

The Revenant
原著神鬼獵人 (小說)
剪輯Stephen Mirrione英語Stephen Mirrione
片長156 minutes[1]
產地United States[2]
  • 2015年12月16日 (2015-12-16)中國戲院
  • 2015年12月25日 (2015-12-25)(United States)
預算$135 million[3]
票房$533 million[4]

The Revenant is a 2015 American 史詩片 劇情片 directed by Alejandro G. Iñárritu. The screenplay by Mark L. Smith英語Mark L. Smith and Iñárritu is based in part on 邁克·龐克's 2002 novel 神鬼獵人 (小說), which describes 邊境sman Hugh Glass英語Hugh Glass's experiences in 1823, and which is based on the 1915 poem Cycle of the West英語Cycle of the West. The film stars 萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧 and 湯姆·哈迪.[5]

In August 2001, 阿奇瓦·高斯曼 purchased Punke's manuscript. Iñárritu signed on to direct The Revenant in August 2011; in April 2014, after several delays due to other projects, Iñárritu confirmed that he was beginning work on it and that DiCaprio had the lead role. 主體拍攝 began in October 2014. Location and crew concerns delayed production from May to August 2015.

The Revenant premiered at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles, California on December 16, 2015. It had a 有限上映 on December 25 and a 全國上映 on January 8, 2016. It was a blockbuster, grossing $533 million worldwide. It received critical acclaim, with praise for the performances, particularly for DiCaprio and Hardy, Iñárritu's direction, and Lubezki's cinematography; however, some criticism went to screenplay and runtime.[6][7][8]

It won three 金球獎 and five 英國電影學院獎, including Best Film at both shows. For the 第88屆奧斯卡金像獎, the film received 12 nominations, including 奧斯卡最佳影片獎 and 奧斯卡最佳男配角獎 (Hardy). It won the Academy Awards for 奧斯卡最佳導演獎 (Iñárritu, his second consecutive in that category), 奧斯卡最佳男主角獎 (DiCaprio, his first after 5 previous nominations), and 奧斯卡最佳攝影獎 (艾曼紐爾·盧貝茲基, his third consecutive in that category). DiCaprio also won the 金球獎劇情類電影最佳男主角, the 美國演員工會獎最佳男主角, the 英國電影學院獎最佳男主角, and the 評論家選擇電影獎最佳男主角 for Best Actor.



In late 1823, Hugh Glass英語Hugh Glass guides Captain Andrew Henry (fur trader)英語Andrew Henry (fur trader)'s 狩獵陷阱 through the territory of the present-day The Dakotas英語The Dakotas. While he and his half-波尼族 son, Hawk, are hunting, the company's camp is attacked by an Arikara英語Arikara war party seeking to recover its Chief's abducted daughter, Powaqa. Many of the trappers are killed during the fight, while the rest of them escape onto a boat. Guided by Glass, the survivors travel on foot to Fort Kiowa英語Fort Kiowa, because he believes that traveling downriver will make them vulnerable. After docking, the crew stashes the pelts near the shore.

While scouting game, Glass is mauled by a 灰熊 and left near death. Trapper John Fitzgerald, who is fearful of another Arikara attack, argues that the group must 安樂死 Glass and keep moving. Henry agrees, but he is unable to pull the trigger; instead, he offers money for someone to stay with Glass and bury him after he dies. When the only volunteers are Hawk and the young 吉姆·柏瑞哲, Fitzgerald agrees to stay for money, to recoup his losses from the abandoned pelts.

After the others leave, Fitzgerald attempts to smother Glass but is discovered by Hawk. Fitzgerald, afraid that Hawk's loud reaction to his attempt to kill Glass could alert Bridger, who is away gathering water, stabs Hawk to death as Glass watches helplessly. The next morning, Fitzgerald convinces Bridger, who is unaware of Hawk's murder, that the Arikara are approaching and they must abandon Glass. Bridger protests at first, but he ultimately follows Fitzgerald after the latter leaves Glass half-buried alive in a makeshift grave. Bridger leaves his canteen, in which he engraved a spiral symbol, with Glass. After they depart, Fitzgerald admits that he lied about the approaching Arikara. When Fitzgerald and Bridger later meet Henry at the fort, Fitzgerald tells Henry that Glass died and Hawk vanished. Bridger is complicit in the lie about Glass's death, although he knew nothing about Hawk's disappearance.

Glass begins his arduous journey through the wilderness. He performs crude cauterization of his wounds and eludes the pursuing Arikara by jumping into white water rapids. He later encounters Pawnee refugee Hikuc, who says that "revenge is in the Creator's hands." The men share bison meat and travel together. As a storm approaches, Hikuc constructs a makeshift sweat lodge英語sweat lodge for a feverish Glass to shelter in. After a hallucinogenic experience in the lodge, Glass emerges to discover that his wounds are healing but Hikuc has been hanged by French hunters. He infiltrates their camp and sees the leader raping Powaqa. He frees her, kills several hunters and recovers Hikuc's horse. The next morning, Glass is ambushed by the Arikara and driven over a cliff on his horse. He survives the stormy night by eviscerating the horse and sheltering inside its carcass.

A frightened French survivor staggers into Fort Kiowa, and Bridger recognizes his spiral engraved canteen as Glass's. Believing that it was stolen, Henry organizes a search party. Fitzgerald, realizing that Glass is alive, empties the outpost's safe and flees. The search party finds the exhausted Glass. Furious, Henry orders the arrest of Bridger, but Glass vouches for Bridger by stating that he was not present when Fitzgerald murdered Hawk and was later deceived and threatened by the higher-ranking Fitzgerald. Glass and Henry set out in pursuit of Fitzgerald.

After the two split up, Fitzgerald ambushes, kills, and scalps Henry. Glass finds Henry's corpse, places it on his horse to act as a decoy, and shoots Fitzgerald in the arm. He pursues Fitzgerald to a riverbank, where they engage in a brutal fight. Glass is about to kill Fitzgerald, but he spots a band of Arikara downstream. He remembers Hikuc's words and pushes Fitzgerald downstream into the hands of the Arikara. Elk Dog kills and scalps Fitzgerald, and the Arikara (who have found Powaqa) spare Glass. Glass retreats into the mountains where he is visited by the spirit of his wife and is heard breathing throughout the credits.






Director Alejandro G. Iñárritu

《神鬼獵人》自2001年8月開始籌備,當時製片人阿奇瓦·高斯曼取得了邁克·龐克的未出版手稿的改編版權[9]。David Rabe寫下該片的劇本[10]朴贊郁接手製作,並考慮由森姆·積遜領銜主演。朴贊郁之後退出了企劃[11][12]。籌備過程陷入停滯,直到2010年,Mark L. Smith英語Mark L. SmithSteve Golin英語Steve GolinAnonymous Content英語Anonymous Content寫了一份新的改編劇本。2010年5月,史密斯揭露約翰·希爾寇特將執導演筒,而克里斯汀·貝爾正在協商主演事宜[13]。希爾寇特在2010年10月退出[12]Jean-François Richet英語Jean-François Richet曾是接替他的考慮人選,不過最終阿利安卓·崗札雷·伊納利圖在2011年8月簽下導演一職[12][14]。同時高斯曼也經證實將擔任監製,偕同他的公司Weed Road Pictures[14]。2011年111月,攝政製片公司加入Anonymous Content的製作行列,二十世紀影業確定將擔任發行商[15][16]。一段時間後,Days later, 伊納利圖表示他有意找萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧西恩·潘來飾演兩名領銜角色[17]


電影製程在2012年3月喊暫停,因為攝政製片公司聘請伊納利圖去導演非虛構小說《Flim-Flam Man》的改編電影[19];潘也是那部電影的主演人選[20]。2012年12月,伊納利圖宣布他的下一部電影會是《鳥人》。《鳥人》於2013年3月開拍[21],伊納利圖預定於《鳥人》殺青後開始製作《神鬼獵人》[22]

《神鬼獵人》擁有6000萬美元的製作預算,攝政製片公司資助了其中的3000萬。布萊特·拉特納RatPac-Dune Entertainment英語RatPac-Dune Entertainment也是本片的贊助商[15]。曾資助《鳥人》的Worldview Entertainment英語Worldview Entertainment原本也會資助《神鬼獵人》,但因為CEOChristopher Woodrow英語Christopher Woodrow離職,所以在2014年7月打消計畫[15][22][23]。攝政製片公司向二十世紀福斯要求更多資金,但後者不予答應,理據是他們已經和迪卡普里奧與湯姆·哈迪簽了保證合約英語Guarantee (filmmaking),無論電影是否完成都要支付片酬給這兩位演員[23]。稍晚,安納布爾納影業梅根·艾利森協商贊助本片的事宜[15][23]。中國公司奧飛娛樂部分資助了本片[24]




瀑布場景在鄰近美國蒙大拿州利比的Kootenai Falls拍攝。電影的最終橋段原定於加拿大取景,不過因為當時天氣太暖,劇組只好移師至阿根廷南端,在白雪覆蓋地面的河流Rio Olivia西班牙語Rio Olivia拍攝[25][31]

劇組成員經常抱怨拍攝困難的問題,許多人退出或遭到開除。Mary Parent英語Mary Parent隨後被帶來擔任製作人[25]。對於工作人員的離開,伊納利圖解釋道:「身為一個導演,如果我認定某把小提琴走調了,就得把它從管弦樂團拿掉。」狄卡皮歐在談到拍攝時的體驗時表示:「我可以舉出三十或四十個橋段,都是我這輩子被要求做的事情中最困難的。管它是在結凍的河流上岸又下水,還是睡在動物屍體裡頭,又或者是拍片現場的伙食。(我一直在)忍受刺骨寒冷和可能發生的失溫症。」[32][33]





《神鬼獵人》的視覺效果主要由光影魔幻工業(ILM)操刀。包含Moving Picture Company英語Moving Picture Company(MPC)和Cinesite英語Cinesite在內的其他公司也有參與製作[37]



本片的電影配樂由日本音樂家坂本龍一和德國電子音樂家Alva Noto英語Alva Noto譜寫,Bryce Dessner英語Bryce Dessner製作額外配樂[38]。配樂主體由Northwest Sinfonia英語Northwest Sinfonia的音樂家們錄製,錄製地點在西雅圖Bastyr Chapel的Seattlemusic Scoring Stage。錄音現場由坂本指揮。Dessner譜寫的配樂由25人的柏林管弦樂團「s t a r g a z e」演奏,André de Ridder英語André de Ridder指揮[39][40]。片中使用的其他授權樂曲包含John Luther Adams英語John Luther Adams的「Become Ocean英語Become Ocean」和法國音樂家Eliane Radigue英語Eliane Radigue的「Jetsun Mila」,前者由Seattle Symphony英語Seattle Symphony錄製,Ludovic Morlot英語Ludovic Morlot指揮[41]。原聲帶於2015年12月25日數位發行,2016年1月8日發行CD。Milan Records英語Milan Records released a vinyl pressing of the soundtrack in April 2016.[40]




影評人在Wai Chee Dimock英語Wai Chee Dimock在《Los Angeles Review of Books英語Los Angeles Review of Books》上撰文,將《神鬼獵人》的主題與詹姆斯·菲尼莫爾·庫珀的文學作品相比較,特別是後者的《最後的摩根戰士》。Dimock認為本片重新詮釋了「half-breed英語half-breed」的概念,從庫珀所鄙視的貶抑概念,變成一種帶有審美觀點的看世界方式。她將兩部作品的主角——格拉斯和Hawk-eye英語Natty Bumppo——當成文學上的映襯角色來比較,稱格拉斯的存在對於後者,是一種身世和視角方面的顛覆[43][需要解釋]



Cheyenne River Indian Reservation英語Cheyenne River Indian Reservation in 南達科他州. Glass's survival journey did not take place in the cold season, nor did it involve tall mountain ranges.


加拿大男演員Roy Dupuis英語Roy Dupuis強烈批評本片將法裔加拿大人的「Voyageurs英語Voyageurs」描繪成殺人不眨眼的強姦犯。Dupuis原本獲邀飾演其中一名Voyageurs,但他發現這當中有反法偏見和歷史不準確之處,所以拒絕[47][48][49][50]。北美殖民地方面的加拿大首席研究員英語Canada Research ChairAllan Greer則指出:「一般而言,美國貿易商的名聲比加拿大貿易商還糟糕。」[47]





為了準確描繪阿里卡拉族英語Arikara的文化,伊納利圖雇用了幾名文化顧問[53][54],並與兩名語言學家合作,以求提供演員可信的阿里卡拉語英語Arikara language波尼語英語Pawnee language台詞[55][56]。對格拉斯伸出援手的波尼族人Hikuc由一名納瓦霍人飾演[57]。其中一個場景透過配音讓Hikuc說了一段因紐皮雅特語,但這個語言來自阿拉斯加極地,相隔幾千公里之遠,和波尼語也屬於不同語系。這段配音由Doreen Nutaaq Simmonds朗誦,內容是John Luther Adams英語John Luther Adams從一名因紐特女人Uvavnuk英語Uvavnuk紀錄來的詩[58]









電影上映前不到一周,《神鬼獵人》的試映拷貝在2015年12月20日在網路上流出。聯邦調查局認為這起案件和Alcon Entertainment的CEO Andrew Kosove有關,但他否認[69]。2016年10月,一名前二十世紀福斯員工因為將《神鬼獵人》和《史努比 The Peanuts Movie》上傳至網路上而受罰112萬美元[70]



本片有一部聚焦製作過程的44分鐘紀錄片「A World Unseen」,於2016年1月21日發布於YouTube[44][45]。Eliot Rausch擔任紀錄片的導演[71][72]





《神鬼獵人》在美國和加拿大共有1.83億美元的票房,加上來自其他地區的3.493億美元,全球票房為5.33億美元,而製作預算則是1.35億美元[4]。《Deadline Hollywood》在考慮所有成本和收益的情況下,算出本片的淨利為6160萬美元[73]


本片在2,510家劇院的星期四搶先場共收穫230萬美元的票房[76]。星期五開畫當天,本片收穫1440萬美元,是當天的票房冠軍[78]。統計整個首映週末,本片透過3,375家劇院獲得3980萬美元的票房,比原先預測多出七成,票房僅次於上映第四周的《STAR WARS:原力覺醒》(4240萬美元)。該票房成績是導演伊納利圖的個人最佳,也是狄卡皮歐和哈迪的個人第四[79]。有評論指出,《STAR WARS:原力覺醒》本來就有優勢,其上映劇院數多出781家、電影院的週日午場以適合闔家觀賞居多,且該片在北美所有的IMAX都有放映[79]。不過,《神鬼獵人》的票房表現分布均衡,除了東北地區外,在其他所有州的表現都超乎預期[79]。《神鬼獵人》的首映週末票房也是歷來的1月份最高[80]。本片在廣泛上映後的第三個周末登頂票房冠軍,勝過上映第二周的《龍兄唬弟2》。在該週末,儘管2016年1月美國雪暴英語January 2016 United States blizzard籠罩大半美國東岸並據稱重挫不少電影票房,本片仍進帳1600萬美元並衛冕,票房和前周比起來下跌49.7%[81][82][83][84]。再下一個周末,本片被新上檔的動畫片《功夫熊貓3》超越,僅維持一周的冠軍[85]。1月14日公布奧斯卡金像獎入圍名單後,《神鬼獵人》是最佳影片角逐者中票房增長最多的,截止至2月28日的頒獎典禮時,本片的票房從5410萬美元躍升至1.705億美元,增加了215%[86]

在北美以外地區,本片在78個國家上映[87]。本片首先在18個地區的2,407家劇院上映,共收穫2050萬美元,在國際票房榜上僅次於《原力覺醒》,若僅考慮新片的話則為榜首[88]。隔週,25個地區的4,849家大銀幕貢獻了3230萬美元的票房[87]。本片在第三個周末同時稱冠美國票房和國際票房,以來自48個地區的3370萬美元擊敗《原力覺醒》[89]。In the United Kingdom and Ireland, it took the No. 1 spot with $7.87 million or £5.2 million ($7.4 million) from 589 theaters and remained there for a second weekend declining by 24% with £3.86 million ($5.5 million), as well as for a third weekend.[87][90][91][92][93] Similarly, in Russia, it passed The Force Awakens to take the top spot with $7.5 million from 1,063 screens.[88] In France, it has the biggest opening day in Paris and the third-biggest opening weekend of 2016 with $8.2 million.[94] It also opened at No. 1 in Mexico ($5.1 million), Spain ($4 million), the Netherlands ($1.3 million), Belgium ($1.1 million), Argentina ($955,000), Sweden ($914,000), South Korea, Denmark, Norway, Israel, Egypt and Portugal among other markets.[87][89][92][95] In Germany ($4.6 million) and Australia ($2.9 million), it debuted at No. 2 both behind The Force Awakens and in Brazil ($2.17 million) behind The Ten Commandments.[88][95] It had one of the top ten openings of all time for a Fox film, not accounting for inflation in South Korea with $5.7 million and went on to top the box office there for a second weekend with $3.22 million despite cold weather affecting theater attendance resulting in low box office performance.[96][97] In Russia, despite not opening at No. 1, it topped the box office in its second weekend with $4.4 million—more than The Force Awakens—and went on to the top for a third weekend with $3.6 million.[87][98] In China, it had an opening day of around $11 million from more than 11,000 screens, including $250,000 in midnight previews, and $23 million in two days.[99][100][101] In its opening weekend, it grossed $31 million, coming in second place behind the animated 動物方城市. IMAX comprised $2.3 million on 278 screens.[102] In terms of total earnings, its largest markets outside of the US and Canada are China ($58.6 million), the United Kingdom ($32.8 million), Germany ($28.7 million) and France ($28.2 million).[103][104] The film opened in Japan on March 23.[94][105]





《CBS新聞》引用的評論家極力讚賞狄卡皮歐的演出,稱之為「他對角色付出程度的精采證明」和「兇猛的200%投入所展現的獨挑大樑演技」[7]。《滾石雜誌》的影評人彼得·崔維斯將狄卡皮歐的演技稱作「一場精湛的演出,其蠻力和說服力令人震顫」[110]為《Vulture》寫稿的David Edelstein稱本片為「精心傑作」 and "[b]leak as hell but considerably more beautiful," but noted the film had "traditional masculinity instead of a search for what illuminates man's inhumanity to man."[來源請求]

Justin Chang of 綜藝 (雜誌) wrote Iñárritu "increasingly succumbs to the air of grim overdetermination that has marred much of [his] past work" and it was "an imposing vision... but also an inflated and emotionally stunted one."[7] Stephanie Zacharek, writing for Time magazine, gave a positive review to the film stating: "Inarritu may have fashioned The Revenant as the ultimate endurance test, but as Glass, DiCaprio simply endures. He gives the movie a beating heart, offering it up, figuratively speaking, alive and bloody on a platter. It—he—is the most visceral effect in the movie: revenge served warm. Bon appetit."[6] Richard Brody英語Richard Brody of 紐約客 was critical of the film, and said that 艾曼紐爾·盧貝茲基's images were mere "pictorial ornament[s] to Alejandro G. Iñárritu's bland theatrical stagings."[111]

偏鋒雜誌's writer Ed Gonzalez suggested that the Slant staff in large part disliked the film: "Our contempt for The Revenant knows no limits."[111] Gonzalez unfavorably compared Iñárritu's work to 泰倫斯·馬利克's 2005 film 新世界 (2005年電影). In the official review, Slant writer Jaime N. Christley wrote: "The Revenant [is] a misery-fest that plants its narrative flags as carelessly as a 羅蘭·艾默瑞奇 blockbuster, guaranteeing us a viewing experience almost as arduous as the trials depicted on screen, before reaching a conclusion that's sealed the moment audiences first meet the key players. After an obligatory false calm, The Revenant's proper opening scene is a show-stopping massacre at a fur trapper's campsite. It's the kind of thing 霍華·霍克斯 would have handled—and did, in The Big Sky (film)英語The Big Sky (film)—in under 90 seconds, with mostly off-camera particulars and minimal effects, but Iñárritu forces it to resemble the Normandy Beach sequence in 搶救雷恩大兵 as much as history or sense will allow, and then some."[112] The Revenant was ranked 22nd on Metacritic's and 79th on 爛番茄' list of best films of 2015.[113][114][115]


萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧's performance was widely acclaimed and ultimately won him the 奧斯卡最佳男主角獎, the first of his career after five previous nominations.

The Revenant has received numerous award nominations and wins, particularly for DiCaprio's performance, Iñárritu's direction and Lubezki's cinematography. At the 第88屆奧斯卡金像獎, Iñárritu won 奧斯卡最佳導演獎 for the second consecutive time, 艾曼紐爾·盧貝茲基 won 奧斯卡最佳攝影獎 for the third consecutive time, and DiCaprio won his first award for 奧斯卡最佳男主角獎. Hardy lost the award for 奧斯卡最佳男配角獎 to 馬克·里朗斯 for 間諜之橋, and the film itself lost 奧斯卡最佳影片獎 to 驚爆焦點.[116]

At the 第73屆金球獎, it won three awards: 金球獎最佳戲劇類影片, 金球獎最佳導演, and 金球獎劇情類電影最佳男主角. It also had a nomination for 金球獎最佳原創配樂獎.[117] On January 14, 2016, the film received 12 奧斯卡金像獎 nominations (more than any other film at the ceremony), including 奧斯卡最佳影片獎 and 奧斯卡最佳導演獎 for Iñárritu, as well as 奧斯卡最佳男主角獎 and 奧斯卡最佳男配角獎, for DiCaprio and Hardy, respectively.[118] On February 14, 2016, the film received the most awards at 第69屆英國電影學院獎 out of eight nominations, with five, including 英國電影學院獎最佳影片, 英國電影學院獎最佳導演, BAFTA Award for Best Cinematography英語BAFTA Award for Best Cinematography, BAFTA Award for Best Sound英語BAFTA Award for Best Sound, and 英國電影學院獎最佳男主角.[119] It received nine 評論家選擇電影獎 nominations, winning two—for DiCaprio as 評論家選擇電影獎最佳男主角 and 評論家選擇電影獎最佳攝影 for Lubezki.[120]

湯姆·哈迪 won the London Film Critics' Circle Award for British Actor of the Year英語London Film Critics' Circle Award for British Actor of the Year award at the 倫敦影評人協會 and was runner-up for 達拉斯—沃斯堡影評人協會獎最佳男配角 at 達拉斯—沃斯堡影評人協會.[121][122] DiCaprio was awarded 美國演員工會獎最佳男主角 award at 第22屆美國演員工會獎, and Iñárritu received Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing – Feature Film英語Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing – Feature Film award at 第68屆美國導演工會獎.[123] It received five 第20屆衛星獎 nominations, winning the award of 衛星獎最佳男主角 for DiCaprio.[124]

On May 2, 2016, 時代雜誌 magazine included both DiCaprio and Iñárritu in its issue of the 100 Most Influential People of 2015, with a cover photograph of DiCaprio on the magazine. 約翰·福布斯·凱瑞, then the US Secretary of State, wrote a short testimonial to DiCaprio for this issue of Time stating that DiCaprio's dedication drives him to succeed and "that's how he takes himself back 200 years to create an Oscar-winning, bear-brawling, powerhouse performance in The Revenant."[125]

See also



  1. ^ The Revenant. London: 英國電影分級委員會. 2015-12-28 [2015-12-28]. (原始內容存檔於2017-05-29). 
  2. ^ The Revenant (2015). Lumiere (database)英語Lumiere (database). [2017-06-23]. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-24). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Waxman, Sharon. 'The Revenant' Budget Soars to $135 Million As New Regency Foots the Bill (Exclusive). TheWrap. 2015-10-16 [2015-12-28]. (原始內容存檔於2015-12-18). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 The Revenant (2015). Box Office Mojo. [2016-07-04]. (原始內容存檔於2017-05-29). 
  5. ^ The Revenant. Box Office Mojo. [2022-05-29]. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Stephanie Zacharek, TIME magazine, January 18, 2016, p54.
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Moraski, Lauren. "The Revenant" Reviews: What Critics Are Saying About Leonardo DiCaprio's Latest Film. CBS News. 2015-12-25 [2015-12-28]. (原始內容存檔於2015-12-27). 
  8. ^ Lane, Anthony. Wilder West "The Hateful Eight" and "The Revenant.". 紐約客. 2015-12-27 [2016-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2016-02-01). 
  9. ^ Vejvoda, Jim "Stax". Akiva Goldsman Mauled by Grizzly!. IGN.com. 2001-08-09 [2015-12-28]. (原始內容存檔於2015-12-10). 
  10. ^ Kit, Borys. Leonardo DiCaprio, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu Team Up for 'Revenant'. 荷里活報道. 2014-04-15 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-10-15). 
  11. ^ Han, Angie. Tom Hardy in Talks for Alejandro González Iñárritu's 'The Revenant'. /Film英語/Film. 2014-06-04 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-09-06). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Franklin, Garth. "Revenant," "Orphanage" Dropouts. Dark Horizons英語Dark Horizons. 2014-06-30 [2014-09-04]. (原始內容存檔於2014-09-04). 
  13. ^ Miska, Brad. 'Vacancy' Writer Pens 'Martyrs', Latest John Hillcoat Thriller!. Bloody Disgusting英語Bloody Disgusting. 2010-05-25 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-09-04). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Weinstein, Joshua L. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu Attached to Direct Warner's 'The Revenant' (Exclusive). TheWrap. 2011-08-17 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-09-04). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 McNary, Dave. Leonardo DiCaprio's Survival Drama 'The Revenant' Attracts Megan Ellison's Annapurna. Variety. 2014-07-11 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-07-14). 
  16. ^ Abrams, Rachel. New Regency boarding 'The Revenant'. Variety. 2011-11-01 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2017-06-10). 
  17. ^ Fleming, Mike Jr. Leonardo DiCaprio, Sean Penn Wanted Men For New Regency's 'The Revenant'. Deadline Hollywood. 2011-11-04 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-08-30). 
  18. ^ McKittrick, Christopher. "I think he wanted to toss me off the cliff." Mark L. Smith on The Revenant and Martyrs. Creative Screenwriting. 2016-01-27 [2016-01-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-15). 
  19. ^ Kroll, Justin. New Regency backing Inarritu pic. Variety. 2012-03-08 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-12-24). 
  20. ^ Brodesser-Akner, Claude. How Leonardo DiCaprio Flirted With a Bear But Committed to a Wolf. 紐約 (雜誌). 2012-03-15 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-09-04). 
  21. ^ Fleming, Mike Jr. A Departure For Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu: He'll Next Direct A Comedy. Deadline Hollywood. 2012-12-07 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-08-28). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Kay, Jeremy. Leonardo DiCaprio to star in Alejandro González Iñárritu's The Revenant需要付費訂閱. Screen International. 2014-04-15 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-30). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 Masters, Kim; Siegel, Tatiana. Megan Ellison in Talks to Rescue Leonardo DiCaprio's 'The Revenant' (Exclusive). The Hollywood Reporter. 2014-07-11 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-07-14). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Patrick Brzeski. China Clears 'The Revenant' for Release, Cuts Expected. The Hollywood Reporter. 2016-02-29 [2016-02-29]. (原始內容存檔於2016-02-29). 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 25.2 Masters, Kim. How Leonardo DiCaprio's 'The Revenant' Shoot Became 'A Living Hell'. The Hollywood Reporter. 2015-07-22 [2015-07-22]. (原始內容存檔於2015-08-13). 
  26. ^ Fleming, Mike Jr. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu On The Universal Themes Of 'Birdman' And His Next High Wire Act, 'The Revenant'. Deadline Hollywood. 2015-02-03 [2015-02-04]. (原始內容存檔於2015-02-04). 
  27. ^ Chitwood, Adam. Alejandro González Iñárritu Explains Why The Revenant Is Taking 9 Months to Shoot. Collider. 2015-02-03 [2015-08-11]. (原始內容存檔於2015-08-10). 
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  29. ^ Rumors Leo DiCaprio has fleas in his beard are 'not true,' studio says. Mail Online. 2015-08-16 [2022-08-21]. 
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  33. ^ Miller, Julie. Leonardo DiCaprio Could Have Starred Opposite Jennifer Lawrence in Joy. Vanity Fair. 2015-12-10 [2015-12-28]. (原始內容存檔於2015-12-22). 
  34. ^ Chitwood, Adam. The Revenant, Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy, Gets Christmas 2015 Release Date; Iñárritu Hoping to Shoot in Sequence. Collider. 2014-07-18 [2014-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2014-09-04). 
  35. ^ Lee, Ashley. 'The Revenant' Producers, Alejandro González Inarritu Defend Budget, Sequential Shoot at Produced By: NY 2015. The Hollywood Reporter. 2015-10-24 [2015-12-28]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-04). 
  36. ^ Weintraub, Steve. Tom Hardy Talks Mad Max: Fury Road, The Revenant and Splinter Cell. Collider. 2015-04-30 [2015-05-20]. (原始內容存檔於2015-05-29). 
  37. ^ VFX Supervisor Richard McBride on The Revenant - Studio Daily. 2016-02-19 [2016-09-13]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-02). 
  38. ^ Henry, Dusty; Geslani, Michelle. The National's Bryce Dessner composing soundtrack for Leonardo DiCaprio's The Revenant. 前音後果. 2015-10-20 [2015-12-06]. (原始內容存檔於2015-11-23). 
  39. ^ Gordon, Jeremy. The National's Bryce Dessner and Alva Noto Joined Ryuichi Sakamoto on The Revenant Score. Pitchfork. 康泰納仕. 2015-10-21 [2015-12-06]. (原始內容存檔於2015-12-04). 
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 Minsker, Evan. The National's Bryce Dessner Shares "Imagining Buffalo" From The Revenant Soundtrack. Pitchfork Media. Condé Nast. 2015-12-02 [2015-12-06]. (原始內容存檔於2015-12-05). 
  41. ^ The Revenant (2015) - Soundtrack.Net. [2016-02-07]. (原始內容存檔於2016-02-02). 
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  43. ^ Wai Chee Dimock. Half-and-Half: Iñárritu remixes James Fenimore Cooper. Los Angeles Review of Books英語Los Angeles Review of Books. 2016-02-16 [2016-10-12]. 
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  48. ^ Actor Roy Dupuis slams 'The Revenant' for portrayal of French-Canadians. 2016-01-26 [2016-02-07]. (原始內容存檔於2016-02-10). 
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  51. ^ Evans, Greg. 'The Revenant' Director Alejandro González Iñárritu Says "Xenophobic" Rhetoric Is No Joke. Deadline Hollywood. 2015-11-08 [2016-05-01]. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-10) (美國英語). 
  52. ^ Bradley, Bruce, 13 Major Facts The Revenant Got Wrong, True West Magazine, 2016-05-12 [2019-09-03], (原始內容存檔於2019-09-04) (美國英語) 
  53. ^ Meet the man who taught Leonardo DiCaprio to speak the Arikara language in The Revenant - APTN News. APTN News. 2016-01-07 [2017-10-31]. (原始內容存檔於2017-11-07) (美國英語). 
  54. ^ Native American Groups Officially Respond To Leonardo DiCaprio's Call To Action. BuzzFeed. [2017-10-31]. (原始內容存檔於2017-11-16) (英語). 
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  64. ^ DiCaprio's film Revenant stays fierce. The Philippine Star. 2016-01-30 [2016-02-04]. (原始內容存檔於2016-02-06). 
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  74. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony; Busch, Anita. 'Daddy', 'Joy' & 'Hateful Eight' Reap Fortune As 'Star Wars' Halo Effect Impacts B.O...Can 'Force Awakens' Hit $1 Billion In U.S.?. Deadline.com. 2015-12-28 [2015-12-31]. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-13). 
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  76. ^ 76.0 76.1 D'Alessandro, Anthony. 'Revenant' & 'The Forest' Begin B.O. Journey On Thursday; 'Force Awakens' To Cross $800M This Weekend – Box Office. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-01-08 [2016-01-08]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-08). 
  77. ^ 'The Revenant' Will Bear Through Box Office Weekend Dominated By 'Force Awakens' – Preview. Deadline.com. [2020-04-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-12-16). 
  78. ^ Mendelson, Scott. Box Office: 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Falls To 2nd Place On Friday, Still Topping $800M. 福布斯. 2016-01-09 [2016-01-09]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-10). 
  79. ^ 79.0 79.1 79.2 D'Alessandro, Anthony. 'Force Awakens' Crosses $800M & Holds No. 1, 'Revenant' Takes No. 2 With $38M – Final Sunday. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-01-10 [2016-01-11]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-10). 
  80. ^ TOP OPENING WEEKENDS BY MONTH (JANUARY). Box Office Mojo. [2016-01-11]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-05). 
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  87. ^ 87.0 87.1 87.2 87.3 87.4 Nancy Tartaglione, Anita Busch. 'Force Awakens' $100M In China; Oscar Fave 'The Revenant' Opens Big In UK, Korea – Intl B.O. Update. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-01-19 [2015-01-21]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-18). 
  88. ^ 88.0 88.1 88.2 Tartaglione, Nancy. 'Revenant' Rides To $20.5M Overseas, 'Hateful 8' Takes $17M, 'Star Wars' Eyes $1B – Intl Box Office Update. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-01-11 [2016-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-13). 
  89. ^ 89.0 89.1 Tartaglione, Nancy. 'The Revenant' Tops Offshore Weekend With $33.8M And Over $223M Global; 'The Force Awakens' At #2 – Intl Box Office Final. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-01-25 [2016-01-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-25). 
  90. ^ Gant, Charles. The Revenant attacks Star Wars in rise to top of UK box office. 衛報. 2016-01-20 [2016-01-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-26). 
  91. ^ Charles Gant. The Revenant mauls UK box office but Sandra Bullock's brand may be in crisis. 衛報. 2016-01-26 [2016-01-29]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-29). 
  92. ^ 92.0 92.1 Nancy Tartaglione. 'Kung Fu Panda 3' Kicks Off With $75.7M; 'Ten Commandments' Eyes Brazil Record – Intl B.O. Final. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-02-02 [2016-02-02]. (原始內容存檔於2016-02-01). 
  93. ^ Charles Gant. Dirty Grandpa cleans up at UK box office as The Revenant still clings to top spot. 衛報. 2016-02-02 [2016-02-03]. (原始內容存檔於2016-02-02). 
  94. ^ 94.0 94.1 Nancy Tartaglione. 'Deadpool' At $609M Global; 'Gods Of Egypt' Bows To $24M, 'Zootopia' Lands $33M 3rd Frame – Int'l B.O. Final. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-02-28 [2016-03-01]. (原始內容存檔於2017-07-06). 
  95. ^ 95.0 95.1 Nancy Tartaglione. 'Revenant', 'Martian' Land New Global Milestones; 'Kung Fu Panda 3' Tops $100M In China – Intl Box Office. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-02-07 [2016-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-13). 
  96. ^ Lee Hyo-won. South Korea Box Office: 'The Revenant' Among Top Fox Openings of All Time. The Hollywood Reporter. 2016-01-18 [2016-01-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-23). 
  97. ^ Lee Hyo-won. South Korea Box Office: 'The Revenant' Top for Second Week Despite Bitterly Cold Weather. The Hollywood Reporter. 2016-01-25 [2016-01-16]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-27). 
  98. ^ Roxborough, Scott. German Box Office: 'The Revenant' Stays on Top in Third Weekend. The Hollywood Reporter. 2016-01-25 [2016-01-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-25). 
  99. ^ Rob Cain. 'Revenant' Soars, 'Eddie the Eagle' Crashes on China Opening Day. 福布斯. 2016-03-18 [2016-03-20]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-19). 
  100. ^ Rob Cain. Can Leonardo DiCaprio Conquer China Again With 'Revenant'?. 福布斯. 2016-03-17 [2016-03-20]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-20). 
  101. ^ Nancy Tartaglione. 'The Revenant' Traps Big China Bow; $30M+ Opening Weekend In Sights. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-03-19 [2016-03-20]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-21). 
  102. ^ Nancy Tartaglione. 'Zootopia' A Flash Away From $600M WW; China Welcomes 'The Revenant' With $31M Bow – Intl B.O. Final. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-03-21 [2016-03-21]. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-13). 
  103. ^ Nancy Tartaglione. 'Deadpool' Scores $85.3M In 2nd Offshore Frame; Nears $500M Global – Intl Box Office. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-02-21 [2016-02-22]. (原始內容存檔於2017-06-20). 
  104. ^ Nancy Tartaglione. 'Zootopia' Nears $700M Global, Crosses $200M In China – International Box Office. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-03-27 [2016-03-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-28). 
  105. ^ Dicaprio brings 'The Revenant' to Japan. Reuters. 2016-03-24 [2018-01-25]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-26). 
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  108. ^ CinemaScore. cinemascore.com. [2017-04-08]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-30) –透過Twitter. 
  109. ^ 'Force Awakens' Crosses $800M On Saturday & Holds No. 1, 'Revenant' Taking No. 2 With $38M. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-01-11 [2020-04-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-07). 
  110. ^ Travers, Peter. Page 2 of 'The Revenant' Movie Review - Rolling Stone. Rolling Stone. 2015-12-22 [2015-12-28]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-28). 
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  125. ^ John Kerry. "Leonardo DiCaprio: Earth's Leading Man". Time magazine, May 2, 2016, p 130.