恭喜您!您最近建立或大幅改進的條目淋巴瘤經推薦後,獲選於首頁作新條目展示。如果希望推薦其他您關注的條目,歡迎前往Wikipedia:新條目推薦/候選提名。在您建立或大幅改進的所有條目中,總計有1篇條目獲推薦作首頁新條目展示。 |
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Wikidata weekly summary #104
[編輯]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Toolkit 0.1.0 released!
- Wikidata development has been going on for two years!
- Wikiquote gets Phase I on Tuesdays (April 8th)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: JSTOR journal code, Openpolis ID, Philippine Standard Geographic Code ID
- Development
- Property of an existing claim can no longer be changed through API with wbeditentity (bugzilla:62425)
- UI for simple query SpecialPage (bugzilla:55593)
- minor fixes in the UI
- UI for claims on property pages
- worked on review of property suggester (review)
- still looking for a working student/intern
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the original language (P364) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 02 April 2014
[編輯]- Special report: On the cusp of the Wikimedia Conference
- News and notes: Wikimedia conferences—soul-searching about costs, attendance, and future
- Traffic report: Regressing to the mean
- WikiProject report: Deutschland in English
- Featured content: April Fools
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf21) was scheduled to be deployed to test wikis and MediaWiki.org on April 3, however it was temporarily put on hold due to localization issues. (calendar).
- 排版更新已4月1日在非維基百科wiki啟用,並於4月3日在所有維基百科啟用。您將只會在默認的Vector皮膚下看見變化。
- CirrusSearch已於4月2日在400多個非維基百科wiki正式啟用。 [1]
- 一個新的特殊頁面叫做Special:TrackingCategories將引入,它將跟蹤一些在對應wiki上自動加入的分類。 [2] [3]
- 維基數據將於4月8日支持所有維基語錄的語言連接。 [4]
- Hovercards功能將改進從右向左閱讀語言(例如:阿拉伯語、希伯來語等)的顯示效果。 [5] [6]
- 您將能夠從新的多媒體工具媒體查看器直接下載文件。 [7]
- 媒體查看器將在4月10日在MediaWiki.org面向所有用戶啟用。歡迎繼續反饋意見。
- 您可幫助檢查您語言版本的驗證碼可用性。 [8]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
Wikidata weekly summary #105
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Announcing ToolScript. With ToolScript can be used to get the output of all Magnus' tools
- Feline mayors of the world or why Wikidata is awesome
- A Rijksmuseum representative indicated what kind of information she hopes Wikidata will deliver
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikiquote now gets its sitelinks via Wikidata. Welcome, Wikiquote! Access to the other data will follow.
- Do you want automatic sidebar links to other Wikimedia projects powered by Wikidata? Here you go: http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikidata-l/2014-April/003690.html Thanks Tpt!
- Use Wikidata for internationalization on any website! How awesome is this? Very!
- Vote for some Wikidata talks for Wikimania
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: KulturNav-id, compression ratio, patent number, OmegaWiki Defined Meaning, phone number, International Standard Recording Code, Theatricalia play ID, Swiss Football Association Club Number, Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level, ISFDB publisher ID, Swedish Football Association ID, Box Office Mojo film ID, Parsons code, ISFDB series ID, ISFDB publication ID, ISFDB author ID, Linguist list code, NARA online catalogue
- Development
- Still looking for an awesome intern. Do you know someone who'd fit?
- Bene* continued working hard on making 「badges」 (the 「featured」 and 「good article」 stars) in Wikidata a reality
- Finishing touches for Statements on properties
- Worked on better error messages when parsing failed
- Updated the translations to use much easier to manage JSON files for each language
- Made a list of hard to understand messages that should be reworded
- Implemented a usable interface for Special:SimpleQuery
- Closed a backdoor that let you change the property of a snak via the API, sorry guys
- Continuous refactoring and improving of the code base that defines what Wikidata and the Wikibase extensions are
- Kept Wikidata up to date with the typography update
- Started to redesign the Wikibase page on mediawiki.org
- Investigated if standard spam prevention features of MediaWiki work as they should on Wikidata (Result: mostly yes but some fixes/tweaks are needed.)
- Released version 1.0 of the Diff extension.
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the movement (P135) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 09 April 2014
[編輯]- Special report: Community mourns passing of Adrianne Wadewitz
- News and notes: Round 2 of FDC funding open to public comments
- Traffic report: Conquest of the Couch Potatoes
- WikiProject report: Law
- Featured content: Snow heater and Ash sweep
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.23wmf22)已於4月10日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於4月15日將部署至非維基百科wiki、並於4月17日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- 媒體查看器已於4月10日在MediaWiki.org為所有用戶正式啟用。它將於4月17日在加泰羅尼亞語、匈牙利語和韓語維基百科以及英語維基導遊正式啟用。歡迎繼續做出反饋。 [9] [10] [11]
- Windows用戶因排版樣式更新產生的字體問題已於4月7日修復。 [12] [13]
- 現在,當您用可視化編輯器加入模板參數時,您將只看見3個選項;您將通過下拉箭頭看見其他選項。 [14]
- 可視化編輯器媒體編輯的對話框中的大小更改已經進一步簡化。
- Vector皮膚下wiki文本編輯器標籤將摺疊至一個下拉菜單,如果您的顯示器沒有足夠大小完全顯示的話。 [15] [16]
- 維基媒體wiki上用於正文的字體將改為您系統的默認無襯線字體。這一臨時更改將於4月15日對所有非維基百科wiki,以及於4月17日對所有維基百科進行。 [17] [18]
- 維基共享資源的圖片在其他wiki顯示時將很快加入一個叫「在維基共享資源查看」的標籤。創建標籤也將改為「加入本地描述」(截圖)。 [19]
- 您將可以通過點擊Esc按鈕隱藏通知和Hovercards工具。 [20] [21] [22] [23]
- 緊湊跨語言連接將能夠在從右至左語言(阿拉伯語、希伯來語、波斯語等)正常工作。您在之前使用的語言版本將顯示在列表上。 [24]
- 您將能夠通過大量信息工具向指定分類中的頁面發送信息。 [25] [26]
- 用戶設置中的日期格式選項卡將移動至外觀標籤下。 [27] [28]
- 維基媒體基金會多媒體項目組將於4月16日18:00(UTC)在Freenode的#wikimedia-office開啟一場IRC討論(轉換成您所在的時區)。 [29]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
This Month in Education: April 2014
[編輯]Anna Koval (WMF) (talk) 2014年4月15日 (二) 21:46 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #106
[編輯]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- List of items without images but possibly free images available
- Any interested in another Wikidata office hour? (Say yes)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO, earliest written record
- Development
- Lots of small little cleanups.
- Sprintbreak as most people are taking a few days off.
- Happy Q21196! Say Hi to the Q108636 ;-)
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the academic degree (P512) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf1)已於4月17日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於4月22日將部署至非維基百科wiki、並於4月24日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- 新搜索工具(CirrusSearch)於4月18日在27個新wiki作為測試功能啟用。 [32] [33]
- SVG文件不同字體的問題在上周被修復。現在使用DejaVu Sans Condensed、DejaVu Serif Condensed、DejaVu Sans Light、Kochi Gothic和Kochi Mincho字體的文件已可以正常使用。 [34] [35] [36] [37]
- 由Henrik開發的查看站點統計的頁面(stats.grok.se)現已提速。 [38]
- 您可閱讀2014年3月維基媒體技術匯報摘要。 [39]
- 如果您嘗試加入分類,但對應分類重定向至其他分類,可視化編輯器將建議用戶改為目標分類。 [40] [41]
- 教育計劃頁面將不再出現可視化編輯器標籤。 [42] [43]
- 您現在可在元維基和法語維基新聞通過您的用戶設置啟用可視化編輯器。 [44] [45] [46]
- 媒體查看器將於4月24日在捷克語、愛沙尼亞語、芬蘭語、希伯來語、波蘭語、羅馬尼亞語、斯洛伐克語、泰語和越南語維基百科正式啟用。歡迎繼續做出反饋。 [47]
- 由匿名用戶做出的編輯將通過新的CSS類別(
)標記。這樣您能夠更方便將這些編輯標記成不同顏色、字體或背景。 [48] [49] - 記住登錄狀態的用戶設置將在所有wiki移除。編輯覆核選項將移動至最近更改中,並且維基有愛工具選項將移動至編輯中。 [50] [51] [52] [53]
- 您將能夠提供參數用於預載入模板。 [54] [55]
- 您將可以在只讀模式下對您不能編輯的頁面使用代碼編輯器。 [56] [57]
- 有用戶提議整合Bugzilla、Gerrit和其他工具至單一工具Phabricator中。您可測試Phabricator並在MediaWiki.org提供您的反饋。 [58]
- 有關上面提到的Phabricator的IRC討論將於4月22日03:30(UTC)在freenode的#wikimedia-office開啟(點此轉換成您所在的時區)。 [59]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 23 April 2014
[編輯]- Special report: 2014 Wikimedia Conference—what is the impact?
- Wikimania: Winning bid announced for 2015
- News and notes: Wikimedian passes away
- WikiProject report: To the altar—Catholicism
- Featured content: There was I, waiting at the church
- Traffic report: Reflecting in Gethsemane
請補充檔案File:2014 DFC+TYCAA logo.png的版權或來源信息
[編輯]歡迎參與維基百科。您所上載的檔案File:2014 DFC+TYCAA logo.png由於沒有註明上載頁面所要求的所有資訊,將作快速刪除處理。請補充所需的所有資訊,包括填寫上載頁面的虛線方塊內所有欄目,以及使用了適當的檔案版權標誌。維基百科嚴格規範圖片上載手續,是為了避免侵犯版權所致,多謝您的注意和合作。--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2014年4月25日 (五) 01:48 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #107
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Lydia will give an update on Wikidata at the WMF Metrics and Activities meeting
- Indian Parliamentarians' Label-a-thon is taking place to add labels for all members of the Lok Sabha.
- In May, edit-a-thons hounouring Adrianne Wadewitz are taking place to add more gender related information to Wikidata.
- Wikidata office hour on May 19th at 17:00 UTC.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Time and geocoordinates have been reworked and need some testing at test.wikidata.org. Found issues? Let Lydia know.
- Did you know?
- Development
- Worked on making it possible to use languages not supported by MediaWiki in Wikidata
- We now also display statements with "no value" or "unknown value" on the client (when using the parser function or Lua)
- Created another maintenance script to fix data integrity issues
- Finishing touches on the first version of the new entity suggester
- Simple queries are starting to work (If you want to see a demo attend the WMF Metrics and Activities meeting)
- Worked more on making error messages localizable
- Released Wikibase DataModel 0.7.4
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the academic degree (P512) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
File:Design For Change Taiwan.jpeg的快速刪除通知
幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2014年4月28日 (一) 00:48 (UTC)
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf2)已於4月24日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於4月29日將部署至非維基百科wiki、並於5月1日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- 您現在可以使用跨維基連接
連接至維基共享資源了! [61]
- 您將可以通過可視化編輯器設置內容語言和用法。 [62]
- 在上周
和類似頁面出現問題並修復後可視化編輯器已恢復正常。 [63] - 可視化編輯器對話框現在使用動態時間軸而不是動態GIF圖像。
- 新搜索工具(CirrusSearch)將於下周作為測試功能在41個新wiki啟用,這包括元維基和瑞典語、俄語、波蘭語、日語和中文維基百科。這意味着CirrusSearch現已在所有維基媒體wiki可用。
- 媒體查看器將於5月1日在法語和荷蘭語維基百科正式啟用。歡迎繼續反饋。 [64]
- 維基媒體wiki移動版本將包括用於警告上傳侵犯版權圖片的過濾器。 [65]
- 代碼編輯器將包括關於錯誤和警告的狀態欄。 [66] [67]
- 您可測試作為修復wiki頁面頂部工具欄提議的Winter新版本。歡迎做出評論。 [68]
- 4月21日由於服務器承載超限有30分鐘出現圖像縮放問題。 [69] [70]
- 4月22日由於服務器遷移有90分鐘無法使用Collection拓展。 [71] [72]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 30 April 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: WMF's draft annual plan turns indigestible as an FDC proposal
- Interview: Wikipedia in the Peabody Essex Museum
- Featured content: Browsing behaviours
- WikiProject report: Genetics
- Traffic report: Going to the Doggs
- Recent research: Wikipedia predicts flu more accurately than Google; 43% of academics have edited Wikipedia
Wikidata weekly summary #108
[編輯]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Lydia gave a first demo of simple queries and other cool stuff at the WMF Metrics and Activities Meeting
- ongoing this weekend: Youth Science Hack Day where a team is working on a Wikidata powered quiz app
- upcoming: Data Science Day
- upcoming: MediaWiki hackathon in Zurich
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Development
- Got simple queries in shape for a first demo at the WMF Metrics and Activities Meeting
- Cleaned up constraints checks and input validation
- Worked on requirements for the user interface redesign
- Started work on monolingual text datatype
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the academic degree (P512) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf3)已於5月1日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於5月6日將部署至非維基百科wiki、並於5月8日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- 緊湊用戶欄已於5月1日作為測試功能在測試維基和MediaWiki.org加入。它將於5月6日加入非維基百科wiki、並於5月8日加入所有維基百科。您可以通過您本地的測試功能設置啟用。 [73]
- 您現在可以方便的禁用代碼編輯器了。 [74]
- 可視化編輯器外部連結現在調整為統一的淺藍色。 [75]
- 模板工具現在告訴你模板參數過時的消息。 [76]
- 您可以加入「已提議」參數至模板數據;可視化編輯器同樣會在需要時自動加入。 [77]
- 有一個新的用於文件名的模板參數:
[78][79] - 編輯數學公式功能將會對所有用戶啟用。 [80] [81]
- 您也將可以測試新的測試功能用於編輯其他語言文字。 [82] [83]
- 媒體查看器將於5月8日在日語、葡萄牙語、西班牙語、瑞典語和泰盧固語維基百科以及維基共享資源正式啟用。歡迎繼續反饋。 [84]
- 您可以協助翻譯我們已加入數據庫的100種新語言名。這將用於跨維基連接的懸停文本以及用戶語言設置。您可聯繫Nemo獲取幫助。
- 如果您在監視列表中點擊一個重定向頁,您將進入那個重定向頁而不是被重定向。 [85] [86]
- 4月29日00:20(UTC)由於服務器超頻有40分鐘頁面載入困難。
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 07 May 2014
[編輯]- In focus: Foundation announces long-awaited new executive director
- News and notes: New system of discretionary sanctions; Buchenwald; is Pirelli 'Cracking Wikipedia'?
- WikiCup: 2014 WikiCup enters round three
- In the media: Google and the flu; Adrianne
- WikiProject report: Singing with Eurovision
- Featured content: Wikipedia at the Rijksmuseum
- Traffic report: TMZedia
Wikidata weekly summary #109
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- There will be a German handbook on Wikidata and authority control. Feedback and proofreading is very welcome until next week at https://hshdb.github.io/normdaten-in-wikidata/2014-05-06.html
- Development
- Attending the MediaWiki hackathon in Zurich
- Work on finalizing the JSON dumps
- More work on simple queries to get them ready for performance and security review and a first release
- Legoktm created an API module to retrieve the current dispatch stats status
- Fixed an issue with iferror when using the property parser function (bugzilla:55347)
- Show correct data in the in other languages box for older revisions (bugzilla:63309)
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the academic degree (P512) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 移動分類介紹頁面將成為可能。已更改分類中的頁面仍將需要手動移動。 [89] [90]
- 您將能夠一鍵或通過API清空您的監視列表。 [91] [92] [93] [94]
- 您將可以通過
連接至Flow帖子和板塊。 [95] [96] - jQuery庫將更新。請檢查您的小工具和腳本以使其繼續正常工作。 [97]
- Vector皮膚將加載更快,載入後部分時間不再收縮。 [98] [99] [100]
- 媒體查看器將於5月15日在維基共享資源正式啟用。歡迎繼續反饋。
- 有關Phabricator的IRC討論將於5月14日18:00(UTC)在freenode頻道#wikimedia-office開啟(時區轉換)。 [101]
- Toolserver將於6月30日停止服務。請確保連接至Toolserver的小工具已改為連接Tool Labs。 [102]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
This Month in Education: May 2014
MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2014年5月15日 (四) 20:08 (UTC)
The Signpost: 14 May 2014
[編輯]- Investigative report: Hong Kong's Wikimania 2013—failure to produce financial statement raises questions of probity
- News and notes: 'Ask a librarian': connecting Wikimedians with the National Library of Australia
- Featured content: On the rocks
- Traffic report: Eurovision, Google Doodles, Mothers, and May 5th
- WikiProject report: Relaxing in Puerto Rico
- Technology report: Technology report needs editor, Media Viewer offers a new look
Wikidata weekly summary #110
[編輯]- Discussions
- Closed RfCs: Clarifying the requirement for property creation, Quality is measurable, One vs. sereveral sitelink-item correspondence, Property documentation redux and DBpedia import process
- Open RfA: Dexbot (adminbot)
- Events/Blogs/Press
- wrap-up blog post of the MediaWiki hackathon in Zurich
- upcoming: SMWCon
- upcoming: IRC office hour on Moday
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Data access for Wikiquote will be enabled on June 10th. Coordination and questions should go to d:Wikidata:Wikiquote.
- Superclasses maps shows coordinates for a class of items on a map. Classes are coming from Wikidata.
- The EditItem suggester was released. You give it a property and it will return a list of items likely missing that property.
- The new duplicate item finder lists items that should potentially be merged.
- Did you know?
- Development
- We're looking for a PHP developer to join the dev team and work on Wikidata. Apply!
- Looking for a cool university project with impact? We have some of them around Wikidata - not just for computer science students. Get in touch with Lydia.
- Had a lot to think about and recap from the Zürich Hackathon, e.g. things regarding search, suggestions as well as the user interface redesign
- Started doing mockups of the new user interface (Nothing to show yet, sorry!)
- Setup an autogenerating code documentation instance on labs at wbdoc.wmflabs.org. Hint: Submitting patches that make the inline code documentation even better is a good starting point to get involved in coding
- Continued working on the wikiba.se site and FAQ
- Worked on new datatype monolingual text (basically a string with an associated language)
- Reworked a hell lot of 「change operations」 code that’s responsible for each and every edit as well as validating user input and API requests, for example denying empty descriptions and finding and blocking unnecessary duplications
- Checked all the new Beta features that the teams in San Francisco are developing and made sure they work with Wikidata
- Our efforts to make Wikidata faster broke some gadgets so we helped fixing them. Sorry for the breakage!
- Dug into odd display bugs with the MonoBook skin and attempted to fix them (bugzilla:64741)
- More testing on simple queries
- Tpt worked on making inter-project links in the sidebar a beta-feature
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the academic degree (P512) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 本周技術新聞發布一周年;感謝您支持我們的工作!
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf5)已於5月15日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於5月20日將部署至非維基百科wiki、並於5月22日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- jQuery JavaScript庫已於5月16日更新。請檢查您的小工具和腳本以使其繼續正常工作。 [105] [106] [107]
- 媒體查看器已於5月13日在卡納達語和泰盧固語維基百科正式啟用。它將於5月22日在德語、英語、意大利語和俄語維基百科以及所有維基文庫正式啟用。歡迎繼續反饋。 [108] [109]
- 可視化編輯器已於5月15日在維基共享資源作為測試功能啟用。您可通過您的測試功能設置啟用。 [110] [111]
- 您可閱讀2014年4月維基媒體工程報告的摘要。
- 可視化編輯器的按鈕和圖標可通過鍵盤使用。 [112] [113]
- 新的引用工具會將模板匹配為
而不是{{Cite web}}
。 [114] [115] - 歡迎信息將不再為已經看過的用戶顯示。 [116] [117]
- 現在當您取消一次編輯時,它會顯示一個更清晰的信息。 [118]
- PageTriage拓展的工具欄將不再於可視化編輯器中可見。 [119] [120]
- 5月16日由於服務器緩存問題個別wiki小工具載入緩慢。 [123]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 21 May 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: "Crisis" over Wikimedia Germany's palace revolution
- Traffic report: Doodles' dawn
- Featured content: Staggering number of featured articles
Wikidata weekly summary #110
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata office hour log
- Wikiconference USA in New York on May 30th and June 1st
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Editors may now include their ORCID identifiers (and others, such as VIAF) on their user pages, using the Authority control template. You can register for an ORCID at http://orcid.org
- Play the Wikidata Game
- Development
- jQuery 1.9 compatibility fixes
- More fixes for gadgets (authority control, preview gadget)
- Improve formatting and handling of snak formatting errors
- Continued working on monolingual text data type
- Continued making messages easier to understand
- Removed a bunch of unused code, interfaces and methods
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the academic degree (P512) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf6)已於5月22日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於5月27日將部署至非維基百科wiki、並於5月29日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- 媒體查看器將於5月29日在所有維基文庫啟用,之後於6月3日在德語和英語維基百科啟用。歡迎繼續反饋。
- 可視化編輯器歡迎信息和wiki文本警告將提醒您可以在保持當前未保存編輯的情況下切換為代碼編輯模式。 [124] [125] [126] [127]
- 一個導致文件保存後未加入
名字空間的bug在上周修復。 [128] [129] - 標籤將不再出現在不支持的名字空間中。 [130] [131]
- 行內圖片現可通過可視化編輯器編輯;可能存在的bug已經着手修復。 [132]
- 它將不再轉換頁面連接中的空格為下劃線,如果對應名字空間帶空格的話。 [133]
- 維基媒體實驗室由於伺服器升級大約在5月30日,18:00 UTC停止工作10分鐘。 [134]
- 很快將不再上傳同時通過上傳嚮導工具上傳的同名文件。 [135] [136]
- 連接至通過語法
[[File:Name.ext|thumb|page 15 is my favourite]]
創建的TIFF、DjVu或PDF文件將顯示圖片選項,如果頁碼後有文字的話;之前它們會直接跳轉至對應頁面。 [137] [138] [139] - 您將很快在您所在wiki看到一個關於全域封禁IP地址貢獻信息的頁面。 [140] [141]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
Wikidata weekly summary #111
[編輯]- Discussions
- Open RfAs: FakirNL, Josve05a
- Wikidata:Tours
- RfC: Open datasets (Meta)
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The seventeenth million item is made then delete as a dupe. So seventeenth million plus 2 anyone?
- Development
- More work on mockups for new user interface design. Hope to have something publishable soon.
- More work on monolingual text datatype
- Fixed lots of small bugs when editing statements like bugzilla:65398
- Made progress on globe precision issues (bugzilla:65535 and bugzilla:64887)
- Cleaned up installation instructions
- Tagged version 1.0 of Wikibase Internal Serialisation and Wikibase Datamodel Serialisation
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 28 May 2014
[編輯]- Interview: Casliber reaches one hundred featured articles
Wikipedia's second featured article centurion - News and notes: The English Wikipedia's second featured-article centurion; wiki inventor interviewed on video
- Recent research: Overview of research on Wikipedia's readers; predicting which article you will edit next
- Featured content: Zombie fight in the saloon
- Traffic report: Get fitted for flipflops and floppy hats
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf7)已於5月29日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於6月3日將部署至非維基百科wiki、並於6月5日部署至所有維基百科(時間表)。
- 新搜索(CirrusSearch)於5月30日在少於100,000個頁面的維基百科正式啟用。 [142]
- 重定向至其他模板的模板現在會獲得目標模板的模板數據。 [143]
- PageTriage拓展的工具欄在您使用可視化編輯器保存編輯後不再可見。 [144] [145]
- 編輯器將檢查您的瀏覽器是否支持SVG以防止顯示破損圖標。 [146]
- 新的模板數據參數:
用於ISO 8601標準的日期和時間。 [147]
- 媒體查看器將於6月3日在德語和英語維基百科啟用。繼續反饋。
- 查看不存在用戶的用戶貢獻時將顯示警告。 [148] [149]
- 搜索標籤將從用戶設置中移除。您將可以在Special:Search設置您的搜索設置。 [150] [151]
- 您將在小三角左邊看到「選項」標籤,只會出現在Vector皮膚下(截圖)。 [152] [153]
- 5月29日由於配置問題所有wiki當機20分鐘。 [154]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
Wikidata weekly summary #112
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- User:Thepwnco is working on some Wikidata:Tours during for a FOSS project
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Italian Chamber of Deputies ID, eye color, number of injured, EPSG ID
- Development
- Did a lot of cleanup in Wikibase.git
- thePHPcc thinghy
- Released DataValues Time 0.6
- Add time support to QueryEngine
- Release Wikibase DataModel 0.8
- Worked on the way deleted items are formatted (= shown on other items)
- Released ValueView 0.6, which includes refactoring of the entity suggester code, bug fixes.
- Fix issue with entering strings (newline character sometimes got added and then cause api error)
- Fix bug 64658 (date adjustment dialogue doesn't show up on Firefox with Monobook skin)
- Fix bug 64887 (issue with display of globecoordinate when precision does not match predefined precisions)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which has been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 04 June 2014
[編輯]- Special report: IEG funding for women's stories—a new approach to the gender gap
- Op-ed: "Hospitality, jerks, and what I learned"—the amazing keynote at WikiConference USA
- News and notes: Two new affiliate-selected trustees
- In the media: Reliable or not, doctors use Wikipedia
- Traffic report: Autumn in summer
- Featured content: Ye stately homes of England
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf8)已於6月5日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於6月10日將部署至非維基百科wiki、並於6月12日部署至所有維基百科〔時間表〕。
- 您現在可以在阿拉伯語、孟加拉語和挪威語維基百科使用新手引導(guided tours)。如果您希望在您的wiki使用此工具,您需要翻譯它並在bugzilla提出。 [155] [156]
- 您將不再可以加入空的參考資料。 [157] [158]
- 參考工具中「使用現有參考資料」按鈕在參考資料有內容時改顯示為已禁用而非已隱藏。 [159] [160] [161]
- 您將在保存分類頁面的編輯後再次看見分類內容。 [162] [163]
- 媒體查看器將於6月12日在所有wiki啟用。歡迎繼續反饋。 [164]
- 6月10日起您將可以從維基數據調取信息至維基語錄頁面。 [165]
- 在提供翻譯拓展的wiki上、翻譯管理員將可以使用頁面遷移工具將舊有翻譯遷移至新翻譯系統。 [166] [167]
- 您將可以在ogg文件的描述頁看見元數據〔例子視頻、例子音頻〕。帶英語以外字符的元數據在顯示正確前或需重寫或轉換為UTF-8格式。 [168] [169]
- 包含
標籤的模板將不再需要仿製參數以防止緩存錯誤。 [170] [171] [172] - 您將不再可以直接使用Special:Thanks。在您進入此頁面時將顯示錯誤信息。 [173] [174]
- Hovercards將不再閃爍。 [175]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 11 June 2014
[編輯]- Paid editing: Does Wikipedia Pay? The Moderator: William Beutler
- Special report: Questions raised over secret voting for WMF trustees
- News and notes: PR agencies commit to ethical interactions with Wikipedia
- Traffic report: The week the wired went weird
- Featured content: Politics, Ships, Art, and Cyclones
Wikidata weekly summary #113
[編輯]- Discussions
- Wikidata participation in Wiki Loves Pride
- Discussion: Delete as a new user group
- RfC: Refining "part of"
- Open RfAs: Calak, Andre Engels
- Closed RfAs: Taketa (successful) Jiangui67 (successful) 555 (successful)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The preview gadget has been rewritten and now comes with a completely new user interface. You can enable it here.
- Wikiquote received access to the data on Wikidata (aka phase 2) on Tuesday.
- Try out the new Wikidata Property Browser.
- The Merge gadget has been updated. It is now faster and only one edit per merge is performed.
- Did you know?
- Development
- Continued with the implementation of redirects. There are a lot of corner cases to work out...
- Created new data value handlers for quantities and geo coordinates, bringing queries closer
- Moved browser tests to a new repository at https://github.com/wmde/WikidataBrowserTests to make the main Wikibase repo smaller and cleaner
- Fixed a bunch of issues with the monobook skin
- Made some more jQuery 1.9 compatibility fixes
- More cleanup for the coming switch to WikibaseDataModel 1.0.
- Icinga Dispatch Lag monitoring scripts, including IRC notifier bot, have been tested and are ready for Ops implementation. This should give us quicker notifications in case the notifications to Wikipedia and co about changes on Wikidata are slow again.
- Enabled data access for Wikiquote
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which has been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
This Month in Education: June 2014
MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2014年6月16日 (一) 05:12 (UTC)
- 您可訂閱wikitech-ambassadors郵件列表更快獲取新聞並提交反饋或報告問題。
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf9)已於6月12日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於6月17日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於6月19日部署至所有維基百科〔時間表〕。
- 您可閱讀2014年5月維基媒體技術報告的摘要。
- 您現可通過內容菜單看見連接目標或其他信息。 [176]
- 編輯參考資料時,您可以清空它並點擊「使用現有參考資料」按鈕以轉換為再利用其他參考資料。 [177] [178]
- 您現在可以在頁面設置菜單中加入和編輯
了。 [179] [180] [181] [182] - 插入特殊字符的工具現已變寬和簡化;數學符號的命令已改正。 [183] [184] [185]
- 媒體查看器將於6月19日在所有wiki默認使用。歡迎繼續反饋。 [186]
- 您將不再能夠同時使用導航Popups和懸停卡片。 [187]
- 在維基教科書和維基文庫搜索頁面時您將不再看到圖片縮略圖。 [188] [189]
- 將可以全域更改全域賬戶(SUL)的用戶名了。 [190] [191]
- 6月17日起平板電腦用戶(iPad、安卓平板等)訪問維基媒體wiki時將重定向到移動訪問頁面。 [192]
- 列出最多連接模板的特殊頁面將很快包含所有名字空間頁面;它的英語名稱也將改名為
。 [193] - 有關Phabricator的IRC討論將於6月17日17:30(UTC)在freenode的#wikimedia-office頻道啟動(時區轉換)。您也可以通過維基媒體博客文章了解即將到來的Phabricator遷移工作。
- 您現在可以對維基媒體基金會工程部門的2014~15年度目標作出評論。 [194]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 18 June 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: With paid advocacy in its sights, the Wikimedia Foundation amends their terms of use
- Special report: Wikimedia Bangladesh: a chapter's five-year journey
- Traffic report: You can't dethrone Thrones
- WikiProject report: Visiting the city
- Featured content: Worming our way to featured picture
Wikidata weekly summary #114
[編輯]- Discussions
- Idea collection: data quality and trust
- Open RfAs: PMG, Dr Zimbu, 콩가루
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Several Wikipedias now have a template (d:Q17195970) for articles which have a related property in Wikidata.
- User:Thepwnco is working on a documentation overhaul and updating Help pages for a FOSS project - leave feedback on suggested changes here
- First concept designs of Wikidata's possible new interface
- GenderCounter uses Wikidata to provide an accurate service with distinguishing male and female names
- ca.wikipedia found a nice way to use Wikidata. They're comparing their living people to Wikidata to see if any of them have a date of death there. They're then put into a category for review: ca:Categoria:Persones vives a revisar
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: BBC Your Paintings, successor, predecessor, ITTF ID, points/goal scored by, TLS, Anime News Network ID, Monte Carlo Particle Number, Number of points/goals conceded, points for, matches/games drawn/tied, matches lost/games lost, matches won/games won
- New task forces: LGBT task force
- Development
- Created a script that provides the schema creation SQL for Wikibase Query
- Releases Wikibase Internal Serialization 1.1
- Made WikibaseDataModelJavascript a separate component at https://github.com/wmde/WikibaseDataModelJavascript.
- Continued working on full redirect support for items. It touches a surprising big chunk of the code base.
- Continued working on the QueryEngine code base and it’s data type support.
- Fixed and updated the most recent implementation of the property and item selector widget, e.g. a MonoBook specific bug.
- Pushed along reviews and deployment of the entity suggester code that will make suggestions for new properties to be added to items. Our hope is to have it through performance review for the next deployment.
- Pushed along reviews of the 「in other projects」 sidebar: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/Beta_Features/Other_projects_sidebar
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which has been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Note from John
- Hey everyone, it's rare these small sections come along but there is a bit of interesting news to get across which one line under 'noteworthy stuff' won't be the best for. For the next 6 summaries, they will be translatable at Wikidata. This is an interesting idea which was first proposed on the delivery page and on Wikidata-l by Base. This is purely a trial and if you all want the summaries to remain translatable, please participate! You can view the first translated summary (hopefully) here! Also sorry for this one being late :)
- 您現在可以拖放選定內容,而不只是文件和模板。 [195] [196]
- 拖動項時,您將看見幫助您放入的線。 [197] [198]
- 您現在只需在段落開始處移動圖片,而不是段落中部,所以您不會在意外分割段落。 [199] [200]
- 您將在加入wiki文本至文件說明和參考資料時被提醒。 [201] [202]
- 您將不再能夠在沒有版權標籤的wiki上傳文件。 [203] [204]
- 下周CirrusSearch將在70個wiki中正式啟用,包括元維基和維基孵育場。 [205]
- 新搜索的結果將很快考慮賬戶分類,頁面的首段和wiki文本。您也將能在搜索wiki文本時使用正則表達式。這將在幾天時間內應用到所有wiki。 [206]
- 您將可以監視郵件通告翻譯而不需要覆核郵件,如果郵件被另一個譯者覆核的話。 [207] [208]
- 整理以往高優先級的 MediaWiki 錯誤報告的 IRC會議將於6月24日17:00(UTC)在freenode的#wikimedia-office頻道開啟(時區轉換)。 [209]
- 6月19日由於服務器加載超限所有wiki當機15分鐘。
- 6月13日~15日由於配置問題視頻縮放困難。 [210]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 25 June 2014
[編輯]- Exclusive: Foundation's new executive director speaks to the Signpost
- News and notes: US National Archives enshrines Wikipedia in Open Government Plan, plans to upload all holdings to Commons
- Featured content: Showing our Wörth
- WikiProject report: The world where dreams come true
- Discussion report: Media Viewer, old HTML tags
- Traffic report: Fake war, or real sport?
- Recent research: Power users and diversity in WikiProjects, the "network of cultures" in multilingual Wikipedia biographies
Wikidata weekly summary #115
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata intro and QA, June 29th in Paris
- Open Hack Day, 5th and 6th of July, London
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: contains settlement, coincident with, bridgehunter.com ID, uglybridges.com ID, China railway TMIS station code, MTR station code, capital of, NSK identifier, daily ridership, binding of software library, ASI Monument ID, ihsi identifier, Iranian National Heritage registration number, LNB identifier, BBC Your Paintings, replaced by, replaced, ITTF ID, points/goal scored by, TLS, Anime News Network ID
- Development
- Redirects are moving slow because they touch so much of our and the core code base, but they are coming closer!
- Final touches on the monolingual data type and UI
- Fixed some smaller but nasty bugs in the UI like not being able to change only the rank
- Finally improved the most confusing error messages and hints you get to read when using the Wikibase client or repo
- The Wikibase DataModel JavaScript component (which moved to it’s own repository) reached version 0.2.0
- Continued working on the QueryEngine component (the foundation for queries)
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which has been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 當您使用可視化編輯器插入新的參考信息、數學公式、圖片等時,內容目錄將不再閃爍消失。 [211] [212]
- 由於緩存錯誤而阻止遷移項的錯誤在上周修復。 [213] [214]
- 當您編輯第0節時將不再滾動至頁面底部。當您加入數學公式時將不再滾動到頁面頂部。 [215] [216] [217] [218]
- 至分類或文件描述頁面的鏈接已正常工作。 [219] [220]
- 您將不再能夠在沒有任何版權標籤的wiki上傳文件。 [221] [222]
- 工具服務器 (Toolserver)將於6月30日停服。請確保連接至Toolserver的小工具修改至連接工具實驗室 (Tool Labs)。
- CirrusSearch將於6月30日在34個wiki正式啟用,這包括捷克語、丹麥語、芬蘭語和希伯來語維基百科。 [223]
- 所有維基媒體wiki將於7月1日起使用名叫完全正向保密的安全機制。如果您發現問題,請匯報。 [224] [225]
- 於7月1日起將可以全域更改全域用戶(SUL)的用戶名。 [226]
- 對於被IP域封禁的用戶,當您訪問他們的貢獻頁或嘗試編輯他們的用戶頁/用戶討論頁時將看見封禁信息。 [227] [228]
- 您將能夠使用
作為魔術字產生管道符號,例如用於表格。 [229]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
Wikidata weekly summary #116
[編輯]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Open Hack Day, 5th and 6th of July, London
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata got 10 times easier to use with the entity suggester
- Lydia needs your help with some selfies (already uploaded ones are at c:Category:Wikidata selfies)
- Wikidata the Game has a new game: occupation
- As part of the Outreach Program for Women d:User:User:Thepwnco is continuing improving all help pages to help new users understand Wikidata better. At the same time w:User:Discoveranjali is helping with social media outreach and creating presentations workshops about Wikidata.
- Did you know?
- Development
- Upcoming API change (wblinktitle)
- Deployed entity suggester.
- More work on redirects. They are taking shape. Done with much of the groundwork. We've seen the first one! :D
- Continued work on user interface redesign mockups
- Monolingual text datatype is also taking shape but needs more user interface love to make it intuitive.
- Investigated making Wikidata.org its own client so you can for example get access to better Lua functions for access to an item's label on a discussion page. Outcome: Should be possible but needs some more work.
- Fixed bugs
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which has been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 02 July 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: Wikimedia Israel receives Roaring Lion award
- In the media: Wiki Education; medical content; PR firms
- WikiProject report: Indigenous peoples of North America
- Traffic report: The Cup runneth over... and over.
- Featured content: Ship-shape
- Technology report: In memoriam: the Toolserver (2005–14)
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf12)已於7月3日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於7月8日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於7月10日部署至所有維基百科〔時間表〕。
- CirrusSearch已於7月1日在36個wiki正式啟用,包括挪威語、葡萄牙語和烏克蘭語維基百科。 [230]
- 現在可以創建維基詞典上每日一詞、每周一詞和類似記錄頁面的Atom或RSS訂閱。 [231] [232]
- 您現在可以在英語、法語和意大利語維基百科使用圖形界面編輯模板數據 (TemplateData)信息。 [233] [234]
- 保存可視化編輯器的編輯已經更快。 [235] [236]
- 當您使用VE加入文件至頁面時可以加入一段說明。您也可以更改為另一文件並保持現有說明。 [237] [238] [239]
- 當您轉換「編輯源代碼」標籤後,您將被詢問是否保存現有更改而不再需要尋找菜單中的選項。 [240] [241] [242]
- 參考資料工具加入的空
標籤現在在引用菜單底部,使用像{{Cite web}}
模板的參考資料下面。 [243] - 內容菜單將不再越項顯示,這樣您就可以直接編輯數學公式。 [244] [245] [246]
- 7月9日起將可以使用全域改名工具更改全域(SUL)用戶。功能最早計劃7月1日提供,但由於一些錯誤推遲至今。
- 已準備在前11大規模的維基媒體wiki正式啟用CirrusSearch的計劃。 [247]
- 如果您在頁面中使用參考資料,您將總能在底部看見它們,即便您忘記加入
<references />
標籤(或模板)。 [248] [249] - 黑白的XCF格式圖片將顯示正確。 [250] [251]
- SVG文件的描述頁將總是顯示多種尺寸的下載鏈接(例子)。鏈接之前只會在很大尺寸的SVG文件中出現。 [252] [253]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 09 July 2014
[編輯]- Special report: Wikimania 2014—what will it cost?
- Wikimedia in education: Exploring the United States and Canada with LiAnna Davis
- News and notes: With echoes of the VisualEditor, conflict breaks out again over tech initiative
- Wikicup: Wikicup's third round sees money, space, battleships and more
- Featured content: Three cheers for featured pictures!
- Traffic report: World Cup, Tim Howard rule the week
Wikidata weekly summary #117
[編輯]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Two new GuidedTours (aka interactive tutorials) have been released—we now have one on editing items and one on editing statements! Both tours are available from the Wikidata:Tours portal and feedback can be left on the talk page at Wikidata_talk:Tours. The work was a combined effort of User:Bene* and Outreach Program for Women intern User:Thepwnco.
- We passed another milestone \o/ 10 million items now have an "instance of" or "subclass of" statement making it easy to tell what the item is about.
- Last week to add some selfies. We need more!
- Items with no image around you? Here you go! (change the number in the URL and click toggle markers) Thanks Magnus!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: GUI toolkit or framework, SFDb ID, non-native language spoken, nominated for, number of seats in legislature, Cycling Archives Cyclist ID, licensed to broadcast to, MusicBrainz series ID, script directionality, World Glacier Inventory ID, original combination, Foundational Model of Anatomy ID, bug report page, FCC Facility ID, convicted of
- Development
- Bene* worked with the dev team this week. He pushed forward support for storing badges (eg featured article) on Wikidata and implemented the first two guided tours.
- CTRL+ click and middle click on a search result in the entity selector now opens the result in a new tab.
- Further progress on redirects
- Fixed a number of annoyances with the entity selector
- Continued work on mockups for new user interface
- Investigated what issues come up if we make wikidata.org its own client. Things look good so we will probably enable it soonish. This will mean you can link Wikidata pages in items and access the data in them on other pages on Wikidata.
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which has been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf13)已於7月10日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於7月15日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於7月17日部署至所有維基百科〔時間表〕。
- 現已能夠使用全域改名工具更改全域(SUL)用戶。如果您希望在所有wiki改名請訪問元維基此頁面。 [258] [259]
- 您現在可以閱讀2014年6月維基媒體技術報告的摘要。
- 您現在可以閱讀最新發布的維基數據新聞並將其翻譯成您的語言。
- 加入模板和引用的工具將工作於標題中包含HTML評論或模板的模板。 [260] [261]
- 使圖片完整大小的按鈕現可正常工作。 [262] [263] [264]
- 參考資料將再次以默認字體顯示。 [265]
- CirrusSearch將於7月14日在荷蘭語和日語維基百科,以及於7月16日在波蘭語和俄語維基百科正式啟用。 [266]
- 查看版本的特殊頁面將很快顯示MediaWiki和所有安裝拓展的準確版本(例子)。 [267] [268]
- 您將不再可以通過我們之前的合作夥伴PediaPress訂購wiki條目的實體圖書版。您仍可使用此工具創建PDF文件並打印。 [269]
- 使用超過一個
隱藏之。 [270] [271] - 有自動加入參考資料列表的頁面將很快加入跟蹤分類中。管理員可以點此配置他們wiki的分類名。 [272] [273]
- 管理員將很快可以使用Special:MergeHistory合併兩頁面的歷史。 [274] [275]
- 管理員將可以看見文件列表中刪除文件的連接。 [276]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
This Month in Education: July 2014
- MACEDONIA: Internet marketing students learn about Wikipedia and suggest ways to improve its fundraising
- ISRAEL: Haifa University students write Wikipedia articles for academic credit
- MEXICO: Editing about Literary Theory in UNAM
- MEXICO: Professor training continues as part of the Wiki Learning program
- CZECH REPUBLIC: Education program presented at BarCamp
- GERMANY: Wikimedia Deutschland June Activities
- UK: 6th International Integrity and Plagiarism Conference
- UK: VLE content reuse at Wikimania
- TWL: The Wikipedia Library
- WMF: Learning & Evaluation to publish quarterly newsletter
- WMF: Updates from the Wikipedia Education Program and the Wikipedia Education Collaborative
- Articles of interest in other publications: Brazil, South Africa, The Signpost, and more
To assist with preparing the newsletter, please visit the newsroom. Past editions may be viewed in the archives.
The Signpost: 16 July 2014
[編輯]- Special report: $10 million lawsuit against Wikipedia editors dismissed with help from WMF, but plaintiff intends to refile
- Wikimedia in education: Serbia takes the stage with Filip Maljkovic
- News and notes: Bot-created Wikipedia articles covered in the Wall Street Journal, push Cebuano over one million articles
- Traffic report: World Cup dominates for another week
- Featured content: The Island with the Golden Gun
Wikidata weekly summary #118
[編輯]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Development
- Finished setting up JSON dumps. If everything goes well, a first dump will be available on Monday evening
- Worked on badges UI integration and made initial progress at making them editable
- Did a lot of JavaScript refactoring in order to put Api related code into an own component
- Made it possible to access data from Wikidata items on Wikidata itself using Lua (not yet enabled)
- Fixed a bug that allowed creation of items with the same label+description of another item
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf14)已於7月17日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於7月22日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於7月24日部署至所有維基百科〔時間表〕。
- 由於服務器超負荷,維基共享資源和西班牙語維基百科移除CirrusSearch作為主要搜索方式。在荷蘭語、日語、波蘭語和俄語維基百科啟用的計劃也被延遲。 [277] [278] [279]
- 儲存語言信息的工具(CLDR)近期已被更新。您仍可幫助翻譯語言名用於左側語言欄和可預見的其他位置。 [280]
- 最近譯文的翻譯記憶現在應該會出現更多建議。 [281] [282]
- 您現在可在Tool Labs使用轉換MediaWiki頁面至LaTeX的工具。 [283]
- 訪問移動版維基媒體網站的平板電腦用戶於7月31日起將可使用特殊設計的可視化編輯器。您可通過移動版的測試功能測試此工具。歡迎提交反饋。 [284]
- 編輯器的所有視窗已重新設計外觀。主要選項的按鈕將總是出現在頂欄並簡化用詞。 [285]
- 您現在可方便的在連接編輯器中打開連接,例如查看目標。 [286]
- 有關鼠標在某些項目上(例如圖片和參考資料)的定位的bug上周被修復。 [287] [288] [289] [290] [291] [292]
- 您將可以監視Topic名字空間的個人討論,只要那個頁面使用了Flow擴展的話。 [293]
- 您可以提供關於新版本冬季的反饋,這是一個計劃改進wiki頁面頂部工具欄的提議。 [294]
- 收集有關Pywikibot的bug的IRC討論將於7月24日~27日在freenode的#pywikibot頻道開啟。 [295]
- 有關改進MediaWiki API的評論請求在MediaWiki.org啟動。歡迎提供反饋意見。
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 23 July 2014
[編輯]- Forum: Did you know?—good idea, needs reform
- Wikimedia in education: Education program gaining momentum in Israel
- News and notes: Institutional media uploads to Commons get a bit easier
- Traffic report: The World Cup hangs on, though tragedies seek to replace it
- Featured content: Why, they're plum identical!
Wikidata weekly summary #119
[編輯]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The first draft for the Main page redesign is ready for review (a summary of proposed changes can be found at Project Chat)
- User:Thepwnco is working on updating Wikidata documentation for all sister projects, starting with Wikidata:Wikisource
- Drop by the Wikidata Lounge, a new initiative to promote friendliness and civility started by d:User:Micru
- Wikinews will get sitelink support on August 19th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: b-side, executive producer, OpenPlaques identifier, pet, Lost Art-ID, journey origin
- Development
- Published the first JSON dumps
- Finishing touches on badges support
- Finishing touches on redirects
- Finishing touches on the "in other projects" beta feature that displays links to sister projects in the sidebar of Wikipedia for example
- Tested and fixed issues with allowing sitelinks to Wikidata pages and accessing item data via Lua on Wikidata itself
- Final tests before we can start switching to the new serialization format
- The code for simple queries is being reviewed by the Foundation. This is hopefully the last step before we can deploy this too.
- Worked on improving the code of the {{#property}} parser function in preparation of allowing arbitrary data access and allowing linked output.
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf15)已於7月24日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。它將於7月29日將部署至非維基百科wiki、並於7月31日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 您現在可以下載反破壞工具Huggle的最新版。
- 您現在可以用編輯器創建、編輯和查看HTML注釋。 [297] [298]
- 編輯器工具欄的取消按鈕被移除。您仍可使用閱讀標籤或瀏覽器後退鍵取消編輯。 [299]
- 如果您嘗試使用沒有建議或需要的TemplateData參數的模板,您將需要請求加入參數。 [300] [301]
- 您將不再可以編輯您不能創建的條目,也就是被白紙保護的條目。 [302] [303]
- 您將可以依據wiki和用戶篩選元維基的用戶權限日誌。 [304] [305]
- 維基數據將可以存儲條目狀態數據,例如「特色條目」、「優良條目」。如果您wiki有這類特色內容,請確保它在維基數據列表中。 [306]
- 您將很快可以創建空頁面,例如在用戶頁。 [307] [308]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 30 July 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: How many more hoaxes will Wikipedia find?
- Book review: Knowledge or unreality?
- Wikimedia in education: Success in Egypt and the Arab world
- Featured content: Skeletons and Skeltons
- Traffic report: Doom and gloom vs. the power of Reddit
- Recent research: Shifting values in the paid content debate; cross-language bot detection
Wikidata weekly summary #120
[編輯]- Discussions
- Open RfAs: Gabbe
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata's new Main page is almost ready to go live, but is still in need of a visually-appealing banner! Got an idea for an eye-catching design that represents what Wikidata's all about? Submit proposals before August 11 at d:Wikidata:Portal Redesign/Banner
- Wikidata's tours are now translatable. You may help translating at d:Wikidata:Tours/Items and d:Wikidata:Tours/Statements.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: published in
- Showcase items: Kleinmachnow
- Development
- Created CLI script to import entities into the QueryEngine store (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Querycli.jpg)
- More work on redirects (should be good to deploy on August 19th)
- More work on the monolingual datatype
- Started work on rewriting the sitelinks part of the user interface (that’s the first coding steps of getting us a new user interface design)
- Final touches on badges (should be good to deploy on August 19th)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 技術新聞將在倫敦2014年維基媒體國際會議呈現!如果您將與會,請於8月10日(星期日)14:30參加我們在2號禮堂的會議。
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf16)已於7月31日部署至測試維基和MediaWiki.org。由於2014年維基媒體國際年會會議影響,它將於8月12日將部署至非維基百科wiki、並於8月14日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。 [309]
- 您現在可以測試將wiki頁面打印為PDF文件的新工具。 [310] [311] [312]
- 您現在可以下載維基共享資源文件存檔的更新(上傳於2013年12月31日)。如果您的電腦有空間,請幫助保護這些文件。 [313]
- 使用共享資源手機版的新用戶現在需要做出75次編輯才能上傳文件。 [314] [315]
- 您將不會在使用編輯器做出零編輯時看見確認信息。 [316] [317]
- 編輯分類排序關鍵字時將不再更改下劃線為空格。 [318]
- 很多插入國際象棋和雪人符號時出現的問題已在上周修復。 [319] [320] [321] [322]
- 太多有關參考資料的使用問題也已修復。 [323] [324] [325] [326]
- 您將在您回退編輯時看見監視頁面的選項。 [327] [328]
- 所有Toolserver數據將在9月月內清空。如果您希望備份您的數據,請於8月31日之前立刻聯絡Toolserver管理員。 [329]
- 翻譯擴展生成的
名字空間將不再被搜索引擎索引。 [330]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 06 August 2014
[編輯]- Wikimedia in education: Leading universities educate with Wikipedia in Mexico
- News and notes: "History is a human right"—first-ever transparency report released as Europe begins hiding Wikipedia in search results
- Traffic report: Ebola drives reader interest* Featured content: Bottoms, asses, and the fairies that love them
- Technology report: A technologist's Wikimania preview
- 由於2014年維基媒體國際年會會議影響,本周沒有MediaWiki版本更新。MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf16)將於8月12日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於8月14日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。 [333]
- 所有維基導遊的行政員將不再能夠合併兩個賬戶至一個賬戶。 [334]
- 在平板電腦上使用手機版的非維基百科用戶將於8月12日起可以使用可視化編輯器。此功能將於8月14日啟用於維基百科。 [335]
- Internet Explorer 6用戶將看見不加載JavaScript的維基媒體網站;JavaScript工具和腳本將不再可用於IE6。如果您使用IE6,您應該升級您的瀏覽器! [336] [337] [338]
- 如果您訪問要求登錄的特殊頁面,您將很快會自動重定向到登錄頁面並在那裡顯示警告內容。 [339] [340]
- 當您使用翻譯擴展做出翻譯編輯時您將可以看見原始語言文本的最近更改。 [341] [342]
- 有關可視化編輯器的IRC見面會將於8月14日 09:00(UTC)在freenode的#wikimedia-office頻道開啟。(時區轉換)。 [343]
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Wikidata weekly summary #121
[編輯]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikimania \o/ It was amazing and Wikidata all over the place. Wikidata's true potential is starting to show.
- Guided tours and Wikidata: How to explain a complex project and encourage new editors
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Editing Wikidata directly from Wikipedia
- Histropedia now uses Wikidata to build timelines
- Slides and videos of first Wikidata talks at Wikimania online: 1 2 3 (more slides and videos will follow))
- First prototype screenshot of asking questions to Wikipedia mobile readers (similar to Wikidata the Game)
- Userboxes
- Did you know?
- Development
- Attended Wikimania and Socrates
- Worked on rewriting the sitelinks part of the user interface to make it ready for the new user interface design
- Discussed Wikidata, structured data on Commons and a ton of other things with many people at Wikimania
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
有關拉伊格拉 (波利維亞)條目
[編輯]您好:提醒您該條目仍遺留大量未翻譯內容。--Kolyma(留言) 2014年8月15日 (五) 03:52 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #122
[編輯]Wikidata weekly summary #114
- Discussions
- Open RfOS: John F. Lewis
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Help choose which banner will be featured on the new Main page! Click here to view the two banner candidates and leave your feedback before August 20th 16:00 UTC.
- Wikidata Translate, a Wikidata-based Google translator open source clone.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: journey destination, score method, grave picture, present in work, Fide ID, Norsk filmografi ID, Jewish Encyclopedia ID, plea, collection size
- New task forces: WikiProject Movies
- Development
- Finished a large number of new features and got them ready for roll-out. More in this email.
- Wikibase made a big step forward to finally switch to DataModel 1.0.
- Improved support for entity IDs bigger than 2 billion (32 bit integer).
- We had to adapt Wikibase to some major changes (more major than usual, partly caused by discussions at Wikimania) in MediaWiki core: The default Vector skin became it’s own component and the ResourceLoader got some small but important updates.
- Continued work on refactoring code of the user interface to make it ready for new design
- Wrote a script to get number of users having wikidata in their recent changes/watchlist from the database
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here
The Signpost: 13 August 2014
[編輯]- Wikimania: Promised the moon, settled for the stars
- Op-ed: Red links, blue links, and erythrophobia
- Special report: Twitter bots catalogue government edits to Wikipedia
- News and notes: Media Viewer controversy spreads to German Wikipedia
- Wikimedia in education: Wikimedia Global Education: WMF's Perspective
- In the media: Monkey selfie, net neutrality, and hoaxes
- Featured content: Cambridge got a lot of attention this week
- Traffic report: Disease, decimation and distraction
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf17)自8月14日起部署至testwiki及MediaWiki.org,並將於8月19日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於8月21日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 新的保護模式superprotection已經啟用。現在只有部分維基媒體基金會職員才可以編輯。管理員不可以編輯。 [344] [345] [346]
- 現在您可以創建空白頁面。一則信息 將會提醒您確認。 [347] [348]
- You can search for Wikimedia tools using a new list of tools. [349]
- You can watch the first videos from Wikimania 2014. Some of them are about technical topics. More videos will come later.
- After August 19, you can use Wikidata for inter language links on Wikinews. [350]
- After August 19, you can use Wikidata for badges like "good" or "featured" articles. Next week, you will be able to show the badges in the article sidebar on Wikipedia, Wikisource and Wikiquote. [351]
- There was an issue with ProofreadPage and WikiEditor on Wikisource wikis. It is now fixed. [352] [353]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
A fortune cookie for you! :)
[編輯]A fortune cookie for you! :) | |
你好,Shangkuanlc. :) It was great to get to meet you at Wikimania. I I look forward to working together to bring Wikipedia to education in Taiwan. 謝謝. :) Anna Koval (WMF) (留言) 2014年8月18日 (一) 15:56 (UTC) |
This Month in Education: August 2014
[編輯]- Wikimania: Education at Wikimania
- U.S & Canada: U.S. and Canada Program Spring 2014 wrap-up
- Taiwan: Wikimedia Taiwan dreams of Open Knowledge
- Armenia: Vanadzor, Armenia again welcomes WikiCamp
- Netherlands: Education pilot projects by Wikimedia Nederland
- Sweden: Wikimedia Sverige creates Open Badges for education program
- Germany: Wikimedia Deutschland's July education activities
- Tech: VisualEditor for students and educators
- Media: Articles of interest in other publications: Israel, India, Armenia, Ukraine
The Signpost: 20 August 2014
[編輯]- Interview: Improving the visibility of digital archival assets using Wikipedia
- Traffic report: Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero
- WikiProject report: Bats and gloves
- Featured content: English Wikipedia departs for Japan
- Op-ed: A new metric for Wikimedia
Wikidata weekly summary #123
[編輯]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata at Wikimania 2014 in London
- "Growing items" by User:Micru, an essay about modelling concepts and understanding items
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The new Main page will go live early next week! Template:Ll for more details and to leave any last comments
- It will be possible to show the badges like "Featured Article" stored on Wikidata in the sidebar of the clients (Wikipedia, Wikisource, ...) starting Tuesday. Wikipedia will follow on Thursday.
- Starting Tuesday we will deploy a new beta feature on the clients. It will allow you to show links to other sister projects in the sidebar based on the links in Wikidata.
- Planning for structured data support for Commons is starting to pick up speed. Get involved: https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/multimedia/2014-August/000774.html Also maybe attend the office hour?
- Did you know?
- Development
- Deployed lots of new features like badges, access to language links for Wikinews and Wikidata, the monolingual text data type and redirects!
- Working hard on making the new UI a reality, mainly refactoring the UI widgets right now. Covers a lot of ground and will take some time.
- More work on HHVM issues that need to be fixed before Wikidata can switch to it.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 當您將您的鼠標直接指向參考資料列表時出現問題,現已修復。 [354]
- 您現在可以使用小工具加入顏色至編輯器。這樣您就容易看見至重定向或消歧義頁的連接。 [355]
- 使用IE瀏覽器的用戶將可以使用可視化編輯器。 [356] [357] [358]
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf18)已於8月21日部署至testwiki及MediaWiki.org,它將於8月26日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於8月28日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 8月26日起,您將擁有全域JavaScript和CSS頁面。他們將保存於元維基並應用於所有wiki。詳見幫助頁面。 [359]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 27 August 2014
[編輯]- Featured content: Cheats at Featured Pictures!
- In the media: Plagiarism and vandalism dominate Wikipedia news
- News and notes: Media Viewer—Wikimedia's emotional roller-coaster
- Traffic report: Viral
Wikidata weekly summary #124
[編輯]- Events/Blogs/Press
- past: OpenSym
- upcoming: IRC office hour about structured data for Wikimedia Commons
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New Main Page and other new features
- Breaking changes for gadgets
- Badges support via Wikidata has been rolled out to Wikipedia and other sister projects. If the icons shown are not the ones your project would like please request a change here.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: NIEA building ID, Cadw Building ID, color index, absolute magnitude
- Development
- Deployed more new stuff \o/ (in other projects sidebar; new internal serialization format; showing badges on the Wikipedias and other sister projects; Special:GoToLinkedPage)
- Added a new 「item-redirect」 permission
- Continuous work and reviews for the new JavaScript user interface
- DataModel 1.0 will be more strict when adding Claims or Statements to Entities. Quite some tests needed to be made compatible
- Adopted to recent API changes (getPossibleErrors and others got dropped)
- Replaced hundreds of class name aliases in the code with the actual class names
- Attended OpenSym
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 您現在可以測試一個新的測試功能以查看其它項目的連接。連接來自維基數據。 [360] [361]
- 您現在可以搜索連接某一頁面的頁面。在搜索關鍵詞中使用
即可。 [362] [363] - 鏈接至段落的重定向在瀏覽器地址欄中的URL已更改。例如「狗」重定向至「動物#狗」,您將不再看見「狗#狗」而是「動物#狗」。 [364] [365]
- 如果您正在測試Flow,您的通知中將擁有一個Flow標籤。它稱作「消息」。 [366]
- 您將不再能夠刪除模板需要的字段。 [367]
- 我們修復了很多IE瀏覽器的問題,如果您使用IE11,下周起您將可以正常使用。早期版本將隨後提供。 [368] [369] [370]
- 編輯器將在Monobook下更好看。 [371]
- 我們修復了您在輸入一些字後點擊「剪切」(Ctrl+X)會撤銷編輯的問題。 [372]
- 您將不再能夠在加入分類建議中看見空的或刪除的分類。 [373]
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf19)已於8月28日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於9月2日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於9月4日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 有用戶提議構造用於維基共享資源文件數據的數據庫。它將更方便查看作者、授權協議和主題。您可對此提供反饋。您也可以參與9月3日18:00(UTC,點此時區轉換)在freenode的
頻道開啟的IRC討論。 [374] - 您可繼續對媒體查看器提供反饋直到9月7日。您可以告知什麼需要改進,也可以向他人詢問要提交的反饋。 [375]
- 您可以測試顯示數學公式的工具的新版本。它藉助於MathML。在bugzilla提交問題。
- 您將不再需要上傳圖片編輯移動站點。 [376]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 03 September 2014
[編輯]- Arbitration report: Media viewer case is suspended
- Featured content: 1882 × 5 in gold, and thruppence more
- Op-ed: Automated copy-and-paste detection under trial
- Recent research: A Wikipedia-based Pantheon; new Wikipedia analysis tool suite; how AfC hamstrings newbies
- Traffic report: Holding Pattern
- WikiProject report: Gray's Anatomy (v. 2)
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf20)已於9月4日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於9月9日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於9月11日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 您將很快直接確認「感謝」而不是打開對話框。 [380]
- You can read more about the plan to move to Phabricator, a tool that will help people develop the MediaWiki software and report bugs. [381]
- 9月5日(星期五)因為代碼出錯導致JavaScript和CSS問題。
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
Wikidata weekly summary #125
[編輯]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The new main page can now be translated.
- Did you know?
- Development
- Performance improvements for "in other projects sidebar" beta feature and bug fixes in the feature on wikis with sidebar cache enabled (e.g. zhwiki, commons)
- Worked on performance improvements to badges feature
- Fixing bug with xml format in the API, and added tests for it so hopefully this does not break again!
- Worked more on enabling statements on properties
- Further work on new user interface design groundwork - mostly refactoring and enabling editing of multiple sitelinks and label/alias/description at once
- First pokes at usage tracking
- Drafted an RfC to improve recent changes so we can show Wikidata changes also when enhanced recent changes is enabled
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 10 September 2014
[編輯]- Op-ed: Media Viewer software is not ready
- Featured content: The louse and the fish's tongue
- WikiProject report: Checking that everything's all right
- Traffic report: Refuge in celebrity
- 您現在可以更改消歧義頁鏈接樣式。這通過CSS類「
」完成。 [382] [383] - 從右至左閱讀語言的wiki存在維基數據日誌記錄問題。監視列表和最近更改的文本顯示混亂。此問題現已修復。用戶名遇到的同一問題將很快修復。 [384] [385] [386]
- 新用戶已隨機選擇12個維基百科的測試。他們通過條目編輯建議獲取信息。這裡是他們編輯後的意見。 [387]
- 9月10日加載圖片時出現問題。 [388]
- 如果您加入鏈接時未選擇文本,鏈接將顯示數字。 [389]
- 引用工具將不再要求再利用一個引用,如果頁面沒有一個引用的話。 [390] [391]
- 您現在可以使用「頁面設定」菜單的幫助按鈕以顯示選項用途。 [392]
- MediaWiki的最新版本(1.24wmf21)已於9月11日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於9月16日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於9月18日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 新版本將擁有以下更新:
- 如果您使用IE7,JavaScript將不再工作。JS工具和腳本在此瀏覽器將不再可用。您應該更新您的瀏覽器。 [393] [394] [395]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
This Month in Education: September 2014
[編輯]- Wikipedia Education Collaborative welcomes five new members
- Wikimedia Deutschlands recent activities: events, events and more events
- Working with Wikipedia expands at Tec de Monterrey
- Digital agenda for education and open badges to be tested
- Most successful Czech course continues again this year
- Articles of interest in other publications
Headlines · Highlights · Single page · Newsroom · Archives · Unsubscribe · MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2014年9月17日 (三) 15:19 (UTC)
The Signpost: 17 September 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: Wikipedia's traffic statistics are off by nearly one-third
- In the media: Turkish Twitter outrage, medical translation, audience metrics
- WikiProject report: A trip up north to Scotland
- Featured content: Which is not like the others?
- Traffic report: Tolstoy leads a varied pack
- 英語維基百科於9月19日由於編輯一個用於大量頁面的模板導致出錯。
- 9月20日7:00(UTC)左右太平洋地區用戶無法訪問站點。這是由於舊金山數據中心出現問題。
- 個別瀏覽器使用可視化編輯器時出現兩個使得條目錯亂的錯誤。我們已經修復這些錯誤並更新站點。 [397] [398]
- MediaWiki的新版本(1.24wmf22)已於9月18日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於9月23日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於9月25日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 如果您有超過2000次通知,最早的通知將被移除。[399] [400]
- 「Vector」皮膚下,用戶圖標將不分性別顯示。 [401] [402]
- 可視化編輯器模板工具現在會提醒您丟失需要填寫的字段。 [403]
- 可視化編輯器保存窗口的「取消」按鈕現已改為「繼續編輯」。這意味着您仍可編輯並且您不會丟失您的更改。 [404]
- 可視化編輯器有了新快捷鍵。Ctrl+Shift+6用於
和Ctrl+Shift+5用於刪除線。 [405] [406] - 在可視化編輯器中,您現在可以看見您在切換至源代碼編輯模式。之前這個動作很不清楚。 [407]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 24 September 2014
[編輯]- In the media: Indian political editing, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Congressional chelonii
- Featured content: Oil paintings galore
- Traffic report: Wikipedia watches the election in Scotland
- WikiProject report: GAN reviewers take note: competition time
- Arbitration report: Banning Policy, Gender Gap, and Waldorf education
- Recent research: 99.25% of Wikipedia birthdates accurate; focused Wikipedians live longer; merging WordNet, Wikipedia and Wiktionary
- MediaWiki的新版本(1.25wmf1)已於9月25日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於9月30日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於10月2日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 現在 Scribunto (Lua) 引起的錯誤,可以直接在頁面顯示。之前要按"Script error"才可以閱讀。 [412] [413]
- 您可以在樣版資料(TemplateData)中的欄位加入「autovalue」值。當用戶將此樣版加入頁面時,加入的值將自動加入。 [414]
- 如果你更改過參數設置之後未有儲置,現在系統會要你確認是否需要儲置變更。 [415] [416]
- PDF導出工具已更新。新版本有更好的語言支持但不提供ZIM和EPUB格式支持。 [417]
- 播放這段短片,看看我們將來用來追查軟件錯誤的新工具:Phabricator。 您也可以閱讀有關Bugzilla遷移工作的更多內容。
- JavaScript作者:很多舊有方法將被移除。請檢查您的腳本和小工具,如有需要請更新這些舊方法。 [418]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
Wikidata weekly summary #126
[編輯]- Discussions
- A new blocking policy has been accepted.
- Proposal for an individual engagement grant to use Wikidata items for citations needs your input
- RfC: redirect vs. deletion
- Events/Blogs/Press
- past: Open Government WikiHack organized by Wikimedia DC in Washington, DC
- upcoming: Wikidata training organized by Wikimedia UK with Magnus in London
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- With the deployment next Tuesday you will be able to edit all sitelinks at once as well as all fields of the "in other languages" box. This is an intermediate step towards the new user interface and will evolve further over the next weeks. You can see what is coming on Tuesday now already on test.wikidata.org.
- WikiProject Names aims to improve name related data on Wikidata. Initial focus is on first names (given names). Half of items for first names still need cleaning up, but 15% of items for persons already have a given name defined.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Stack Exchange tag, vici.org ID, sourcing circumstances, has contributing factor, has immediate cause, birth name (Monolingual text), title, Nupill Literatura Digital - Document, Nupill Literatura Digital - Author, Commons Creator template, monogram, cause of, Cycling Quotient ID, male population, female population, number of households, contributing factor of, immediate cause of, used by, end cause, family name identical to this first name, country for sport, parents of hybrids, Glad identifier, kulturnoe-nasledie.ru identifier
- Showcase items: Hessian Broadcasting Corporation, Fishing Creek
- Development
- Jan Zerebecki has joined the Wikidata dev team.
- Worked on supporting statements on properties in WikibaseDataModelSerialization (bugzilla:66425)
- Fixed broken xml api output (bugzilla:70531), as well as some inconsistencies in the xml format and added tests that should help avoid future breakage in the xml format
- Finished performance improvements for badges
- Worked on entity usage tracking
- Pietro from the EAGLE project came to visit us, one of the first 3rd party users of Wikibase. See http://www.eagle-network.eu
- Added a hook point to allow 3rd party users (like the EAGLE project) of Wikibase to control what goes into the search index
- Started work on a widget that lets you edit badges right in the item instead of going to the special page
- Use checkboxes instead of a multiselect to edit badges on d:Special:SetSiteLink
- Work on hhvm-related issues in Wikibase and temporarily disabled the beta feature on Wikidata until fixes are deployed for the issues.
- Deployed new code on test.wikidata! (to be deployed on wikidata on Tuesday), see mw:Wikidata_deployment#wmf.2F1.25wmf1
- Work on fixing empty maps in the JSON serialization, differentiate them from empty lists (fixed prerequisite bugzilla:70606)
- Jeroen made a little video demonstrating how you can get a clone of Wikibase DataModel, set it up, and run it's tests: https://asciinema.org/a/12530
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 01 October 2014
[編輯]- From the editor: The Signpost needs your help
- News and notes: Wikipedia article published in peer-reviewed journal; Wikipedia in education
- Dispatches: Let's get serious about plagiarism
- Featured content: Brothers at War
- Traffic report: Shanah Tovah
- WikiProject report: Animals, farms, forests, USDA? It must be WikiProject Agriculture
Wikidata weekly summary #127
[編輯]- Discussions
- [[:d:Wikidata:Requests for comment/User conduct policies|Closed RfC: User conduct policies]
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Toolkit 0.3.0 released - Wikidata Toolkit
- ProteinBoxBot is making Wikidata the canonical resource for referencing and translating identifiers for genes and proteins from different species
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: depends on, motto, series ordinal, Federal Register Document Number, monogram, cause of, Cycling Quotient ID
- Development
- Investigated and fixed issues with time values
- Investigated issues with coordinate value precision
- Fixed a number of issues related to HHVM
- Further work on usage tracking
- Created smoke tests for items and properties
- Created a widget to edit badges directly on the item without going through the special page
- Prepared for a week of work with the WMF multimedia team and volunteers next week to get more planning done for structured data support for Commons
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 您現在可以使用跨wiki鏈接
鏈接至https://phabricator.wikimedia.org。 [419] [420] - 有些wiki有模板鏈接至Bugzilla跟蹤軟件錯誤。您應該更新它以鏈接至Phabricator。您可以前往MediaWiki.org了解如何更新。 [421] [422]
- 您可以在Special:MediaStatistics查看您的wiki有哪些種類的文件。 [423]
- 一個新的工具,可以創建大尺寸TIFF圖像的縮略圖。這能解決大於50百萬像素的圖片顯示問題。這些縮略圖也會銳化。您可在共享資源提供意見。 [424]
- 媒體查看器在文件描述頁有一個清晰的鏈接。它也擁有了下載、分享和嵌入文件的按鈕。您可以點擊它們放大圖片。 [425]
- MediaWiki的新版本(1.25wmf2)已於10月2日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於10月7日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於10月9日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 當您編輯Lua腳本時,如果您造成了一個代碼錯誤,您將不再可以保存您的編輯。 [426] [427]
- 我們修復了更多的 IE 瀏覽器問題。如果您使用 IE10 的話,您將於下周正常使用可視化編輯器。早期版本的支持也將會到來。 [428]
- 編輯模板數據(TemplateData)的工具將於星期四在30個wiki提供。 [429] [430]
- 您可於10月8日幫助整理圖書和PDF導出工具的軟件問題。 [431]
- 退出登錄的讀者中有1%將從加載HHVM工具的服務器加載頁面。HHVM應該會使頁面加載更快。 [432]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
[編輯]上官好~ 綠頭鴨(留言) 2014年10月8日 (三) 06:12 (UTC) |
The Signpost: 08 October 2014
[編輯]- In the media: Opposition research firm blocked; Australian brushfire
- Featured content: From a wordless novel to a coat of arms via New York City
- Traffic report: Panic and denial
- Technology report: HHVM is the greatest thing since sliced bread
Wikidata weekly summary #128
[編輯]- Discussions
- Open RfA: Nikosguard
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- All human genes are now wikidata items, for example: Here is one (of approximately 40,000) called "spinocerebellar ataxia 37" - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q18081265. Blog post about this to appear here: http://blog.wikimedia.de/tag/wikidata/
- Want to be kept up-to-date on structured data on Commons? There is now a new newsletter you can subscribe to.
- Interested in some statistics about the data on Wikidata? Check Wikidata Stats every now and then. (Thanks Magnus for moving it to the new dump format.)
- Did you know?
- Development
- Spent the week with the WMF multimedia team and volunteers to get more clarity about structured data on Commons. We'll be asking for feedback on a lot of stuff over the next weeks. The main info hub is taking shape at Commons:Structured data.
- More fixes for the switch to HHVM
- Looked into possible performance improvements. Some of them will be taken into the next sprint.
- Battled a handful of nasty issues on the live-site
- Wikibase DataModel 1.1 was released
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 您現在可以登錄Phabricator,新的軟件錯誤追蹤工具。創建您的賬戶並加入您的Bugzilla電子郵件地址。我們正在遷移來自Bugzilla的錯誤。Bugzilla將繼續開放。 [436] [437]
- 您將獲得您語言版本的可視化編輯器新聞,如果有人翻譯它的話。您可以加入翻譯。您可以通過加入譯者列表或詢問Elitre (WMF)了解下次翻譯。
- MediaWiki的新版本(1.25wmf3)已於10月9日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於10月14日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於10月16日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 5%的退出讀者會從運行HHVM工具的服務器加載頁面。HHVM應該使頁面加載更快。您也可以通過測試功能測試它。 [440]
- 您可於2014年10月15日17:00(UTC)參與一次會議,這有關語言開發。 [441]
- 有提議改進文件頁面。這將使用與維基數據相同的工具。您可於2014年10月16日18:00(UTC)參與會議。 [442]
- 您可於2014年10月18日18:00(UTC)參與一次會議,這有關可視化編輯器。 [443]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 15 October 2014
[編輯]- Arbitration report: One case closed and two opened
- Discussion report: en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2014-10-15/Discussion report
- Featured content: Bells ring out at the Temple of the Dragon at Peace
- In the media: College player falsely linked to sports scandal by Wikipedia; the Nobel Prizes
- Op-ed: Ships—sexist or sexy?
- Technology report: Attempting to parse wikitext
- Traffic report: Now introducing ... mobile data
- WikiProject report: Signpost reaches the Midwest
Learning Quarterly: October 2014
[編輯]L&E Newsletter / Volume 1 / Issue 2 / October 2014
Learning Quarterly
Frontpage: #DataCollection #Learning4Sustainability
Stay tuned
blogs, events & more!
Grow the
WMRS Education Program
Leave your mark
on Meta!
María Cruz, Community coordinator, Program Evaluation & Design (WMF) MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2014年10月17日 (五) 17:59 (UTC)
- 您可以加入一個wiki項目以幫助工具閱讀信息。這將幫助人們再利用文件。
- 查看如何修復元數據。您可以通過模板中加入標記並在文件中加入模板修復它。
- 您可以查看您wiki的缺少可讀信息的文件列表。
- 缺少可讀數據的文件也可在這些分類找到:無許可信息、無說明、無作者或無來源。 [446]
- MediaWiki的新版本(1.25wmf4)已於10月16日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於10月21日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於10月23日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 10%的退出讀者會從運行HHVM工具的服務器加載頁面。HHVM應該使頁面加載更快。您也可以通過測試功能測試它。 [448]
- 如果您在一個模板兩次加入同一參數,頁面將被收錄進一個追蹤分類。 [449] [450]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
Wikidata weekly summary #129
[編輯]- Discussions
- Do you want to see constraint violation reports and referencing improved? Please provide input.
- Events/Blogs/Press
- IRC office hour about structured data on Commons (log)
- hackathon around scholarly articles on Wikidata (etherpad with notes)
- Blog post about the meeting to discuss structured data on Commons in Berlin
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Clusters of humans and species on Wikidata
- New parameter in the template Property documentation: subject item; see [this example edit] for how to use it
- New tool: Linked Items. Returns sorted, de-duped list of Q values from a Wikipedia page, or chunk of wiki-text. Thank you, Magnus!
- Wikidata annotation tool is looking for feedback
- Wikidata: A Free Collaborative Knowledgebase by Denny and Markus has been published. It gives a very nice non-technical overview of Wikidata.
- Magnus re-wrote Wiki ShootMe to now use Wikidata.
- Did you know?
- Always wanted to know which topics have amazing articles on Wikimedia projects across many languages? Here you go!
- Newest properties: At the Circulating Library ID, MacTutor id (biographies), allmovie identifier, number of survivors, given name version for other gender, name in native language, tempo marking, manifestation of, zbMATH author ID, Executive Order number
- Development
- Improvements to sitelink editing usability
- Released Wikibase DataModel 2.0
- Profiling and performance improvements in Wikibase and Wikibase DataModel
- Implementing LabelLookup, which is needed to improve performance of EntityId formatting. This will lead to improved item page loading times.
- Added new featured list and recommended article badges.
- Remove most usage of class aliases to be compatible with HHVM (dependencies of bugzilla:71295)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 22 October 2014
[編輯]- In the media: The story of Wikipedia; Wikipedia reanimated and republished; UK government social media rules; death of Italian Wikipedia administrator
- Featured content: Admiral on deck: a modern Ada Lovelace
- Op-ed: Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution—a wiki-protest
- WikiProject report: De-orphanning articles - a huge task but with a huge team of volunteers to help
- Traffic report: Death, War, Pestilence... Movies and TV
Wikidata weekly summary #114
[編輯]- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikidata Game now has a 'Commons Categories' game
- Did you know?
- Development
- Made significant performance improvements (to be rolled out next week)
- Worked on usability improvements to the editing of sitelinks
- When you link to an image on Wikimedia Commons in a statement it will now show up in 「global usage」 there.
- Made the phpunit tests for Wikibase much faster
- Wikibase phpunit tests on travis pass with hhvm now
- Fixed label/description uniqueness constraint checks
- Work on entity usage tracking
- Year formatter now shows the year instead of the unformatted ISO string in case of a precision mismatch
- Diff and old revision pages don’t run the JavaScript UI any more, should be much faster now
- Introduced a Changers concept to the JavaScript frontend, wrapping the API and entityStore functionality
- Identified issue causing content in the old serialization format to be included in XML dumps
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 10月21日來自共享資源的文件出現一個問題。您只會在共享資源文件名介於140~159字符時發現此問題。 [451]
- 火狐(Firefox)瀏覽器在可視化編輯器剪切粘貼時出現一個問題。它很快被修復。 [452]
- 可視化編輯器編輯數學公式時出現一個問題,它也被快速修復。 [453]
- 新版本MediaWiki現已從星期四提前至星期三部署於維基百科。 [454]
- MediaWiki的新版本(1.25wmf5)已於10月23日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於10月28日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於10月29日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 可視化編輯器現在使用模板的自動值,如果已在模板數據中定義。 [455] [456] [457]
- 可視化編輯器菜單選項現在在旁邊顯示它們的快捷方式。 [458]
- 當您點擊「編輯」時,可視化編輯器現在將更快載入。 [459]
- 一些語言翻譯中的複數規則被更改。界面翻譯的更新現已暫停;將從11月6日重新開始。 [460]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki信息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供反饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 29 October 2014
[編輯]- Featured content: Go West, young man (By the way, there is a monster at the end of this article)
- In the media: Wikipedia a trusted source on Ebola; Wikipedia study labeled government waste; football biography goes viral
- Maps tagathon: Find 10,000 digitised maps this weekend
- Recent research: Informed consent and privacy; newsmaking on Wikipedia; Wikipedia and organizational theories
- Traffic report: Ebola, Ultron, and Creepy Articles
Wikidata weekly summary #131
[編輯]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata turned 2 on Wednesday! Have a look at the notes from the community and development team and add your note. Also don't forget to check out all the cool presents (a painting, speed improvements, a huge load of unconnected articles that you can help connect via the Wikidata Game, WikidataLDF, a recent changes visualisation)!
- Wikidata II
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata is nominated for 2 Open Data Awards! \o/ Magnus and Lydia will attend the award ceremony next week. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
- Wikidata as the central hub for open life science data
- What is Wikipedia about? Great data viz based on Wikidata
- Super Lachaise, a mobile app based on Wikidata for a cemetery in Paris
- Random items without statements
- Tutorial: How to make a 「descendants of」 timeline using Wikidata
- Updated statistics on the topics with most highly-rated articles on Wikipedia
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: deepest point, Desa code of Indonesia, Slovene Cultural Heritage Register ID, Catalan object of cultural interest ID, Municipality code of Brazil, Pleiades identifier, MalaCards ID, natural product of taxon, official blog, University of Barcelona authority ID, Beilstein Registry Number, Gmelin Number
- Development
- Worked around memory corruption in zend PHP
- HHVM beta feature is enabled again for Wikidata
- Fixes for various breaking changes in mediawiki core
- Work on language fall backs for new serialization code
- Work on fixing XML dumps
- Work on making Special:Version correct again for Wikidata extensions
- Implemented LabelLookup to improve performance further
- Worked more on remaining tasks for simple queries
- Poked remaining tasks for statements on properties
- Further improvements to the usability and workflow of sitelink editing
- Wrote browser tests for authority control gadget
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 「Special:Cite」特殊頁面現已改叫「Special:CiteThisPage」。這樣你就知道這是引用一個頁面,而不是添加一個參考資料。 [461]
- 您將不再可以使用關鍵詞
用於全文搜尋。它導致新搜尋工具的一個問題。這將很快恢復正常。 [462] [463]
- IE瀏覽器使用可視化編輯器時出現問題。當打開例如連結編輯器等工具時會被隱藏。這個錯誤周一被修正。 [464]
- 新搜索工具在周一和周五出錯,導致地理資料程式碼顯示在頁面上。行動裝置上的「附近」工具也因此當機。此錯誤現已修復。 [465] [466] [467]
- 周四HHVM導致服務器問題,這也已修復。
- MediaWiki的新版本(1.25wmf5)已於10月29日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於11月4日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於11月5日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 一些wiki在頁面頂端有圖示顯示頁面被保護或特色條目。這些圖示使用CSS顯示。您現在可以在這些模板使用
標籤而不再需要加入圖示。 [468] [469] - 可視化編輯器現在提醒您在編輯一個可再使用的參考資料。這使您避免在您想加入一個新的參考資料時更改它。 [470]
- 可視化編輯器的模板編輯工具用於添加更多欄位的圖示已重新顯示,並修復了一些相關錯誤。 [471] [472] [473] [474] [475]
- 11月6日後,所有wiki都將可以使用編輯樣版資料(TemplateData)的工具。 [476] [477] [478]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki訊息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供回饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 05 November 2014
[編輯]- In the media: Predicting the flu; MH17 conspiracy theories
- Traffic report: Sweet dreams on Halloween
Wikidata weekly summary #132
[編輯]- Discussions
- Zero error rate - help improve the quality of Wikidata's data
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata won the Open Data Award by the Open Data Institute in the category Publisher \o/ (blog post by ODI, blog post by WMDE)
- Tutorial: Create instant location based timelines using Wikidata queries
- Did you know?
- Less than 23% of Wikidata items have no statement. Down from ~53% a year ago.
- Newest properties: consecrator, Slovene Cultural Heritage designation, penalty, charge, judge, defender, prosecutor, defendant, number of casualties, deepest point, Desa code of Indonesia, Slovene Cultural Heritage Register ID, Catalan object of cultural interest ID
- Development
- Continued work on LabelLookup and related code to further improve performance
- Made it possible to show references in statements on property pages. (Remaining bugs before roll-out are issues with adding/editing/removing statements on property pages.)
- Further improvements to sitelink editing (The edit toolbar now floats so it doesn't scroll out of the page on a long list of sitelinks. An empty row for adding a new sitelink is shown by default when editing to make this faster and take less scrolling.)
- Further adapting of simple query code so we can get it to review at the Foundation again.
- Lots of bug fixes all over the place
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 您可以在英語維基百科行動版網站看見一個新工具。它通過詢問一些簡單的問題使得條目更容易改進。將來,您的回答將被維基數據記錄。 [480] [481]
- MediaWiki API現在以更好的格式顯示資訊。您可在translate.net翻譯它。 [482]
- 提示:您可以在您的wiki幫助修復檔案資訊。它將幫助機器人理解這些資訊。此後,您將更容易搜尋這些檔案並再利用它們。
- 您可以在本周加入兩個IRC聊天以了解更多有關文件清理項目的內容。第一個將於星期三18:00(UTC)開始,另一個將於星期四04:00(UTC)開始。您可以在聊天時詢問如何修復您wiki的文件。
- You can see a list of files to fix on the Labs tool. You can report bugs and ask questions on the talk page.
- 維基媒體實驗室在星期四由於硬件問題當機數個小時。 [483]
- MediaWiki的新版本(1.25wmf7)已於11月5日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於11月11日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於11月12日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 您現在可以在可視化編輯器使用更多表格編輯工具。您可以添加行和列、合併單元格並編輯表格標題。 [484] [485]
- 可視化編輯器工具欄上的樣式和插入菜單現在顯示更少的工具。這將幫助您查看最常使用的那幾個。您可以通過點擊「更多」查看所有工具。 [486]
- 可視化編輯器里窗口的工作方式已更新。可視化編輯器應該會運行更快並更少發生錯誤。 [487]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki訊息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供回饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
Wikidata weekly summary #133
[編輯]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Upcoming office hours for Commons (Nov 20th) and Wikidata (Dec 3rd). More details on the office hour page.
- GLAM/Wikidata hackathon in Amsterdam
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Help make sure these items have labels in your language
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: NATO code for grade
- Development
- Work on reviving the tree of life built from Wikidata data
- Added a "featured portal" badge (Q17580674)
- Improved the performance of getting labels and sitelinks in Lua (and decreased the memory usage)
- Did groundwork on applying page deletions to the repo
- Refactor initialization of EntityView so that we can use batched label lookup for improved performance.
- Added IRC to available protocolls for the URL datatype
- Improved calendar model display
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 12 November 2014
[編輯]- In the media: Amazon Echo; EU freedom of panorama; Bluebeard's Castle
- Featured content: Wikipedia goes to church in Lithuania
- WikiProject report: Talking hospitals
- Traffic report: Holidays, anyone?
- MediaWiki的新版本(1.25wmf8)已於11月12日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於11月18日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於11月19日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 新搜尋工具(「CirrusSearch」)將於11月19日在英語維基百科正式啟用。 [488]
- 追蹤軟體錯誤的工具將於11月21日遷移。
- 11月21日至11月24日期間您將無法添加或編輯bug。
- 您可以創建您的賬戶以使更新變得容易。
- 更新後Bugzilla將被凍結。您將可以在Phabricator查看、編輯和報告bug。
- 您可加入兩場IRC聊天以了解有關更新的更多內容。第一場於11月18日星期二16:00(UTC)開啟,稍後第二場於23:00(UTC)開啟。 [489]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki訊息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供回饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
Wikidata weekly summary #134
[編輯]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Had a great hackathon for GLAM and Wikidata in Amsterdam last weekend
- IRC office hour about structured data on Commons (logs)
- Building a periodic table using Wikidata
- Lydia will be speaking at internetdagarna in Stockholm on Monday
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Commons will get Phase 2 on December 2nd
- The Sum of all Paintings - new app to nicely display data related to artwork
- Institutions on Commons without an item on Wikidata
- Wikidata descriptions being used to help clarify search results in the Wikipedia mobile app
- WikidataTodo now shows you tasks to be done on Wikidata related to a specific country as well
- VisualEditor coming as a beta feature
- Statements on properties are getting closer to the finish line. You could help figure out which properties to use for describing and classifying properties.
- Did you know?
- Development
- When a page is deleted on a client (Wikipedia, etc) its sitelink is now removed automatically from its Wikidata item
- Reworked the automatic precision detection for coordinates
- The long planned split of the code base into two independent Wikibase Repo and Client extensions is getting closer pretty fast these weeks
- Made good progress on making the sitelinks section much more compact and moving it into the right-hand sidebar
- While still reworking lots of details that slightly changed in DataModel 2.0 we already started working on a possible DataModel 3.0
- More performance optimizations in the form of more advanced label lookup implementations
- Implemented file-based cache of SiteStore to improve performance
- Bug fixes
- Updated the property suggester with new data! :)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 從Bugzilla至Phabricator的遷移已經完成。您現在可以在Phabricator匯報軟件錯誤。 [490]
- 使用可視化編輯器編輯表格時出現問題。編輯器之前在修復
選項錯誤的值。編輯器目前保留錯誤值以避免更大錯誤。這在11月17日修復。 [491]
- MediaWiki的新版本(1.25wmf9)已於11月19日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於11月25日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於11月26日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。
- 您將可以在很多新wiki率先嘗試可視化編輯器。11月26日之後,可視化編輯器將在以下wiki可用:維基數據、維基語錄、維基教科書、維基學院、維基導遊和維基新聞。您可以通過您的測試功能選項找到它。 [492]
- 可視化編輯器將提醒您的編輯需要被通過。 [493]
- 您現在可以在關閉保存窗口恢復編輯後直接使用可視化編輯器工具。 [494]
- 可視化編輯器表格編輯工具現已更好工作於從右至左閱讀的語言。 [495] [496]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki訊息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供回饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 26 November 2014
[編輯]- Featured content: Orbital Science: Now you're thinking with explosions
- In the media: A Russian alternative Wikipedia; Who's your grandfather?; ArtAndFeminism
- Recent research: Gender gap and skills gap; academic citations on the rise; European food cultures
- Traffic report: Big in Japan
- WikiProject report: Back with the military historians
Wikidata weekly summary #135
[編輯]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Past: Internetdagaarna in Stockholm
- Past: Hacks/Hackers in Berlin
- Picture this!
- Wikidata identifiers and the ODNB - where next?
- Wikidata and identifiers - part 2, the matching process
- IRC office hour on Wednesday
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Commons will get access to the data on Wikidata on Tuesday
- Statements on properties and language fallbacks are coming
- VisualEditor is now available as a beta feature to make editing of project and help pages easier
- Did you know?
- Development
- Moved the sitelink section into a sidebar (if the page is too narrow it will float below the statement section like it is now)
- Wrapping up work on injecting LabelLookups into EntityView (should boost performance)
- Implemented new notification bar to replace the notification bubble we had before
- Fixed more issues with geocoordinates
- Wrapping up work on client side usage tracking (important for arbitrary access)
- Making language fallback work for referenced entities (via LabelLookup)
- Transformations for pass XML dumps got merged, should fix phabricator:T74348
- Enabled Statements on Properties on http://test.wikidata.org for testing
- JSON dumps will no longer contain redirects from the week after next week on
- Improved performance of client’s other projects sidebar
- Worked on bug triage (looking at the testme bugs)
- Replaced the custom Wikidata Jenkins continuous integration slaves with regular ones
- Fixed error in DataModel that was noticed by DataModelSerializer tests
- Input on mw:Wikibase/Indexing
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
This Month in Education: October 2014
[編輯]- Sweden: Swedish teacher wins national award for teaching with Wikimedia projects
- Greece: Greek university giving credit for translation of Wikipedia articles
- Greece: Wikipedia in Secondary and Adult Education: presentation at CIE2014 in Corfu, Greece
- Serbia & Hungary: Wikicamp 2014 in Serbia and Hungary brings chapters together
- Bulgaria: Bulgarian college students will explore Wikipedia in a new lecture course on "New Media and Participatory Culture"
- Bulgaria: Bulgarian college teachers "became nodes" in the Wikipedia Network
- Israel: 9th grade students in Be'er Sheva, Israel conclude a year-long project on Wikipedia
- Mexico: New classes and activities at Tec de Monterrey
- Catalonia: Education Program Extension enabled on Catalan Wikipedia
- Ukraine: Education Program Extension enabled on Ukrainian Wikipedia
- Netherlands: Education Program Extension enabled on Dutch Wikipedia
- WMF: Data Collection Round II has started: be part
- Articles of interest in other publications: Poland, Philippines, United States, WikiProject Medicine, Jimmy Wales, and more
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MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2014年12月3日 (三) 20:55 (UTC)
This Month in Education: November 2014
[編輯]- France: Wikimedia France obtains an agreement from the French Ministry of Education
- Mexico: Tec de Monterrey wrapping up semester projects
- Mexico: A student in Mexico makes the best of her study to edit Wikipedia
- Egypt: Egyptian Student invites his colleagues at Al-Azhar University to edit Wikipedia
- Sweden: Successful Wikipedia assignments presented by faculty at national conference in Sweden
- Global: Wikipedia Education Collaborative members meet in Edinburgh
- Global: Iberoconf discusses Wikipedia in education
- Global:Welcoming new WMF staff supporting education
- Articles of interest in other publications: MIT, Myanmar, and Jimmy Wales
ESEA Meetup之譯名
[編輯]Hello, 我注意到您會代表臺灣參加meta:ESEA_Meetup,而ESEA 或 "East and Southeast Asia"應翻成「東亞與東南亞」,該會議係以區域作劃分,包含許多語種維基百科人與分會,而中文、日文、韓文等維基百科並不等於「中日韓」,逕翻成「中日韓」顯非妥當。相信不少臺灣維基人亦對此有意見。請敦促修訂,謝謝!--WildCursive(留言) 2014年12月6日 (六) 04:44 (UTC)
- Hi, 上官, 許久前就在維基相關頁面知道你的名字,很高興有一批臺灣維基人持續推廣相關計畫!我瀏覽了相關資訊,也很羨慕並佩服幾位能常出國參加各項維基會議的臺灣維友,但目前看來我參加的可能性不高。印尼是個重要且特別的國家,亦與臺灣有著相當淵源如臺灣-印度尼西亞關係,臺灣同時屬於東亞、東北亞、東南亞,希望能有更多國內宣傳或贊助參加,號召更多臺灣維基人去日惹認識國際友人!雖然我對英日文以外的維基版本瀏覽甚少,但我建議臺灣代表團或可與其他國家代表團商議「介紹臺灣」計畫,亦即鼓勵/協助其他語言版本翻譯/編纂臺灣相關條目或雙方共同關切者,我們則視其需求或建議安排雙邊互助(在印尼或可請我們代表處支援)。如有相關計畫,未能參加會議之臺灣維基人或國內相關語言科系人士或可進一步參與合作! -- WildCursive(留言) 2014年12月9日 (二) 04:48 (UTC)
The Signpost: 03 December 2014
[編輯]- Op-ed: Who edits health-related content on Wikipedia and why?
- In the media: Embroidery and cheese
- Featured content: ABCD: Any Body Can Dance!
- Traffic report: Turkey and a movie
- WikiProject report: Today on the island
Wikidata weekly summary #136
[編輯]- Events/Blogs/Press
- IRC office hour (log)
- Wikidata for research - a grant proposal anyone can edit
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Commons now has access to the data on Wikidata
- Statements on properties are now live
- Sneak peek at a prototype for checking Wikidata's data against 3rd party databases
- The Game has a new mode: alma mater
- Work is ongoing for a bot job to tag thousands of objects in OpenStreetMap with the equivalent Wikidata ID
- Resolver finds Wikidata items for a given identifier (VIAF, GND, IMDB, ...)
- English-Wikipedia now has a template, RedQ, which puts a Wikidata link next to red links for subjects which have no Wikipedia article in any language, This should prevent duplicate Wikidata items from being created when an article is written, and assist Wikipedia editors to find relevant facts and sources. Please copy it to other-language Wikipedias.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: working title, undercarriage
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Wikidata for research aims to integrate Wikidata more closely with research, and to this end, a grant proposal is being drafted.
- Development
- Started work on units
- More work on evaluating options for querying
- Implemented Property DataType (for relationships between properties)
- Improvements to get by with fewer memcache request on clients
- Work on file-based cache of the SiteStore
- Work on improved label lookup performance
- Wrapping up work on usage tracking
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 所有使用者現在透過運行HHVM工具的伺服器加載頁面。HHVM應該使頁面加載更快。 [497]
- 您可於11月11日18:00(UTC)加入一個有關Phabricator的視訊聊天。Phabricator是報告問題的新工具。 [498]
- 11月29日Phabricator出現問題。這是由於網路問題。 [499]
- MediaWiki的新版本(1.25wmf11)已於12月3日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於12月9日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於12月10日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。 [500]
- 您現在可以通過「退出(Esc)」鍵退出可視化編輯器。 [501]
- 您現在通過IMEs可以更容易使用可視化編輯器。現在可以更好輸入馬拉雅拉姆語。 [502] [503]
- OOjs UI的新版本修復了很多有關尺寸和對話框按鈕布局的問題。 [504] [505] [506]
- (Lua)您將不再可以使用
從特殊頁面嵌入獲取HTML。您可以檢視需要修復的腳本清單。 [507] [508]
- 從下周起JavaScript工具不再工作,如果它們使用jQuery Migrate。 [509]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki訊息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供回饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 10 December 2014
[編輯]- Op-ed: It's GLAM up North!
- In the media: Wikipedia is "a rancorous, sexist, elitist, stupidly bureaucratic mess"
- Traffic report: Dead Black Men and Science Fiction
- Featured content: Honour him, love and obey? Good idea with military leaders.
Wikidata weekly summary #137
[編輯]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: departure transaction, acquisition transaction, port, curator, pendant of
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Music
- Development
- More work on making it possible to query Wikidata data (mw:Wikibase/Indexing)
- Further improvements to performance on the clients (Wikipedia etc)
- Fixed and improved JSON dump creation process
- Finishing touches on new sitelinks section
- Worked more on supporting quantities with units - first basic version is making good progress
- Unprotected Q183 (Germany) again (had to be protected to ensure site availability)
- Improved performance for page views on Wikidata (no longer accessing actual entity data blob, when page is available from parser cache)
- Moved issues from github to phabricator and closed/checked bugs marked for testing
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 您可以在英語維基百科行動版網站看見一個測試過的新工具。它通過詢問一些簡單的問題使得條目更容易改進。將來,您的回答將被維基數據記錄。 [510]
- 您可以觀看一段影片以了解如何使用Phabricator管理項目。 [511]
- 您可以測試內容翻譯工具的新版本。
- MediaWiki的新版本(1.25wmf12)已於12月10日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,它將於12月16日部署至非維基百科wiki、並於12月17日部署至所有維基百科,見時間表。 [512]
- 您現在可以在可視化編輯器中查找和替換文本。您可以通過菜單、
打開工具。 [513] - 可視化編輯器現在不會改變您加粗的文本最後的空格。 [514]
- 可視化編輯器參考窗口的「提交更改」按鈕現已顯示禁用直到您做出一次更改後。 [515]
- 監視列表的星形圖案將很快更新。 [516] [517]
- 您在12月18日將無法使用Phabricator。這將在00:00~08:00(UTC)期間暫時下線。 [518] [519]
技術新聞由技術大使製作並由MediaWiki訊息遞送送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 獲取幫助 • 提供回饋 • 訂閱或退訂。
The Signpost: 17 December 2014
[編輯]- In the media: Wikipedia's year in review video; Checking in with Wikipedia's founders
- Arbitration report: Arbitration Committee election results
- Featured content: Tripping hither, tripping thither, Nobody knows why or whither; We must dance and we must sing, Round about our fairy ring!
- Traffic report: A December Lull
Wikidata weekly summary #138
[編輯]- Discussions
- Open RfAs: Petr Matas
- Closed RfAs: Jared Preston (Successful)
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: subproperty of, mandatory qualifier, NIST/CODATA ID, EgliseInfo ID
- New task forces: Freebase, Sled dog racing
- Showcase items: Lion
- Development
- Happy holidays from the dev team, everyone :)
- ~=[,,_,,]:3
- Enabled other projects sidebar feature as default on Italian Wikipedia
- Deployed new code to Wikidata, including performance improvements, language fallback, and property data type
- Fixed some small issues that popped up after deployment
- Ongoing work on performance improvements (batched label lookup)
- Ongoing work on the JavaScript widgets needed for the planned redesign
- Ongoing work on the WikibaseJavaScriptApi extension that was split from the Wikibase code base
- Finished tree of life
- Some more work on support for units
- Closed/checked even more 『testme’ bugs on Phabricator
- Wikidata Query has gotten a number of stability fixes. To increase availability and performance we now have multiple instances of it with a load balancer in front of it.
- The data for the entity suggester has been updated. Suggestions when adding new statements should be even better now.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 24 December 2014
[編輯]- From the editor: Looking for new editors-in-chief
- In the media: Wales on GamerGate
- Featured content: Still quoting Iolanthe, apparently.
- WikiProject report: Microsoft does The Signpost
- Traffic report: North Korea is not pleased
The Signpost: 31 December 2014
[編輯]- News and notes: The next big step for Wikidata—forming a hub for researchers
- In the media: Study tour controversy; class tackles the gender gap
- Op-ed: My issues with the Wiki Education Foundation
- Featured content: A bit fruity
- Traffic report: Surfin' the Yuletide
- Recent research: Wikipedia in higher education; gender-driven talk page conflicts; disease forecasting
Wikidata weekly summary #139
[編輯]- Discussions
- Provide your input on article placeholders based on Wikidata
- new RfC: CoI editing
- Anonymous artists at wiki project visual arts
- Events/Blogs/Press
- We need to start talking about scaling Wikidata over the next months and years: Scaling Wikidata: success means making the pie bigger
- The next big step for Wikidata—forming a hub for researchers
- wikidata4research4all
- There was a well-attended Wikidata meetup at 31C3
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Query now runs on multiple, load-balanced, self-restarting servers. Thanks to Yuvi for the help.
- Vandals suck. Don't know how to help us fight them? Here are two pages to get you started: Wikidata:Vandalism and Wikidata:Abuse filter.
- The Wikidata BEACON generator was updated by Magnus. It now uses all properties with 「formatter URL」, so always up-to-date with target URLs. It is faster, too.
- Number of visual artworks on Wikidata by institution
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Terminologia Histologica (TH), Terminologia Embryologica (TE), ICD-9-CM, operations and procedures key (OPS), ICD-10-PCS, central government debt as a percent of GDP, AniDB identifier, main property, awarded for work, Pokémon browser number, inscription, quote, subtitle, BBC Your Paintings artwork identifier, has vertex figure, index case of, number suspected, number probable, number confirmed, general formula, this taxon is source of, Route number, LAC identifier, CONA, ATCvet, TGN, Chess Club ID, Chess Games ID, Cycling Database ID, ProCyclingStats ID, DOI Prefix, Alexa rank, has index case, related property, number of faces, MPAA film rating, unveiled by, station number, wing configuration, TERYT municipality code, referee, YouTube video identifier, BBF identifier, Korean Movie Database ID, Dictionary of Welsh Biography ID
- Showcase items: Iggy Azalea, Helsinki
- Development
- Happy new year! :) It'll be a great one for Wikidata!
- Have you filed bugs in the past? Awesome! It'd be super helpful if you have a look at your old bugs and see if they are still relevant. You can find them at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/query/authored/ (make sure you're logged in on Phabricator)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item