

地点 大清奉天省奉天府金州厅旅顺口
(今 中华人民共和国辽宁省大连市旅顺口区
参与者 大日本帝国陆军

旅顺大屠杀(英语:The Port Arthur massacre,日语:旅順虐殺事件),也称旅顺惨案,是指大日本帝国军队于1894年11月甲午战争期间在清朝旅顺制造的大规模屠杀平民事件,因为旅顺口之战的挫折,在山地元治师团长的指挥下,第1师团下的伊瀬知好成日语伊瀬知好成联队长率领的步兵第2联队,连同河野通好联队长率领的步兵第15联队日语歩兵第15連隊第3大队等一些部队在旅顺报复性的屠杀。遇难者的遗体被焚化后葬于白玉山东麓的安葬岗,今称“万忠墓”。



旅顺位于辽东半岛最南端,与威海卫隔海相望,共扼渤海门户,是北洋水师重镇。1894年11月,日军攻陷中国旅顺,对撤退至市内的清兵连续四天进行扫荡。扫荡过程事后经由市内的一间红十字会医院,美国人克里曼、英国法学家胡兰德英语Thomas Erskine Holland、英国《泰晤士报》和美国的《纽约世界报》等相继记载报导。[1][2]





1894年11月21日,日军攻占“东亚第一堡垒”的旅顺后,对逃窜到市内各处的清兵进行了四天三夜的扫荡行动,根据英国《旗帜日报》战地记者维利尔斯英语Frederic Villiers的报导,短短4天市内就有2万人遇害,只有埋尸的36名华人幸免于难,而这36人的帽子上还写著“此人不可杀戮”的标记[5]





英国船员詹姆斯·艾伦自称随美国货轮哥伦比亚号(Columbia)赴华为正在同日本作战的清军运送军火。在旅顺大屠杀期间,他被困于旅顺口。他的著作《在龙旗下——中日战争目击记》描述了战前他沿途看到日军士兵被虐杀后肢体残缺不全的尸体。[10]但是该书的真实性遭《字林西报》、Japan Weekly Mail、《士蔑报》质疑,认为他并非目击者,书中的人名、船名都对不上号。[11][12][13]戚其章认为该书虽有错误,有关旅顺大屠杀的内容与其他史料吻合。[14]


纽约世界报》记者詹姆斯·克里曼英语James Creelman写道:“我经过各街,到处见尸体均残毁如野兽所啮。被杀之店铺生意人,堆积叠在道旁,眼中之泪,伤痕之血,都已冰结成块。甚至有知灵性之犬狗,见主人尸首之僵硬,不禁悲鸣于侧,其惨可知矣……”[18]

此事件对日本社会也引起极大反响,《自由新闻》发文称《旅顺陷落的大捷报已化为万钧之雷砸向吾人头顶》,美国驻日公使谭恩英语Edwin Dun陆奥宗光说:“如果此时日本政府不采取一定的善后措施,那么迄今日本获得的名誉将完全毁掉。”随后,俄国驻日公使英语List of ambassadors of Russia to Japan希特罗渥俄语Хитрово, Михаил Александрович亦面晤陆奥,谈及旅顺口屠杀事件时,“虽所言与美国公使略同,然其口气冷淡,令人可怕”。陆奥不敢怠慢,急电伊藤博文说:“此等事实如最终不能否定,应有一定善后之考虑。”[19]之后由陆奥宗光亲自去美国发布声明,大意为所杀的都是脱掉军服的逃跑清军,屠杀是对之前土城子战斗中被杀的日军俘虏的报复行为,在旅顺被俘的清军355人现在在日本受到很良好的对待等。并且收买媒体如中央通讯社,对率先进行报道事件的《时代周刊》进行攻击。之后给各国驻日公使发去辩解书,通知他们说:“关于占领旅顺口之际所发生的事实,因来自误传而毁坏我军之声誉,且使外国人往往怀有不快之感,对我甚为不利。为此而起草了关于上述误传之辩解书。”[20]但随军采访的两名西方记者都认同有屠杀发生,一个是《纽约世界报》的克里曼,他的数字是2,000平民遇害,[18]另一个报道两万人被杀的维利尔斯则是《伦敦新闻画报》的战地记者。


  • 日军步兵第2联队第2大队第5中队上等兵加部东常七《日清战役从军手记》记录:“本联队占领黄金山炮台之后,闯入市街在各家各户搜索,昏暗中遇见清人就毫不留情砍杀。小队在街区搜索前进,忽然在民家暗处发现一敌兵,我大喝一声,此人一瞬惊呆,刺刀就深深捅进对方的胸膛,他痛苦地紧紧握住枪剑,我用力拔出刺刀,那紧握枪剑的四指被刀刃割断,身体向一侧倾斜,再补一刺便魂飞魄散。”[21]



首先报导大屠杀的是《纽约世界报》记者詹姆斯·克里曼英语James Creelman,他报导6万人被屠杀,后来广受批评为夸大煽情[21]。当时旅顺平民只有6,000人,清军在添兵后也只有2万人[22][23],克里尔曼描述日军屠杀的具体死亡数字受到质疑[24][25][26]







  1. ^ 袁村平. 觉醒的国殇:甲午战争120年祭. 2014-07-01: 第90页 [2019-07-14]. ISBN 978-7-210-06382-7. (原始内容存档于2021-03-03). 
  2. ^ Sir Thomas Erskine Holland. Studies in International Law. Clarendon Press. 1898年: 第116, 118页 [2020-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-15). 
  3. ^ 《清日战争》在线阅读(19). 读书频道_齐鲁网. [2018-08-20]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-15). 
  4. ^ Trumbull White. The War in the East: Japan, China, and Corea. A Complete History of the War. P. W. Ziegler & Company. 1895年: 第599页 [2020-06-20]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-03). 
  5. ^ Villiers, Frederic. The Truth About Port Arthur. The North American Review. Vol. 160 no. 460 (University of Northern Iowa). 1895年3月: 第330页 [2020-06-20]. JSTOR 25103490. (原始内容存档于2021-02-15) (英语). 
  6. ^ LIEUT. O'BRIEN RECALLED; The Army Officer Who Went to Japan to Observe the War. THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT PORT ARTHUR Lieut. O'Brien Saw Evidences of Cruelty on the Part of Both Japanese and Chinese Soldiers. [前往日本观察战争的陆军军官奥布莱恩中尉回忆。关于旅顺港的真相。奥布莱恩看到了中日双方士兵残酷的证据]需要付费订阅. 纽约时报. 1895年7月8日 [2020年6月20日]. (原始内容存档于2021年2月23日) (英语). 
  7. ^ 陈悦. 西方人眼里的甲午战争. 光明日报. 2014年9月26日 [2022年6月14日]. (原始内容存档于2022年6月14日). 
  8. ^ 钱钢. 《大清海軍與李鴻章》. 香港: 中华书局. 2004: 第188–190页 [2021-12-23]. ISBN 978-962-8820-43-6. (原始内容存档于2021-05-18). 
  9. ^ 董志正. 《旅大史話》. 辽宁人民出版社. 1984: 第109页 [2021-12-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-19). 
  10. ^ 在龙旗下第66-67页: "The Chinese took some prisoners, whom they slew mercilessly, and one of the first things I saw on the morning of the 19th was a pair of corpses suspended by the feet from the branches of a huge camphor tree near the parade-ground. They were hideously mutilated. They had been disembowelled; the eyes were gouged out, the throat cut, and the right hand severed. They were perfectly naked, and groups of children were pelting them with mud and stones....The bodies of the Japanese soldiers killed in encounters with the enemy as they closed on the place, were often found minus the head or right hand, sometimes both, besides being ferociously gashed and slashed. Corpses were still hanging on the trees when the fortress fell, and it is not surprising that their former comrades should have been maddened by the sight, though of course the officers are greatly to blame for permitting the fearful retaliation which ensued to be carried to such lengths."
  11. ^ Under the Dragon Flag. North China Herald. May 16, 1898. Under the Dragon Flag is very nicely printed, and bound in green cloth with the dragon flag on the cover ; but there are so many inaccuracies and impossibilities in the account, that the author is certainly not relating what he actually saw. His dates do not tally with the facts, which he may perhaps say is so much the worse for the facts ; and when he tells us, as he does on page 30, that from an elevated point on the rocky coast of "the Liaotung" he had, with the aid of powerful glasses, a good view of the battle of the Yalu, he presumes too much on our credulity... 
  12. ^ Under the Dragon Flag. Japan Weekly Mail. March 5, 1898: 第228, 233页 [2021-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-15). 
  13. ^ Under the Dragon Flag. Japan Weekly Mail. March 19, 1898: 第284, 293页 [2021-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-15). 转载《士蔑报》
  14. ^ 戚其章. 《旅順大屠殺真相再考》. 《东岳论丛》. No. 第1期. 2001年 [2020-12-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-15). 
  15. ^ 在龙旗下第77页: "There was a rush and hurry of fugitives all around me, and now for the first time I saw the Japanese soldiers in pursuit, pressing on the fleeing throng, and using rifle and bayonet furiously on all and sundry, stabbing and hacking fiendishly at those who fell."
  16. ^ 在龙旗下第83-84页: "The butchery was proceeding without the least sign of abatement; shots, shouts, shrieks, and groans resounded on every side; the streets presented a fearful spectacle; the ground was saturated with blood, and everywhere strewn with horribly mutilated corpses; some of the narrower avenues were positively choked with carnage. The dead were mostly the townspeople;"
  17. ^ 在龙旗下第79-80页: "I have said that the land by which I had come out on the lake inclined steeply upwards, and the water was about fifteen feet below me when I arrived in sight of it. It was surrounded by crowds of Japanese soldiers, who had driven large numbers of the fugitives into the water, and were firing on them from every side, and driving back with the bayonet those who attempted to struggle out. The dead floated on the water, which was reddened with blood. The soldiers, yelling and laughing with vengeful glee, seemed to gloat over the agonies of their victims. It was fearful to see those gory forms struggling in the agitated water, those who still lived endeavouring to extricate themselves from the mass of corpses, falling fast, but often rising again with their last energies, streaming with water and blood, and uttering piteous cries and appeals for mercy, which were mocked by the fiends around them. Many women were amongst them; one I noticed carrying a little child, which, struggling forward, she held up to the soldiers as if in appeal. As she reached the bank, one of the wretches struck her through with his bayonet, and with a second stroke as she fell transfixed the child, which might have been two years old, and held its little body aloft. The woman rose and made a wild effort to regain the child, but evidently exhausted and dying, fell back again into the water. Her body—and in fact it was done with every body that came within reach—was hacked in pieces."
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 EXTRA. 2 O'CLOCK. - PORT ARTHUR MASSACRE. Two Thousand Men, Women and Children Butchered in the Streets. CARNIVAL OF SLAUGHTER. Japanese Soldiers Laughed at the Misery of Helpless Children and Women. GEN. OYAMA'S INDIFFERENCE. The Town Sacked from End to End and the Storekeepers Shot and Sabred.. New York World. 1894-12-20: 第1,3页 [2020-06-20]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-03). 
  19. ^ 《日本外交文书》第27卷,第941号
  20. ^ 《日本外交文书》第27卷,第943、945号
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Stewart Lone. Japan's First Modern War: Army and Society in the Conflict with China, 1894-5. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 1994-08-30: 第155–156页 [2019-07-13]. ISBN 978-0-230-38975-5. (原始内容存档于2021-03-03). 
  22. ^ 在龙旗下第41页
  23. ^ Henry Davenport Northrop. The Flowery Kingdom and the Land of the Mikado Or China, Japan and Corea: Containing Their Complete History Down to the Present Time; Manners, Customs and Peculiarities of the People; Superstitions; Idol Worship; Industries; Natural Scenery, Etc., Etc., Together with a Graphic Account of the War Between China and Japan, Its Causes, Land and Naval Battles, Etc., Etc. Elliott Publishing Company. 1894年: 第582页 [2019-07-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-03). 
  24. ^ W. Joseph Campbell. Getting It Wrong: Debunking the Greatest Myths in American Journalism. University of California Press. 18 October 2016: 第22–23页 [2020-06-21]. ISBN 978-0-520-29129-4. (原始内容存档于2021-03-03). 
  25. ^ The Port Arthur Outrages. New-York Tribune (New York). December 20, 1894: 第6页 [2020-06-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-03) –通过Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Library of Congress. 
  26. ^ Daniel Kane. Each of Us in His Own Way: Factors Behind Conflicting Accounts of the Massacre at Port Arthur: 第23页. 10 Jun 2019 [2020-06-21]. doi:10.1080/00947679.2005.12062669. (原始内容存档于2020-07-09). 
  27. ^ Bruce A. Elleman. Modern Chinese Warfare, 1795-1989. Taylor & Francis. 2001-02-22: 第108页 [2019-07-13]. ISBN 978-0-203-97691-3. (原始内容存档于2021-03-03). 

