[編輯]您好。您上傳的檔案File:CoolloudSlogan.jpg已列入Wikipedia:檔案存廢討論中,具體原因及討論請參閱該頁面。圖片可能是缺乏圖像版權標誌等重要資訊,如是者請盡快補充,否則文件一定會被刪除。同時藉此機會提醒您,維基百科極為注重著作權,請參考相關的Wikipedia:圖像使用守則#版權、Wikipedia:版權信息#圖像指導以及wikipedia:合理使用準則等指導頁面。謝謝!--Wing (留言) 2009年10月15日 (四) 18:14 (UTC)
感謝來信,實話說兩個引用都不合格。一個屬於自我參照(自己介紹自己);一個則打不開,屬於無法查證的來源。現條目還是等同於沒有來源佐證其關照度。—Walter Grassroot™ |留墨存香 2009年11月1日 (日) 20:18 (UTC)
- 通常來說,一個內容的知名度本身並不需要有同時具備關注度的網站提供,但是我們發現很多網站本身並不覺得這樣的關注度(的確太多)。現在達成部分共識的標準僅僅限於書籍知名度(更精確地說電子書的關注度必須同時滿足提供其網站自身具備關注度,我知道這個有點繞口,但是這是為了最大限度保證維基百科免予攻擊),總之,網站的知名度標準還是在討論中,所以閣下可以自行摘取那個知名度標準,但是還望閣下留意,如果有機會的話,儘量補充。閣下可以參考維基百科:關注度 (網站),並進行有針對性地改進。我相信等諸如此類標準確定後,維基百科會有一個較大範圍的清理和維護,在此之前閣下如果有心,不妨提攜以下此類條目,使其免遭刪除。—Walter Grassroot™ |留墨存香 2009年11月1日 (日) 23:22 (UTC)
- 不必客氣,在下作為巡查員通常來說是希望能夠在來源上把關,不過絕大情況並沒有如閣下般好生客氣,我被罵得狗血噴頭反而成了常態呵呵。之所以這樣做,對維基也是有幫助的,否則維基中需要清理的條目很多(分類:需要清理的條目),現在2006年的都囤積在那裡,如果在進入的時候把關不嚴,對於負責清理的朋友們而言更是增加負擔。我看到在下對於注釋等維基編輯技巧很熟練,希望您也能夠參加到這些過程中。祝編輯愉快!—Walter Grassroot™ |留墨存香 2009年11月2日 (一) 01:43 (UTC)
[編輯]主要是因為他打廣告的關係,恢複就不可能了。扼要地介紹一下自己或善用Wikipedia:用戶框吧。—AT 2011年9月15日 (四) 16:32 (UTC)
- 其實其他用戶掛G11時,多數都會自動通知他相關訊息,因此他應該可以基本知道自己做得不當的地方。當然,如果他有任何疑問,歡迎直接找我,我會盡我所能指導他。—AT 2011年9月16日 (五) 08:03 (UTC)
[編輯]歡迎你今天來參加活動 :) --章·安德魯 (留言) 2011年11月4日 (五) 11:30 (UTC)
您好,請留意,該譯文尚未被授權以知識共享(CC)協議發布,仍受版權法保護,所以搬字過紙有侵權之嫌。請先徵求該作者同意和授權才發布,又或者將文字重寫。謝謝!--Lakokat (留下一條線) 2012年2月9日 (四) 12:08 (UTC)
- 請參考Wikipedia:請求版權許可。另外,無論條目是否侵權,都謝謝您對維基的貢獻,希望您能繼續編輯以及創建條目:)--Lakokat (留下一條線) 2012年2月9日 (四) 12:10 (UTC)
- 以後請於臨時頁面重寫,否則會連同侵權版本一同刪除。烏拉跨氪 2012年2月18日 (六) 13:27 (UTC)
哎~掛錯了。最近頁面我都是快速巡查,沒有仔細看。紐約時報當然能做來源,參考格式也對,完美啊,只是我巡查的時候沒留意。抱歉啊,如果我下次掛錯了您再告訴我。--Lakokat (留下一條線) 2012年2月19日 (日) 01:52 (UTC)
感謝閣下的指教。另外,留意到閣下在上述頁面的發言,惟尚未簽名,煩請前往簽名,以便處理。--Lakokat (留下一條線) 2012年2月19日 (日) 03:36 (UTC)
煩勞閣下將Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/記錄/2012/02/19#Wikipedia:快速保留的留言補上簽名,未簽名的投票將會視為無效。祝編輯愉快。--鐵鐵的火大了(抓兔子啦,抓兔子啦……) 2012年2月24日 (五) 12:53 (UTC)
我們歡迎您參與討論並留下關於頁面是否符合方針、應當如何處理等意見;請在「Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/記錄/2012/03/09#Talk:不能戳的秘密/評論」中留下您的意見,記得使用~~~~簽名。您也可以在討論期間改寫您原先的頁面,但請不要移除條目頁面的條目刪除模板。謝謝合作,祝編輯愉快!--2thuriel(留言) 2012年3月9日 (五) 14:45 (UTC)
RE:「紐澤西 vs. 新澤西」
[編輯]已經在該條目討論寫了自己的看法,其中google檢索屬原創研究。這些是我看到的... 小南(留言) 2012年4月24日 (二) 14:11 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--Nivekin※請留言 2012年8月31日 (五) 02:36 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--Nivekin※請留言 2012年9月14日 (五) 02:01 (UTC)
{{User 動員令|1}}
- 「新銳」頭銜:代表您是動員令結束時編輯次數小於1000、第一次參加動員令及完成動員令,請在您的用戶頁加入或修改以下模板:
{{User 新銳}}
如兩岸三地於稱呼上有異,維基的習慣是先到先得。建議閣下考慮使用noteTA。--Liberté ou La Mort 2013年1月3日 (四) 11:23 (UTC)
- 其實我後來發覺英文的條目其實原自family business,只是family enterprise的重定向也是定到family business。所以我覺得跟目前中文維基處理的方法是一樣的。謝謝你的討論與動手修正。上官(留言) 2013年1月3日 (四) 12:21 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--Nivekin※請留言 2013年3月8日 (五) 02:25 (UTC)
[編輯]為何你用戶頁上的短網址http://defn.me無法使用?ω奇犽ω·♥揍敵客♥ 2013年4月5日 (五) 10:58 (UTC)
- 我猜是他們停止提供服務了 上官(留言) 2013年4月6日 (六) 03:17 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--上官(留言) 2013年6月4日 (二) 06:33 (UTC)
您好,您先前上傳的檔案「File:1987Addvertisement-ChampagneDrink GuavaNectar VitaliSoda.jpg」已被提出存廢討論,正在討論檔案的存廢。
幫助:互助客棧、著作權、IRC聊天頻道。--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2013年6月24日 (一) 01:03 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--JuneAugust(留言) 2013年6月28日 (五) 02:06 (UTC)
- 了解,會持續關注。--JuneAugust(留言) 2013年6月28日 (五) 02:27 (UTC)
- IEARN與Schlumberger SEED都存在措辭及敘述方式不中立,宣傳口吻濃重的問題。刪除版本代碼已通過郵件發還給閣下,請查收。烏拉跨氪 2013年6月28日 (五) 09:49 (UTC)
Re: 您好,關於今晚被您速刪的Wikipedia:線上訓練/學生版
[編輯]您可考慮創建Wikipedia:線上訓練後申請存廢覆核。--Jimmy Xu 查 · 論 · 編 2013年7月20日 (六) 14:33 (UTC)
[編輯]我注意到了您剛剛創建了一個類似於維基百科條目的子頁面。對於未完成的條目來說,最好不要被搜索引擎索引,尤其是這種可能會有爭議的用戶頁子頁面。建議您在它代碼的最頂部加入__NOINDEX__以防止被搜索引擎索引。--Techyan(留言) 2013年8月1日 (四) 09:28 (UTC)
The Signpost: 04 September 2013
[編輯]- In the media: Manning "put back in the closet"; State involvement in the Azerbaijani Wikipedia
- News and notes: Privacy policy debate gears up
- WikiProject report: Writing on the frontier: Psychology on Wikipedia
- Traffic report: No accounting for the wisdom of crowds
- Discussion report: Arbcom election procedures, Wiki Loves Monuments, Privacy policy, FDC, and more
- Featured content: Bridging the way to a Peasants' Revolt
- Arbitration report: Manning naming dispute case opens; Tea Party case closes ; Infoboxes nears completion
- Technology report: Making Wikipedia more accessible
Wikidata weekly summary #74
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- State of the Map
- Dbpedia-Wikidata workshop
- 10 questions about VIAF, Wikidata and the world
- Wikidata quality and quantity
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: GSS code (2011) (P836), BioLib ID (P838), IMSLP ID (P839), narrative set in (P840), Paleobiology Database Identifier (P842), SIRUTA code (P843), UBIGEO code (P844). A set of properties to build calenders: public holiday (P832), day in year for periodic occurrence (P837) and feast day (P841). A proposal for "reoccurring date in machine readable format" is still under review.
- Development
- mlazowik has put in more work to getting support for batches (featured article and so on) to Wikidata
- Jeroen gave a presentation on clean functions
- More work on the URL datatype to make it ready for deployment
- Continuous work on cucumber & moving browser tests to saucelabs/cloudbees
- Simple query special page
- DataValues reorganization
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
The Signpost: 11 September 2013
[編輯]- News and notes: As deadline approaches, Individual Engagement Grants looks for ideas
- In the media: Lawyer goes to court to discover Wikipedian's identity; Storming Wikipedia; Wikimedia UK Secretary in conflict-of-interest controversy; Does Wikipedia need a "right to reply" box?
- WikiProject report: Traveling to Indonesia
- Traffic report: Syria, celebrities, and association football: oh my!
- Featured content: Tintin goes featured
- Arbitration report: Workshop phase opens in Manning naming dispute ; Infoboxes case closes
Wikidata weekly summary #75
[編輯]- Events/Press/Blogs
- State of the Map
- Dbpedia-Wikidata workshop
- Slides for a Wikidata intro in French and English
- Speaker needed for a Wikidata talk in Slovakia
- Blog post by Denny: A categorical imperative?
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The URL datatype is now available. Go and add all the sources ;-)
- Sourcerer gadget by Magnus to help you add URLs from Wikipedia articles for claims
- Wikimedia Commons is scheduled to get interwiki links via Wikidata on 23rd of September
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Saskatchewan Register of Heritage Property identifier (P845), Global Biodiversity Information Facility ID (P846), United States Navy aircraft designation (P847), Japanese military aircraft designation (P849), World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850), ESRB rating (P852), CERO rating (P853), URL (P854), Sandbox-URL (P855), official website (P856), CNKI (P857), ESPN SCRUM ID (P858), sponsor (P859), e-archiv.li ID (P860), premiershiprugby.com ID (P861), Operational Requirement of the UK Air Ministry (P862), InPhO identifier (P863), ACM Digital Library author identifier (P864), BMLO (P865), Perlentaucher (P866), ROME Occupation Code (P867), foods traditionally associated (P868), instrumentation (P870), printed by (P872), phase point (P873), UN class (P874), UN code classification (P875), UN packaging group (P876), NFPA Other (P877), avionics (P878), pennant number (P879), CPU (P880), Variable type (P881), FIPS 6-4 (US counties) (P882), FIPS 5-2 (code for US states) (P883), State Water Register Code (Russia) (P884), origin of the watercourse (P885), LIR (P886), based on heuristic (P887), JSTOR (P888), Mathematical Reviews identifier (P889), Request for Comments number (IETF) (P892), Social Science Research Network (P893)
- Newest task forces: Occupations and professions task force
- Development
- Breaking change to the API in the last deployment
- Started work on number data type
- Worked on simple query special page
- Worked more on moving (ordering) of qualifiers
- Worked on JSON dumps
- Continued working on allowing editentities API module to allow editing of claims
- Continued work on the merge items API module
- Worked on fixing the way Claim GUIDs are used throughout the code
- Worked on TableDefinitionReaders for Database component
- Unified and improved rendering of property values in summaries, diffs, wiki-pages, etc.
- Continued moving to new browsertests framework
- Bugfixes on autosummaries
- Worked with GSoC student on mobile skin
- Worked on refactoring of how we serialize and provide data about used entities on a page (e.g. entity pages or certain special pages) to the frontend
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
This Month in Education: September 2013
The Signpost: 18 September 2013
[編輯]- News and notes: Third time's the charm: the FDC's newest round of funding requests
- Traffic report: Twerking, tragedy and TV
- WikiProject report: 18,464 Good Articles on the wall
- Featured content: Hurricane Diane and the Van Gogh
- Technology report: What can Wikidata do for Wikipedia?
Wikidata weekly summary #76
[編輯]- Events/Press/Blogs
- upcoming: UK Wikidata Training
- Magnus blogged about the Wikidata Query tool
- Gerard did an interview with Emw about the heady stuff of Wikidata
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- 30 percent of all items are categorized in 6 large groups (main type (GND) (P107)). Most are items about geographic features (1.7 million items), some of these already have coordinates (0.5 million). Items about persons are fairly frequent too (1.3 million), many already with gender (0.9 million), a few with DOB (0.05 million) or DOD (0.04 million). Other groups include: creative works (305,000), terms, organizations, and events.
- The first 2 Wikidata oversighters are elected, Ajraddatz and Rschen7754. Please contact the email at the above page, and do not post requests onwiki. Two more candidates are running: Stryn and Sven Manguard.
- Neat new gadget to semi-automatically import labels, aliases and descriptions based on Wikipedia article introductions
- New search backend on testwikidata needs testing
- Commons is still scheduled to get interwiki links via Wikidata on Monday and can also be tested on test.wikidata.org
- Did you know?
- Development
- Wikimedia Deutschland is looking for a software developer with a focus on frontend development with Java Script to work on Wikidata among other things. Apply!
- Paper Cut: Display the ID of an item or property page next to the label (bugzilla:53462)
- Paper Cut: Fix value field not loading for some properties (bugzilla:53157)
- Paper Cut: Work on supporting non-earth globes in the UI (bugzilla:54097)
- Worked on quantity data type implementation in backend and frontend
- Work on a build and release tool for the Wikidata software
- More work on sorting of references and qualifiers
- Work on database schema modification functionality to be used by the query store
- Prepare deployment for Wikimedia Commons (including improving script for populating sites table, adding support for Wikimedia Commons)
- Work on making entity data available in the Mobile Wikibase skin
- new Cirrus Search (Elastic Search) backend enabled on test.wikidata.org
- Finished up cucumber tests for sitelinks
- Hotfixes for coordinates autosummaries
- Worked on simplifying process of defining wb.fetchedEntities
- Finished working on wbeditentity
- Worked on MySQL and SQLite table definition readers
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
The Signpost: 25 September 2013
[編輯]- Op-ed: Q&A on Public Relations and Wikipedia
- News and notes: Last call for Wiki Loves Monuments; Community–WMF tension over VisualEditor
- Traffic report: Look on Walter's works
- In the media: Fox News: Wikipedia abandons efforts to purge porn from online encyclopedia
- WikiProject report: Babel Series: GOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!
- Featured content: Wikipedia takes the stage
- Recent research: Automatic detection of "infiltrating" Wikipedia admins; Wiki, or 'pedia?
Wikidata weekly summary #77
[編輯]- Events/Press/Blogs
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Denny's last day on the development team was today. He has a few closing remarks in this blog post.
- Wikimedia Commons now gets language links via Wikidata
- Stryn's request for oversight flag
- Individual Engagement Grants Proposal: Understanding Wikidata
- Terminator now also has most linked-to items with no label in language X
- Draft for Wikidata support of Wikiquote
- Open position for a JavaScript developer to work on Wikidata - please spread the word
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: KSH code, FishBase species identifier, work location, Commons gallery, heritagefoundation.ca ID, PMCID, city served, type of electrification, color space, activating neurotransmitter, anatomical location, postsynaptic connection, presynaptic connection, possible treatments, possible examinations, magnetic ordering, main topic of creative work, Spanish subject headings for public libraries, SOC Occupation Code, NOC Occupation Code, GRAU index
- Development
- Said Good Bye to Denny - *sob*
- Improved layout for commons sitelink table
- More work on sorting
- Worked on statements UI tests
- Fixed failing QUnit tests
- Deployed new code and updated sites for Commons deployment
- Fixed a number of small bugs
- Code review for Google Summer of Code student projects
- Work to automate creating deployment branches and builds of Wikibase with its dependencies
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
Wikidata weekly summary #78
[編輯]- Discussions
- 3 Individual Engagement Grants related to Wikidata are looking for feedback and endorsements: Understanding Wikidata, Wikidata Toolkit and Wikintelligence
- Request for Comments on linking Wikimedia Commons
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Tempo-spatial display (events in Wikidata on a map)
- Canned queries (for queries that help find missing information)
- Wikidata Browse (pretty slideshow of random Wikidata items, their pictures, labels in various languages and statements)
- Wikidata generic tree (displays a tree of data in Wikidata)
- We've crossed ID 15000000: d:Q15000000 (Category:Sternorsidis)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Code of nomenclature, programmer, theme music, inspired by, GHS precautionary statements
- Development
- Finished initial version of the build tool (= tool that creates one tarball/git repository from all our extensions and their dependencies for deployment)
- Continued work on numbers data type
- Continued work on Formatters (for autosummaries, diffs, etc)
- Fixed RDF serialization issue
- Merged merge API module
- Finished up database schema updating code
- Added validation for precision in globe coordinate value
- Finished and released Diff extension version 0.9
- Polishing work on Wikibase QueryEngine
- Some cleanup of EntityView
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Hack on one of these.
- Note from Lydia about the future of the weekly summaries
- I've been compiling the weekly summaries for Wikidata for the past 1.5 years. It is time to give this into the hands of a few capable community members now that I have moved on to product management. Starting next week I will not be compiling the weekly summaries anymore. I am happy to help anyone who wants to take over get up to speed of course. Please contact me if you'd like to take this over.
The Signpost: 02 October 2013
[編輯]- News and notes: WMF signals new grantmaking priorities
- Op-ed: Commons medical diagnostic images under threat from unresolved ownership
- Discussion report: References to individuals and groups, merging wikiprojects, portals on the Main page, and more
- WikiProject report: U2 Too
- Featured content: Bobby, Ben, Roger and a fantasia
- Arbitration report: Infoboxes: After the war
The Signpost: 09 October 2013
[編輯]- News and notes: Extensive network of clandestine paid advocacy exposed
- Traffic report: Shutdown shenanigans
- In the media: College credit for editing Wikipedia
- WikiProject report: Australian Roads
- Arbitration report: Manning naming dispute and Ebionites 3 cases continue; third arbitrator resigns
- Featured content: Under the sea
Wikidata weekly summary #79
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Wikivoyage banner, RSL identifier, ISIN
- Development
- Added index removal and addition support to Wikibase Database
- Improved initialization code of Wikibase Query
- Added database setup code to Wikibase Query
- Added schema updating support to Wikibase QueryEngine
- Added SimpleQuery special page to Wikibase Query. This page allows users to find entities by a property value pair
- Formatters for snaks/values are now used throughtout Wikibase
- Some progress on DecimalValues and QuantitiyValues
- Started work to include the data type of snaks in the JSON dumps
- Worked on cleaning up inconsistent handling of Claim GUIDs vs hashes.
- Implemented more convenient user interface for Special:SimpleQuery.
- MergeAPI module and claim editing from wbeditentity to be deployed
- Further work on a build step to make deployment easier
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
This Month in Education: October 2013
[編輯]Wikidata weekly summary #80
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- This week the 80 millionth edit was made to Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: street address, e-mail, guest of honor, MusicBrainz label ID, burial plot reference, Austrian municipality key, streaming media URL, MycoBank taxon name identifier, IPNI taxon name identifier, Tropicos taxon name identifier, MSW species identifier, section, verse, or paragraph, ISBN-10, IBNR identifier, full text available at, ISCO code, NSZL identifier, BNE identifier, NLI (Israel) identifier
- Newest task forces: International relations task force
- Development
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
The Signpost: 16 October 2013
[編輯]- News and notes: Vice on Wiki-PR's paid advocacy; Featured list elections begin
- WikiProject report: Heraldry and Vexillology
- Traffic report: Peaceful potpourri
- Discussion report: Ada Lovelace Day, paid advocacy on Wikipedia, sidebar update, and more
- Featured content: That's a lot of pictures
- Arbitration report: Manning naming dispute case closes
Wikidata weekly summary #81
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Gerard wrote about Wikipedia's place as a source within Wikidata
- Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon) will be held next week, Monday to Wednesday, in Berlin.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Echo has been enabled on Wikidata
- Magnus created some queries for Wikidata
- Wikidata is 1 year on October 29th! Stay tuned for some 'surprises'
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Philippine Standard Geographic Code, IOC country code, MusicBrainz area ID, BAG-code for Dutch villages, code for weekend and holiday homes (Sweden), Pastoratkod (Sweden), code for parishes in the Church of Sweden, Civil parish code/ATA-code in Sweden, Minor urban area code in Sweden, Urban area code in Sweden, tributary, described in URL, catalogue, category combines topics, neurological function
- Development
- Lazowik worked on API support for editing badges
- Bene added a keyboard shortcut to get from an article to the item it is connected to on Wikidata (bugzilla:46538)
- Bene worked on a table of content for items (bugzilla:44876)
- Bene improved Special:ItemDisambiguation (bugzilla:55466)
- Bene added ftp as an allowed protocol for the URL datatype (bugzilla:54103)
- Linked sitelinks in diffs (bugzilla:53471)
- Cleaned up and added tests in client that are necessary for improving the recent changes integration and for supporting enhanced changes
- Worked on the user interface for simple queries
- Worked on the user interface for the numbers datatype
- Continued work on ordering statement groups in the user interface
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
- Improve some road items in your country by adding some statements to them.
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Hack on one of these.
The Signpost: 23 October 2013
[編輯]- News and notes: Grantmaking season—rumbling in the German-language Wikimedia
- In the media: The decline of Wikipedia; Sue Gardner releases statement on Wiki-PR; Australian minister relies on Wikipedia
- Featured content: Your worst nightmare as a child is now featured on Wikipedia
- Traffic report: Your average week... and a fish
- Discussion report: More discussion of paid advocacy, upcoming arbitrator elections, research hackathon, and more
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Elements
Wikidata weekly summary #82
[編輯]- Events/Press/Blogs
- Wikidata celebrates its first birthday!
- Wikidata presentation at the Open Knowledge Workshop Day on November 4th by Wikimedia Suomi
- Interview with Magnus, a Wikimedia tool creator
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- record held, the one-thousandth property, is created.
- Wikidata could be a multilingual picture dictionary
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Lattes Platform number, NTA PPN identifier, PTBNP identifier, MusicBrainz Place ID, NLR (Romania) identifier, engine configuration, belongs to jurisdiction, record held, ARICNS, dmoz, scan file, NFPA Reactivity, NFPA Fire, NFPA Health, function/mission, elected holder, voice recording, spoken text audio
- Newest task forces: Railways task force
- Development
- Create and remove claim diffs will now show a diff for the WHOLE claim, bug 53142
- Sitelinks in diffs now have a link to the article
- ByPropertyLists now also accept lower case propertyids as keys instead of just uppercase
- WikibaseDatabase extension released to version 0.1
- Entity descriptions are now included in the search index text
- Sitelink titles are also included in search index text
- Further developments on Quantities
- Fixed the hiding of the remove button when adding a new statement
- Serialization options have been cleaned up
- Escape titles on revision history and diff pages
- Further work on Query and QueryEngine
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
- Improve some road items in your country by adding some statements to them.
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Hack on one of these.
The Signpost: 30 October 2013
[編輯]- News and notes: Sex and drug tourism—Wikivoyage's soft underbelly?
- Traffic report: 200 miles in 200 years
- In the media: Rand Paul plagiarizes Wikipedia?
- WikiProject report: Special: Lessons from the dead and dying
- Featured content: Wrestling with featured content
- Recent research: User influence on site policies: Wikipedia vs. Facebook vs. Youtube
Wikidata weekly summary #83
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Wikidata IRC Office hour on Wednesday November 13th in #wikimedia-office
- On November 10th, Gerard Meijssen will discuss Wikidata at the Wikimedia Diversity Conference
- Lydia makes a guest appearance at the Metric and activities meeting to discuss Wikidata's growth
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikisource deployment planned to start January 13th, 2014, see the coordination page here
- Magnus discusses Wikidata items and Wikipedia entries
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: BIBSYS identifier, Arts & Architecture Thesaurus ID, criterion used, including, excluding
- Newest task forces: Athletics task force
- You can now thank users for their contributions on Wikidata
- Development
- Sitelinks in diff views now link to the article
- Bene* worked on adding a table of contents to item pages (bugzilla:44876)
- More work on badges by mlazowik
- Creating and removing claims with references and qualifiers now show full diffs
- Fixed invalid diffs which display 'diff=0' as a parameter (bugzilla:49434)
- Fixed cases where diff pages arew caches and display in incorrect languages (bugzilla:55667)
- Added ability to ignore conflicts in merge items API module
- Worked on adding the datatype in the json output
- Fix validation of wbsetreference
- Wikibase Query now listens to entity changes of Wikibase Repo
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
- Improve biology, help out the Molecular biology task force.
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Hack on one of these.
The Signpost: 06 November 2013
[編輯]- News and notes: Alleged 'outing' of an editor's personal information leads to Wikipedia ban
- Featured content: Five years of work leads to 63-article featured topic
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Accessibility
- Traffic report: Danse Macabre
- Discussion report: Sockpuppet investigations, VisualEditor, Wikidata's birthday, and more
- Arbitration report: Ebionites 3 case closed
The Signpost: 13 November 2013
[編輯]- Special report: FDC staff assessments raise the benchmarks for activities, impact, planning, and governance
- News and notes: Trademark at issue again with the Italian Wikipedia and wikipedia.it
- Traffic report: Google Doodlebugs bust the block
- Discussion report: Commas, Draft namespace proposal, education updates, and more
- WikiProject report: The world of soap operas
- Featured content: 1244 Chinese handscroll leads nine-strong picture contingent
Wikidata weekly summary #84
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Digitale Bibliothek 2013 is taking place, November 21st to November 22nd
- Wikidata office hour logs are available here
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Magnus creates a Wikidata search add-on for Wikipedia
- Freebase-Wikidata mappings are produced by Google
- The Wikidata IRC channel is moving from #wikimedia-wikidata to #wikidata.
- Magnus and the Wikidata created redlink lists
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: feed URL, language regulatory body, BAV (Vatican Library) identifier, asteroid taxonomy
- Newest task forces:
- Development
- Added a keyboard shortcut to get from an article to its associated item on Wikidata (bugzilla:bug 46538)
- Fixed bugzilla:49434 (Support diff=0 in Wikibase)
- Worked on Lua improvements including bugzilla:54324 (sequence in Lua should start with 1)
- Started making improvements to the loading time of items
- Started creating a special page to show the items with the most sitelinks (bugzilla:46217)
- More work on ranks for statements
- Worked on putting the datatype into the JSON output
- Worked more on support for enhanced changes format in client
- Cleaned up code that handles Wikibase entries in client recent changes
- Added tests for recent changes formatting code in MediaWiki code
- Updated Wikibase to maintain compatibility with changes in Universal Language Selector
- Removed many deprecates method usages related to EntityId
- Improved Special:SetSiteLink page
- Removed obsolete EntityCache code from Wikibase Client
- Removed obsolete SearchEntityArtefacts script from Wikibase Repo
- Updated usages of EntityId to usages of ItemId and PropertyId where applicable
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
- Create a mineral species, help out the Mineralogy task force by forming new new statements today!
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Hack on one of these.
This Month in Education: November 2013
Wikidata weekly summary #85
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Reasonator now supports cities and locations
- The quantities datatype is available for testing
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: main food source, GHS signal word, Digital Rights Management system, legal citation, light characteristic of a lighthouse, crew member, donated by, awarded by, doctoral thesis, SUDOC catalog (editions only), SBFI occupation code, SBC-2010 occupation code, CNO-11 occupation code, KldB-2010 occupation code
- Development
- Refactored Api output
- Collect tasks for Google Code In
- Make wbeditentity accept serialization with the id and type keys
- Start setting up 『automated』 part of the Wikidata build script
- Released version 1.0 of the Ask library https://github.com/wmde/Ask
- Fixed dependency injection issue in Wikibase Query
- Started work on providing a new serialization library that does not have the design issues of the current data model serialization code and can be used as standalone PHP library
- Moved quantity data type out of experimental and enabled on https://test.wikidata.org
- Improved Wikibase Lua code
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
- Improve some road items in your country by adding some statements to them.
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Hack on one of these.
The Signpost: 20 November 2013
[編輯]- From the editor: The Signpost needs your help
- News and notes: Foundation to Wiki-PR: cease and desist; Arbitration Committee elections starting
- Book review: Peter Burke's Social History of Knowledge—ambitious, fascinating, and exhaustive
- Traffic report: Ill Winds
- WikiProject report: Score! American football on Wikipedia
- Featured content: Rockin' the featured pictures
Wikidata weekly summary #86
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: ZDB identifier, sockets supported, film editor, type of kinship, relative, manager/director, Dewey Decimal Classification, honorific suffix
- Newest task forces: Sports results task force
- Development
- Ranks are nearing completion (bugzilla:49120)
- Quantities got some more love (improved diff, added scientific notation and simple localisation and made it possible to show/not show + for positive values - bugzilla:54318)
- Ordering of statement groups is nearing completion
- Avoid loading all referenced items in EntityView to improve loading time of items
- Finalizing the inclusion of data types in JSON output
- Fixed 2 XML errors on test.wikidata.org ready for deployment
- Started work on a Wikibase-independent serialization component for DataValues
- Worked on making Lua arrays start with 1 instead of 0 (bugzilla:54324)
- Released the Datavalues library
- Improved enhanced changes code in core, to better allow Wikibase (and Flow) to support that format
- Defined permissions for Simple Queries
- First Google Code-In task completed (meaning Special:SetSitelink now retains POSTed infomation after an error so you don't have to enter it again)
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
- Improve some road items in your country by adding some statements to them.
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Hack on one of these.
The Signpost: 04 December 2013
[編輯]- News and notes: One decade of Wikisource; FDC recommendations raise serious questions
- Discussion report: Musical scores, diversity conference, Module:Convert, and more
- WikiProject report: Electronic Apple Pie
- Traffic report: Kennedy shot Who
- Featured content: F*&!
- Arbitration report: Ottoman Empire–Turkey naming dispute case opens; New discretionary sanctions draft proposal available for review
- Recent research: Reciprocity and reputation motivate contributions to Wikipedia; indigenous knowledge and "cultural imperialism"; how PR people see Wikipedia
Wikidata weekly summary #87
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Italian and Polish Wikipedia now display Wikidata results in their searches
- A few new features which require your testing!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: NCL identifier, Catholic Hierarchy ID, discovery method, Sycomore ID, SWB editions, IDEO Job ID, ZDB identifier
- Newest task forces: Periodicals task force
- Showcase items: Douglas Adams, ethanol
- Development
- Finalized localization of quantity values
- Worked on support for scientific notation in quantities
- More work on improving diffs
- Worked on ranks and grouping of statements of the same rank
- Improved performance of AuthorityControl gadget by a factor of 5
- Finished work on initial version of ordering of statements
- Bene* finished the API part of badges support (user interface part is still needed)
- Database performance improvements
- Released DataValues Serialization 0.1 https://github.com/DataValues/Serialization/
- Released Ask Serialization 1.0 https://github.com/wmde/AskSerialization
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
- Improve some road items in your country by adding some statements to them.
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
The Signpost: 11 December 2013
[編輯]- News and notes: Wiki Loves Monuments—winners announced
- In the media: Edward Snowden a "hero"; German Wikipedia court ruling
- Interview: Wikipedia's first Featured Article centurion
- Traffic report: Deaths of Mandela, Walker top the list
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Wine
- Featured content: Viewer discretion advised
- Technology report: MediaWiki 1.22 released
Wikidata weekly summary #88
[編輯]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Succu becomes the first non-bot user with more than 1000000 edits in Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: ResearcherID, Portuguese Job Code CPP-2010, PSH id, medical condition
- Newest task forces: Political geography task force
- Showcase items: Barack Obama, Hubble Space Telescope
- Fun Fact: Q12345 is Count von Count (ah ah ah)
- Development
- Made improvements to lower database load
- Deployed ordering, ranks and a table of contents and fixed issues with those after deployment (mainly performance-related)
- Worked on preventing import of wikitext into item and property namespace
- Started working on a new DataModel serialization component which will be usable loose from Wikibase. Both authors and people analysing dumps will thus finally have the deserialization task solved for them.
- Started working on a version of DataModel that works with the new DataValues components
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
- Use the rails, help out the Railways task force!
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Hack on one of these.
This Month in Education: December 2013
The Signpost: 18 December 2013
[編輯]- News and notes: Nine new arbitrators announced
- WikiProject report: Babel Series: Tunisia on the French Wikipedia
- Discussion report: Usernames, template data and documentation, Main page, and more
- Traffic report: Hopper to the top
- Featured content: Triangulum, the world's most boring constellation
- Technology report: Introducing the GLAMWikiToolset
Wikidata weekly summary #89
[編輯]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikisource is still scheduled to get language links via Wikidata on January 14th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: NLM ID, NDL editions
- Showcase items: Douglas Adams
- Fun Fact: The Mayan calendar (Q2012) did not correctly predict the end of the world nor the end of Q items as Wikidata (Q2013) went on to host Wikipedia links this year.
- Development
- Happy Holidays from the dev team! Have a great time and continue being awesome ;-)
- Improved and added a lot of tests
- Worked on displaying qualifiers in the non-JavaScript UI
- No longer displaying the table of contents from item/property pages if there would be less than 3 entries in it
- Caching and database improvements
- Worked on preventing the import of wikitext into the main and property namespace
- More work on quantities UI
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
- Use the rails, help out the Railways task force!
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Hack on one of these.
Wikidata weekly summary #90
[編輯]- Discussions
- Discussion over handling of items
- RfC: Interwiki links for subpages (Notability based discussion)
- Closed: Inactive administrators
- Closed: Bot policy
- Closed RfA: Matěj Suchánek (Successful)
- Open RfA: GerardM
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Add the file and translate namespaces to the list of namespaces excluded from Wikibase Client's linking functionality and enable the "Add links" dialog for pages without language links on commons. (#58903)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: chromosome, produces
- Development
- Redesign and improvement of toollabs:bene/itemsbycat/. You can also use short urls like toollabs:bene/itemsbycat/enwiki/Wikidata.
- Worked on reorganizing our git repositories and splitting quite a few of them
- Worked more on parser cache to be able to cache more content (this failed during the last deployment)
- Some progress on redirects
- Tests, tests, tests
- Vacations \o/
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the Public holiday (P832) propery
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Help translate on of Bene*'s tools!
The Signpost: 25 December 2013
[編輯]- News and notes: IEG round 2 funding rewards diverse ambitions
- Discussion report: Draft namespace, VisualEditor meetings
- WikiProject report: More Great WikiProject Logos
- Featured content: Drunken birds and treasonous kings
- Technology report: OAuth: future of user designed tools
- Recent research: Cross-language editors, election predictions, vandalism experiments
The Signpost: 01 January 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: The year in review
- In the media: Does Wikipedia need a medical disclaimer?
- Book review: Życie Wirtualnych Dzikich
- Discussion report: Article incubator, dates and fractions, medical disclaimer
- Traffic report: A year stuck in traffic
- WikiProject report: Where Are They Now? Fifth Edition
- Featured content: 2013—the trends
- Technology report: 2013: Year in review
Wikidata weekly summary #91
[編輯]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata reached 100000000 edits
- d:User:Dexbot is the first bot to reach 10000000 edits
- Wikisource is due to receive Wikidata Phase 1 on January the 14th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: none
- Newest task forces: MediaWiki task force
- Showcase items: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Q309988)
- Fun Fact: According to Wikidata, this is the year of 2004 (Q2014)
DevelopmentWord from John- To give this section some life, since the development team had their holidays last week meaning nothing really got done (let them have one week off at least), I'll say a few words. 2014 is a new year and thus a new start, over the last year Wikidata celebrated its first birthday which brought reflection over what Wikidata had accomplish. Therefore I want to use the start of 2014 to reflect what Wikidata can do. For my personal over view see this page. For the summary, while it is meant to be a weekly simple update, I feel this can be used a lot more effective to put across not only what happened on Wikidata but things about Wikidata on other wikis, I am hoping to start a section over this within the next few weeks. If you have any suggestions for the summary, feel free to drop me a message at meta or Wikidata. Thanks.
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the Public holiday (P832) propery
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
Wikidata weekly summary #92
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikisource is deployed to testwikidata
- A group of students is working on suggestions to make it easier to add missing information. They published a status report and a rough first demo.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: track gauge, pathogen transmission process, CVR, ERA Journal ID
- Newest task forces: Manga and Anime task force
- Showcase items: Douglas Adams
- Fun Fact: Does not exist (Q404)
- Wikidata's presence: The Dutch Wikipedia have a category for coordinating coordinates on Wikidata (Categorie:Wikipedia:Coördinaten niet op Wikidata)
- Development
- Adrian Lang joins the team
- Cirrus Search is now the default search on Wikidata and should improve d:Special:Search's handlich of special characters for example
- Made the 「in other languages」 box also show up for people who have not configured a babel box (bugzilla:49079)
- No longer showing a table of content when it has less than 3 items in it to prevent it from showing up on property pages (bugzilla:58422)
- More performance improvement work
- Finishing touches on quantities datatype user interface
- Display qualifiers in non-Java Script user interface
- Prevented import of wikitext into the main namespace (bugzilla:47070)
- Split the DataValues component into more clearly defined libraries and switched Wikibase over to use these
- Switched Wikibase to use Wikibase DataModel 0.6
- Changed development and installation workflows to make use of the dependency manager Composer (more details)
- Made tests run with less warnings (especially in Firefox)
- Started replacing wikibase.fetchedEntities with a proper entity store
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the Public holiday (P832) propery
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.23wmf10)已於1月9日安裝於各測試wiki和MediaWiki.org,並將於1月14日安裝於非維基百科的wiki,以及於1月16日安裝於所有維基百科的維基(日曆)。
- 在維基共享資源於
名字空間搜索時,可能會因為搜索引擎的問題而較為緩慢。 [1]
- 可視化編輯器將於1月13日在多個維基百科對所有用戶開放。 [2]
- 您現在可以在頁面元數據菜單中加入或移除
。 [3] [4] [5]
- 1月6日,在維基共享資源和2013年維基媒體國際會議wiki使用翻譯工具時曾有數小時因為設置問題而無法編輯頁面。 [6] [7]
- 1月9日,由於服務器負荷過高,使用CSS和JavaScript時有約20分鐘曾遇到困難。
- 維基數據將在1月14日支持所有維基文庫。 [8]
- 新的搜索工具(CirrusSearch)將於1月13日在英語維基百科啟用,成為第二種搜索方法。在維基教科書和德語維基百科也將可以通過測試功能選項試用。
- 不久後您將可以用PDF以外的格式導出頁面組合。 [9]
- 不久後您將可以通過上傳嚮導上傳一整組來自Flickr的圖像。 [10] [11]
- 維基媒體基金會分享了2016年的多媒體願景。您可對此提出意見。 [12]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 作出貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲得幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2014年1月13日 (一) 09:33 (UTC)
This Month in Education: January 2014
Wikidata weekly summary #93
[編輯]- Events
- upcoming: FOSDEM
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikisource now gets its language links via Wikidata
- Reasonator gets extended functionality
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: PlantList-ID, Danemark Job Code (DISCO-08), Instruction Set, Thailand central administrative unit code, student of, archive URL
- Showcase items: ethanol
- Fun Fact: A Space Odyssey (Q2001)
- Development
- Enabled language links for Wikisource
- Move more part of an item page from JS to HTML to improve performance and non-JS interface
- Database performance improvements
- Work on forward compatibility for new entity types
- Introducing the EntityStore service to improve modularity
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the belongs to jurisdiction (P1001) property
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
The Signpost: 15 January 2014
[編輯]- Op-ed: Licensed for reuse? Citing open-access sources in Wikipedia articles
- News and notes: Wikimedia Germany asks for "reworking" of Funds Dissemination Committee; should MP4 be allowed on Wikimedia sites?
- In the media: Is Google hurting Wikipedia traffic?; "Wikipedia-Mania" in the New York Times
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Sociology
- Traffic report: The Hours are Ours
- Technology report: Architecture Summit schedule published
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.23wmf11)已於1月16日安裝於測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於1月28日安裝於非維基百科wiki,以及於1月30日安裝於所有維基百科wiki(日曆)。
- 您現在可以看見諸如Special:DoubleRedirects、Special:UncategorizedPages或Special:WantedCategories等特殊頁面的最近結果。此前它們無法工作因為效率太慢。結果現時是每月更新一次。 [13]
- 1月16日起,您可以在阿斯圖里亞斯語、波斯語和俄語維基百科製作和使用導航。如果您希望此工具安裝於您的維基,您需要翻譯它並在Bugzilla提出。 [14] [15]
- 您可對一個修復維基頁面頂部工具欄的主意提供反饋。 [16]
- 您可以觀看一段有關如何將您的問題反饋至Bugzilla的視頻。 [17]
- 在工具欄,編輯樣式(諸如加粗、斜體等)的菜單現在有一個「下拉」箭頭()。插入菜單的順序也更新了一個標題。
- 您現在可以通過非常簡單的工具編輯
<gallery />
標籤。 [18] - 您現在可以在頁面菜單中看見快捷鍵幫助頁面。 [19]
- 當您更改分類後,您將可以在保存頁面後看見它們。 [20]
- 當您編輯模板,您將可以在右欄看見參數。加入時您必須加入一個星號(*)。 [21] [22]
- 頁面將會更快保存,感謝新的編碼方式使得服務器保存文本加快40%。 [23]
- 您可在您的維基尋求安裝一個新的工具以編輯模板數據。 [24]
- 英語和德語維基百科的搜索工具在1月6日到14日期間出現問題。搜索結果中您可能無法看見新頁面和更新。 [25]
- 1月13日大多數維基出現了「數據池超時」錯誤;這可能是修復另一個錯誤後留下的後遺症。 [26]
- 1月17日,由於服務器連接問題Bugzilla和維基媒體實驗室當機20分鐘。IRC頻道由於版本更新(irc.wikimedia.org)當機2小時。 [27]
- 如果您的瀏覽器移除了JavaScript,您仍將看見橙色條提醒您有新信息。如果您通過小工具更改了導航條工作方式,您可能需要再次更改。 [28] [29]
- 在維基共享資源和使用此拓展的維基通過上傳嚮導工具拒絕所有來自Flickr某個用戶的圖像將成為可能。 [30]
- 您將在試圖刪除包括至少一個其他頁面的頁面時發現警告框。 [31]
- 消歧義頁今後將不再出現在Special:LonelyPages特殊頁面。 [32] [33]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 作出貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲得幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2014年1月20日 (一) 10:22 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #94
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Next Wikidata IRC office hour on Monday, February 3rd
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikidata Development Plan for 2014+ has been published
- Wikidata stats now also includes statistics for ranks
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: ICTV virus ID, rector, fictional analog of, writable file format, readable file format, place made
- Showcase items: Cactaceae
- Development
- Daniel and Katie took part in the MediaWiki Architecture Summit in San Francisco
- Bugzilla:60027 Add language to label and description field to make it less likely that people enter a label or description in a wrong language
- Bugzilla:58394 Avoid throwing out of bounds error when adding new claims
- Bugzilla:50570 API now reveals qualifier hashes
- Bugzilla:57213 API now reveals data type ids
- Bugzilla:57754 Die if wbeditentity tries to clear from an old revision id
- Bugzilla:55795 Add API option to show snaks in a list rather than grouped by property
- Refactor of ChangeOp remove functionality
- Continued to move parsing and validating of values from the frontend into the backend to improve performance and make the non-JS user interface more useful
- Finished the Wikidata build script (We use it to pull together code from various git repositories into a single one for deployment)
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the belongs to jurisdiction (P1001) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 22 January 2014
[編輯]- Book review: Missing Links and Secret Histories: A Selection of Wikipedia Entries from Across the Known Multiverse
- Special report: The few who write Wikipedia
- News and notes: Modification of WMF protection brought to Arbcom
- Featured content: Dr. Watson, I presume with the Tramp* Traffic report: No show for the Globes
- Technology report: Architecting the future of MediaWiki
- 感謝「模塊化存儲」,來自維基媒體站點的頁面現在將在您的瀏覽器更快加載,並再度提供了一種在您的瀏覽器中保存諸如JavaScript和CSS等數據至您的電腦以允許離線閱讀的方式。查看視頻。 [34]
- 用於顯示視頻的代碼已更改。您應該能夠在頁面點擊開始按鈕直接播放視頻而不會單獨彈出任何方框。如果您在視頻左側或右側看見播放按鈕,或者按下後卻彈出下載框,意思大概是下載源視頻文件,請在bugzilla提報程序錯誤或告知User:Bawolff。 [35]
頁面將被移除因為它太慢了。 [36]- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.23wmf11)已於1月16日安裝於測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於1月28日安裝於非維基百科wiki,以及於1月30日安裝於所有維基百科wiki(日曆)。
- 於1月21日,通用語言選擇器在所有維基媒體站點關閉因為它使得頁面載入緩慢。如果您希望使用網頁字體,或基於網絡的鍵盤樣式,您需要在您的用戶設置選項中勾選複選框以再次啟用。如果今後性能問題能得到解決,此功能將重新啟用。 [37]
- 同日有約20分鐘,由於服務器負荷過高,CSS和JavaScript載入出現困難。
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 作出貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲得幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2014年1月27日 (一) 09:46 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #95
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata is at FOSDEM in Brussels, Februrary 1st-2nd
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Quantities released on Wikidata!
- Wikisource phase 2 coming Februrary 25th.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: attendance, refractive index, electronegativity, proportion, sandbox-quantity, number of pages, number of platforms , flattening, floors above ground, number of cylinders, masts, number of speakers, g-factor, orbital eccentricity, gross tonnage, total produced, redshift, Mohs' hardness, ELO rating, atomic number, LibraryThing work identifier, EUL control number, capacity, population, Human Development Index, from narrative, launch contractor, valvetrain configuration, KOATUU identifier
- Development
- Deployed quantities to Wikidata! :)
- Made patch to make wbmergeitems more reliable Bugzilla::55960
- Wikidata edit permissions now included in wikimedia OAuth edit groups
- Moved Diff repo to Github
- Work put into make the frontend use backend formatters through the api
- Refactoring of the ValueView extension
- MergeItems special page merged as an experimental feature
- Our easy RDF fork is now included using composer
- Fixed wbmergeitems issues
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the belongs to jurisdiction (P1001) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 29 January 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: Wiki-PR defends itself, condemns Wikipedia's actions
- Traffic report: Six strikes out
- WikiProject report: Contesting Contests
- Arbitration report: Kafziel case closed; Kww admonished by motion
- Recent research: Translation assignments, weasel words, and Wikipedia's content in its later years
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf12) was added to test wikis and MediaWiki.org on January 30. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on February 4, and all Wikipedia wikis on February 6 (calendar).
- Global AbuseFilter rules are now active on all small wikis. [39] [40]
- The buttons used in pages like log-in, account creation and search are now using the same colors and styles. [41] [42]
- You can now link to diffs using
and similar links. [43] - There is no longer an option to hide tables of contents on all pages. [44]
- Searching in the
namespace on Wikimedia Commons is now faster, after a bug was fixed on January 29. [45] - All Wikimedia wikis now have high-resolution favicons. [46]
- You can now see a list of keyboard shortcuts by pressing Ctrl+/ inside VisualEditor. [47]
- Edits and files hidden with the Oversight tool will be moved to the RevisionDelete system. The Oversight tool will then be removed from Wikimedia wikis. [48] [49] [50]
- For languages where not all sister projects exist, you will be able to link to other language projects using double interwikis (
, etc.). [51] - It will soon be possible to use the GettingStarted tool on other wikis than the English Wikipedia. You can translate it on Translatewiki.net. [52]
- You will soon be able to include the Special:Contributions page into other pages. [53]
- You will be able to see where a file is used inside MultimediaViewer, the new tool for viewing media files. [54] [55]
- It will soon be possible to send MassMessage messages using the API. [56]
- You will soon see audio statistics on the Special:TimedMediaHandler page. [57]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 作出貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲得幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2014年2月3日 (一) 08:30 (UTC)
The Signpost: 29 January 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: Wiki-PR defends itself, condemns Wikipedia's actions
- Traffic report: Six strikes out
- WikiProject report: Contesting Contests
- Arbitration report: Kafziel case closed; Kww admonished by motion
- Recent research: Translation assignments, weasel words, and Wikipedia's content in its later years
Wikidata weekly summary #96
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- See the office hours logs at meta
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- See the FOSDEM slides
- Thiemo joins the Wikidata development team
- Development
- More work on badges by Bene*
- Lots of Lua improvements by hoo (separate announcement with details soon)
- Created backend Time parsers (yet another necessary step towards doing more in the backend instead of in Java Script in the frontend)
- Automatic builds created, tested and deployed to beta labs every day!
- Investigate Elastic Search as possible backend for queries
- Made Wikibase Query work with our new component structure
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the belongs to jurisdiction (P1001) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.23wmf13)已於2月6日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。2月11日將部署至非維基百科項目,2月13日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- Vector搜索框已更新以修復舊有顯示和連接性問題;諸如,您現在可以使用完整字符搜索,即便您禁用了JavaScript。請匯報您所看見的任何問題。Vector中禁用「簡化搜索欄」的選項已被移除。 [58] [59] [60] [61] [62]
- 您現在可以接收到此前不工作的wiki(使用年-月-日表達完整日期的wiki,包括中文、日語、韓語和匈牙利語版)上一些人加入連往您用戶頁連接的通知。 [63]
- Scribunto的mw.message library的一些方法將在2月18日移除。如果您在您的模板或模組調用了這些舊方法,您應確保將之更新以防止所在wiki當機。 [70] [71]
- 您也將在23個新維基百科上使用入門。它將通過竭盡所能幫助新用戶。新版本已經在英語維基百科於2月7日啟用。 [72]
- 您將可以在新搜索工具(CirrusSearch)中看見其他wiki的結果。 [73] [74]
- 維基有愛工具被重新設計並應該能夠更快載入。 [75]
- 通過維基有愛拓展或入門選項進行的編輯將加入對應標籤。 [76] [77]
- 您的用戶設置中將不再可以隱藏部分編輯連接。 [78]
- 您將可以通過API調用修訂版本刪除功能。 [79]
- 您將可以通過一個測試功能選項在非移動設備上瀏覽移動界面。 [80] [81]
- 如果您有關於通用語言選擇器的問題,您可於2月12日17:00(UTC時間)加入IRC頻道:#wikimedia-office以討論相關事宜(可通過Freenode加入)。 [82]
- 開發人員正在調試Google Summer of Code 2014。您可對此提供意見。 [83]
- 本周bugzilla.wikimedia.org將進行更新。從2月12日22:00(UTC)至2月13日01:00(UTC)期間(可能會延長)您將無法連接此站點。 [84]
。原有標籤仍將繼續工作。 [85]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 作出貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲得幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2014年2月10日 (一) 09:30 (UTC)
The Signpost: 12 February 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: WMF bites the bullet on affiliation and FDC funding, elevates Wikimedia user groups
- In the media: WikiVIP; Art Feminism; Medical articles; PR manipulation; Azerbaijani Wikipedia
- Featured content: Space selfie
- Traffic report: Sports Day
- WikiProject report: Game Time in Russia
- Technology report: Left with no choice
Wikidata weekly summary #97
[編輯]- Discussions
- Reasonator
- By hovering over a wikilink you will see the first paragraph.
- The "personal settings" allow you to import your Babel info from Wikidata. This can be used to restrict the random items you will get.
- The first iteration of "on the fly" text generation for English. It works for "humans" and, is completely based on the available Wikidata information.
- You can now add labels in your language from within Reasonator. Technically oAuth is used. It now takes just one click to add a label in your language.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: IAAF ID, Lagrangian point
- Showcase items: Vesta (Q3030)
- Development
- Wrote performance tests so we can track performance improvements better
- Did a code review of all gadgets that are enabled by default in Wikidata. Found and fixed a performance bottleneck.
- Work on making the interface more responsive, e. g. live preview when editing labels and updating the watchlist star when saving.
- Started refactoring and fixing issues with automatically created summaries that are, for example, created by bots via API calls.
- Fixed an issue with OAuth on Wikidata because of permissions
- Started code review of the code the student team is working on for suggestions
- Discussed updates to the data model document to be able to update it to the actual implementation
- Did a technical debt analysis and design review of Wikibase.git, with initial focus on WikibaseLib
- Got (backend) EntityStore on the way, so we can test API modules without touching the database
- Further work on TimeParsers move to the backend
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the belongs to jurisdiction (P1001) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
This Month in Education: February 2014
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.23wmf14)已於2月13日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於2月18日將部署至非維基百科wiki,並於2月20日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- 您現在可以再次看見活躍用戶列表了。 [86] [87]
- 新搜索工具(CirrusSearch)現已提供更多名字空間的重要內容,只要您在很多名字空間進行搜索。 [88]
- 您現在可以通過多媒體查看器,瀏覽媒體文件的新工具直接連接文件預覽。 [89]
- 2014年1月維基媒體工程報告現已發布。您可以翻譯此報告的簡短版本。 [90]
- 2月9日,維基媒體實驗室由於XFS文件系統問題當機約2小時。 [91]
- 2月11日,由於服務器日誌問題可視化編輯器有約20分鐘編輯困難。 [92]
- 同日,約20分鐘由於數據庫問題頁面載入困難。
- 歐洲用戶於2月13日21:00(UTC)至2月14日11:00(UTC)期間頁面載入困難。這也是因為服務器緩存問題。
- 2月14日,所有站點面向東南亞、大洋洲和北美西部用戶當機約15分鐘。原因是服務器緩存問題。
- 連接工具現在會告知您加入連接至消歧義頁或重定向頁的鏈接。 [93]
- 您現在可以通過可視化編輯器更改圖像格式(諸如縮略圖、框架和無框架)。 [94]
- 當您從您在編輯的段落移除維基文本時維基文本警告將隱藏。 [95]
- 您也將可以通過可視化編輯器創建和編輯重定向頁。 [96] [97] [98]
2014年2月17日 (一) 08:38 (UTC)
The Signpost: 15 February 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: Foundation takes aim at undisclosed paid editing; Greek Wikipedia editor faces down legal challenge
- WikiProject report: Countering Systemic Bias
- Featured content: Holotype
- Traffic report: Chilly Valentines
- Technology report: ULS comeback
Wikidata weekly summary #98
[編輯]- Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikisource will receive access to the data in Wikidata on February 25th. Planning is taking place at d:Wikidata:Wikisource.
- 1 week left to give initial input for the user interface redesign
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: impact factor, Municipality code (Denmark), USB ID, Home world, Cardinality of the group, Internet media type, Bluebook abbreviation, Z39.5 abbreviation, ISO 4 abbreviation, CODEN, landing site, US Congress Bio identifier, Scopus Source ID, Scopus Affiliation ID, Scopus EID, Scopus Author ID, IPTC Media Topic, topic's main portal, Regensburg Classification, Library of Congress Classification, neutron number
- Fun Fact: Wikidata has reached 30 million statements
- Development
- Refactored the suggestions drop-downs when entering properties for better performance
- Fixed a misdirected arrow in left-to-right languages (bugzilla:61308)
- Worked on an Apache redirect issue (bugzilla:54273)
- Found and started fixing an issue that asked users for additional languages they don't want according to their Babel box (bugzilla:61446)
- Table-of-contents link to the statements section of an item was broken
- Kept poking TimeParsers
- Made WikibaseDatabase feature complete for use with WikibaseQueryEngine
- Work on caching javascript config variables in parser cache
- Investigate using ElasticSearch as term index backend to take some load of the most-used database table
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the MedlinePlus ID (P604) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help develop the next summary here!
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.23wmf15)已於2月20日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於2月25日將部署至非維基百科wiki,並於2月27日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- 新搜索工具(CirrusSearch)已經加入意大利語維基語錄以及所有維基學院。用戶現在可以通過他們的測試選項啟用之。 [99] [100]
- The Universal Language Selector was enabled on all Wikimedia wikis again. You can enable web fonts in your ULS options (see how).
- You will soon be able to add and edit
in the page settings menu. [101] [102] [103] - You will soon be able to use the Ctrl+Alt+S or ⌘+Opt+S shortcuts to open the save window in VisualEditor. [104] [105]
- 當您檢查您的更改時您也將能夠在保存窗口預覽您的編輯摘要。 [106] [107]
- You will soon be able to use the
tag again. [108] - 您也將能夠在所有名字空間發送群發信息了。 [109] [110]
- Notifications will soon work in all namespaces. [111][112][113]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
2014年2月24日 (一) 10:18 (UTC)
翻譯通知:Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Board Service
這裡有一頁需要您協助翻譯:Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Board Service現已可供翻譯。您可以按以下的連結來進行翻譯:
Translations are also still welcome for the first post in the series, titled "Introduction to the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees", where Vice Chair Phoebe Ayers explains the Board, its mandate, and its work within the community. It will hopefully remain a useful reference for a long time to come. It can be translated at [114].
Meta翻譯協調員, 2014年2月26日 (三) 19:39 (UTC)The Signpost: 26 February 2014
[編輯]- Special report: Diary of a protester—Wikimedian perishes in Ukrainian unrest
- Forum: Should Wikimedia modify its terms of use to require disclosure?
- News and notes: Wikimedia chapters and communities challenge Commons' URAA policy
- Traffic report: Snow big deal
- WikiProject report: Racking brains with neuroscience
- Featured content: Odin salutes you
- Recent research: CSCW '14 retrospective; the impact of SOPA on deletionism
翻譯通知:Wikimedia Highlights, January 2014
這裡有一頁需要您協助翻譯:Wikimedia Highlights, January 2014現已可供翻譯。您可以按以下的連結來進行翻譯:
Translations are also still welcome for the recently published December Highlights, at [115].
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.
Meta翻譯協調員, 2014年3月1日 (六) 09:20 (UTC)Wikidata weekly summary #99
[編輯]- Discussions
- Discussion about defining lists
- Open RfAs: לערי ריינהארט, Pamputt
- Closed RfAs: Epìdosis (Successful)
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: unemployment rate, manner of death, file extension, received signal, prevalence, connecting service, first performance, Universal Decimal Classification, Chinese Library Classification, Dharma Drum Buddhist College place ID, Dharma Drum Buddhist College person ID, MEP directory identifier, Rodovid ID, handle, Gewässerkennzahl, LIBRIS editions, numeric value, visitors per year, Geokod, approximation algorithm, transmitted signal
- Showcase item: Why not improve Kleinmachnow (Q104192) to showcase standard?
- Wikidata's presence: vici.org are using Wikidata identifiers in their data storage
- Development
- Made loading items a lot faster
- Enabled access to the data on Wikidata for Wikisource
- Fixed the diff view sometimes showing the wrong revision
- Attended ConFoo and learned all of the things
- Released Wikibase DataModel Serialization 0.1
- Continue work on caching javascript config variables in parser cache
- Started to make Wikidata even faster by removing StaticExpert and BifidExpert
- Started reviewing interface animations. You should be able to disable them all by setting $.fx.off = true; in your Special:MyPage/common.js.
- Fixed Wikidata looking a bit odd when enabling the Typography refresh Beta feature.
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the MedlinePlus ID (P604) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--♠小威♥·★來杯咖啡★ 2014年3月2日 (日) 12:15 (UTC)
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.23wmf16)已於2月27日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於3月4日將部署至非維基百科wiki,並於3月6日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- 當用戶默認啟用網頁字體時,通用語言選擇器將在用戶沒有合適字體正確顯示頁面時記載日誌。這個信息對開發人員未來導入字體支持很有幫助。詳情請見丟失字體頁面。 [116]
- 您現在可以在捷克語和日語維基百科使用指導(Guided tours)功能。如果您希望此工具在您的wiki使用,您需要翻譯它並在Bugzilla提出。 [117] [118]
- 您現在可以在維基文庫使用來自維基數據的信息。 [119]
- 多媒體組在他們的郵件列表中發布了每周更新。 [120]
- 您現在可以在您的wiki將圖像大小更改為默認。如果您在頁面中加入了新圖像,它們也將設置為默認大小。 [121] [122] [123]
- 如果您從可視化編輯器切換至wiki代碼編輯器,您的編輯將加入對應標籤。 [124]
- 模板參數現在擁有更大且自動精確的輸入框便於編輯。 [125]
- 可視化編輯器現在有用於阿拉伯語、芬蘭語和科隆語的文字樣式圖標。如果您希望加入您的語言對應的圖標,請向Bugzilla提出。 [126] [127] [128]
- 瀏覽媒體文件的新工具在加載完整圖像時將顯示進度條和縮略圖。 [129] [130]
- 您將可以在用戶貢獻列表中只顯示頁面創建。 [131] [132]
- 條目反饋工具將於3月3日在英語和法語維基百科移除。這也意味着不會有新的維基媒體wiki加入此工具。 [133] [134]
- 使用新搜索工具的wiki將在3月6日00:00(UTC)開始回到舊有搜索工具,大概幾個小時後會恢復。 [135]
- 2月23日有1個小時由於MediaWiki的技術問題頁面加載困難。 [136]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
Wikidata weekly summary #100
[編輯]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikiquote will get language links via Wikidata on April 8th. Coordination is happening at d:Wikidata:Wikiquote
- Did you know?
- Development
- Added more details to the diffs of time and geocoordinate values (will show which globe the coordinate is on and so on now as well)
- More work on badges by Bene* - most work left is now in the GUI part of it
- Removed unneeded and unused permissions/rights
- Fixed a bug concerning spaces in quantities (bugzilla:61911)
- Started work on taking ranks into account for queries, the property parser function and Lua. (By default only preferred values should be used if available. If not available then it should use values with rank normal.)
- test2.wikipedia.org and test.wikipedia.org now use test.wikidata.org as their data repository, instead of wikidata.org
- Started work on WikibaseInternalSerialization component
- Released Wikibase DataModel 0.7 - https://github.com/wmde/WikibaseDataModel/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES.md
- Added indexes to Wikibase QueryEngine
- Improved SQLite support in Wikibase Database
- Started moving virtual machine instances of various test systems to the new Wikimedia Datacenter
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the sport (P641) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 05 March 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: Wikipedia Library finding success in matching contributors with sources
- Traffic report: Brinksmen on the brink
- Discussion report: Four paragraph lead, indefinitely blocked IPs, editor reviews broken?
- WikiProject report: Article Rescue Squadron
- Featured content: Full speed ahead for the WikiCup
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.23wmf17)已於3月6日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於3月11日將部署至非維基百科wiki,並於3月13日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- 您現在可以在所有維基語錄計劃使用新搜索工具(CirrusSearch)。您可通過您的測試選項啟用之。 [137] [138]
- 現在起編輯模板更方便了。複雜工具現已整合進「高級」模式。 [139] [140]
- 編輯圖像也更方便了。您現在有更多選項並且它們更好解釋。 [141]
- 可視化編輯器加入假空白線因此您可以放置光標。它們現在更小並可活動以區分真正的空白線。 [142]
- 我們已導入加入特殊字符的工具。按鈕現已更大。更多更新也將到來。 [143]
- 您現在可以使用新的鍵盤快捷鍵以撤銷最後編輯、清空格式以及顯示鍵盤快捷鍵幫助窗口。 [144] [145] [146]
- 您將可以使用測試選項以顯示語言連接列表的較短版本。另外,通用語言選擇器將只顯示與您相關的語言。您仍將可以搜索到其他語言。 [147]
- CirrusSearch將自動索引新導入頁面。 [148] [149]
- 您將可以在所有維基媒體wiki的模板中使用CSS樣式按鈕,無需JavaScript。 [150]
- 維基媒體基金會語言工程組將在3月12日17:00(UTC)在Freenode的#wikimedia-office頻道開啟一場IRC討論(時間換算)。 [151]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
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Meta翻譯協調員, 2014年3月12日 (三) 10:41 (UTC)Wikidata weekly summary #101
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Media Hack Days, Berlin March 22nd-23rd
- Ateliers Wikidata, Bordeaux, France March 22nd-23rd
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: NLC authorities, Atlas ID, fuel system, supercharger, ID (General Administration of Press and Publication), ISMN, NUKAT authorities
- Development
- Changed the {{property}} parser function and Lua’s mw.wikibase.entity.formatPropertyValues to only return the statements ranked as preferred or if none are available the ones ranked as normal (This will probably go live on April 25th.)
- Worked on improving page load time further by reducing the number of reloads during page loading
- Made diffs for time and geocoordinates more complete and prettier
- Continued research for user interface redesign
- Tpt worked on optionally showing links to other sister projects in the client’s sidebar (bugzilla:54374)
- Wrote a fix for Wikidata changes not showing up in the client’s watchlist (bugzilla:62149)
- Updated a major chunk of our inline code documentation
- Continued discussing technical details about how coordinates should be stored in Wikibase
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the Léonore ID (P640) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 12 March 2014
[編輯]- Traffic report: War and awards
- News and notes: Wikimedians celebrate International Women's Day and Women's History Month
- WikiProject report: Examining the Russian Wikipedia's Entomology Project
- Featured content: Ukraine burns
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.23wmf18)已於3月13日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於3月18日將部署至非維基百科wiki,並於3月20日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- 您現在可以查看大於20百萬像素的PNG圖像的縮小版本。 [152]
- 您現在可以在所有小維基使用新搜索工具(CirrusSearch)。您可以通過您的測試選項啟用之。 [153] [154]
- 您可以閱讀2014年2月維基媒體技術報告總結。 [155]
- 如果您嘗試登錄或註冊一個無效或已被註冊的用戶名時您將看見一個錯誤信息。 [160]
- 您現在可以測試包括OpenStreetMap地圖的UploadWizard工具的第一個版本。歡迎做出評論。 [161]
- 您也將能夠在測試功能中啟用新的工具叫做Hovercards。 [162]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
This Month in Education: March 2014
Wikidata weekly summary #102
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Cambridge revisited II documents how you can query Wikidata and put the results on a map.
- Cambridge revisited V shows that maps have popups with texts generated on Wikidata statements and labels.
- The architecture of the Wikimedia storage of the meta data of media files discusses that integration of Commons is a subset of what we can achieve when we consider the whole of media files.
- Spaghetti Open Data, Bologna. March 28th - 30th
- GLAM Treffen, Bremen. March 29th - 30th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Riksdagen person-id
- Development
- Continued making the UI faster
- Fixed Wikidata changes not showing up in the watchlist on the client (Wikipedia, etc.) (bugzilla:62149)
- Decided to turn off the inoperable wikidata.org language subdomains for now to reduce confusion
- Created initial version of Wikibase Internal Serialization component
- wbEntity and wbUsedEntities JavaScript variables are now cached in the parser cache
- Ongoing refactoring to get rid of the previously used numeric ID numbers in favor of prefixed IDs
- Made wbsearchentities aware of previously unquoted percent characters
- Put some time into fixing longstanding oddities that made the developers cry from time to time
- Worked on reducing internal usage of EntityContent, in preparation for redirect support
- Worked on performance issues with JSON dump generation (hopefully we can start generating dumps soon)
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the original language (P364) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 19 March 2014
[編輯]- Interview: Nate Ott: the writer behind 71 articles in the English Wikipedia's largest-ever good topic
- Forum: Wikimedia Commons mission: free media for the world or only Wikimedia projects?
- News and notes: Foundation-supported Wikipedian in residence faces scrutiny
- Traffic report: Into thin air
- WikiProject report: We have history
- Featured content: Spot the bulldozer
- Technology report: Wikimedia engineering report
- 您現在可以在圖像或模板上雙擊或點擊↲ Enter按鈕以更改設置。 [164] [165]
- 編輯模式下尚不存在的頁面將顯示紅鏈。 [166]
- 您將不再能夠通過可視化編輯器編輯可翻譯頁面、並且編輯此類頁面時您將看見警告框。 [167]
- 當您試圖通過可視化編輯器編輯被保護頁面時您將看見完整的警告框、包括新近更改日誌。 [168]
- 排版更新將於3月27日在測試維基和MediaWiki.org面向使用Vector皮膚的用戶正式啟用。非維基百科wiki將於4月1日啟用、維基百科用戶則是4月3日。如果您設置了其他皮膚、您將不會受到影響。
- 3月26日起您將能夠啟用Hovercards工具作為測試功能之一。
- 您也將能夠在其他頁面引用Special:Whatlinkshere。 [169] [170]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 26 March 2014
[編輯]- Op-ed: Why we're updating the default typography for Wikipedia
- Comment: A foolish request
- News and notes: Commons Picture of the Year—winners announced
- Traffic report: Down to a simmer
- WikiProject report: From the peak
- Featured content: Winter hath a beauty that is all his own
- Recent research: Wikipedians' "encyclopedic identity" dominates even in Kosovo debates; analysis of "In the news" discussions; user hierarchy mapped
- Technology report: Why will Wikipedia look like the Signpost?
Wikidata weekly summary #103
[編輯]- Discussions
- Wikiquote notability
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Summary: The summaries will now be sent out on Saturday as opposed to Friday.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: astronomical filter, National Archives specific records type ID, National Archives topical subject ID, National Archives geographic ID, National Archives organization ID, National Archives person ID, compressor type, Internet Broadway Database person ID, Internet Broadway Database show ID, Internet Broadway Database production ID, Internet Broadway Database venue ID, English Heritage list number, apparent magnitude
- Newest task forces: Heraldry task force
- Development
- Reduced page load time significantly once again. Page load time was cut to roughly 2/3. For now we’re happy with the resulting page load times. We’ll start concentrating on other areas of the user interface now.
- Fixed faulty selection handling when adding a property using the keyboard (bugzilla:62868)
- Worked on fixing issues with handling of spaces in quantities (bugzilla:62567)
- Fixed miscount of Wikidata changes on the client watchlist (bugzilla:45812)
- Wrote new browser tests for special pages using the Cucumber and Selenium frameworks
- Improved error formatting, localisation and handling. We will work on error message wording next to make them more understandable.
- Worked on the code which propagates page moves from the clients into Wikidata as a preparation for allowing page deletions to appear on Wikidata
- Made the Wikibase extension work with the new 「Compact language links」 Beta feature and a bit more independent from the UniversalLanguageSelector in general
- The student team working on the entity suggester has finished the first version of it. The code is being reviewed now and is hopefully ready for deployment soon. Once it is deployed it will show you what new properties you could add to an item.
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the original language (P364) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.23wmf20)已於3月27日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於4月1日將部署至非維基百科wiki、並於4月3日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- 排版樣式更新已於3月27日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。您將只能在Vector皮膚下看見改變。它將於4月1日將部署至非維基百科wiki、並於4月3日部署至所有維基百科。
- CirrusSearch,新搜索工具,已於3月27日在超過30個新wiki上啟用。 [171] [172]
- 封禁用戶現在會在可視化編輯器中看見與wiki文本編輯器中相同的被禁止編輯的信息。 [173] [174]
- 可視化編輯器中用於重新使用參考資料的搜索框現在比之前更好使用。 [175]
- 可視化編輯器中子頁面的新連接不再指向錯誤頁面。 [176]
- 可視化編輯器的媒體對話框開啟某些格式圖像時不會再損壞。 [177]
- 由於服務器更新,4月1日從16:00(UTC)起您將有一段時間無法訪問Wikitech。 [178]
- CirrusSearch將於4月2日在除維基共享資源、元維基和孵育場以外的非維基百科wiki正式成為新搜索引擎。
- 您將可以看見顯示重複文件的新特殊頁面。 [179]
- 刪除文件或其介紹頁的某個版本將在日誌中分開顯示。 [180]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。