2/May (hosted by adsabs.harvard.edu), p.179, 1989. Retrieved 20 Jun 2024.
  20. ^ Mark A. Uhlig. Billy Daniels, Who Rose to Fame On 'Old Black Magic,' Dies at 73需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 10 October 1988: B 8 [1 April 2024]. 
  21. ^ "Obituary: The Duke of St Albans.", The Times, London, 11 October 1988
  22. ^ Boob Fowler. Society for American Baseball Research. Retrieved 9 Jun 2024.
  23. ^ Sir Edward George Warris Hulton. Britannica. Retrieved 14 Jun 2024.
  24. ^ Former Houston coach dies. Newspapers.com (The Galveston Daily News). Retrieved 20 Jun 2024.
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  26. ^ Pál Titkos (Coach). National Football Teams. Retrieved 12 Jul 2024.
  27. ^ Mousey Alexander, Jazz Drummer, Dies. Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved 25 May 2024.
  28. ^ William H. Honan. Edward Chodorov, 84, Playwright And Writer and Producer of Films需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 12 October 1988: D 27 [1 April 2024]. 
  29. ^ Newcastle United all-time hero Jackie Milburn died on this day in 1988. Chronicle Live. Retrieved 24 Jun 2024.
  30. ^ Felix Wankel, Inventor, Is Dead; Creator of Rotary Engine Was 86. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Jul 2024.
  31. ^ Samuel Adams, Ex-C.I.A. Officer And Libel Case Figure, Dies at 54. New York Times. Retrieved 17 Jul 2024.
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  36. ^ Thaddeus Dulski, 73, an Ex-Congressman. New York Times. Retrieved 6 Jun 2024.
  37. ^ Morgan Farley Dies; Stage Actor Was 87. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Jun 2024.
  38. ^ Wayland Flowers Dies; Ventriloquist Was 48需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 12 October 1988: D 27 [1 April 2024]. 
  39. ^ Flint, Peter B. Bonita G. Wrather, 65, an Actress and Executive. The New York Times. October 12, 1988 [July 18, 2020]. 
  40. ^ Susan Heller Anderson. Robert Gross, 83, Heart Surgeon需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 15 October 1988: 1 37 [1 April 2024]. 
  41. ^ Denken als Ereignis. Zeit Online. Retrieved 14 Jun 2024.
  42. ^ Villa del Balbianello on Lake Como Celebrates an Anniversary. comersee-special.de. Retrieved 25 Jun 2024.
  43. ^ Susan Heller Anderson. Ursula Nordstrom, 78, a Nurturer Of Authors for Children, Is Dead需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 12 October 1988: D 27 [1 April 2024]. 
  44. ^ Joel Oppenheimer, 58, A Columnist and Poet需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 13 October 1988: B 20 [1 April 2024]. 
  45. ^ Hugh Algernon Percy, Duke of Northumberland, 74. New York Times. Retrieved 29 Jun 2024.
  46. ^ Ruth Manning-Sanders. Modernist Archives Publishing Project. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  47. ^ John T. McQuiston. Ken Murray, 85, Vaudeville Star Who Later Recorded Hollywood需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 14 October 1988: A 22 [1 April 2024]. 
  48. ^ M.C. Whitmore, Social Security Number 287-10-5182, at the Social Security Death Index via FamilySearch.org.
  49. ^ Names in the News - Oct. 18, 1988. L.A. Times. Retrieved 28 May 2024.
  50. ^ Glenn Collins. Melvin Frank, Producer, Director and Writer of Movies, Dies at 75需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 15 October 1988: 1 37 [1 April 2024]. 
  51. ^ Jockey Killed in an Accident at Belmont. New York Times. Retrieved 14 Jul 2024.
  52. ^ Robert Mcg. Thomas Jr. Vic Raschi, Star Yankee Pitcher From 1946 to 1953, Dead at 69需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 16 October 1988: 1 34 [1 April 2024]. 
  53. ^ How the legend of Rene Vietto and the Tour de France continues. The Sunday Times (year of death only). Retrieved 14 Jul 2024.
  54. ^ John Ball Dies at 77; A Critic and Novelist Known for Mysteries. New York Times. Retrieved 26 May 2024.
  55. ^ Victor Kennedy Copps. Bibliothèque et Archives Canada. Retrieved 2 Jun 2024.
  56. ^ Loyalist James Craig linked to murder of comedian Patrick Kielty's father. The Irish News. Retrieved 2 Jun 2024.
  57. ^ Piero Fornasetti, 74, Artist, Dies; Created Bold Furniture and China. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Jun 2024.
  58. ^ Qarabağın görkəmli şəxsiyyətləri:Xudu Məmmədov (1927-1988). "Virtual Qarabağ" İKT Mərkəzinin rəsmi portalı. virtualkarabakh.az. 2013 [8 July 2020]. (原始内容存档于22 December 2017) (阿塞拜疆语). 
  59. ^ Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji. Britannica. Retrieved 9 Jul 2024.
  60. ^ William Earle, NU Philosophy Prof. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 6 Jun 2024.
  61. ^ Ex-Queen Farida of Egypt; First Wife of King Farouk. Los Angeles Times. 17 October 1988 [6 February 2013]. 
  62. ^ Christian Matras. Dansk Biografisk Leksikon (in Danish). Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  63. ^ Muzafer Sherif, 82, Psychologist Who Studied Hostility of Groups需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 27 October 1988: D 23 [1 April 2024]. 
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  65. ^ Anthony Andrew Hoekema (1913-1988) | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library. Calvin University. Retrieved 13 Jun 2024.
  66. ^ Peterson, Alexander Duncan Campbell. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 1 Jul 2024.
  67. ^ Michael Ffolkes, 63, Cartoonist for Punch. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Jun 2024.
  68. ^ Iraqi Orders Trial of Son for Killing. New York Times. Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  69. ^ Dealer Is Jailed In 1988 Slaying Of Drug Officer. New York Times. Retrieved 13 Jun 2024.
  70. ^ Memorial to Caswell Silver 1916–1988. Geological Society of America. Retrieved 7 Jul 2024.
  71. ^ Death and Burial Notice for Henry Buse. Newspapers.com (The Evening Sun). Retrieved 31 May 2024.
  72. ^ Lawrence William Butler, 80; Hollywood Special-Effects Man. L.A. Times. Retrieved 31 May 2024.
  73. ^ Campbell, William Joseph. Federal Judicial Center. Retrieved 31 May 2024.
  74. ^ Nick Talevski. The Encyclopedia of Rock Obituaries. Omnibus. 1999: 195. ISBN 978-0-7119-7548-4. 
  75. ^ Helen O'Bannon, 49, Pennsylvania Official. New York Times. Retrieved 30 Jun 2024.
  76. ^ Sten Suvio. Olympedia. Retrieved 11 Jul 2024.
  77. ^ Friedrich Weinreb. Jewish Virtual Library (year of death only). Retrieved 15 Jul 2024.
  78. ^ Mark E. Austad, 71; A Former Ambassador. New York Times. Retrieved 26 May 2024.
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  81. ^ Sheila Scott, 61, British Aviator需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 21 October 1988: B 5 [1 April 2024]. 
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  94. ^ Booby Clark, Football Player, 37. New York Times. Retrieved 1 June 2024.
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