


殭屍審判,亦稱「殭屍會議」(拉丁語Synodus Horrenda)是西元897年1月在拉特朗聖若望大殿舉行的一場對已故羅馬天主教教宗福慕Formosus)遺體的宗教會議[1]審判由福慕的繼任者斯德望六世主持。斯德望六世指控福慕犯有偽證罪,將其遺體挖出,著上教宗法袍,並加以審訊,在審判結束之後,斯德望宣告福慕的當選為非法,剝奪其教宗身份,撤銷他所發佈的通諭、教令,並砍掉他曾用以主持聖禮的手指,將其遺體投入墓穴,後又投入臺伯河。殭屍審判作為中世紀教廷最為駭人聽聞的片段之一而載入史冊。


  1. ^ Recherches de science religieuse Colloque (22 ; 2009 ; Paris). Auteur. Christologie et histoire de Jésus : actes du 22e colloque RSR (Paris, 9-11 novembre 2009).. Aux Bureaux de la Revue. DL 2011: 541. ISBN 978-2-913133-50-1. OCLC 758852496. Le concile de Ravenne in 898: la réhabilitation du pape Formose 


  • Cummins, Joseph. 2006. History's great untold stories. pp. 10–19.
  • Girolamo Arnaldi, "Papa Formoso e gli imperatori della casa di Spoleto", Annali della facoltà di lettere e filosofia di Napoli 1 (1951), discusses the political circumstances of the synod, and argues that Stephen VI may have convened it at the impetus of Guido IV.
  • Robert Browning's lengthy poem, The Ring and the Book, devotes 134 lines to the Cadaver Synod, in the chapter called The Pope.
  • Joseph Duhr, "La concile de Ravenne in 898: la réhabilitation du pape Formose", Recherches de science religieuse 22 (1932), pp. 541ff, discusses Ravenna council acta of 898, an important source and political circumstances; argues Lambert could not have been its architect
  • Ernst Ludwig Dümmler, Auxilius und Vulgarius (Leipzig, 1866), edits the works of two tenth-century Italian clerics who provide important evidence for the synod, its circumstances and aftermath. Also includes an important historical discussion of the synod in his introduction.
  • Peter Llewellyn, Rome in the Dark Ages (London, 1970), narrates the history of Rome at the end of the ninth and the beginning of the tenth centuries. Llewellyn discusses both Formosus and the Cadaver Synod.
  • William S. Monroe, "The Cadaver Synod and the End of the Carolingian Empire", Paper given at the Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting on 27 February 2016
  • Michael Edward Moore, "The Attack on Pope Formosus Papal History in an Age of Resentment (875-897)", Ecclesia et Violentia: Violence Against the Church and Violence Within the Church, eds. Michael E. Moore, Jacek Maciejewski and Radoslav Kotecki (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014)
  • Démètre Pop, La défense du pape Formose (Paris, 1933), analyzes posthumous defense of Formosus put forth by Auxilius and Vulgarius
  • The Complete Works of Liudprand of Cremona, trans. By Paolo Squatriti (Catholic University Press of America, 2007)
  • Donald E. Wilkes Jr, The Cadaver Synod: The Strangest Trial in History頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) (2001).
  • Frédéric Cathala, Le Synode du Cadavre, Les Indes Savantes, 2012.
  • The play Infallibility, which premiered at the 2013 New York International Fringe Festival, features the Cadaver Synod.