

典型的地形图,其制作方法属于第 2 级教材







法语维基社群具有如下教材资源:French graphic tutorials。欢迎翻译!


如何分图层创建 SVG 地图:
1.谷地; 2.平原; 3.山丘; 4.河流; 5.部队; 6.行动; 7.文字; 8.位置图; 9.图例


取得 SVG 地图底稿的最佳处所,在维基共享资源的SVG maps相关分类页面,尤其是Location_maps (2008 standard)分类页面及其子页面。


页面或档案 fr 软体 说明
第 0 级教材
改变领土的颜色 fr正文、内容皆佳。 Inkscape 快速改变地图上已划定范围的地区颜色
Translate an SVG fr概述良好,正文不尽人意。 Inkscape 如何翻译或修饰一张地图或图表,而不需要重绘整张图(svg 或点阵图)
Copy a bitmap map into SVG fr概述良好,正文不尽人意。 Inkscape 复制点阵图而转成 SVG
Centre or crop an image fr正文、内容皆佳。 Inkscape 或 Gimp 置中或裁剪图像
第 1 级教材
media:Tutorial-cartography_(basic).svg 正文、内容皆佳。 Inkscape Introduction to vector map making with Inkscape: download, open with Inkscape and follow the exercises
Create and color map zones fr Inkscape Create and color map zones freehand. Create and color independent zones in Inkscape starting from a map showing borders of countries or other zones. (See also next tutorial.)
Cut a map into several sub-areas fr概述完好,正文有缺。 Inkscape 切割地图成为多个次区域 (Should replace the preceding tutorial.)
绘制公路与铁路 fr正文、内容皆佳。 Inkscape For roads, freeways, railroads, etc. Download and watch the English video.
Draw topological maps fr概述良好,正文不尽人意。 Inkscape 绘制地铁路线图
绘制统计图 fr概述贫乏 Scapetoad 绘制比较统计地图
第 2 级教材: topography
Creation of maps using GIS (fr:SIG) and DEM
QGis 第 0 课: 准备作业 QGis QGis 简介
QGis 第 1 课: 创建地形图作为底图 fr概述良好,正文不尽人意。 QGis Introduction to QGis, GIS technology, load GIS file into QGis, edit the color style, output the topographic background.
QGis 第 2 课: Merge tiles and Shaded reliefs fr概述良好,正文不尽人意。 QGis Introduction to QGis, GIS technology, load GIS file into QGis, edit the color style, output the topographic background.
Calculate the scale of a map fr正文、内容皆佳。 Néant Determine the scale of a map from the precision of its data
First steps with GRASS fr正文、内容皆佳。 GRASS GIS Detailed installation of GRASS GIS under Windows and first steps with this free GIS for map creation using digital terrain models
Georeferenced digital cartography概述完好,正文有缺。
* Optimizing relief正文、内容皆佳。
* SVG topography概述良好,正文不尽人意。
fr正文、内容皆佳。 3DEM
Map creation from digital data.
A collection of tutorials for geographical, relief and topographic map creation using digital map data
Note: Inkscape, the convenient free vector editor used by most wikigraphists, can be downloaded here.

Web tools


ShareMap.org is community tool that allows creating map on Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0 ) license in SVG format. More information can be found here.