[編輯]- 4X(4X)
- Accolade(Accolade (company))
- 世紀帝國系列(Age of Empires)
- Capcom Five(Capcom Five)
- 瘋狂出租車系列(Crazy Taxi)
- Development of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion(Development of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
- Development of Grand Theft Auto V(Development of Grand Theft Auto V)
- 新的水晶故事 最終幻想(Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy)
- 最終幻想系列(Final Fantasy)
- 戰神系列(God of War (franchise))
- 岩田聰(Satoru Iwata)
- 王國之心系列(Kingdom Hearts)
- 聖劍傳說系列(Mana (series))
- 南夢宮(Namco)
- 紙片馬力歐系列(Paper Mario)
- 女神異聞錄系列(Persona (series))
- Rockstar San Diego(Rockstar San Diego)
- 世嘉(Sega)
- 刺蝟索尼克系列(Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Thatgamecompany(Thatgamecompany)
- Toys for Bob(Toys for Bob)
- 羅伯塔·威廉斯(Roberta Williams)
[編輯]- 1080°滑雪(1080° Snowboarding)
- 阿加莎·克里斯蒂:東方快車謀殺案(Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express)
- Alleyway(Alleyway)
- Anachronox(Anachronox)
- 安琪拉之歌(Aquaria (video game))
- 班卓熊大冒險:改造大作戰(Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts)
- 堡壘 (2011年遊戲)(Bastion (video game))
- 蝙蝠俠:阿卡姆瘋人院(Batman: Arkham Asylum)
- 蝙蝠俠:阿卡姆之城(Batman: Arkham City)
- The Beatles: Rock Band(The Beatles: Rock Band)
- 生化奇兵 (遊戲)(BioShock)
- 生化奇兵2(BioShock 2)
- BioShock 2: Minerva's Den(BioShock 2: Minerva's Den)
- Blast Corps(Blast Corps)
- Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars(Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars)
- Burning Rangers(Burning Rangers)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered)
- 決勝時刻4:現代戰爭(Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)
- 惡魔城 曉月圓舞曲(Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow)
- 惡魔城 蒼月十字架(Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow)
- 洞窟物語(Cave Story)
- 聖劍傳說DS 瑪娜之子(Children of Mana)
- 穿越時空(Chrono Cross)
- 時空之輪(Chrono Trigger)
- 雲 (遊戲)(Cloud (video game))
- 巨洞冒險(Colossal Cave Adventure)
- Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons(Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons)
- 電腦太空戰(Computer Space)
- Conan (2007 video game)(Conan (2007 video game))
- Crackdown(Crackdown (video game))
- 壓縮空間(Crush (video game))
- Deathrow (video game)(Deathrow (video game))
- 惡魔獵人 (遊戲)(Devil May Cry (video game))
- DotA(Defense of the Ancients)
- 冤罪殺機(Dishonored)
- 大金剛64(Donkey Kong 64)
- 超級森喜剛(Donkey Kong Country)
- Donkey Kong Land(Donkey Kong Land)
- 誓血龍騎士(Drakengard (video game))
- Drowned God(Drowned God)
- 末日危城(Dungeon Siege)
- 上古捲軸III:晨風(The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind)
- 上古捲軸IV:湮沒(The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
- 帝國:現代曙光(Empires: Dawn of the Modern World)
- F-Zero GX(F-Zero GX)
- 輻射 (遊戲)([[:en:Fallout (video game)|Fallout])
- Fallout 4: Far Harbor(Fallout 4: Far Harbor)
- 菲斯 (遊戲)(Fez)
- 最終幻想戰略版(Final Fantasy Tactics)
- 最終幻想 零式(Final Fantasy Type-0)
- 最終幻想VI(Final Fantasy VI)
- 最終幻想VII(Final Fantasy VII)
- 最終幻想VIII(Final Fantasy VIII)
- 最終幻想IX(Final Fantasy IX)
- 最終幻想X(Final Fantasy X)
- 最終幻想X-2(Final Fantasy X-2)
- 最終幻想XI(Final Fantasy XI)
- 最終幻想XII(Final Fantasy XII)
- 最終幻想XIII(Final Fantasy XIII)
- 最終幻想XIII-2(Final Fantasy XIII-2)
- Flight Unlimited(Flight Unlimited)
- Flight Unlimited II(Flight Unlimited II)
- Flight Unlimited III(Flight Unlimited III)
- 星系艦隊(Flotilla (video game))
- 流 (遊戲)(Flow (video game))
- 花 (遊戲)(Flower (video game))
- 自由星球(Freedom Planet)
- Giants: Citizen Kabuto(Giants: Citizen Kabuto)
- 戰神 (2005年遊戲)(God of War (2005 video game))
- 戰神II(God of War II)
- 戰神III(God of War III)
- 戰神:崛起(God of War: Ascension)
- 戰神:背叛(God of War: Betrayal)
- 戰神:奧林匹斯之鏈(God of War: Chains of Olympus)
- 戰神:斯巴達的亡魂(God of War: Ghost of Sparta)
- 黃金太陽 開啟的封印(Golden Sun (video game))
- 俠盜獵車手V(Grand Theft Auto V)
- 嚴肅的骨頭(Gravity Bone)
- 神通鬼大(Grim Fandango)
- 吉他英雄(Guitar Hero (video game))
- 戰慄時空2首部曲:浩劫重生(Half-Life 2: Episode One)
- 半衰期2:消失的海岸線(Half-Life 2: Lost Coast)
- 最後一戰 復刻版(Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)
- 最後一戰2(Halo 2)
- 最後一戰3(Halo 3)
- 最後一戰3:ODST(Halo 3: ODST)
- 最後一戰:瑞曲之戰(Halo: Reach)
- 星環戰役(Halo Wars)
- 萬艦齊發(Homeworld)
- ICO (遊戲)(Ico)
- 無盡之劍(Infinity Blade)
- Iridion 3D(Iridion 3D)
- 海島文明(Islanders (video game))
- Islands: Non-Places(Islands: Non-Places)
- 風之旅人(Journey (2012 video game))
- 跳閃! 阿羅哈男爵驚恐大作戰之卷(Jumping Flash!)
- Katamari Damacy(Katamari Damacy)
- Katana Zero(Katana Zero)
- Killer Instinct Gold(Killer Instinct Gold)
- 殺手7(Killer7)
- 王國之心 (遊戲)(Kingdom Hearts (video game))
- 王國之心 記憶之鍊(Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories)
- 王國之心II(Kingdom Hearts II)
- Kingdom Two Crowns(Kingdom Two Crowns)
- 魔域之狼(Knight Lore)
- Knuckles' Chaotix(Knuckles' Chaotix)
- 最後生還者(The Last of Us)
- 英雄聯盟(League of Legends)
- 凱恩的遺產:勾魂使者(Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver)
- 薩爾達傳說 織夢島(The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening)
- 薩爾達傳說 穆修拉的假面(The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- 薩爾達傳說 時之笛(The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- 薩爾達傳說 神祕果實(The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages)
- Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy(Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy)
- 地獄邊境(Limbo (video game))
- 漫長等待(The Longing)
- 魔戒:中土大戰II(The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II)
- 失蹤行李(Lost Luggage (video game))
- 瘋狂大樓(Maniac Mansion)
- 狂暴彈珠(Marble Madness)
- 瑪利歐與音速小子在北京奧林匹克運動會(Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games)
- 馬里奧網球GC(Mario Power Tennis)
- 質量效應2(Mass Effect 2)
- 銀河戰士Prime(Metroid Prime)
- 銀河戰士Prime 2 黑暗回音(Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption(Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
- 瘋狂城市賽車(Midtown Madness)
- Mischief Makers(Mischief Makers)
- Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine(Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine)
- 迷霧之島(Myst)
- Myst III: Exile(Myst III: Exile)
- Myst IV: Revelation(Myst IV: Revelation)
- Myst V: End of Ages(Myst V: End of Ages)
- 新超級馬力歐兄弟(New Super Mario Bros.)
- 飛天幽夢(Nights into Dreams)
- Nights: Journey of Dreams(Nights: Journey of Dreams)
- 忍者龍劍傳 (紅白機)(Ninja Gaiden (NES video game))
- 大神 (遊戲)(Ōkami)
- Oxenfree(Oxenfree)
- 鐵甲飛龍 RPG(Panzer Dragoon Saga)
- 紙片瑪利歐 色彩噴濺(Paper Mario: Color Splash)
- 紙片馬力歐:摺紙國王(Paper Mario: The Origami King)
- 通往黑暗之路(Pathways into Darkness)
- Perfect Dark(Perfect Dark)
- 幽魂 (遊戲)(Phantasmagoria (video game))
- Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned(Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned)
- 異域鎮魂曲(Planescape: Torment)
- 植物大戰殭屍(Plants vs. Zombies (video game))
- 寶可夢頻道 ~和皮卡丘一起!~(Pokémon Channel)
- 上帝也瘋狂3:開天闢地(Populous: The Beginning)
- 傳送門(Portal (video game))
- 變形 (遊戲)(Proteus (video game))
- Radical Dreamers -無法盜取的寶石-(Radical Dreamers)
- Rare Replay(Rare Replay)
- 生化危機2(Resident Evil 2)
- 生化危機5(Resident Evil 5)
- Riven(Riven)
- Sabre Wulf(Sabre Wulf)
- Sacrifice (video game)(Sacrifice (video game))
- 妙探闖通關:自由警探(Sam & Max: Freelance Police)
- 聖劍傳說2(Secret of Mana)
- 汪達與巨像(Shadow of the Colossus)
- 夏特 (2005年遊戲)(Shadow the Hedgehog (video game))
- 沉默之丘4:密室驚魂(Silent Hill 4: The Room)
- The Simpsons Game(The Simpsons Game)
- The Simpsons: Hit & Run(The Simpsons: Hit & Run)
- 星風血雨(Sinistar: Unleashed)
- 索尼克大冒險(Sonic Adventure)
- Sonic After the Sequel(Sonic After the Sequel)
- 音速小子 (2006年遊戲)(Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 video game))
- 刺蝟索尼克2(Sonic the Hedgehog 2)
- Sonic Spinball(Sonic Spinball)
- Sonic X-treme(Sonic X-treme)
- 南方公園:真理之杖(South Park: The Stick of Truth)
- 太空侵略者(Space Invaders)
- 太空戰爭!(Spacewar!)
- 蜘蛛俠 (2018年遊戲)(Spider-Man (2018 video game))
- 小龍斯派羅:龍年(Spyro: Year of the Dragon)
- Star Control 3(Star Control 3)
- 星際爭霸:幽靈(StarCraft: Ghost)
- Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo(Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo)
- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron(Star Wars: Rogue Squadron)
- Super Columbine Massacre RPG!(Super Columbine Massacre RPG!)
- 超級瑪利歐64(Super Mario 64)
- 超級馬力歐收藏輯(Super Mario All-Stars)
- 超級馬力歐兄弟2(Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels)
- 超級馬力歐銀河(Super Mario Galaxy)
- 超級瑪利歐世界(Super Mario World)
- 超級肉肉男孩(Super Meat Boy)
- 任天堂明星大亂鬥X(Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
- 任天堂明星大亂鬥DX(Super Smash Bros. Melee)
- 網絡奇兵(System Shock)
- 網絡奇兵2(System Shock 2)
- 猴島傳說(Tales of Monkey Island)
- Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars(Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars)
- Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri(Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri)
- 神偷II:金屬時代(Thief II)
- Thirty Flights of Loving(Thirty Flights of Loving)
- Tony Hawk's Underground(Tony Hawk's Underground)
- 聖劍傳說3(Trials of Mana)
- Tunic(Tunic (video game))
- Turok: Dinosaur Hunter(Turok: Dinosaur Hunter)
- Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss(Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss)
- 鵝作劇(Untitled Goose Game)
- Uru: Ages Beyond Myst(Uru: Ages Beyond Myst)
- 放浪冒險譚(Vagrant Story)
- 吸血鬼之避世—血族(Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines)
- 吸血鬼之避世—救贖(Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption)
- Wii Sports(Wii Sports)
- 反重力賽車3(Wipeout 3)
- 反重力賽車2048(Wipeout 2048)
- 德軍總部3D(Wolfenstein 3D)
- 這個美妙的世界(The World Ends with You)
- 極限脫出ADV 善人死亡(Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward)
- 魔域(Zork)