

科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 軟體動物門 Mollusca
綱: 雙殼綱 Bivalvia
目: 貽貝目 Mytiloida
科: 殼菜蛤科 Mytilidae
屬: 鷹嘴殼菜蛤屬 Ischadium
Jukes-Browne, 1905
鷹嘴殼菜蛤 I. recurvum
Ischadium recurvum
(Rafinesque, 1820)

鷹嘴殼菜蛤屬(學名:Ischadium)是貽貝科下的單型屬,屬下只有鷹嘴殼菜蛤Ischadium recurvum)一種。[1]鷹嘴殼菜蛤分佈於北美洲大西洋沿岸,從鱈魚角延伸至西印度群島[1]鷹嘴殼菜蛤通常生長在美洲牡蠣(學名:Crassostrea virginica)的殼上。鷹嘴殼菜蛤棲息在潮下帶,或在裸露的牡蠣可在冬季存活的、切薩皮克灣以南的潮間帶[2]它們也會附着在其他堅硬的基底上,如人工魚礁[3]或死亡的半鹹水蛤蜊河口馬珂蛤英語Rangia cuneata(學名:Rangia cuneata)的殼上。[4]



鷹嘴殼菜蛤主要通過氣味發現捕食者,其中包括捕食者自身的氣味及周圍死亡貝類的氣味。鷹嘴殼菜蛤的天敵之一為藍蟹(學名:Callinectes sapidus)。鷹嘴殼菜蛤是富含營養物質的優質獵物。相較於其他貽貝如側肌蛤英語Musculus lateralis(學名:Musculus lateralis,尚無權威譯名),鷹嘴殼菜蛤在季節變化中能始終保持豐富的粗蛋白質、脂質和微量元素,以及較高的總能量。此外,鷹嘴殼菜蛤還含有更多的鎂、鐵、鋅、銅和錳。[5]








  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Abbott RT, Morris PA. A field guide to shells : Atlantic and Gulf coasts and the West Indies 4th. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1995: 17. ISBN 978-0-395-69779-5. 
  2. ^ Bahr LM, Lanier WP. The ecology of intertidal oyster reefs of the South Atlantic coast: A community profile. (PDF). Program FWS/OBS/-81/15. US Fish Wildlife Service. 1981 [2023-07-04]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2017-07-05). 
  3. ^ Lipcius RN, Burke RP. Abundance, biomass and size structure of eastern oyster and hooked mussel on a modular artificial reef in the Rappahannock River, Chesapeake Bay. (PDF). Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering No. 390. (報告) (Gloucester Point, Va: Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary). 2006 [2023-07-04]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2023-07-01). 
  4. ^ Poirrier MA, Spalding EA, Franze CD. Lessons learned from a decade of assessment and restoration studies of benthic invertebrates and submersed aquatic vegetation in Lake Pontchartrain.. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009, SI54: 88–100. S2CID 129390976. doi:10.2112/SI54-005.1. 
  5. ^ Harding E. Investigating the Effects of Predator and Injured Conspecific Effluent on Byssal Thread Production in the Hooked Mussel, Ischadium recurvum (Masters論文). University of West Georgia: 43. 2020 –透過Proquest. 
  6. ^ Wells-Berlin AM, Perry MC, Kohn RA, Paynter KT, Ottinger MA. Composition, Shell Strength, and Metabolizable Energy of Mulinia lateralis and Ischadium recurvum as Food for Wintering Surf Scoters (Melanitta perspicillata). PLOS ONE. 2015-05-15, 10 (5): e0119839. PMC 4433283可免費查閱. PMID 25978636. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0119839可免費查閱. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Cyrana M. Inducible Morphological Defenses in Hooked Mussels, Ischadium recurvum: Response to Native and Non-native Crab Predators (Masters論文). Hood College. 2014 –透過Proquest. 
  8. ^ Galimany E, Lunt J, Domingos A, Paul VJ. Feeding Behavior of the Native Mussel Ischadium recurvum and the Invasive Mussels Mytella charruana and Perna viridis in FL, USA, Across a Salinity Gradient. Estuaries and Coasts. 2018-12-01, 41 (8): 2378–2388. ISSN 1559-2731. S2CID 91709968. doi:10.1007/s12237-018-0431-6 (英語). 
  9. ^ Graczyk TK, Fayer R, Lewis EJ, Trout JM, Farley CA. Cryptosporidium oocysts in Bent mussels (Ischadium recurvum) in the Chesapeake Bay. Parasitology Research. July 1999, 85 (7): 518–21. PMID 10382600. S2CID 32165658. doi:10.1007/s004360050590. 
  • 巫文隆. 拉漢/漢拉世界海貝名典 初版. 基隆: 水產出版社. 1999: 176. ISBN 957-8596-52-9. 

