用户:ReyBrujo/Dumps/20070327/Sites linked more than 50 times
Sites linked more than 50 times
[编辑]Sites linked more than 50 times as of March 27, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.
Link count | Site |
52465 | http://wiki.zwnes.eu.org |
2373 | http://news.xinhuanet.com |
2188 | http://www.seds.org |
2097 | http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr |
2041 | http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu |
2020 | http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr |
2003 | http://news.bbc.co.uk |
1997 | http://hk.news.yahoo.com |
1361 | http://www.sil.org |
1162 | http://tools.wikimedia.de |
1100 | http://en.wikipedia.org |
881 | http://tvcity.tvb.com |
858 | http://www.imdb.com |
646 | http://www.fileformat.info |
614 | http://www.libertytimes.com.tw |
555 | http://news.sina.com.cn |
555 | http://news.chinatimes.com |
543 | http://www.ettoday.com |
526 | http://www.tvb.com |
490 | http://www.dinosaur.net.cn |
468 | http://www.hkex.com.hk |
448 | http://www.info.gov.hk |
393 | http://www.geocities.com |
382 | http://www.youtube.com |
367 | http://www.rthk.org.hk |
359 | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov |
335 | http://www.centamap.com |
310 | http://www.microsoft.com |
299 | http://www.ly.gov.tw |
295 | http://www.worldmapfinder.com |
293 | http://twbsball.dils.tku.edu.tw |
280 | http://www.epochtimes.com |
277 | http://www.people.com.cn |
269 | http://www.iana.org |
265 | http://www.unicode.org |
259 | http://news8.thdo.bbc.co.uk |
256 | http://imdb.com |
249 | http://vzd.brim.ac.cn |
246 | http://www.rfa.org |
241 | http://www.nba.com |
241 | http://www.guoxue.com |
240 | http://adsabs.harvard.edu |
232 | http://hk.geocities.com |
230 | http://maps.google.com |
222 | http://www.takungpao.com |
217 | http://www.o-bible.com |
211 | http://applepig.idv.tw |
208 | http://www.wretch.cc |
203 | http://www.phoenixtv.com |
203 | http://archives.catholic.org.hk |
200 | http://www.un.org |
198 | http://www.mpinews.com |
196 | http://cfa-www.harvard.edu |
194 | http://www.sinica.edu.tw |
194 | http://www.housingauthority.gov.hk |
189 | http://www.cnn.com |
187 | http://www.google.com |
186 | http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com |
186 | http://www.lcsd.gov.hk |
185 | http://www.fda.gov |
183 | http://www.kcrc.com |
181 | http://www.reexamine.info |
174 | http://news.sina.com.hk |
171 | http://www.tvbs.com.tw |
171 | http://www.cbs.com |
171 | http://www.iucnredlist.org |
170 | http://whc.unesco.org |
169 | http://www.itis.gov |
167 | http://www.bbc.co.uk |
166 | http://wordpedia.britannica.com |
165 | http://blog.sina.com.cn |
164 | http://www.gutenberg.org |
162 | http://appledaily.atnext.com |
160 | http://www.singpao.com |
160 | http://ent.sina.com.cn |
159 | http://www.cctv.com |
154 | http://catholic-dlc.org.hk |
151 | http://www.who.int |
150 | http://tw.news.yahoo.com |
149 | http://www.mtr.com.hk |
145 | http://www.bloomberg.com |
144 | http://www.apple.com |
144 | http://www.chinanews.com.cn |
144 | http://www.ethnologue.com |
143 | http://blog.yam.com |
142 | http://www.voanews.com |
141 | http://www.nyse.com |
141 | http://tw.club.yahoo.com |
139 | http://www.legco.gov.hk |
135 | http://www.nytimes.com |
135 | http://big5.xinhuanet.com |
135 | http://www.hku.hk |
129 | http://www.xzqh.org |
128 | http://udn.com |
128 | http://www.hk-place.com |
125 | http://www.rsssf.com |
125 | http://www.guardian.co.uk |
123 | http://delta-intkey.com |
119 | http://www.webelements.com |
118 | http://www.washingtonpost.com |
118 | http://daccess-ods.un.org |
115 | http://plato.stanford.edu |
115 | http://bic.beckman.uiuc.edu |
115 | http://periodic.lanl.gov |
115 | http://www.environmentalchemistry.com |
113 | http://post.baidu.com |
111 | http://www.mises.org |
110 | http://www.pbs.org |
109 | http://book.sina.com.cn |
107 | http://www.southcn.com |
106 | http://www.baseball-reference.com |
106 | http://www.zaobao.com |
106 | http://www.a-league.com.au |
106 | http://www.china.org.cn |
104 | http://law.moj.gov.tw |
103 | http://www.atptennis.com |
103 | http://www.hkbn.net |
100 | http://mis.tse.com.tw |
99 | http://news.163.com |
97 | http://news.sohu.com |
97 | http://ja.wikipedia.org |
97 | http://members.aol.com |
96 | http://pshweb02.881903.com |
96 | http://de.wikipedia.org |
96 | http://www.w3.org |
95 | http://www.airliners.net |
95 | http://www.jreast.co.jp |
94 | http://arxiv.org |
93 | http://books.google.com |
93 | http://www.mod.go.jp |
92 | http://www.gmw.cn |
91 | http://www.wenweipo.com |
91 | http://www.legislation.gov.hk |
91 | http://www.mta.info |
91 | http://www.foodeasy.com |
90 | http://www.geocities.jp |
89 | http://www.uefa.com |
88 | http://the-sun.orisun.com |
87 | http://news.yam.com |
86 | http://web.archive.org |
86 | http://www.dw-world.de |
86 | http://dx.doi.org |
85 | http://www.cuhkacs.org |
85 | http://home.kimo.com.tw |
85 | http://mathworld.wolfram.com |
84 | http://www.olympic.org |
84 | http://www.nict.gov.tw |
83 | http://jade.tvb.com |
82 | http://www.cuhk.edu.hk |
81 | http://us.imdb.com |
80 | http://msdn.microsoft.com |
79 | http://www.nhc.noaa.gov |
79 | http://tech.sina.com.cn |
79 | http://www.white-collar.net |
78 | http://www.nlm.nih.gov |
77 | http://www.peacehall.com |
77 | http://www.time.com |
77 | http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com |
77 | http://www.tokyometro.jp |
76 | http://links.jstor.org |
76 | http://www.amazon.com |
76 | http://www.macaudata.com |
75 | http://gb.chinabroadcast.cn |
75 | http://www.nanfangdaily.com.cn |
75 | http://sports.espn.go.com |
75 | http://www.tv.com |
75 | http://sourceforge.net |
75 | http://www.gnu.org |
74 | http://nobelprize.org |
73 | http://www.eac.gov.hk |
72 | http://www.nature.com |
72 | http://www.hko.gov.hk |
72 | http://dmoz.org |
72 | http://www.pts.org.tw |
72 | http://www.books.com.tw |
71 | http://www.cdc.gov |
71 | http://home.trtc.com.tw |
70 | http://sports.sina.com.cn |
70 | http://www.urbanrail.net |
69 | http://www.gd.xinhuanet.com |
69 | http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com |
68 | http://www.beijing2008.com |
67 | http://www.butterflysplace.net |
66 | http://www.xys.org |
65 | http://finance.yahoo.com |
64 | http://groups.google.com |
64 | http://finance.sina.com.cn |
64 | http://http: |
64 | http://www.news.gov.hk |
64 | http://www.pinkwork.com |
64 | http://www.hkedcity.net |
64 | http://www.ncku.edu.tw |
63 | http://www5.chinesenewsnet.com |
63 | http://video.google.com |
63 | http://www.tbs.co.jp |
63 | http://www2.tku.edu.tw |
62 | http://www.myspace.com |
62 | http://www.xinhuanet.com |
62 | http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org |
61 | http://quotes.nasdaq.com |
61 | http://service.tra.gov.tw |
61 | http://www.newadvent.org |
61 | http://www.soccerbase.com |
60 | http://www.globalsecurity.org |
60 | http://www.usatoday.com |
60 | http://www.timesonline.co.uk |
60 | http://aei.pitt.edu |
59 | http://www.cpbl.com.tw |
59 | http://groups.yahoo.com |
59 | http://www.marxists.org |
58 | http://news.yahoo.com |
58 | http://www.districtcouncils.gov.hk |
58 | http://www.nps.gov |
56 | http://www.census.gov |
56 | http://www.watchtower.org |
56 | http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com |
55 | http://www.gov.cn |
55 | http://www.shigeku.com |
55 | http://www.buddhist-canon.com |
54 | http://www.fas.org |
54 | http://edition.cnn.com |
54 | http://www.intel.com |
54 | http://www.angelfire.com |
54 | http://www.loc.gov |
54 | http://www.msf.org |
54 | http://www.ndhu.edu.tw |
54 | http://www.newscientist.com |
54 | http://redpoll.pharmacy.ualberta.ca |
53 | http://www.mingpaonews.com |
53 | http://en.wikinews.org |
53 | http://zh.wikisource.org |
53 | http://www.geocities.co.jp |
53 | |
53 | http://www.nahaken-okn.ed.jp |
52 | http://europa.eu.int |
52 | http://www.hkatv.com |
52 | http://www.perseus.tufts.edu |
51 | http://www.nasa.gov |
51 | http://www.forbes.com |
51 | http://www.ietf.org |
51 | http://youtube.com |
51 | http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp |
51 | http://www.xanga.com |
51 | http://www.boxun.com |
50 | http://blogs.msdn.com |
50 | http://www.boeing.com |