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我是歡迎您的維基百科人:蝦米※飛鴿傳書 2009年6月6日 (六) 12:15 (UTC)
[編輯]歡迎來到維基百科。儘管我們邀請每個人為我們的百科全書貢獻有建設性的資料,可是您最近至少一項的編輯裡,例如您在[[:{{{Wii_Sports}}}]]中的編輯並不是有建設性的內容及已被回退或移除。請使用沙盒以能隨心所欲地進行任何的編輯測試,並請您花點時間看一看歡迎頁面以了解更多有關為維基百科貢獻的事宜。謝謝您的合作。—蝦米※飛鴿傳書 2009年6月6日 (六) 12:15 (UTC)
Welcome to Wikipedia. Although we invite everyone to contribute to our encyclopedia of information and constructive, but at least one of your recent editorial, such as [[:{{{ Wii_Sports }}}]] your editor is not in a constructive the content and has been rolled back or removed. Please use the sandbox in order to be able to carry out any way to edit tests and ask you to take a moment to look at the welcome page to learn more about the contribution to the issues on Wikipedia. Thank you for your cooperation. - Shrimp ※ Chuanshu Dove June 6, 2009 (f) 12:15 (UTC)