耶穌步道(Jesus Trail)是以色列北部加利利地區一條65公里長的徒步和朝聖路線,這是耶穌可能走過的路線,連接了他的生平和事奉的許多地點。步道開始於拿撒勒,經過塞佛瑞斯、迦拿、哈廷、Mount Arbel懸崖,加利利海, 迦百農, 塔布加和八福山。[1] 備選返程路線經過提比里亞、約旦河、塔博爾山和Mount Precipice[2]。耶穌步道遠足共計需要四天時間,每天的步行距離介於13- 19公里之間。
[編輯]這條古道是由兩位登山愛好者成立於2007年,以色列猶太企業家莫茲·艾諾在以色列建立了旅館和賓館[3],而大衛·蘭迪斯是一位美國基督徒登山專家 hiking.[4]。步道目前由志願者管理,是一個非盈利項目[5]。
[編輯]- ^ Hiking Through Biblical Backcountry, New York Times
- ^ Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (2010). 1:50,000 topographical map #3, "Lower Galilee" (Hebrew language map)
- ^ Walking with Jesus in the Galilee. BBC. [2013-05-22]. (原始內容存檔於2014-03-24).
- ^ CNS STORY: In northern Israel, walking from village to village, like Jesus. Catholicnews.com. [2012-02-03]. (原始內容存檔於2008-04-08).
- ^ Vered, Ronit. Five Stops in the Galilee - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News. Haaretz.com. 2011-09-09 [2012-02-03]. (原始內容存檔於2010-03-26).
[編輯]- Dintaman, Anna; Landis, David (2013). Hiking the Jesus Trail and Other Biblical Walks in the Galilee. Second Edition, Village to Village Press.
- Saar, Jacob (2012). Jesus Trail and Jerusalem, Eshkol Publishing. ISBN 9789659124954
- Lewin, Dennis (2012). "The Jesus Trail: Hiking from Nazareth to the Sea of Galilee". Backpacker Magazine.
- Korb, Scott. (2010). Life in Year One: What the World was Like in First-Century Palestine. Riverhead Books.
- Reed, Jonathan L. (2002). Archaeology and the Galilean Jesus: A Re-examination of the Evidence. Trinity Press International.
- Wright, N. T. (1999). The Way of the Lord: Christian Pilgrimage Today. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.