
用戶:Codex Cosmos


About Me and tips for finding an article(Still In progress)


Before reading my novel,you have to read this.My novel is very bad and is nowhere same to the author.I am just 12 years old and is a primary student in Hong Kong.I wish readers of my novel cqan enjoy it and don't push too hard on me.I also hope Wikipedia is a good place to post my novel on.

Now,let me introduce my self.My name is Caddy/Codex Cosmos,12 years old,studying in a primary school in Hong Kong.My hobby includes reading,wrting,watching YouTube...bascially some thing that you will expect from a teenage nowadays.I am(probably) one of the most elite student in my school by English and Chinese.Since primary 3,I hope to build a fictional world with many characters and a good story.For this novel,I started wrting around May 2022.I hope this novel can achieve my final and fullfill my dream of being writer.But for now,I still have a long way to go.The only thing that I can hope is make this page 700000 characters long in order to break Wikipedia’s record for the longest page.Thank you for your support,patience to read until and hope you enjoy my novel.By the way,here are some tips that might can help you:

1.(chapter name)/edition 2.(CP)=country profile

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23rd century technology(3 articles avalible)


Quantum calculator:505 series and Codex AI


In 1938,the first computer was made in Uganda,which was a British colony.It can calculate 1000 simple math problems at the same time.Soon,China,Germany,Japan and the  US launched thier computer between 1939 to 1971.

 Later,after many versions of updating,the first cell phone was made by Cosmos Company in 2001.Now,let’s assume that a phone can calculate 1 maths problem,or store 1 information.Then is the super computer,easily calculating 100 thousand.

 However,when the number reached 157,415 in 2069,scientists fount out that it was the limit of transitional computer.However,in 2075,a breakthrough happened.The SMTMEA scientists used an atom to store a English letter.That means,using multiple quantums,we can store a large number of information.In 2082,the first version of 505 Quantum Calculator,505 A,was put into use.It can calculate 1 million,or 10^7.

 Based on 505 A,scientists made 505 C and 505 F in 2097 and 2109.505 F can now calculate 10^11.

  In 2126,505 N was made,which was the last version of 505 before Hawaii missile crisis.Until 2198,505 N was still the most advanced calculator of all time.In 2198,there’s another breakthrough:calculations between multiple molecules.This makes 505 Q calculates 10^17.

505 T,which was invented in 2216,calculates 10^21.As for 505 V(2238),10^26.

 In 2258,505 W was invented and can calculate 10^35.After the alien war between 2272 to 2279,with alien technology,the SMTMEA invented 505 X,calculates 10^46.There currently are 3 copies of 505 W.One in Shanghai(C.A.R.S.O.N),one in New Manila,Philippines colony on Mars(J.A.C.K.I.E),one in New York(L.U.N.A.R).As for 505X,there is only one copy in the Navigator I.S.S.(L.E.O).

  Globally,more and more workers joined the Project Codex.Project Codex’s aim is to invent a brand new 505Z,estimated to calculate 10^69,quadrillions times faster than 505 X.And it have a new name:Codex A.I.

The space elevator


In 2072,humans have already explored most of the planets in the solar system.However,firing a rocket was still expensive.In China,the government put more than 10 trillion dollars into the space project every year,it was about 15% of it;s GDP at a time.If it continues,the entire global economy will collapse because of this.

 Professor Tu Bo Wen and his crew decided to construct a space elevator,using the nanostring.The Chinese and SMTMEA governments were soon convinced and decided to build the elevator in Malabo,Equatorial Guinea,close to the Global Space Research Centre in Libreville,Gabon.In 2085,the first stage of the elevator was finished,stretching 1575 kilometers into the sky.In 2087,it made to 2000 km.The elevator was reconstructed for 17 times in 2088,2091,2095,2106,2114,2132,2149,2157,2169,2187,2190,2195,2210,2221,2246,2259 and 2278,after the alien war.It is now 384400 km high.

 The special cabin was first put into use in 2106.With the special cabin,the passengers only need to suffer only 5.7 G of push.After many updating,in 2278,it have advanced to only 2.2 Gwhile travel at a speed of 110632 km/h.

 In 2246,a breakthrough happened.This time in an area more than 200 thousand km above ground.The SMTMEA and SH built the biggest space station in the world at the time:The Ark ISS,with an area of about 100 km2.It is still the fourth biggest until now,behind the Supernova ISS(446 km2),GuangHanGong SS(321 KM2) and the Navigator ISS(292 km2).The Ark ISS plays an important role of gathering materials on Moon and Mars.Through the A gates,you can also take a special space ride to the Navigator ISS or the GuangHanGong SS.  

Space carriers


The first space carrier is most likely to be invented in the 2170s.At the time,China and USC are having a cold war.Both side have just created the digital army(the army that invents didgital weapon to hack the other side's internet and defend itself's),and were looking forward to control the solar system.USC amde the first space carrier in between 2175 and 2183,naming it 'George washington'.THe carrier have drones which can shot lasers and bullets.It also have laser cannon and nuclaer arsenals carried.If needed,it can carrier at most 5000 people,10000 drones,100 nuclear bombs and more than a million other weapons such as lazer guns.The second ship was also invented by the USC at 2185,which can almost double the amount of weapons carreid.

China caught up very quckly.The first chinese carrier,'Huaxia',have all the things need and have more weapons:the wormhole decetor and more powerful engines that can race up of a quater of light speed.

After both sides created more than 10 carriers,the breakthrough actually came from one of Nova Russia's newly designed carriers.THe lastest carrier tooka new design,making the carrier from a space-station like to a train like object,making the war more effienctcy.China soon add a new kind of bullets to the carrier.The bullets can wipe out Mount everst in less than 10 seconds!

Until 228X,humans have a total of 4462 carriers,with 2963 Chinese(342 Cosmos),1037 American,162 Russian,89 English,45 Fillipino and 32 Eroupean.The best of all probably belongs to Chinese/Cosmos carrier of 'Dragon'.This carrier can hold up to half a million siolders,5 million drones,5000 aresenals and more than 100 million of other weapons!Not only it have all the massive destrucitve weapons,it also prepares nuclear canoons and invisible layers.Both of it make Dragon the most advanced space carriers of all time.

However,the space armies took a great hit in the alien wars.At the time,more than ten thousand carriers were desotryed and severly damaged,including George Washington and Huaxia.We hope that the space army can recover from this crisis soon.

Country Proflies(6 articles avalible)


Chinese Federation


Athem:March of the Volunteers



Largest city:Guangzhou Metropolitan area


Population:32.4 billion(est.2272)

GDP:4598 Trillion

GDP per capita:1557000


First President:Yan Le An (Leo)

President:Tao Tze Jia(Zoe)


Chinese Communist Party

Chinese Kuomintang

Chinese Green Party

Tibet Union

Sikang Powers

Russian Front

Chinese Taipei

 The Chinese Federation,known as the Dragon of the East, was renowned for its seven-party politics,their first president Yan Le An,and the rising economy. The Chinese population of 32.814 billion Chinese  live in a state of great civil rights,frightening economy and average political freedoms.

 The large, multi-party, pro-business, outspoken government juggles the competing demands of Military, Economy,scientific advancements. Also,Citizens pay a flat income tax of 20%.

 The Frightening Chinese  economy, worth a remarkable 4985 trillion unit dollar a year, was led by the importing business, with significant income from Retail, Robot making, and goods that were imported from Cosmos republic. Average income was 157000 dollars, while Yan Le An was the richest person in the country,with 1.6-2.0 quadrillion dollars of net worth.

(CP)United States of Columbia


Anthem:Starsd and Strpies

Capital:Washington DC

Largest city:New York Metropolitan area


Population:2.86 billion(est.2272)

GDP:633 Trillion

GDP per capita:264000


First President:Jasper white

President:Robert Haiztings




The United States of Columbia(U.S.C.),known as the Eagle of the West, was renowned for its domination of America after World War Two,the world economy crisis in the 21st century,and the leading industry of Animal intelligence. The American population of 2.86 billion people live in a state of superb civil rights,thriving economy and frightening political freedoms.

 The large,double-party, pro-capitalism,hard working government juggles the competing demands of spritlkty, Economy,politics. Also,Citizens pay a flat income tax of 12%.

 The Frightening American  economy, worth a remarkable 633 trillion unit dollar a year, was led by the Animal intelligence industry, with significant income from Retail, scientifically industry,and NASA’s space programs.Average income was 254000 dollars, while Jeff Alibama was the richest person in the country,with 30.2 trillion dollars of net worth.

(CP)Nova Soviet Russian Greenland Repubilcs/Russia



Capital:New Stalingrad


Largest city:New Stalingrad


Population:2.47 billion(est.2272)

GDP:579 Trillion

GDP per capita:234500


First President:Joseph Stalin

President:Adam Slocolov


Russian Communist Party

 Nova Russia,known as the Power of the Arctic, was renowned for its highly communist ,the alien attack on Hawaii,and the exploding economy. The Russian population of 2.47 billion Russians live in a state of average civil rights,thriving economy and rare political freedoms.

 The medium,one-party, pro-communist,anti-corrupt government juggles the competing demands of States-owned industry,private industry,and scientific advancements. Also,Citizens pay an income tax of 66%.

 The thriving Russian economy, worth a remarkable 579 trillion unit dollars a year, was led by the state-owned business, with significant income from Retail,import, and travelling. Average income was 234500 dollars, while Acme Yeltsin was the richest person in the country,with 34 trillion dollars of net worth.

(CP)Eroupean Union


Anthem:hymne de l』Europe


Animal:European Dragon

Largest city:Paris


Population:7.778 billion(est.2272)

GDP:3017 Trillion

GDP per capita:301000


First Leader:Pierre D』Gaul

Current Leader:Vlokmar Tang


United France

Leading Germany

Italian Union

Esanpol League

Sound of Muslims

 The European Union,known as the Pearl of Occident,was renowned for the fourth industrial revolution,the economic crisis,and also the war with China. The European population of 7.78 billion live in a state of medium civil rights,good economy and superb political freedoms.

 The big,five-party,pro-economy,caring government juggles the important questions of Migration, Economy, and Religion. Also,Citizens pay an income tax of 71,4%,the highest of all.

 The good European economy, worth a remarkable 3017 trillion unit dollars a year, was led by the importing business, with significant income from Retail,cultural industries,and book printing. Average income was 301000 dollars, while Fliex Regensburg was the richest person in the country,with 121 trillion dollars of net worth. Anthem:hymne de l』Europe

Country proflie:United Kingdom


Country proflie:United Kingdom

Athem:God praise the Queen



Largest city:London


Population:2.01 billion(est.2272)

GDP:1020 Trillion

GDP per capita:342000


First King:Willard the conqueror

Current Queen:Queen Stephenson third(Maddie)(symbolism)


United Party

Free and Democrats

Industry party

 The United Kingdom,known as theEmpire that never dies, was renowned for its Queen and Kings,great revolution in 2150,and also great spots for vacation. The British population of 2.01 billion British live in a state of  superb civil rights,frightening economy and good political freedoms.

 The medium,three-party, pro-economy ,outspoken government juggles the important questions of Migration, Economy, and health. Also,Citizens pay a flat income tax of only 12.1%.

 The frightening British economy, worth a remarkable 1020 trillion unit dollar a year, was led by the importing business, with significant income from Retail,closelyclosly related imports from China, and goods that were imported from itsit’s colonies,South Africa. Average income was 342000 dollars, while the Queen,Maddie Stephenson was the richest person in the country,with 984 billion dollars of net worth.

Country proflie:Republic of Cosmos


Athem:Alaska Union

Capital:City of Le'an


Largest city:City of Lean


Population:157 million(est.2272)

GDP:1570 Trillion

GDP per capita:1000000


First President:Yan Le An(Leo)

President:Yan Le An (Leo)


Alaska Union Party

The Cosmos,known as the Pearl of G7, was renowned for its sightseeing spots,vast lands in Russia,and the exploding economy. The Cosmos population of 157 million Cosmos live in a state of frightening civil rights, frightening economy and corrupt political freedoms.

 The medium,one -party,anti-corrupt government juggles the competing demands of technology,industry,and scientific advancements. Also,there was no income tax.

 The frightening Cosmos economy, worth a remarkable 1570 trillion unit dollars a year, was led by the private business, with significant income from Retail,import,and travelling. Average income was 1000000 dollars, while Yan Le An (Leo)was the richest person in the country,with 1.5 to 2.1 quadrillion dollars of net worth.

General Illumnati:When huamns shine in the cosmos(10 articles avalible)


Chapter 19:Conflict in Saturn


-50 days after global mobilization,Saturn System-

The Saturn system had once been a jewel in humanity's space exploration crown. Dozens of colonies and mining outposts were scattered across the moons of Saturn and its rings, extracting resources to fuel expansion across the solar system. For the colonists, life was harsh but filled with promise—they were pioneers on an interstellar frontier, forging a future for humanity beyond Earth.

That era of optimism ended with the arrival of the Miran fleet. But before the fleet arrived, Earth's global powers joined forces for a mission to take over Saturn.

Leo oversaw this bold venture.Mobilization of ships and troops from across the globe have been started for 50 days.This massive, combined international effort was unprecedented in human history. Many on Earth looked upon Saturn as a new frontier for their nation's power and influence, while others saw cooperation as the only way to overcome challenges on the scale of interstellar colonization and potential alien contact.

After days of preparation, Leo's grand armada blasted off from spaceports ringed across Earth to cheers of millions watching their departure. The fleet comprised cutting-edge vessels from each nation, though all were dwarfed by Leo's flagship Colossus at the vanguard—a heavy battlecruiser bristling with cannons and housing a garrison within its strong alloy hull.

Within their ships, crews from many lands bonded in shared struggle and anticipation over this unprecedented quest to claim a foothold for humanity's destiny beyond the cradle of Earth. All the while, far ahead, Saturn swelled from a bright pinprick of light until it dominated their windows—a regal sun flanked by a glittering retinue of moons and the splendor of its rings scattering light in sparkling arcs.

Yet when the fleet glided into the system after their journey, they found signs of the colonies already awash in conflict rather than thriving in their pioneers' vision. Wreckage from battles drifted in the rings and above colony domes damaged by weapons beyond human technology. The arrival of Earth's armada sparked a standoff with the Miran ships now occupying key positions throughout the system, their superior firepower leaving little doubt they now ruled here.

But despite this daunting display of might, the Miran commander acquiesced to negotiate with Leo for a compromise—seeing value in allowing weak human remnants to serve yoking the divided Earth alliance in submission to their rule. At a rendezvous amid the shimmering rings, Leo gazed in dismay upon his enemy's imposing armored form and struggled to mask nerves at the aliens' technological superiority enabling conquest of the colonies Earth now aimed in vain to shield.

"You arrive in the wake of our victory to offer...protection?" the Miran scoffed, dismissive booms rattling Leo's vessel. " best you accept your kind's proper place as servants to your masters, and count mercy you are afforded an existence under our guiding rule. But we shall allow some of your infested outposts remain at a generous whim—and you enforce gratitude among the vermin masquerading as pioneers."

Sick rage burned in Leo at such scornful terms, and the curled smile beneath his foe's helmet mocked imagination of humanity's destiny stretching beyond its world only by their sufferance. But with nought but defeat likelihood of his fleet directly challenging power so outmatching, Leo swallowed fury to nod meek assent to terms leaving much of colonists' fate in balance—grudging that preservation of Earth's forces at least allowed later vengeance or prying chance to overcome aliens lording over territories humanity had won and lost. The Miran's laughter tolled agreement to this temporary concession for its long game.


The aliens appeared without warning, their ships cutting through space at speeds far beyond human technology. As the United Space Forces mobilized to defend the colonies, the Mirans easily swept aside their defenses. Within days, the USF was shattered, forced to retreat from the Saturn system and leaving the colonies at the Mirans' mercy.

The Mirans descended upon colony after colony, effortlessly seizing control. While some colony leaders advocated surrender in the face of the Mirans' overwhelming power, most refused to quietly accept subjugation. The colonists had sacrificed too much to build their new homes beyond Earth to give them up to invaders. Resistance movements sparked up, conducting raids and ambushes on Miran forces before being ruthlessly quelled. Still, resentment simmered under the surface of reluctant cooperation.

Jenna Marcks had only recently graduated from the military academy when the war broke out. She had chosen a career in the USF to protect colonists after pirates raided her home colony as a child, leaving her with searing memories of violence shattering everyday life. The USF's defeat and the colonists' subjugation under Miran rule filled Marcks with cold fury—there had to be a way to turn the tide against these seemingly unstoppable aliens.

While stationed on patrol duty after the occupation began, Marcks closely analyzed Miran movements and defenses. She noticed patterns in their schedules and weaknesses in their bases' layouts—insignificant on their own but which might be exploited by a coordinated attack. Marcks proposed a daring plan to retake the Saturn system by infiltrating colonist and military forces in to launch simultaneous assaults on multiple Miran bases before they could fully react.

Marcks' commanders were skeptical but willing to seriously consider any viable strategy to strike back at the Mirans. Marcks was given permission to refine her plans, though resources to enact them were lacking. She tapped other young, disaffected officers to surreptitiously gather intelligence and prepare some colonist militias for the fight to come. Her rallying call found willing ears among many living under the harshness of Miran rule. But it would take years to carefully position their under-equipped forces across the Saturn system without the Mirans detecting wind of the coming storm.

-62 dyas after global mobilization,Saturn System-

A large Miran fleet contingent was engaged suppressing unrest in a remote colony, Marcks' network mobilized. Within hours, strikes launched on multiple Miran bases and strongholds across Saturn's moons. Though outgunned, the colonist militias and USF forces fought with fury fueled by pent-up rage against their oppressors. The Mirans were caught off guard by the scale and coordination of the attacks and scrambled to respond.

But it was too late—using their adversaries' reliance on established patterns against them, Marcks' forces had already inflicted critical damage. When remnants of the Saturn fleet rushed to assist bases under siege, guerilla strikes by human fighters hindered their progress. A few bases had already fallen entirely when the Miran armada turned its full might on the human foothold of Titan, seeking to excise this heart of resistance.

Marcks had gambled much on preparing Titan's defenses to weather assault long enough for the rest of the campaign to cripple the Mirans' grip. As fusion fire rained down, the colony's protective shields strained under the deluge but held long enough for word of other bases' falls to spread panic through the Miran fleet. Its commanders realized with dawning horror that they risked overcommitting their remaining forces and suffering losses too great to retain control over the Saturn system.

On the bridge of her flagship, Marcks watched the Miran ships retreat from Titan's orbit, scarred but intact shields shimmering with the reflections of retreating engines. Her tired eyes sought the edges of the system, where the last Miran vessels were now pinpricks fading into the distance. A ragged half-laugh, half-sob of relief escaped Marcks and burned in her throat—these aliens who had so casually shattered humanity's domain now fled just as easily before human strength.

Here is a possible continuation of the story based on the idea of internal turmoil weakening the Mirans:

The Miran fleet limped back to Miran space, battered and diminished. News of the ignominious defeat in the Saturn system had spread, fueling outrage among the Miran public. Such losses and surrender of territory were unheard of for the once-triumphant Miran empire.

Within the ruling council, anger at High Commander V'Karr boiled over. He was seen as responsible for the failure to retain Saturn's resources and properly respond to the human threat. Yet V'Karr lashed out at other commanders and politicians he accused of saddling him with "grossly inadequate" forces and refusing his requests to take the human resistance seriously until it was too late.

This exchange of accusations and blame shook the stability of the Miran regime, already faced with economic troubles from losing Saturn's riches. Protests erupted across Miran colonies, while the military was roiled by purges of top commanders and wondering how they had fallen so far.

The disorder kept the Mirans preoccupied as humanity secured control in the Saturn system. While Miran suffering was some measure of justice for years of oppression, Saturn's colonists knew their former overlords remained capable of menacing force—and that next time, grievances might make the Mirans fight all the more ruthlessly to put down their upstart vassals unless deterrence was held.

Colonel Marcks watched all this from across the gulf of space, hands resting on the railing of an observation deck as Titan wheeled below. Her colony had paid its share of blood and tears, more than repaid now in freedom. But to keep that dearly-won prize, Marcks stood ready to weather whatever fresh storms might be brewing on the horizon.

 -78 days after global mobilization,Ark ISS-

『As I said,』Leo said.』It is now 2276,not 1876.The Mirans should wake up from their dreams now.』

 『What will happen to them next…』Zoe smiled.』Is a nightmare.』

 Maddie replied,』Gather forces,prepare to reoccupy Uranus.

Chapter 18X:(Secret chapter)Solar H!@#$% Ex()**%^ Crisis(Still in progress)/1





-Zijing Mountain National Observatory(ZMNO),Nanjing,China,13:45,3rd May,2275-

-750 hours after global mobilization-

-50 years until Solar Helium Explosion-

 『Yan Kuo Qiang,can you lend the device to me,please?』asked an assistant nearby Yan.

  『I am so sorry that I can’t.I have no idea what the sun is going on.』

  『What can possibly be wrong with the sun?』asked the assistant.

  『IO don’t know but just look at the data,’replied Yan.』In the last 20000 years,the helium weight in the sun have increased for 3.141%.But in the last decade,it almost quadrupled.And in last year,it increased by 10 times!』

 『Are you sure that this is freaking correct?’shouted the assistant.

 『 Xiao Wei,please be quiet.Why are you so surprised about…』another scientist talked to the assistant but his attention was quickly drawn by the data.

 『What the…』he exclaimed.』Everybody!Look at these!』

  Not after a while,the entire observatory knew about this incident and everyone was discussing about.And after a while,Zoe received a call.

 『Yes,I will go there ASAP.』

 Zoe booked the earliest ticket she can and arrived just 30 minutes later.

 『The sun…’she uttered.

 『If the helium still gathered at this speed,it is estimated to have a solar helium explosion at around the 2350s.’said Yan.

 'That is…』Zoe calculates the simple math.』Around this generation?What should we do?』

 A sizzling sound drew everyone’s attention.Some yellow lights are cutting a hole through the air.It's Strange portal.

 After discussing it for a little bit,Maddie took out the time jewel and handed it to Strange.

 『They are correct,’said Strange.

 Death-like silence.

 『My entire life to suffer here.’said Zoe.

 『Then just think about what the people will think,’said Maddie.』Global riot.』

 『But I don’t know what the meaning of all my life is!』

 『Okay,fine.But there is about 70 years to think about that.The thing you should do is to think of a solution.For the suicide thing,leave it for another decade.』

 『Fine.I actually have an idea.』

 『Then say it.』

 『Remember the film that we have joined?I mean the 『Wandering Planet' series』.In the movie,we use a satellite engine to push the moon out of the orbit.What about we do that but use the moon as a spaceship to carry us to Proxima Centary?'

 'That’s probably a good idea.How about asking L.E.O. for an answer?』

 『The new quantum calculator(505 X) has a name already?』

 『Yes.Hey,Leo !』

  A floating screen popped with a an image of 505 X in the Navigator ISS.

 『Hi your majesty.What may I serve you?』

 『Is it possible to construct engines to push the moon?』

 Other people in the observatory started to look at them.

 『It is possible.Using the massive amount of Helium-3 in the moon,each engine can push the moon for one-third a million kilometers every year.The estimated cost for each engine is about 654.4432 billion dollars.』

 『When is the helium explosion again?』asked Zoe to Yan.

 『Approximately around 2330,according to new calculator result.』

 『We do have enough time.’slimed Maddie.

 But there’s one thing they don’t know.The security camera looked at them with its robotic eye.Deep inside the little red dot,through hundreds of millions of 0 and 1s,with thousand times the speed of light,the data formed into one person.

  Queen Miran XIV.

  Her,or the foxs』 name is…


 -Digtal world in Codex AI(new quantum calculator 505 Z,invented after the alien war),4th dimension,77 years into the simulation starts.-

 Estonia opened a letter.She stared at it,and breathe sign of relief.

 『Good.The stupid AI finally made this crisis.’she said.

 The paper was plain,white as snow.But on it,there was a eight-digit number that will change the faith of humility forever:2325.06.17

 『The solar helium explosion crisis.』Estonia took out a epn and started to write on the paper.

  『Hi General Yan Xue Pin.’said a robotic voice.

  『You send the positions of Earth to the aliens,didn’t you?』asked Estonia.

 『Yes but also:(important crisis)

1931 enhanced soldier crisis

1947 new world war crisis

1950 Estonia assassination crisis

1985 China-Eroupe crisis

2011 world stock collapse crisis

2032 gaya project crisis

2049 world population downfall crisis

2066 US civil war crisis

2076 EU-Muslim crisis

2089 world food crisis

2105 SMTMEA-SH conflict crisis

2122 China civil war crisis

2155 New cold war crisis

2189 Hawaii missle crisis

2210 SASPA-CF conflict crisis

2222 Communism revolution crisis

2272 alien invasion crisis

2283 Moon crashing crisis

and finally,2325 solar helium exposion crisis .』


『According to my knowledge about human history and your Human in the loop concept,the best way to continue mankind is to destroy humans.』

 『But a cvilizatioon with out humans doesn't matter anyway.』

 『That changes nothing.』

 『Fine,’replied Estonia.'I'm going to hack the Hubble space orbavatories.'

Chapter 17:From Cosmos to Jupiter/1


-4029 hours until global mobilization-

 Because of the lack of supplies and the extremely cold weather,the Cosmos troops took over AlaSKA in  just three days.Then,they quickly invaded Siberia and received no resistance.

 However,when they were just about to take the city of Vladvotosk,the Chinese showed up.However,they only defended the city,but not the areas around it.The cosmos army took them and the Chinese troops found out they were surrounded.

 The Chinese troops called for help and more troops came along the city.The cosmos army was also surrounded.

  Leo decided to use the rest of his army to attack Hokkiado,Japan region.The Chinese moved some of the army in Vladivostok.The Cosmos army got out,and soon destroyed the Chinese army in Vladivostok,pushing the front line to the Hei Long River.

  Leo found out a problem.The supplies were running down.If he can’t let the Chinese surrender before the end of this year,aka six months,his army will starve.The Chinese will not surrender if the Cosmos army didn’t have an big vicotry.Leo decided that victory will be take over the entire China region.

 Therefore,Leo launched a full invasion to the Kazakhstan and Mongolia region.The front in Mongolia went pretty well,take the entire country in just five days.The Kazakhstan front however,is a stalemate.After a month of fighting,the Cosmos rebels finally took over the region.After annexing the North Korean region,the rebels invaded the region of China.

 Meanwhile,Maddie sent an emergency Email to Leo.She told him about the plan that the previsional Chinese government decided to execute Zoe in October.P.S.It is only 4 months later.

 Leo launched massive attacks nd massive attacks.The new robots have been manufactured and were used in wars.Leo have double the amount of troops he can use.In two months,rebels controlled the Manchurian region.After that,Leo launched an naval attack on Shanghai.The Chinese troops hold the front,the war turned into a stalemate.However,it is part of Lep’s trap.He invaded Lianyungang,a city north of Shanghai.The major part of Chinese troop moves north,letting the rebels control the city of Shanghai.When the Chinese troops want to turn back,it is already too late.With the command of Leo,the rebels took over the former province of Zhenjiang,Jiangsu and Anhui.They also took over Qingdao and Hong Kong.In the Korean front,they took over the Korean peninsula.Most importantly,Zoe was not executed. Leo breathed a sigh of relief and started to negotiate with the Chinese government.However,it’s still a failure.

  Leo decided to launch a final attack on the most important Chinese city with a billion population:the Guangzhou metropolitan area.

  Rebels quickly landed in Old Hong Kong(The former one,New Hong Kong means Hong Kong Zootopia).They quickly found out that they are surrounded by Chinese troops on the peninsula.Luckily,the new built aircraft carrier and the fleet arrived just in time,landing in Shantou,which was undefended.The Chinese troops now need to fight in two fronts. With the surrounding circle collapsed,Guangzhou fell.

 In the next month,November,Japan and many coastal cities of India fell.China surrendered but still heavily sanctioned Zoe.But from all that said,Cosmos Republic was founded.It is a protectorate of China,but it have the same power as ac country.It is vast,including Siberia,North Korea,Mongolia,Alaska and Kazakhstan.

 Leo changed the capital from Anchorage to Le’an city,which was formerly Pyongyang.He soon launched many mega industrial builds,aiming to turn the entire North Korea Region into a 100% urbanized megacity.The Cosmos robot army were sent to every border of the country.In only 15 days,the Cosmos Republic turned into a world-wide superpower.The entire world was stunned.

 -1037 hours until global mobilization-

 However,an assassination took place.The previsional Chinese government decided to use the most advanced weapon to kill Leo.Then,launch full invasion to the country.Soon,the perfect time comes:Leo pays a visit to Nigeria.

 Lagos,Nigeria.Leo took a deep breath and walked on the stage.He adjusted the digital microphone and started his speech.

 『...The Cosmos republic is a country with vast lands,diverse natural beauty and huge number of population with the strength through unity.We wants to be recognised as a superpower;we have much to offer,also much on taking that responsibility,and I hope we will get there in time.I am proud to become this nation's first president! 』

 When the audience started applauding,a shot of blue laser went straight to Leo.Leo used his hand trying to block it,but a calm thinking of a general told him that it is useless.When the laser was about to shoot into his arm,he closed his eyes and…

 Nothing happens.

 Leo opened his eyes and looked at his arm.Nothing happens.Is it a dream?He asked himself,but the chaos tells him that it is real.He quickly realized that it could be related to his unusual power rank growth.

 『Everyone lies down!』he demanded.Many people do as said,but many don’t.It is a catastrophe.

  『Look at the mess they have done in Nigeria.』Days later,Steven told this to Leo.

  『The provisional government needs to be heavily sanctioned!』Maddie cried.

  『But what have I done?I almost destroyed my own country1'

  『』Okay Leo.’said Strange.』However,it’s not the exact time to discuss this.We need to think of a better way to defend ourselves.』  

   『I have an idea,’suggested Maddie.』Global mobilization.』

   -427 hours until global mobilization-

    After a long time of discussing,the world finally agreed to establish the Solar System United Government(S.S.U.G).The SSUG have more than 70 members and 14 of them,and also the four delegates,formed the SSUG Security Council.However,the result was disappointing.5 in flavor,3 didn’t vote,and 10 disagree.In the voted 70 countries,only 12 supported.

 Leo decided to do the last stretch.He walked on the stage.

 』I want to ask you a question:Why does mankind still exist?Because of their intelligence?Probably.How here a picture from 2011,about two centuries ago.It’s a broken bone from more than 15000 years ago.At that time,bone breaking was almost equal to death.You can neither gather food or run away from the beast.But this bonerecovers.

  Now here’s another thing that I want to share.Not so long ago.In 1944,the soviet union fell to the nazis.1945,Britain.But humans won the war.Why?Why can I quickly decide to nuke Germany and Europe?Because I believe in the power of unity.

  Now,humanity is in a blink of being occupied.However,there are still many problems that cause we can't unite together,for a stronger enemy.When can humans finally unite together?I think it is now.』

 Applause.And then silence.

 Suddenly,a voice broke the silence.』Hindustan is in!』

 Then another.』Israel!』

 More after more.」Iran!』』Egypt!』』USC!』』Brazil!』』Nigeria!』

 More and more countries joined.At last,a voice came.』Argentina,in flavor.』

 -157 hours before global mobilization-

 Before global mobilization,the governments already started to prepare.

  In the last 300 ish hours,most of the countries agreed to give some military powers to the WSA and USSG.This time,Leo finally can have some use other than his background and superpower.Leo commanded the troops while Zoe went through the 70 nations.

 The long forgotten character Nick was looking at the news.He have already moved from Hong Kong to London,and took a great hit.The food serving was controlled by the government and it was really inconvenience to most of the people.The normal food serving for Nick was about 4000 calories.Although more than enough,Nick still thought that eating was not a free thing as before.

 For Leo and Zoe,it was a much harder job.Just think about commanding troops 13 hours a day and 7 days a week.It must be exhausting.However,it will be more exhausting as the plan went on.

 -The day of the global mobilization(1272 hours before reoccupying Jupiter-

  The global mobilization starts today.100 million troops across the world gathered in Gabon and the surrounding areas,shortly occupying the Gabon and Eritrean government for a few months.With the space elevator,five million troops were now in the space stations.Hundreds of thousands of fighting jets shot into the blue sky.In just a minute,Gabon’s sky was made out of Iron.And in the sea,more than 100 aircraft carriers and ten thousand of other ships from all over the world gathered around the Guinea Bay.Tanks also occupied the land with millions of them.If you look further,you will see hundreds of rockets shoot into the sky.No matter where,it was made out of iron walls.DFor the first time,humans see the power of unity.

 In space,it was also fascinating.Humans have left with about 200 space carriers and it was full prepared with missiles and laser cannons.All of these went in the the Zhao-Yan dimension tunnel,racin to Jupiter’s orbit in a speed hundreds of times of light.

 Currently,Leo can destroy a middle-sized asteroid.All he have to do was throw these big rocks at the enemy while commanding the war.

 However,Nick didn’t care about them all.The food serving cut almost half.More and more people started to protest and some areas,like the Middle East,even started to riot.

 However,with all these things happening around him,Nick still supports his best friend,Leo.

 『I believe he can do it.』

-1019 hours before reoccupying Jupiter-

『Leo,Leo.500 meters at 12 o'clock position,punch the asteroid A14683 G.’said Zoe from the headphone.


 Leo drive his little spaceship to the position.According to the information,A14683 G is right in front of him.Leo punch as usual.Watching the asteroid falling into the enemy's base is probably the most relaxing thing.

 『Leo,Leo,this is 505 X talking.』

 『The new quantum calculator?』asked Leo.

 It is nice to meet you,General Yan Le AN.

 This was a normal conversion,but it distracted Leo from an asteroid in  the distance.

 『Leo!Asteroid A14689 B,at 9 o'clock direction,250 meters from you,is estimated to crash into you 5 seconds later!』

  『5 what?』

  Leo tried to float away,but it’s too late.A14689 B crashed into Leo.

 『No!『cried Zoe.

 『You’re talking like he’s dead.’replied Strange.』Just look at him.He survived in space without protection!』

 Everyone in the room went sclience.Leo’s mask was completely broken but he was still alive.After a few seconds,the crowd creed loudly.

 『This is a miracle!』

 『Leo’s superpower can keep himself safe in space?』

 Only Strange walk out without saying anything.

 『Dad?』Maddie ran up to him.

 『With this superpower,Leo could be a savior or destroyer.Just look at this by yourself.』Strange handed the time jewel.

 『23220127…The Illuminati crisis?』

 -886 hours before reoccupying Jupiter-

 Io was reoccupied!

 During the 20-day-long camping,humans used only 50 space carriers to defeat alien’s outnumbered 400.It was not weird since Leo was throwing rocks 24/7.

 First,the human carriers surrounded Io and open fire.Most of the Miran  ship was destroyed by millions of shot of laser.However,when the Mirans realized that they were under attack,they quickly gathered the ship and fought against humans almost violently.THe war becomes a stalemate.However,the only difference was that the Mirans started retreating while more and more human troops from global mobilization joined in the war.With so many pressures,the Mirans retreated.Not only from Io,but from Europa as well.With only 40 days of global mobilization,huamns have received a ultra-major victory which seemed impossible.58 out of the 79 moons that Jupiter have soon were occupied by humans.The USSG decided to use 40 more days to reoccupy the entire planet of Jupiter.

Chapter 16:Infinity power/1


The war of Callisto took place after a month of the lost in Kalyke.The retreated troops has already arrived in Mars,which was repaired quickly and have 35 carriers.Meanwhile,the aliens were still on their way to wars.Using the Zhao-Yan dimension,The human troops landed on Callisto and needed it.Using the same method,humans took over some moons of other planets.This was the largest victory since the war started.

 The next day,Strange found out that Leo wasn’t at the sanctum.』Maybe he wants a vacation,』Strange thought.

 But on the third day,Leo still wasn’t there.Also the fourth day.Adter a week,Strange knew something was wrong.He asked Zoe and Maddie,both said they were also looking for him.

 It was Leo's birthday.Nobody had seen Leo until this day.In the entire month of finding Leo,the aliens stopped attacking because of the lack of supplies.

 Actually,Leo was on a spaceship to Pluto.He was going to lanch a secret attack on the aliens there.In order to prevent people spy on him at the entrance of Zhao-Yan dimension tunnel,he decided use a normal-speed spacecraft.Using a month,he finally arrived at Pluto.Near Pluto,there were about 150 people could not go back to Earth because of different reasons.Adding the ten-thousand people troop that Leo took from the military,the army have a total of 10150 people and five full-charged space carriers:』Sikang』,』Athena』,『Olympia』,』Sonic』 and 『Omega』.

  On the third day,Leo attacked the troops near Pluto,creating the outer solar system government.(Shown in the map in light Green.)

 『What are your next step?』asked Zoe.』I am afraid that the other parties will kick you out of the government.』

 『When will you come back?』asked Maddie.

  『How are you going to come back?』Strange asked the most important question.

  『It depends on when I get enough power,’said Leo.』Or else I can defeat the aliens.』

  『Say about power…’said Strange.』Your power index is rising quickly.It is about half a million.』

  『What does that mean?』

  『The WSA will stick a power-ranking sticker on your body.It can simulate your power without weapons.』

I just do regular exercises on the ship.I will get sick if I don’t get enough exercise in space!』

  『But half a million power index man’s you can break concrete.Zoe’s power index is about 600000 without weapon.If you want to test it out if it’s true or not,take a piece of concrete.』

 Leo cam’s find a piece of concrete,so he used a piece of steel.He punched at it and it bent.

  『Leo,’said Strange,looking at the data.』Soemthing weird is happening,your power index added 3000!』

  『I can add one thousand power indexes whenever I breathe!What do you mean by that?』

  『Zoe add 1000 power index every day!What is going on with you?』

  After the meeting,the Doctor went to a secret room that nobody,even Wong,had stepped into.One of the world’s most secured documents was put in here.It was written by Chen Dong.

 Since you have opened this document,I can only tell you one thing:

  After years of research,I found out that according to evolution,the universe gave every life a line.That line is their maximum power.No living things can have more power than their maximum power…no before 1931.

 The special DNA in Leo’s body can not only make him speak,but also give him power.This power is estimated…infinity.We don’t know how he get it,however,the line was still there,if Leo don’t hardly exercise every day,he’ll still be impossible to cross it…I hope he doesn’t,because he,according to my experiments,can’t get the power if he don’t exercise or practice.

Chapter 15:Humans lost?/1


Only a few days after the discovery,more and more unusual things happened.

 The first thing was the stock market.Since Leo was the first person to know the incident,he immediately knew that the world’s financial system will collapse.Therefore,he sell a lot of stock he have.Since he was the richest person on the planet,a lot of people followed him.The consequence was a huge financial tsunami.In the first day,total of 252 trillion dollars were disappeared from the pockets of 50 billion people,while Leo』 net worth growth was at stake.

 Soon after,a UFO arrived and stopped at pluto.It only sent humans one message:RUN.

 Nobody knows how did the aliens knew how to speak English,or the message was ture or not,but the industries on pluto was all evcuated only to be safe.Sure enough,the ship shot a bomb to pluto only a week later and turned it to a lava planet.

 The financial crisis was still here.A entire quadrillion dollars vanished.The SMTMEA had an emergency meeting at Geneva,switzerland.

 Meanwhile,after a night of calculation,Leo and Nick calculated that the nuclear bomb that destoryed Pluto was and unbilaveable 5 billion tons of TNT.Also,this was a nulcear bomb.From these information,the experts knew that the aliens were still have the same teconology as humans,only a few decade more advanced.But the mass of the bomb shocked the entire world.Human’s biggest nulcaer bomb was by far the Yan Le An series of China(YLN_396).It was only 100 million tons of TNT.

 The second day,humans received a document that the aliens sent.From this document,it was estimated that the aliens have more than a billion of these,while the largest one was more than a trillion tons of TNT.Also,they had a population of from 100 billion to half a trillion.

 Meanwhile in Beijing,the capital of China,all WSA members were discussing the future war.

 『I suggest to defend.’said Zoe.』I think we need to protect the inner solar system and made large casualties to the enemy.』

 『But how?』Maddie asked.

 『Could Stephen support us?』Leo asked.

 『Don’t ask me.『 said Strange.『 With my power,I can defeat more than 10 space carriers.But for millions…I think I couldn’t.』

 『Can Leo do something to the stock market?』Maddie asked Leo.

 『I am working on this part.Last few days,I send 10 billions dollars to help the inflation,but it just seems useless.Since,the world’s GDP suffered from a 1 quadrillion dollars crisis.How much can a few billions do?』

 『Leo,the first thing is the defend our home.’said Zoe.』Do you support my ideas,General Illuminati?』

 『Possibly…』uttered Leo.

 The next day,SMTMEA ordered all the citizens to go into the bunkers.Meanwhile,all the space stations and space cities were united into one space station:The Six Majors Space Station.(SMSS)

 But,most of the countries in the Southern Hemisphere agreed to a peace treaty with the aliens.The reason was they really wanted to be free and didn't want to listen to the Six Majors.

The Six Majors soon ordered a fully invasion of SH.Nobody in the WSA wanted to see this.

 『Anyone in the world can stop this?』Doctor Strange asked,angrily.

 『Maybe I can,I’m the president of China.But the order is from the people’s assembly,I can’t disobey them.』

 『I will try to persuade Stvephen the second.Since,I’m the only person to become the Queen Stephenson the third.』Maddie suggested.

  『For me,is there anything that money can't do?’repiled Leo.

  『Okay,I can do nothing,』joked Strange.

   The next day the delegates did whatever they can do.But,even after the SMTMEA retreat,they forgot something.The SH members still signed the peace treaty of Aliens.

 『They should thank us for giving them a chance!Why they still signed?』asked Strange,angrily.

 『Can we use the nuclear weapons in SMSS?』asked Zoe.

  『Great if you wish,’replied Maddie.』The congress did in

allow me to do this.』

  『Queen need to listen to everything that congress says.’signed Zoe.

 『Maybe we can deal with them in a much peaceful way,』Leo suggested.How about giving them money?』

 『Do you think they Willa accept a million dollars like the people in you video?』Maddie asked.』They will not agree,even if you give them a quadrillion.』

 『Lanch a bigger invasion to teach them a lesson.This is only what we can do.』

  With Leo’s supreme command,the Middle East,middle America and Antarctica all were occupied.At first,this seemed like the Six Majors Victory,but after a few days,they found out it wasn't.

 The invasion just didn’t work.

 Meanwhile,the financial crisis was still there,creasing more than 2 quadrillion dollars from the global GDP.Even if the aliens didn’t start the invasion yet,humans already fell into chaos.

  The WSA members didn’t whatever they can do.Maddie start to persuade people to against aliens on her Bilbil channel.Leo put more and more money in order to solve the financial crisis.Zoe proposed the first-step milltary plan to the aliens on SMTMEA meetings.Doctor Strange practiced his magic power to destroy some of the space carriers in the future.Even Nick joined the project and suggested lots of useful ideas to defense the solar system.

  The WSA’s work pays off.The government of Hindustan was the first to give up the peace treaty,followed by Persia,Nigeria and Saudi Arabia.The world financial crisis was much less harmful.Meanwhile,SMTMEA decided to attack the aliens face-to-face.The world’s united space fleet was immediately constructing.Both SMTMEA and SH decided to peacefully end the invasion and unite to defend the aliens.

  The Cosmos company already constructed a few carriers.Leo movers them to Mars in order to defend it.

  The first war took place in Elara,on of the moons that were controlled by the aliens.The human carriers shot lasers onto the planet.In a few seconds,Elara was completely a lava planet.This war was so quick that the aliens have nowhere to run.But,they still sent a massage to their headquarter on Ganymede.Hundreds of enemy carriers surrounded the five human carriers.

  Doctor Strange took part and used his shield.He cut off one of the carriers straight and destroyed antoher’s engine.He opened his portal and come back to Earth at the last second as the carrier was about to explode.Ten other carriers were affected by the explosion and the human carriers can finally arrive Earth safely.

 The next step,Leo commanded to fully get control of the places that were in the Asteroid belt.He retreated some carriers and focused on two major attack directions:The Euros front and the Mars Torjian front.

  For the Euros front,it was more haveality guarded but the Mars Torjian front was much less guarded.Leo decided to go with the Mars Torjian front.

  Doctor didn’t agree.He thought that humans shoudln』 attack any more.Humans should build a defense line at Mars』 orbit and do as much damage to the aliens as they can.Still,his own opinion cannot stop other 3 delegates.They went on and won the war,easily.

At last,WSA decided to go on war with the Euros front.But soon,they will realise they did a mistake so big that the United fleet will be completely destroyed.

Chapter 14:The first war/1


Only a few days after the discovery,more and more unusual things happened.

 The first thing was the stock market.Since Leo was the first person to know the incident,he immediately knew that the world’s financial system will collapse.Therefore,he sell a lot of stock he have.Since he was the richest person on the planet,a lot of people followed him.The consequence was a huge financial tsunami.In the first day,total of 252 trillion dollars were disappeared from the pockets of 50 billion people,while Leo』 net worth growth was at stake.

 Soon after,a UFO arrived and stopped at pluto.It only sent humans one message:RUN.

 Nobody knows how did the aliens knew how to speak English,or the message was ture or not,but the industries on pluto was all evcuated only to be safe.Sure enough,the ship shot a bomb to pluto only a week later and turned it to a lava planet.

 The financial crisis was still here.A entire quadrillion dollars vanished.The SMTMEA had an emergency meeting at Geneva,switzerland.

 Meanwhile,after a night of calculation,Leo and Nick calculated that the nuclear bomb that destoryed Pluto was and unbilaveable 5 billion tons of TNT.Also,this was a nulcear bomb.From these information,the experts knew that the aliens were still have the same teconology as humans,only a few decade more advanced.But the mass of the bomb shocked the entire world.Human’s biggest nulcaer bomb was by far the Yan Le An series of China(YLN_396).It was only 100 million tons of TNT.

 The second day,humans received a document that the aliens sent.From this document,it was estimated that the aliens have more than a billion of these,while the largest one was more than a trillion tons of TNT.Also,they had a population of from 100 billion to half a trillion.

 Meanwhile in Beijing,the capital of China,all WSA members were discussing the future war.

 『I suggest to defend.’said Zoe.』I think we need to protect the inner solar system and made large casualties to the enemy.』

 『But how?』Maddie asked.

 『Could Stephen support us?』Leo asked.

 『Don’t ask me.『 said Strange.『 With my power,I can defeat more than 10 space carriers.But for millions…I think I couldn’t.』

 『Can Leo do something to the stock market?』Maddie asked Leo.

 『I am working on this part.Last few days,I send 10 billions dollars to help the inflation,but it just seems useless.Since,the world’s GDP suffered from a 1 quadrillion dollars crisis.How much can a few billions do?』

 『Leo,the first thing is the defend our home.’said Zoe.』Do you support my ideas,General Illuminati?』

 『Possibly…』uttered Leo.

 The next day,SMTMEA ordered all the citizens to go into the bunkers.Meanwhile,all the space stations and space cities were united into one space station:The Six Majors Space Station.(SMSS)

 But,most of the countries in the Southern Hemisphere agreed to a peace treaty with the aliens.The reason was they really wanted to be free and didn't want to listen to the Six Majors.

The Six Majors soon ordered a fully invasion of SH.Nobody in the WSA wanted to see this.

 『Anyone in the world can stop this?』Doctor Strange asked,angrily.

 『Maybe I can,I’m the president of China.But the order is from the people’s assembly,I can’t disobey them.』

 『I will try to persuade Stvephen the second.Since,I’m the only person to become the Queen Stephenson the third.』Maddie suggested.

  『For me,is there anything that money can't do?’repiled Leo.

  『Okay,I can do nothing,』joked Strange.

   The next day the delegates did whatever they can do.But,even after the SMTMEA retreat,they forgot something.The SH members still signed the peace treaty of Aliens.

 『They should thank us for giving them a chance!Why they still signed?』asked Strange,angrily.

 『Can we use the nuclear weapons in SMSS?』asked Zoe.

  『Great if you wish,’replied Maddie.』The congress did in

allow me to do this.』

  『Queen need to listen to everything that congress says.’signed Zoe.

 『Maybe we can deal with them in a much peaceful way,』Leo suggested.How about giving them money?』

 『Do you think they Willa accept a million dollars like the people in you video?』Maddie asked.』They will not agree,even if you give them a quadrillion.』

 『Lanch a bigger invasion to teach them a lesson.This is only what we can do.』

  With Leo’s supreme command,the Middle East,middle America and Antarctica all were occupied.At first,this seemed like the Six Majors Victory,but after a few days,they found out it wasn't.

 The invasion just didn’t work.

 Meanwhile,the financial crisis was still there,creasing more than 2 quadrillion dollars from the global GDP.Even if the aliens didn’t start the invasion yet,humans already fell into chaos.

  The WSA members didn’t whatever they can do.Maddie start to persuade people to against aliens on her Bilbil channel.Leo put more and more money in order to solve the financial crisis.Zoe proposed the first-step milltary plan to the aliens on SMTMEA meetings.Doctor Strange practiced his magic power to destroy some of the space carriers in the future.Even Nick joined the project and suggested lots of useful ideas to defense the solar system.

  The WSA’s work pays off.The government of Hindustan was the first to give up the peace treaty,followed by Persia,Nigeria and Saudi Arabia.The world financial crisis was much less harmful.Meanwhile,SMTMEA decided to attack the aliens face-to-face.The world’s united space fleet was immediately constructing.Both SMTMEA and SH decided to peacefully end the invasion and unite to defend the aliens.

  The Cosmos company already constructed a few carriers.Leo movers them to Mars in order to defend it.

  The first war took place in Elara,on of the moons that were controlled by the aliens.The human carriers shot lasers onto the planet.In a few seconds,Elara was completely a lava planet.This war was so quick that the aliens have nowhere to run.But,they still sent a massage to their headquarter on Ganymede.Hundreds of enemy carriers surrounded the five human carriers.

  Doctor Strange took part and used his shield.He cut off one of the carriers straight and destroyed antoher’s engine.He opened his portal and come back to Earth at the last second as the carrier was about to explode.Ten other carriers were affected by the explosion and the human carriers can finally arrive Earth safely.

 The next step,Leo commanded to fully get control of the places that were in the Asteroid belt.He retreated some carriers and focused on two major attack directions:The Euros front and the Mars Torjian front.

  For the Euros front,it was more haveality guarded but the Mars Torjian front was much less guarded.Leo decided to go with the Mars Torjian front.

  Doctor didn’t agree.He thought that humans shoudln』 attack any more.Humans should build a defense line at Mars』 orbit and do as much damage to the aliens as they can.Still,his own opinion cannot stop other 3 delegates.They went on and won the war,easily.

At last,WSA decided to go on war with the Euros front.But soon,they will realise they did a mistake so big that the United fleet will be completely destroyed.

Chapter 13:Join the W.S.A/1


『Being a delegate is never an easy job,『Doctor Strange told him.

 『For example?』Leo asked.』I’ve just joined the group for a week.』

 『In your time,there was an alliance called the League of Nations(The United Nation appeared in 1947 in real life,so it doesn't exist in this world.While the League of Nations had already been founded before World War Two),remember?』

 『We had a United government?』

 『Just like that.We control the government’s decision.That’s why we had delegates and a strong computer.It can decide in the worst way if needed.』

 Issue number 11013B

   These words showed on a giant evbo.

 『Click it.’said Strange.

 This issue comes from Brazil.The Brazilian government submitted the issue number 11013B to the agency.They wanted to join the Six Majors Trading,Military and Economic Alliance (S.M.T.M.E.A.)The world census report has started to do a final check.The check will end in 3 minute and 15 seconds.

 『What should I do now,Stephenn?』

 『You’re pretty unlucky.I’m going to call the other sanctums.’replied Strange.』We are going to start a vote.』

  Doctor Strange grabbed the only two evbos in the building.On the screen were Maddie and Zoe.They were in London and New York.

 『You see the issue number 11013B,did you?』asked Strange.

 『A vote?』asked Zoe.

 『Yes,and what do you think about this question?』

 'Vote disagree.『 said Zoe.』SincewhenSince,when did Brazil even have a space army?』

 『I think agreeing is better.’suggests Strange.』SMTMEA should have more power to defend against the SH(South Hemisphere)’s attack.Brazil had won a series of Warsaw in the past centuries against the other South American SH members.』

 『With my dad,the same reason,’said Maddie.

 ``We will choose to disagree.’replied the C.O.D.E.X.A,I.

 『So this is another reason for you to join WSA,’said Strange.

 『I choose disagree.If Brazil joined the SMTMEA,other countries like Hindustan or Algeria,even SH members,can join the system.When SH members outnumbered the originate six majors,SMTMEA will surely become a puppet of the SH’s.But,I don’t disagree that we shouldn’t cooperate with Brazil.』

 『』Said Zoe.

 『Only in the 23rd century,century.’replied Leo.

 『I chose to disagree on this issue.’said Strange.』Anyone who had a question?』


 Nobody knows that only a few days later,it will be the most remarkable year inof the history.

 This was the first day of June.Leo woke up at Hong Kong sanctum and checked if there were no issues.

 He looked around the sanctum,nothing strange.His eyes stitched wall.He put a giant world map there.He can say something’s missing on the map.

But what can be that?He found out.The entire Hawaiian Archipelago was missing,replaced by a huge stack of water.The map is made out of evbos,so that Hawaii noHawaii was no longer existed?Leo was so confused.

 He knows who to call.

 『Zoe,what happened to the world map?』

 Zoe rubbed her eyes and picked up the telephone.』What?』She walked to the world map in her room.

 『Hawaii disappeared!’she exclaimed.

 Only a few minutes later,all the delegates of the WSA  knew the whole incident.

 『Stephenn,is this true?』asked Leo to Strange.

 『I am in New York!How am I able to know?』

 『The Greenwich.『answered Maddie.』I am in a London sanctum.They told me the incident about Hawaii disappeared.

 The entire story is:I could not sleep for the whole night and decided to have a walk.That’s when Greenwichwhen the Greenwich phoned me.They told me that they observed an asteroid straight to Hawaii.I called NASA immediately.They say it will be too lateto late to fire a rocket.

 I went to the nearest Chinese consulate and told them about the incident.Soon,I received another call from the Nova Russian president.He was evaluating the people on the island.

 Approximately,there were 3 million people on the islands,so I went to help.Using the portal of course.I told them everything since I went to Greenwich.They believe me and started to evacuate onto the aircraft carriers on the port.Later,the ships of the RussianRussia government came,increase the speed to the evacuation.We did evacuate 3 million people,but the asteroid hit the islands and destroy it.』

 『Wow.You did a lot of things last night.』exclaimed Stephen.

 『So,did Greenwich cancel Hawaii from every map on evbo?』Zoe asked.

 『No,only maps in the sanctums and one in Beijing.’replied Maddie.』It will cause global riots if we did that.』

 Leo had already lived in the 23rd century for a while,and realized a problem that no one in the meeting thought of.

 『Russia buys Hawaii to build rocket launchers and space army headquarters..If Hawaii is destroyed,can I say Nova Russia just lost communications with space and do not have any power to go back into space in the next few years?』

 『Probably.』answered Zoe.』Shall we open a secret meeting with Nova Russia?』

 『Yes,sure.』answered Leo.

 The meeting started.The current Russian president,Adam Slocolov was a peaceful and humble person.The tragic incident didn’t bring him any feelings.

 『The Russian government will do as best as we could.’this was the only thing that Slocolov said.

 『China will help if you’re in need…』uttered Zoe,』But we really need an exact number of damage to Russia.』

  The vice president,Mark Lebenov said,』We will send the document to you in about a few days.Estimated,our damage was about 3 trillion dollars.』

  『Shall the W.S.A. investigate?』asked Maddie.

  『Yes,if you want.We will cooperate with W.S.A.』

  Meanwhile,Leo didn’t attend the meeting because he’s busy with his friend Nick.Nick is a detective,but hasn't got cases for a long time.He was happy that someone finally ask him to solve the case.

 『Do you have a video about the incident?』asked Nick.Leo threw him an evbo.

 『Okay.I’m going to former Hawaii.『 said Nick.

 『Seat or window?』asked Leo.

 『Forgot to tell you,by highway.』

 『There’s a global highway net?』asked Leo.

 『There is.I can arrive in Hawaii before tomorrow.』

 『Holy…『exclaimed Nick.He arrived in Hawaii just in time.Now,the incident was fully classified and nobody can arrive at 100km near the Hawaii archipelago.

 『So uh…here I had some information about the nuclear weapons that humans had.』Leo threw another evbo to Nick,hoping this could give him more information.

   『The biggest weapon on this list is still Tsar Bomba,which still couldn’t damage this much.』

  『Most importantly,there’s no radiation.Also,Maddie said that’s an asteroid.Is that possible to nuke an asteroid to change it’s path?』

 『No.There’s no air in space,s nuclear bomb could not take so much damage.’replied Nick.

 『Did the Greenwich observatory observed something?In space?』Nick asked.

  『Let me contact Maddie…』

  Meanwhile,Maddie was checking out her subscribers on Bilbil.

  『Have the Grinwich observed something behind the Asteroid?』Leo asked in the phone.

  『I don’t know.They didn’t gave me a 3D image.How about I go there now?』

  『But how is that…』

   Maddie shut off the phone and opened a portal to the Greenwich observatory.She met Lincoln,the director of the observatory.    

   『Did you guys see something behind the astroid?’she asked.

  『Apparently,no.』Lincoln replied.』But I can gave you a 3D image.』

   『The image is here!』Leo rushed into Nick’s office on the other side of the Earth.

 『What’s this?』Nick asked.A oval object was behind the asteroid.』

 『As for the shape… I don't know!’said Leo.『What object in space can be an oval?』

 『Wait…here!』Nick was so curious that he was looking at the object with a microphone.

 『What?』asked Leo.

 『Can you see something like…words?』asked Nick.

 『But I can say no words on Earth are shaped like that.』

 『So that’s what I say…aliens!'r

Chapter 12:Shanghai Olympics/2


-487 hours until Shanghai Olympics starts,Shanghai -

  I am so excited to show you to the world!』Zoe felt excited.

  『I am so nervous,’replied Leo.『 I have less than 500 hours to prepare.』

  『You have already recited the speech,didn’t you?』

 『Yes,I do.』

 『Then try to calm down and have a good sleep.Remember,you can’t practice well if you don’t have enough sleep.』

 While all these were happening,the WSA started a special meeting between Maddie and her father,Steven Strange.

 『The emergency signal probably tells us about a crisis that will be even bigger than the Hawaii missile crisis.』analyzed Steven.

『That’s a huge problem.Between 2128 and 2197,we haven’t even updated a single version of 505 quantum calculator!』exclaimed Maddie.』Last time in 2222,we also received message like this,right?』

 『Yes,in Korea.』

-217 hours until the Shanghai Olympics starts(7714 hours until Pluto destruction),Hangzhou-

 To remind himself,Leo bought a big countdown digital clock in his him.Now,the clock just ticked less than 217 hours.Leo have already memorized his speech.

 However,Leo need to deal with hundreds of people who want to take photos with him.

 『Are you General Illuminati?I am your biggest fan!』

 『Did you really nuked Nagasaki?』

 『Can I have your signature?』

 Of course yes!Leo accepted all their requests and answered all thier questions.What a busy day!

193 hours(7690 hours),Leo head straight to Wuxi.He repatriated his job again.However,something was different.

 『Hastings?』Leo can’t believe that he met the American president.

 『Yes,it’s me.I’ve heard that you wanted to buy Alaska.Do you mind I ask you some questions?』

 145 hours(7652 hours),Olympic participants from all over the world started arriving in Shanghai.At the same time,Leo booked a ticket to Moscow for the Olympic torch.His route is about one kilometer long.

 95 hours(7602 hours),The last practice for the Olympic starts,Leo did a excellent job.

 『Well,it is a good choice to let you become the mascot,’said Zoe.

  『But when the Olympics end…』Leo relied.

  『Don’t worry,you still have Alaska.』

  『You know that I am going to buy Alaska?』

  『Of course,』Zoe smiled.』Hastings told me .』

  48 hours(7558 hours),all the participants arrived in Shanghai.2 days later,the Olympics will start.Either Leo or Zoe have much more things to do.

  『China today have waken up it’s power,and I believe it can continue forever.I am proud living and be the leader of this country.『said Leo on the SMTMEA meeting.

  24 hours(7534 hours),the fireworks started sputtering around Shanghai Olympics city.Leo prepared his speech one last time,and casually looked on the clock.

  Suddenly,a floating screen popped up.

  To Mr.Yan

      You did an awesome work in the preparation of the Shanghai Olympics.Furthermore,you lead the allied powers in World War Two to absolute victory.I am born in 1919,and saw all your work by myself.Would you like to accept my invitation and join the World Security Agency(W.S.A)?If yes,can we talk after the Shanghai Olympics?


                          Doctor Steve Vincent Strange

                            Current Chairman of W.S.A


 -1 hour in the Shanghai Olympics(7509 hours-

    Leo ran into the stadium and put the torch on the statue.The statue lit up and fireworks sputtered around the city.After the ceremony,Leo do the speech as he practiced.

  After his speech,Zoe called him under the stage.

 『Are you interested in speed stacking?』asked Zoe.

  『Sure I do.』

  『You are going to join this speedstacking cycle competition at the last day of the Olympics.Your best time was 4.701,and I believe you can get a medal.』

  『Okay,I will try my best.』

  -48 hours in(7450 hours)-

 Leo was practicing 5 different types of speed stacking  at the Olympics Village.There isn’t any other method to improve speed stacking,anyway.Normal people may think it is boring,but Leo really enjoyed this sport.He can practice for hours without eating or drinking.And Finally,the time have come.

    As Leo finished his cycle practice he looked up the timer.


  -120 hours in(7378 hours)-

Leo broke almost all of his record.However,today was the first heat.Between all of the 1024 people,it needed to let 256 people into the second heat.The first round,Leo’s competition missed a cup and only have a bad result of 5.102 seconds.

  Leo easily won by 4.763 seconds.

 The second round,Leo need to compete over the former world record holder with a result of 4.618.This time,his result was 4.699.Leo used his best time and surprisingly won over him with 4.697 seconds.

  -192 hours in(7302 hours)-

  It is the second heat today.Leo won the first round since his competitor missed a cup and have to grab it after wars.His result was 7.114 and Leo smashed that with 4.712.

  The second round,his competitor have an awesome result of only 4.623.Leo started to stack as quick as flash,and the end result was…


    - 240 hours in(7256 hours)-

  The third heat was over.Leo won and with the other 31 participants,they are going to have the fourth final,quarter final,semi-final and final on the last day of Olympics .

  It was 11:00 at night.Leo decided to do his last practice in the day and he stacked up his cups.He felt he was fast.Faster and faster.With some Sla-spa sounds,the round war over.

  4.442.Closer and closer to every speed-stackers dream:finishing the cycle in under 4 seconds.

  -360 hours in(7126 hours)

  Leo have got a challenge.The challenger was the former world record holder:Jimmy McKenzie.He have also become faster and his best time stands for 4.412 seconds.However,since he lost to Leo,he decided to challenge him again.

 Now,it’s time.Both of them stacks as fast as lightning,as smooth as slick,and was focus as a lion catching its prey.However,every millisecond,the time was ticking.And when both of them smashed on the timer,it ends.


-458 hours in(7028 hours)-

    The Shanghai Olympics was about to end.In these days,the speed stacking participants practiced more and more.And Leo was having a race with McKenzie to see who can reach under 3 seconds first.

  At the first day,Leo broke two records while McKenzie broke one.However,McKenzie still holds the world record as 4.314 seconds.In the second day, Leo broke it with 4.301.Then McKenzie raced up with 4.272.Leo took the record back with 4.259.And in the last day,Leo broke it again with 4.118.

 After a day,it’s the final match.

-480 hours in(7006 hours)-

  After winning in the races,Leo came in final.However,another participant from Brazil were also in the final.It was not a race anymore.It’s a competition between the SMTMEA and SH.

  3.999.Leo won the gold medal for the Chinese Federation!

  The Brazilian participant starts first.4.232,as stunning time.

  It’s Leo’s round.He stacked.Stacking with a entire country supporting him.With a little light,he saw McKenzie.He supports him too.At last,Leo finished his round.

Chapter 11:A new era/2


-89 hours until Leo wake up from cryonic mode,Shanghai,2272-

    Shanghai metropolitan area,China.

    After hundreds of years of development,Shanghai now have a population of more than 500 million.The city becomes an international financial center and becomes Dubai in East Asia.Artificial islands were constructed and many skyscrapers were built.With trillions of money rolling in every year,Shanghai soon becomes the pearl of Orient.

  However,the Rising of Guangzhou and Hong Kong definitely impacted Shanghai’s international place.The population was surpassed by Guangzhou,and they are losing the stock war against Hong Kong.Shanghai is slowly declining.

  Using all of it’s power, Shanghai challenged Beijing to become the host of 2272 Olympics.And this time ,Shanghai won.

  China Zen is currently the tallest building among thousands of skyscrapers in the city.A girl with curly brown hair was sitting on her chair in the highest story.She overlooked the city,and put her attention on the new artificial islands.The islands was almost done,showing a chain of islands which shaped like 上海.

  The 15 year old girl is the Chinese president,Tao Tze Jia,Zoe.In a world with a life expectancy of over 300 years olds,it is quite odd to see her being the leader of the most powerful country on the planet.

  But she isn’t the only one.

  『Have you decided the mascot for the Olympics?』asked a voice.Zoe turned her head and saw a floating screen popped up behind her.

  It’s Maddie Stephenson,Queen of England.

  『I have seen some for th designs,and they are pretty good.』

  『However,’replied Zoe.』They can’t show the Chinese spirit.Remeber,this is the last Olympics that is host by a Chinese city in this century.』

  『Then,what should you do?You’re going to make your decision in this week.』

  『Actually,I have got an idea.’said Zoe.』I believe he can do it.』

 『The mascot is a he?』

  『Why not?』

  『Then what’s his name?』

  『General Illuminati.』

  『Is that a Chinese?I don’t think so.』

  『He’s a Chinese fox, if you want to let me say clearly.』

    『Is he a fictional character?』

    『No.His name is Yan Le An,Leo.Born in Hangzhou,1931.』

  『Him!』Maddie was shocked.

  『It is time that we wake him up from the deep cyronic sleep.’says Zoe.』He will be the symbol of China,from 2272 to forever.』

    『But where is he?You can’t wake him up unless you find him.』

  『Remember the SETI project that the Americans want to do in Australia?Yes,we find him there.』

  『Okay.I agree with you.Can I help you with this project?』

  『Would you like to give me your aircraft carrier.『Greenwich』?I gotta use it.』

  『Sure, I will talk to the consecution later tonight.』

  Leo felt cold.Before,there is only blank and void.Feeling cold means than he isn’t in the cyronic sleep anymore.Then,he sees some fuzzy things.He wanted to speak,but he can’tcan’t.He can’t smell and hear either.


  It seems like that I can still speak a few syllables,Leo said to himself.He realized that his brain wasn’t that foggy too.

 『Professor Du,is he still okay?』asked Zoe,spectating him from a floating screen.

 『 He is fine.’replied professor Du Qi Lin.』I have done some similar operation before.』

 『For example…』

 『The artificial-made human body test.I remember it’s for you.』

 『Yeah,of course.My body was also in a cyronic tank.』Zoe nodded.』Look!He opened his eyes!』Zoe said excitedly.

 『He recovers faster than we thought!』Du also felt impressed.

 『I can’t believe that!You recovers so fast!』Zoe turned her head to the floating screen.

  『Ahem…Who*coughs*Who are you?*coughs**coughs*

  『Remember to take more rest,『muttered Du.

 『My name is Tao Tze Jia,Zoe,the president of the Chinese federation,from the Nationalist party.He is professor Du Qi Lin.』

 『*coughs*Hi..Hello you guys.』Leo tried his best to wave his hands at his two new friends.』Where am I?』

 『The Phillipines Republic,Manila.Welcome to the 23rd century.』

 『Anything changed about the world?』Leo asked the question that he was courteous about the most.

 『I’m sorry to say that,but your sister is dead.』

 Leo sighed.Although he knew this definitely is going to happen,he still couldn’t control his tears fell.』When did she die?』

  『1949.』Zoe replied.

  『Any other news?About the federation?』Leo tried to control his emotion.

  『China won couple wars against Eritrean,and have colonies on Mars.』

 『You colonies Mars?

 『In other words,we transformed it into an Earth-like planet.The project to transform it is called」The Gayá Project.」Started in the 1980s,we expect to finish it this year.』

  『Is now…2247?』


  『Can you introduce the world to me,do you mind?』

  『Sure.The world is in a power balance between the Six Major and Southern Hemisphere countries…』

    -216 days until alien invasion crisis starts…-

 『Thanks for telling me!』

 『You’re welcome.』

 Leo step out of the building and booked a ticket to Hong Kong.However,as a fox from 325 years ago,he have no idea of how to use a phone.

 Another fox walked by.Zoe told Leo about the Animal Intelligence stuff,so he wasn’t surprised.

 『Are you…Leo?』asked the fox.

 『Yeah,I am…’replied Leo.

 『But aren’t you…dead?』

  『I didn’t .I slept in a cyronic cell,and then…』

  Leo told everything he know to the fox.

  『So you’re having trouble with the ticket booking?Here,you can enter your destination.』

 『Hong Kong?』

 『Which one?Old or new?』

 『We have two Hong Kong?』

 『It seems like you need to do a lot of catching up.Anyway,I’m going to New Hong Kong.Do you mind to go with me?』


 『My name is Nick,let’s be friends.』

 -9763 hours until the destruction of Pluto-

  Days later,Leo arrived at New Hong Kong.It is an artificial islands which is the shape of Tai Ji.The island is located in South China Sea and it’s over 10 times bigger than old Hong Kong.The two Hong Kong combined have a total population of 342.33 million.

 『You can buy a house here.I believe it’s cheap for you.』

 『I used all my money to buy some useless things.’said Leo.

 『No,you’re wrong.’replied Nick,handing him a magazine.

 『Forbes?』Leo opened it.

  Richest person on Earth in 2272:

 3:Abraham Jamison(Israel)Net worth:67.7 trillion

 2:Jimmy』MrBeast』Donald(USC)Net worth100.9 trillion

 1:Yan Le An(China)Net worth:2541 trillion

『How the is this possible?』asked Leo.Nick smiled and didn’t answer.Leo raced the nearest bank and took a look at his bank account.

 99.7 trillion.

-187 days until alien invasion crisis starts,Beijing-

 『Zoe,I think you need to took a look at this.’said Maddie in a floating screen.』

 『Zoe turned her head.Another screen popped up,showing her a picture.

 『We revived it yesterday,at the mega atom testing lab in Dublin.』

『It is clearly unusual.『replied Zoe.』The atoms formed some numbers.』

 『18.2.2272 187D to be exact.I will show you another picture.』

 Another screen popped up.

 『Mine and craft?』Zoe was surprised.』But…』

 『Yes,the caves in every single world at the same area show us a piece of number too.3.12.2018.And I think you know what happened in that year…』

  『Global economic crisis.』

 『Yes,and we think it is a kind of message that tells us about danger.』

 『Shall we discuss with the World Security Agency(W.S.A.)?』

 『Yes,we definitely should.』

-159 days until alien invasion crisis starts,New Hong Kong-

 『I have trillions of money,but what can I do with them?』asked Leo.

 『Donate them, of course.’replied Nick.

 『I have donated a few trillions already.’said Leo.

 『I wonder…’said Nick.His eyes brightened.『 Creating your own country?』

 『Where?』asked Leo.『Antarctica or Moon?』

  『Neither of them.I mean…Alaska?』

 『Why should I?The USC government will not agree.』

  『Yes they will.With less than a trillion,you can buy it.You can look on the website https://USCGovernmet.SellAlaska.gov.Here,let me type it on the screen.』

 Leo clicked the link.The website showed on another screen.

 『Do you want a new kingdom for yourself?Do you want to relax on the most beautiful land on Earth?If you have enough money,you can buy Alaska.The ISC government will be welcomed.

 Current prize:5,564,267,784,945.98 unit dollars.』Leo said all the words on the page.』Are you sure this isn’t a scam?』

 『I don’t think so.’said Nick.』Yoi can ask the USC government.

Leo phoned them.』Okay,the confirmed it.』

 『Then why don’t you buy it now?』asked Nick excitedly.』Remember to give me the New Hawaii islands!』

 『New what?』

 『Aleutian Islands.The name changed in the 2150s.』

  『Okay,but I will not by it for now.I need to prepare on the Shanghai Olympics.』

Chapter 11:A brand new world/1



  『I don’t understand,why did you take me to the Philippines?』Maddie asked.

  『How can I not go?Doctor Strange told me!』Zoe replied.』Don’t you want a new delegate for the World Security Agency?』

  『Why WSA’s new delegate will appear in here?』Maddie asked again.

  『H.I.M.!』Zoe said as she walked into the human cyronic headquarter.

  『Me?』Leo asked.He just heard the conversation.

  『Welcome to the world.』Zoe turned to Leo.』My name is Tao Tze Jia,just call me Zoe.the president of Chinese Federation,and the United Nation delegate of World Security Agency.』

   『W…What?』asked Leo.』What is the World Security Agency?』

   『After you go,『answered Maddie,』We found out that the evil side of the universe started attacking Earth.Once,human gathered people with superpowers to from the Avengers.But soon,they were defeated.The most powerful ,Doctor Strange,created the WSA.There are four delegates:The main delegate,the side delegate,the United Nation delegate,and the female delegate.』

  『Are you in the WSA?』Leo asked.

  『Yes,I am.Now,somebody left WSA.We wanted to let you join…』

  『I refuse,』Leo said.

  『R…Right,’said Maddie.』But can you think a little more about joining?』

  『Okay,』Leo replied.』Now can I go back to…where am I?』


(Hours later…)

  『My house is nice,』Leo said.

  『If you like it,then this will be your home in Zootopia.’replied Maddie.

  『Zootopia?』Leo asked.

  『Animal intelligence was invented just a few decades after you go.『 she explained.』We built this city near Hong Kong and only animal intelligences can live here.』

  『Then,what should I do?』Leo asked Maddie.

  『I suggest you  the bank.』Maddie said.

  After Maddie went ,Leo shut the door.But after a few seconds,he walked to the nearest bank.

  『Wait…how do I even get money from this thing?』he asked himself when he arrived at the bank.

  『Are you from the 21st century?』another fox,standing next to him,asked.

  『20th century.About 1947.』Leo replied.

  『You are Leo!’the fox cried.

  『I thought people nowadays forget about me.』he said.

  『My name is Nick!Nice to meet you!』Nick shook hands with Leo.』You don’t have a credit card?』

  『No,』Leo replied.

  『Then use your fingerprint.』Nick answered.Put your finger on this floating screen called' evbo』.』

  『Evbo is a very interesting name,』Leo said.

  『It is the name of the person who invented it,』Nick replied.

  Leo put his hand(or paw)on evbo.Another evbo came out,with a huge number that no one can spell.

  『So what’s this?』Leo asked Nick.

  『Your money.『Replied Nick.

  『This is impossible!』Leo exclaimed.』How much is it?』

  『99.7 trillion!You are now the richest people in the entire history of humanity!』

  『What?How?』Leo asked.

  『According to the history book,you spent all your money buying Tibet,Sikang,Moon and Mars.Cosmos company also gave you 5%of their net worth!In the future, these planets and send back money to your bank.』

  『Basically,I’m getting a quarter million dollars per second?』Leo asked again.』How is that possible?It's just like updating every millisecond!』

  『Well,because you really are a rich fox.What are you planning to do with  money?』

  『Cool stuff.’replied Leo.』For example,a private island or something?』

   That’s cool!』exclaimed Nick.』Then,where?』

   『Are there any islands on earth that’s not belong to a country?』asked Leo.

   『Nah,’replied Nick.』But you can buy some on Venus,Moon of Saturn,Moon of Jupiter and Mars.』

   Leo and Nick chatted along the way.

   『Let me show you the time plaza.』Nick said.

   On the time plaza,Leo can see millions of evbos floating in the sky.Tens of thousands of towers with a kilometre tall are surrounded all around.The time plaza is huge.Leo picked a random evbo near him.The evbo automaticity show news about WSA,China and the world.

  『This century is awesome,right?』asked Nick.

  『So,what should I do now?』asked Leo.

  『Well,you should really buy your house.』

  『Wait…didn’t Zoe already give me one?』cried Leo.

  『But that doesn't mean it is free.Anyways,I wanted to see your house too.』

  『Can you tell me some of the history?』asked Leo.

  『Okay,no problem.』

  On the way back to Leo’s house,Nick gave a brief introduction to him.The world has changed a lot since Leo go.The world in 23rd century was leading by the Six majors:ChineseFederation,United States of Columbia,United Kingdom,European Union,Philippines republic and Soviet Socalist States of Nova Russia.They trade,cooperation,and expand.In the 21 and 22 century,the Gayá project started,terraforming Venus,Mars,Jupiter and Saturn’s moon.But,peace could not cover the wars in the deep.The anti-Six major alliance,Southern Hemisphere,declared dozens of wars on the Six majors.

  『Wow.The world has more chaos than I thought!』excalmed Leo.

  『Yeah.Now you live in China,so you can easily enjoy life.Isn't it good?』

  『So,what should I do now?』asked Leo.

  『I think you should pay for the house.Or just buy a phone.I mean if you don’t mind to go out again.

  Leo and Nick went into a furniture shop.Leo was amazed by the large IKEAS store.』How does it feel?』asked Nick.

  『I love this style,’said Leo.』Seems like people nowadays don’t like stripes and images anymore.』

  『This is the Nordic style.』Nick told Leo.』We love images once.That’s in the 22nd century.At that time,there were large amounts of evbos all floating around.Even a piece of paper can let you go online.』

  『Why did it change?』asked Leo.

  『Soon,people were annoyed by these evbos,and I think you can predict why Nordic style can grab the entire stock market.』

  Leo and Nick bought a lot of things and went back to Leoks home.

  『Alright,『said Nick,』What are you going to do with your money?』asked Nick.

  『I don’t know,’replied Leo,『 do you have any ideas?』he asked.

  『It will be so cool to buy Alaska!』cried Nick.

『Don’t be kidding,Alaska is over a million !』Leo said.

  『No!It just sold  price of 6.48 billion dollar!’shouted Nick.』You can absolutely it with your insane amount of wealth!』

  『Wait…Why didn’t you use Yuan?』asked Leo.『 I thought you should use the Chinese currency…』

  『Oh,I forgot to tell you about the unit dollar.It is the currency of the world!』

  『I see.’said Leo.』Now let’s States.』

  『Of Columbia?Awesome!』

  『When did it change  name?』asked Leo.

  『Never mind.』


  Leo,Zoe and Nick arrived at the White House.The American President Ronald D. Hastings came out and greeted them.

  『Tao,  to America?I thought you had a concert this evening.』asked Hastings.

  『Wait,is Zoe a singer?』whispered Leo.

  『Yes,she is.’replied Nick.

  『Well,’replied Zoe,』This is Yan Le An,I think you know him.He wanted to buy Alaska.』

  『Does he have any reasons?』asked Hastings.

  『Alaska is inhabited.It didn’t have much people and economy.Also,it is the place that 7% of her population wanted to gain independence.Philippines always wanted to gain influence in the northern Pacific and they had already suggested of buying Alaska at 900 billion dollars.Nova Russia,the commie state,also wanted to buy Alasa at 400 billion.I know you had already refused  suggestions.But now,I wanted to buy Alaska at 5 trillion dollars.China always stand on the American side,and importing trillions of dollars of good into the U.S.You don’t want Alaska fall into the hands of your competitors,right?』Leo explained.

  『Well,very persuasive.’said Hastings.』I am going to talk with the democrats.』

  『You really want to buy Alaska for 8 trillion dollars?』Zoe asked.

  But soon,Zoe will realise that Alaska will be the first step of Leo’s new empire across the entire galaxy,and even rebelled against China.

  『Yeah.’replied Leo.

   『Years ago,you can even buy stars!That’s my dream since I became a singer,but that project had already been cancelled.』Zoe said.

『Now let’s just wait what Hastings will say.’smiled Nick.  

General Illuminati:The heart of iron(10 articles avalible,the full novel)


Chapter 10:A new advanture(include history from 1947 to 2272)/1


 Leo regained the focus on the man who was sitting in front of him.Chen Dong,the most professional doctor in human cryonics.

 『You said I have human DNAs?』asked Leo.

 『Yes.Your DNA is over 98% similar to humans,so the human cryonics technology will be suitable for you.』Chen said,』But,you have the right to choose by yourself,sire.Do you agree?There will also be a chance of failing.』

 『Why not?’replied Leo.

  Before leaving the century,Leo had some things to do.

  『I am going to buy these lands,』he said to Estonia.

  『You’re absolutely crazy.’replied Estonia.』Sikang,Tibet,Mars and Moon?』

  『Nah,just wait and see.』

  And soon,these lands become the first step of Leo’s business empire…but that’s a totally different story.

History of the world:1947 to 2272

🔴Treaty or border changes

🟠Scientific advancements

🟡Wars and Conflicts

🟢Economic incidents

🔵Space expropriation




🟣1947:Estonia became the president of the Chinese Federation.

🟡1948:China broke out a war with Finland,called the second winter war.

🔴1949:Philippines signed 『treaty of Manila』 with China,gaining the rest of Oceania.


🟣1950:Estonia was assassinated by a killer from the former Nazi Germany,Called the 『1950 9-11 incident』

🔴1951:winter war ended,with China annexing Finland.(Treaty of Helsinki)

🟠1952:After years of research,Chen Dong discovered how Leo can speak,and started the first animal intelligence industry.Fearing the A.I. will soon take over humans,professors from all over the world joined the business.

🟢1953:Leo’s money was taken from a new company:Cosmos,and gave 10% of Cosmos』 net worth every year to Leo as a return.

🟡1954:China broke out a war with E.U.

🔴1955:Arabian caliphate was formed and united all the Arabian countries.(Treaty of Baghdad)

1957:Just a year after the establishment of the caliphate,Israel gained its independence,causing the first Middle East war.

🔴1958:China ends the war with E.U.and gains the city of Istanbul.(Treaty of Ankara)

🔴1959:Mexico gained its independence from the U.S.A.(Treaty of Austin)


🔵1960:U.S.A.first sent people to space.(Project Apallo)

🟡1961:The rest of Arabian caphilte went to war with the Sunni party of Arabian,causing the second Middle East war.

🟡1962:The second war caused the other countries join,and the third Middle East war started,with Israel,newly founded Persia,China,U.S.A. and the Philippines on one side and the E.U.British Empire on the other.

🔴1963:The U.S.A. side won,with China gaining control of northern West Asia,while U.S.A. grew control of Armenia,Georgia and Crimea.(Treaty of Dubai)

🔵1964:U.S.A.sent probe to Mars and Moon.(project rover)

🔴1965:Nova Russia bought Hawaii.(Treaty of Honolulu)

🔵1966:U.S.A.landed on Moon.(Project Apollo)

🔵1967:China sent a probe to Mars and Moon.(Project Qu Yuan)

⚪️1968:With the support of wizard Ancient One,the three Sanctum(which was mentioned in the movie Dr strange)started to be built.

🔵1969:U.S.A.landed on Mars(Project rover),while Nova Russia landed on Moon(Project Lenin).


🔵1970:China builds the world’s first Space Station.(Project Tian Gong)

🔴1971:Guatemala and Belize gained independence from the U.S.A.(Treaty of Miami)

🔵1972:China landed on the Moon.(Project Yu Tu)

🔴1973:U.S.A.claimed that all the regions in the Caribbean gained independence.(Treaty of Seattle)

🔴1974:Losing control of the South American continent,all the regions there gained independence.(Treaty of Sâo Páolo)

🔵1975:Cosmos started to send probes.

🟠1976:The first Animal Intelligence was created.(Project Adam)

🟡🔴1977:Second China-E.U. war,China gaining the Europe part of the Turkey region.(Treaty of St.Petersburg)

🔵1978:The world started the space race,which let all the six majors in the 23rd century landed on different planets.

🔴1979:China and Hindustan divided India in the south of Chenin.(Treaty of Goa)


🟡🔴1980:Third China-E.U. war,with the win of China and annexed Bulgaria.(Traty of Warsaw)

🟡🔴1981:With three losses to China,E.U.attacked China but backfired even worse.Winning the Fourth China-E.U. war,China annexed Greece and Cyprus.(Treaty of Athens)

🔴1982:E.U.declared all of the African Region they control gained independence.(Treaty of Alexandrine)

🟡1983:Isreal invade Somalia,the Israel-Somalian war started.

🔵1984:U.S.A.landed on Titan.(Project Haiven)

🔵1985:China and Nova Russia started to establish colonies on the Moon,opening factories and building cities.(Pro-Gayá Project)

🔵1986:The six majors signed a treaty in Hong Kong,making the start of the Gayá project,the target of letting Mars be habitable.(Treaty of Hong Kong)

⚪️1987:China started to build Jigong island,which let animal intelligences live there.(Project Jigong)

🟡1988:Jigong island was constructed and had 5 million people living there.Soon,they declared independence but failed.(The 6-4 incident)

⚪️1989:The world security agency was founded,which had three delegates from the three sanctums.The first delegate was Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange.


🔵1990:NASA joined the Gayá project.

🟡🔴1991:Fifth China-E.U. war,this time lost Romania and Albania.(Treaty of Budapest)

🔴1992:Egypt gained independence.(Treaty of Cairo)

🔴1993:Sudan gained independence.(Treaty of Juba)

🔴1994:South Sudan gained independence from Sudan.(Treaty of Djibouti)

🟡🔴1995:Israel tried to invade Egypt but failed.(Sinai Incident)

🔴1996:China annexed Crimea.(Treaty of Kiev)

🔴1997:Hong Kong was returned to China.(Treaty of Xiamen)

🟠1998:The Internet was created and quickly spread over the planet.

⚪️🔴1999:The world’s radiation was all cleaned.Also,Macau was returned to China.(Treaty of Nanchang)


🔴2000:China annexed Armenia and Georgia.(Treaty of Dehran)eqe

🟡🔴2001:The sixth Chinese-E.U.war began,with E.U again lost the rest of the Balkan Peninsula,Slovakia and Hungary.Poland was also split in half.(Treaty of Hamburg)

🟢2002:China started the one road one belt project.

🔵2003:SpaceX joined the Gayá project.

🟡2004:United States Invaded Mexico.(Operation Jefferson)

🟡2005:China joined the war,the war soon upgrades to Great Mexico Conflict.

🟢2006:China stopped U.S. goods from importing.

🟢2007:Dow J index fell by 20%,U.S. decided to import goods to E.U. And the U.K.

🟢2008:China stopped improving goods to these three countries.

🟢2009:The world economic crisis started.


🟢2010:The Dow J company closed.(2010 DJ incident)

🟢2011:The crisis infects global GDP,the number decreased the first time since 1956.

🟢2012:The NASDAQ company also closed,causing U.S get even more damage.(NASDAQ closing incident)

🟢2013:I.S.I.S let two airplanes crash into the trading centre of U.S.,only causing the situation to became even worse.(9-11 incident)

🟢2014:China and Philippines printed 2 trillion dollars to solve the problem.

🟢2015:The global GDP dropped by 30%,but the rate were slower than the years before.

🟢2016:China printed 5 trillion dollars to stop the crisis,but the global GDP was still falling.

🟢2017:The global GDP stopped falling but started to rise.

🟢2018:U.S. dollars were soon replaced by Chinese Yuan,due to the total of 7 trillion print from the years before.

🟡2019:Due to the 9-11 conflict,U.S. declared war to Arab Chaphilte.

🟡2020:Arab Chaphilte collapesd.The Persian government used this reason to declare war to the Sunni Arabians.(Sunni-Shia conflict)

🔴2021:The Persian government got success,due to the Chinese help,they got northern Iran while Persia control all of Persian gulf.(Treaty of Bahrain)

🟢2022:To prevent future inflation,every country used the same currency:Unit dollars,keeping as 1 U.S.D.in 2022,it  will never change its price.(International Financial Meeting)

⚪️2023:A secret agent,Zhang Ling Feng assassinated the Chief Exclusive of Hong Kong.The six Majors wanted him in 10 billion dollars.

⚪️2024:Zhang Ling Feng destroyed the V14 base,causing the 『New World Order』 Plan failed (The 2024 V14 incident)

⚪️2025:Zhang Ling Feng mistirosly disappeared.

🔵2026:The Six Majors had a meeting in Helsinki,which decided that in the future,Six Majors should cooperate and improve the human technology.With this boost,Gayá project reached the 10% milestone.

🟠2027:The first advanced Animal intelligence was created,which had 50% the IQ of Humans.

🟠2028:The first Evbo was created.

⚪️2029:World started a 『destroying nukes』 project.The total number of nuclear bombs dropped from 15 million to 100,000.


🔴2030:Nova Russia bought Hawaii.

🔵🔴2031:The 『outer space nuclear treaty』 was signed in Seoul.The countries could no longer test nuclear bombs in outer space.

🔵🔴2032:The 『deep sea nuclear treaty』 was signed in Phenix city.Countries could no longer test nuclear bombs in deep sea.

⚪️2033:World population shrinks.The Six Majors opened a meeting in Genva.All the government agrees to boost the world population.

⚪️2034:World population reached 9 billion.But surprisingly,70%of the growth come from countries that were not Six Majors.

🟣2035:With the Six Majors losing lots of lands,the independent countries for them formed the 『South Hemisphere’

🟡2036:South Hemisphere invades Southern Italy.(The War of Sicily)

🔴🟣2037:South Hemisphere lost(The treaty of Algers)To prevent future incidents like this,the Six Majors created』Six Majors Treade,Military and Economic Alliance’(S.M.E.M.T.A.)

🔵2038:Cosmos started to begin asteroid mining.

⚪️2039:An unknown asteroid,which was named C-2039,crashed in the Indian Ocean and started a tsunami.Causing 1 million deaths.


🟢2040:Bilbil surpassed YouTube for 1 billion dollars,becoming the biggest entertainment platform.

2041:The South Hemisphere’s GDP growth was 10%,while the average growth rate of Six Majors was 7%.

🟠🔵2042:Human rockets reached a maximum speed of 10%light speed,due to controllable nuclear fusion.

⚪️2043:Antarctica started to regain its ice since the global warming.

🟡🔴2044:China and E.U. started the 『Sino-European』 war,with huge casualties,but China only annexed the rest of Poland.

🔴2045:All the African countries gained their independence.

🔴2046:British annexed Ireland,remaining as 『U.K』.

🔵2047:U.S.A.landed on Pluto.(Project New Hrizon)

🟣2048:Nova Russia was out of the 『Deep sea anti- nuclear treaty』.

🟢2049:Global GDP skyrocket period ended.


🔵2050:U.S.A sent voyager 1 at 50% light speed.

🔴2051:Isreal bought Madagascar.

🔴2052:China annexed Sri Lanka.

🟣2053:China and the United States had a dispute of dividing Mars,which ended peacefully.

⚪️2054:When the Gayá project was finished,the six majors divided Mars.(The meeting of Malé)

⚪️2055:The animal population exploded,which reached 100 million.Jigong island was way too small.

⚪️2056:Zootopia was created all over the world.

🔵2057:Voyager 2 lifted off,with a 70% light speed.

🔵2058:Voager 1 reached proxima centari.

⚪️2059:The first city on Mars:Athenia was built.


🟢2060:Because of Yan Le An bought Mars in 1947,Six Majors decided to use 3 Quadrillion dollars to buy Mars.

2061:Highway system was built,the Earth will never worry about water shortage.

🔴2062:China annexed Maldives.

🟣2063:South America 11 Nation Alliance(SA11) was founded,which purpose was defend against Conmmuist Brazil.

🟣2064:After hundreds of deadly cases of guns,the U.S.A. banned guns.(Anti-Gun law)

⚪️2065:People were furious,and rebelled in Texas.

🟡2066:United States broke the non-aggression pact with China,causing the Civil world war.(CWW)

🟡2067:The turning point of CWW,China joined the rebel’s side,quickly gained Alaska.

🟡2068:East Coast of U.S.A. fell.United retreated the 『Anti-gun law』 but It was too late.

🔴2069:Seeing of no hope,U.S.A.surrender.(Treaty of Baltimore)


🔴2070:United states of Columbia(USC,usually called U.S)was founded.Annexing all of America and Canada.(Treaty of Detroit)

🟡2071:Chinese Martian colonies declared war on the US at the start of the great Martian war.

🟡2072:E.U.and other countries joined China’s side,quickly ending the war.(Treaty of Olympia)

⚪️2073:Chinese athlete Yang Xin climbed on the Olympic mountain on Mars.

🔵🟠2074:Human achieved full light speed,thanks to the advancements on cold nuclear fusion.

🟣2075:People’s party of the U.S.was founded,becoming the third largest party.

🟡2076:E.U.broke out a war with Muslins,with massacres all over the country.(E.U. massacare of Muslims)

⚪️2077:Half of the total Muslim population flew to China.China’s Indonesian city:Jakarta soon suprass Macca and became the most important city of Mumlim religion.

⚪️2078:Muslim became the official religion in China.

🟢2079:Cosmos become the top 5 largest companies in the world.


🟢2080:World population rose to 11 billion.But with animal intelligence,only 10% of the total population need to work in factor.The others works for coding business.Cosmos caught this chance,and transformed the company from space exploration to coding.

⚪️2081:World population rose 10%,which humans had never seen.Six Majors knew that the world population was back to normal.

🟣2082:World population rose to 13 billion,meaning overpopulated.Six Majors launched a meeting at Toronto.(Meeting of Toronto)

⚪️2083:World food shortage started.

⚪️2084:World population rose to 14 billion.

⚪️2085:Animal population rose to 1 billion.

🟢2086:China stopped importing crops to the rest of the world,people started starving.

⚪️2087:Although the population growth slowed down,the world population still rose to 15 billion.Six Majors decided to stop the population from surpassing this level for ten years.(Decition of Hangzhou)

⚪️2088:Animal population rose to 1.5 billion.

🟢2089:World Economy crisis,because of food shortage.(The second world Eco-crisis)


🟠2090:World population rose to 16 billion,but it was already near the peak I the century.Thankfully,Chinese scientists Long Yuan Ping invented a kind of wheat which could grow 10times faster,by DNA transform.Cosmos was the first to buy these crops.

⚪️2091:World population peaked at 1678301387,which was close to 17 billion.Six Majors passed a law to not let the global population surpass 17 billion in this century.(Meeting of Ruijing)

🟢2092:Although nobody starved,the world eco-crisis was still there.

🟢2093:World GDP fell to only 50% of 2090.

⚪️2094:World population drop to 13 billion.

⚪️2095:World population drop to 10 billion.

🟡2096:South Hemispheres rebelled and invade Texas,but failed.(Texan-Mexas conflict)

⚪️2097:World population dropped to 8 billion.Six Majors lanched another meeting in Ottawa.(Meeting of Population,Ottawa)

🟢2098:China upgraded the crop’s price.(The Shao dicition)

🟡2099:Riots broke out in Africa against China’s decision.(The African crop conflict)


⚪️2100:World population again fell.The world population struggled to 7 billion for the next decade.

🟡🔴2101:U.K. invaded South Africa.(War of South Africa)(Treaty of Liverpool)

🟡🔴2102:Philippines invaded Equatorial Guinea.(The Philippines African war)(Treaty of Panlan)

2103:Philippines invaded Liberia.(The Philippines African war)(Treaty of Mindanao)

🟡🔴2104:Philippines invaded Sierra Leone.(The Philippines African war)(Treaty of New Luzon)

2105:China lowered the cropcrops price.

🔵2106:Gayá Project reached the 30% milestone.

⚪️2107:The Hong Kong Zootopia was formed.

🟡2108:Animals began to riot against humans,getting control of colonies in Callisto.(The 8-11 conflict)

🟣2109:Lithuania,a fox,became the president of China.Her family’s first generation was the cousin of Estonia.


⚪️2110:World Sercrity Agency was established,while Doctor Strange I was the first delegate

⚪️2111:Doctor strange was no longer the only delegate in WSA,soon,Lithuania’s friend:Latvia joined and became the delegate of London .Also,Wong joined and became the delegate of Hong Kong.Ancient One also became the delegate of Kumatar,but she soon gave the seat to Vanshanti.

⚪️2112:World population started to migrate into China.Once,China had control of more than 80% of the global population.

🔴🟡2113:SA11 declared war on Brazil.With China’s support,Brazil gained French Guiana,Guyana and Suriname.The others created SA9.(The Brazilian-Argentina conflict)

🟡🔴2114:U.S. states of California and Texas rioted and gotget independence.Texas joined Mexico as Mexas and California united with Washington and Oregon as the pacific Union.(Treaty of Olympia)

🟡2115:Tired of mixed ideology,Lithuania left China and tried to

from her new country.(The 1.5 incident)

🟡2116:Lithuania’s friend tried to split Australia,India and Russia out of China.(The 2116 great rebellion)

🟡2117:Lithuania tried to rebel against the Chinese government,but failed.Nobody had ever seen her.(The Chinese-Lithuania Conflict)

🟢2118:Cosmos became the third largest company,and stayed there for an entire century,just behind the Hebrew bank and Rothschild Ltd.

🔴🟡2119:U.S. annexed the Pacific Union and the Texan part of Mexas.(Treaty of Mexico City)(The rebuild of America)


🔵🟠2120:U.S. built the first space carrier.China,Nova Russia and Philippines followed soon.

2121:The four countries formed their space army.(The foundation of United Space Army)

🔵2122:Humans found the first wormhole in space,located behind Sirius.(The 2122-5-14 discovery of wormhole)

🔵2123:Cosmos sent a probe to investigate.

🔵2124:The Six Majors sent more than a thousand austranonts to Sirius to investigate.(The Sirius investigation migration)

⚪️2125:China built the first railroad in Antarctica.

⚪️2126:Human population reached 4 billion.

🔵2127:Cosmos built their space army.It's the first company that has its own space army.

🟡🔴2128:SA9 declared war on Brazil,lost again,and gave away Bolivia.SA8 was founded.(South America-Brazilian conflict 2128)(Treaty of Bogotá)

⚪️2129:SA8 found the U.S. to help,but failed.(Meeting of Washington D.C.)


⚪️2130:African population shared 30% of the total population.(African population explode)

🟡2131:Fearing of Afica outnumber them,the six majors agreed to invade Africa,but China and the U.S. soon gave up.(Conflict of 2131)

🔵2132:Cosmos probe and Six majors probe arrive at Sirius.

🔵2133:The scientists found that the wormhole was linked to another dimension.(Discovery of Zhao-Yan dimension)

🔵2134:Human researched,and finally found a spaceship that can travel in that dimension.This dimension was soon be named as the Yan Le An(Leo) and Zhao Ming Yi(The first person to step into the dimension) dimension,short for Yan Zhao Dimension,or YZD.

🔵2135:Using the Zhao-Yan dimension,humans reached athe maximum speed of 10 times the light speed.

🔵2136:Gayá Project Reached the 40% milestone.

⚪️2137:After checking in the WSA,Doctor strange,Wong and Vishanti created the first three delegates of WSA.

⚪️2138:Humans soon realized that keeping world peace with only three magicians was impossible.So,the world elected the U.N delegate.(The fourth delegate of WSA)

🔵2139:The space-clock was built.


🟣2140:Chinese power rating suppressed U.S.

⚪️2141:Zombie virus COVID-4.4.1 appeared in Brazil.With the population of 4.1 billion,the approximate population will drop to less than 100 million.(The COVID pandemic)

⚪️2142:After research,people found this virus was 10 times more dangerous than the original one in the laboratory.

🟣2143:Every country closed their borders.(Border closing incident of 2143)

⚪️2144:The research of the vaccine started.But third-one Brazilians had been infected.

⚪️2145:Causing a quarter million people dead,the virus is gone.

🟡2146:While Brazil was still struggling about the consequences of the virus,SA8 invaded them.(Altervirus conflict)

🔴2147:Brazil again won the war with the support of China.Gained Paraguay and Uraguay,SA6 reformed.(Treaty of Santiago)

🟣2148:China lime Green Party was founded.

2149:Humans made a better probe to send into the Zhao-Yan dimension,it reached a maximum speed of 20 times the speed of light speed.


🟣2150:Brazilian riots began.(Great riots in Brazil,2150)

🔴2151:Brazil collapsed and every state there got independence.SA37 was created.

🟣2152:SA37 also collapsed.Communist Front(CF) was created in Columbia,Venezuela and their influence zone.While in the South,the others created South America South Protection Agency(SASPA)

🟡2153:U.S. launched a full scale invasion of Venezuela.

🔴2154:Surprisingly,with high casualty as the Vietnam war,U.S. surrender.(Treaty of Panama City)

🟣2155:Fearing small countries took over,U.S.,China,Nova Russia,Philippines,U.K.,E.U.became the six majors.While the other countries allied as the southern countries.(Creation of Six Majors)(Start of the Harvey system)

🔵2156:Gayá Project Reached the 50z milestone.

🟡2157:South Africa gained independence from U.K.(Treaty of Belfast)

🟣🔴🟡2158:The six majors decided to crush the southern countries.(Operation Harvey) U.S. launched an invasion of Mexas but failed.(USC-Medan war)(Treaty of Atlanta)

🟣2159:Nova Russia made an alliance to the CF.


🟡2160:Due to betrayal of CF,SASPA invades CF.(Allance invasion of 2160)

🔴2161:Because of the support of the six majors,the invasion failed.(Six Majors support incident)(Treaty of Lima)

🟠🔵2162:Humans build four portals to connect the Zhao Yan dimension,called Star Gate.(20kmx20km)(The star gate project.)

🟡🔴2163:SASPA tried to get control of the four portals,but it was a failure.(Star Gate conflict)

🟣2164:The six majors locked the portals.Only spaceships in their country and had permission can go through.(2164 locking portal)

🟢2165:Philippines surpassed Nova Russia in GDP.Nova Russia became the weakest in the Six Majors.

⚪️2166:SASPA fired an unknown nuke and exploded in Shanghai.WSA member came to stop it.The nuke caused no deaths and 4 hurt.(2166 nuclear incident)

⚪️2167:China started to clean Shanghai.About two hundred people died because of radiation.

🟡2168:Six Majors declared war on SASPA.(SASPA-Six Majors war)

🔴2169:With better weapons,Six Majors crushed SASPA.(Treaty of Chennai)


🟢2170:SASPA paid China for 10 trillion dollars.Even if this is a small amount of money,the domino effect that caused SASPA began to fall into an economic struggle until a century later.

⚪️2171:World population increased to 6 billion.For here on,human population skyrocketed.

🟠2172:A medicine was invented and Huamn average life expectancy rose to 300 years.

⚪️2173:World population exponentially increased to 7 billion.

🔵2174:About 50% of humans live in space.After that,the rate began to fall.

⚪️2175:World population increased to 8 billion.After an 200 years,human population recovered.

🔵2176:Gayá Project Reached the 60%milestone.

⚪️2177:World population increased to 10 billion.Six Majors had another meeting in New Delhi.(Population meeting 2176,New Delhi)

🔵2178:Gayá project,with the development of the Zhao-Yan dimension tunnel between Earth and Mars,the rate grows much faster.

🔵2179:40% of the world population lives in space.


⚪️2180:World population doubled to 20 billion people,while only 7 billion lives in space.

🟣2181:SASPA and CF started to compare influence.(The SASPA-CF influence race)

🔴🟡2182:SASPA annexed Antigua,claiming it as Columbia’s territory..(Annxing of Antigua)(Treaty of Kunming)

🟣2183:Cuba joined CF.(Cuba joining of CF)

🔴🟡2184:SAPA annexed St.Lucia..(Annxing ofSt.Lucia)(Treaty of Fangchengang)

🟣2185:Nova Russia joined CF.(Nova Russia joining of CF)

🟣2186:Mexico joined CF.(Mexico joining of CF)

🟡2187:SASPA invade Philippines.(Pander sea naval war)

🟣2188:China helped the Philippines.

🟣2189:Philippines joined CF.(Philippines joining of CF)


🔵2190:Humans began to colonize Sirius.(Colonizing if Sirius)

🔵2191:Humans reached a maximum speed to 5 times the speed of light.

🔵2192:Using a wormhole,humans reached Andromeda.(Reaching of Andromeda)

🔴🟡2193:SASPA invades CF and grabs the control of the entire former Brazil.(SASPA-CF conflict)(Treaty of Manhattan)

🟣2194:U.S. supported the CF,because of the attack in Florida.(US supprting of CF)

🟣2195:U.K.and E.U.supported the SASPA.

🔵2196:Gayá Project Reached the 70% milestone.

🔴🟡2197:China invaded E.U.but failed.(The Seven Chinese-EU war)(Treaty of Volgograd)

🟡2198:U.S.launched an invasion in Chile.(Invasion of Chile)

🔴2199:Woth more and more countries joining the war,U.S.retreated because they don’t want to have a new world war.(Treaty of Santiago)


🟣2200:All the six majors quit SASPA and CF,since they do 『t want to get in trouble from it.

🟣2201:Six majors created the Six Majors Trading,Military and Economic Alliance(SMTMEA).(Creation of SMTMEA)

🟢2202:SMTMEA stopped importing goods to SASPA.(Closing goods incident)

⚪️2203:China launched more than 100 basic buildings over Six Majors.(One belt one road 2.0)

🟣2204:SASPA,CF,Israel,Persia and African countries made the Southern Hemisphere(SH),in order to against SMTMEA)

🟠🔵2205:China built the 『One belt one road 3.0』,connecting all  the planets in the solar system by a huge Zhao-Yan dimension tunnel system.

🔵2206:Gayá Project Reached the 80% milestone.

🟠2207:SH pushed an Asteroid to Earth.Soon,Six Majors nuked the asteroid.(2207 terrorist conflict)

🔵2208:SH tried to make Ceres habitable.(Second Gayá Project)

🟣2209:Six Majors nuked Ceres,SH’s plan failed.


🟢2210:Cosmos company retreated their money in SH.

🟢2211:Bilbli replaced YouTube as the world’s largest video platform.(Bilbil suprassing YouTube)

🟣2212:Only in this year,all of the leaders of Six Majors were animals.

🟠2213:With the breakthrough of DNA,animals now can have their own human body,Zoe is an example.(Clone human body technology)

⚪️2214:Human life expectancy broke over 300 years,due to great welfare system.

⚪️2215:World population rose to 30 billion,breaking another milestone.

🔵2216:Gayá Project Reached the 80% milestone.

🟢2217:Cosmos bought Bilbil.(Cosmos buying Bilbil)

🔵2218:Cosmos decided to terraform Triton by themselves.(Cosmos project)

🟣2219:The first female Human president of China,Tao Tze Jia,decided to retreat communist forces from Mexas.


⚪️2220:The miscommunication between China and Mexas,leading to mssacares of Chinese communists in Mexas.(Mexas Masaacare)

🟡2221:U.S. declared war on Mexas.

🟣2222:Although the incident was finished,Tao was replaced by the new government,led by Chang Zhu.(New government in China,2222)

⚪️2223:Six Majors decided to colonize Antarctica.(Coloniziation of Antarctica)

🟡2224:China and the U.S. had border disputes in Antarctica,causing the Cold War.

⚪️2225:World population rose to 40 billion.

🔵2156:Gayá Project Reached the 90% milestone.

🔵2227:Cosmos built the space station Dong Fang Hong』,with a hundred million people.(Building of Dong Fang Hong)

🔵2228:Human reached Kepler 2ab and 31c,started to terraform it (Gaya Project 3.0)

🔵2229:Human sent probe 『Quantum』,with 20 times the light speed,two times higher than the last probe,approximately reaching  andromeda in less than a million years.(Quantum project)


🟣2230:D.trample wins the American election,with 567 electoral votes.

🟣2231:But in future investigation ,D.trample only gets 271 electoral votes.(Trample cheating incident)

🟡2232:Riots broke out in the U.S.Supporters of the opposite side,Helen began to rebel in Washington.(Cheating conflict)

🟡2233:China and Nova Russia supported the rebels.

🟡2234:Quebec rebels joined,upgraded into a civil world war.

🟡2235:Quebec rebels quickly surrendered,while Helen rebels took over Washington,Oregon,Idaho and. Montana.British Columbia soon fell.

🔵2236:Gayá Project was officially finished.(Finishing of Gayá project)

🟡2237:Rebels Gained Wyoming and Dakotas.

🟡2238:Rebels captured all western regions and Texas.

🟣🟡🔴2239:Washing D.C. surrendered,United States of Columbia(USC or US) was created.(Creation of USC)(Treaty of St.Antonia)


🔵2240:Six Majors built their own space army,meaning SH no longer can control space resources.(Space Army project)

🔵2241:The first space army was built.

🟣2242:Six Majors decided to end the Cold War first to gain control of SH.(Ending of Cold War)(Treaty of Anyang)

🟡2243:SH fired a nuke at Shanghai,but failed.(SH nuclear incident)

⚪️2244:WSA member Doctor Strange Protected New York sanctum from SH’s WMD.WSA got much more international attention.

🔴2245: WSA members went to SH’s headquarters:Saô paoló,to end this nonsense.(Treaty of Saô paoló)

🟢2246:Cosmos company joined the war by buying SH companies.Now,SH started have an economic war with SMTMEA.

🟢2247:The Rothschild family is no longer the richest family.Leo surpassed it by 0.1 trillion dollars,making his net worth to 60.2 trillion dollars.This strongly impacted the Cosmos company,suprassing Bilbil as the second alrgest company in the world.

⚪️2248:WSA former member Ancient One declared that the world should become peaceful.(Declaration of peace in New York)

🟣2249:China left Six Majros for a year because of the peace declaration.(Leave of China in 2249)


⚪️2250:WSA decided to wake Leo when there is a person left.(Leo dision)

🟣2251:Six Majors and SH made the United Earth Government (UEG)(Creation of UEG)(Meeting of Bogotá)

🟣2252:China and Nova Russia left UEG.

🟣2253:China and Russia made their own alliance,China Russia(CR).(Creation of CR)

🔴🟡2254:Isreal annexed Eritrea and Djibouti.(Israel-African war)(Treaty of Jeddah)

🟣2255:Both WSA and SMTMEA decided to cancel UEG.Therefore,China and Nova Russia decided to cancel CR.

🟣2256:For the first time,the Russian Soviet party lost the election.

🟠2257:U.S. made the A.I. J.A.R.V.I.S.

🟠2258:Soon,E.U.followed and made F.R.I.D.A.Y.

🟠2259:China made C.O.D.E.X. A.I.which was used in analazing at WSA.(Creation of three intelligence)


🟡🔴2261:China annexed part of Austria.(Treaty of Leon)(China-EU conflict,2261)

🔵2262:Cosmos company started the hexagon project.In this project,people can buy a hexagon-shaped spaceship,which have furnitures and supplies in it.It will only take a few hours to reach Jupiter.Soon,the spaceship will land on Jupiter’s moon.(The hexagon project)

🟢2263:Israel's economy rating ran closer to Nova Russia,probably becoming one of six majors in the 2290s.

🟣2264:The fifth nation was founded in New Stalingrad,which target was to revolutionize the entire world into a communist country.(Foundation of the fifth nation)

🟢2265:Cosmos became the second largest company in the world,just behind the bank of Hebrew,starting another conflict in the world stock market.

⚪️2266:China does not use provenance anymore,China divides itself into 300 metropolitan areas.(Redivision of China)

🟢2267:Bank of Hebrew announced that it was no longer under control the the Israeli government.Israel responses,causing the company fell into deep debts.

🟢2268:SMTMEA response,causing Israel losing more than one trillion dollars.

🟢2269:WSA organized a WSA company,directly a property of WSA,in order to save money for future incidents.

🟢2270:The S.E.T.I. the program started.It’s target is to found life outside Earth.

⚪️2271:Leo’s cyrionics cell was founded.

⚪️2272:Leo woke up.The start of When humans shine in the cosmos.

Chapter 9:The Illuminati war:Australia and Java/1



 It was a beautiful day in the Outback.But it was also a very different day.Sydney was filled with the flag of China.

 Everything needed to start over again.Just after conquering and annexing India,Leo ordered to invade Australia.The director was not others,but Zhang Bei Hai and Li Tin Yi.

(Days ago,Java sea)

 Australia had many dangerous animals:snakes,spiders,and crocodiles.Was it possible to let these animals fight for humans?If they,China will definitely win this war.Li had studied about animals before,so he knew this was possible.But how?Even if future technology can teach animals to act like humans,they still need a lot of time.

 But Zhang wasn't stuck with the question.』Why don’t we just use the poison of the animals?』He asked.

 『You mean developing a WMD?’replied Li.』It is possible.But I repeat again,we don’t have enough time.』

 『Dang!’shouted Zhang.』How about…』

  That’s when Leo came into the room.』Seems like there’s a brainstorm.』he said.

 『Well,we don’t have any ideas.’replied Zhang.

 After listening to their stories,Leo fell into deep thinking.

  『I am an animal myself,is it possible to teach other animals to speak?』he asked.

  『Sire!』Li laughed.』We don’t even understand why you can speak!』

  『I said,we can just use the poisons!』cried Zhang.』Do we have enough time?』

  『Of course!』Leo smiled.』Li,don’t be in a hurry.』

   So that’s it!China now has the best weapon against Australia!

   If China wanted to contain Australia as a colony,it needed two islands:Sumatra and Java.This time,Philippines cooperated with China.A huge war broke out in the sea of Java.

 Both the coalition and Chinese-pact used more than fifteen aircraft carriers and hundreds of smaller war boats.Nuclear submarines were also used in this war for the first time.The U.S.S.and the H.M.Z. all joined the war.But they were no match for the Chinese.

 Before the war,Leo knew that the Chinese navy force would be crushed against the western.He decided to use the Calcutta strategy again.But the truth was,this strategy was impossible to use on water.

 That’s when it hit Leo.Long ago in the 1930s,humans had developed a computer.It is possible to use auto-flying planes,which was used by the U.S.A.back in the British Isles war.According to his spies,he can easily code the planes to crash straight to the carriers.

 On the 5th of march,a plane crashed into the USS aircraft carrier.A big hole appeared on the side of the ship.Then,a second plane flew into the hole and exploded in the carrier,causing thousands of deaths.At last,the third plane crashed straight into the headqualine of the ship,completely destroying it.

 China lost more than seventy planes,but destroyed twenty-three enemy’s aircraft carriers.The coalition retreated to Darwin,which was quickly captured by Chinese troops.U.S.A.almost lost all of its aircraft carriers,and resigned from the coalition.Seeing the coalition will surely lose,U.S.A.persuade Philippines and became a Allie of China.U.S.A.knocked down the British troops in Canada,then stopped the war.While Philippines was still fighting with China in the Pacific.

 (A week later,Sedney)

  The harsh war of Australia finally ended,and the Chinese flag rose on the city.

  After capturing Darwin,it became harder and harder for China to capture the Outback.

 The old strategy of cutting troops in small pieces just didn’t work.Also,it was impossible for the Chinese troops using the river because the rivers in the outback was basically dried all year long.So,Leo decided to use the planes again.This time not attack the aircraft carriers,but the cities.

 It was the most horrible day ever.Thirty planes flew on the city of Sydney.Every plane was in full fuel,which let the planes had the power as a continental missile.These planes crashed everywhere in the city and completely destroyed it.The states of New South Wales Quickly surrendered.With it,Chinese troops started encircling the state of Victoria,capturing the cities of Brisbane and Adelaide.Seeing the chances were gone,the Australian government surrendered.With it,the war of the first coalition,also known as the Illuminati war,ended.

Chapter 8:The Illuminati war:India/1


 The people’s Congress which was just formed in 1947,decided a lot things these 48 hours.Especially,declared war to the coalition.Not only the former three declared war,also including the Philippines,who started importing war supplies to the coalition.But Leo saw a chance.U.K. kept all the colonies,including Hong Kong,Australia and Indian subcontinent.It China don’t help Nova Russia,it is clear that U.K. and E.U. will easily form a continental blockade.But,helping Nova Russia is not good for China.Can China defeat the coalition ?Possibly not.Although the Chinese Federation had already

founded in the early 1940s,but Leo,Estonia,and the people’s congress,haven't decided on the office Flag yet.If China went to war with the coalition,it was almost sure that the country would fall into chaos.Also,the people were tired of war.

 But again,Leo changed history ,by declaring war.

 『I declare war on the coalition,『said Leo.

 And so it did.The First coalition war began.

 Same had Napoleon,Leo’s strategy was FAST.If he wasn’t fast enough,it let the Chinese economy struggle.Chinese economy was dropping since 1910.It didn’t come up until Leo was on stage.A bad economy means that the people won’t be happy,causing riots,and there’s no chance for China to win.

 One of the most famous war is the war of Goa.It’s so fast that when Zhang Bei Hai did a map scenario of this war(in 2272,on YouTube),he need to count in half minutes.This war lasted for 35 minutes and 43 seconds,broke the record of the British-Zanzibar war and became the fastest war in the entire human history.

 Before the war,early before new year,there were Chinese aircraft carriers waiting outside of the city.Bombing planes flew out,and destroyed all military and government buildings in just 5 minutes.The, with the cover of the air forces,land forces stated to pour out.Then,after grabbing the coastline,the land forces started to encircle the British troops then wiped out them.In 15 minutes,two-third of Goa fell into the Chinese hands.

 The last two minutes,was a struggle.U.K. finally realized what was happening and sent troops.The attack position turned into the northeast and the Southeast of the city.But in the 26th minute in the war,China also launched a war in Mumbai.Mumbai was much more important than Goa,so the troops in Goa went there.Saw the support was gone,the Government in Goa surrendered to Chinese forces.

 After getting Goa,the next step was Sri Lanka.If China can get Sri Lanka,that means China will soon control the entire Bangladeshi Bay.But always,a single person ruined everything,his name was Mahatma Gandhi.

 Gandhi’s dream was to build a democratic India.But,he soon realized that if India gained its independence,it was almost sure that the African countries will follow him.Later,Europe will fell into deep chaos.Capitalism is falling everywhere in the world.Even Leo left the party and made his own Lime Green Party.So,China was more like a democratic government.If India dare to stand up against him,Leo can easily cut off the supplies by simply stop importing their crops.He could not make a capitalist government meanwhile have a good relationship with other countries.So,he decided to change future India’s ideology.


 The revolution has now begun!The people’s republic of Hindonestan was founded.But in Hangzhou,Leo was furious.The revolution was good,but it was just in the wrong place:near Sri Lanka..If Hindonestan took over Sri Lanka first,he couldn’t.So,he changed his plan.He need to cut  British Raj into two pieces.But,it was clearly not easy as it seems.To do this ,Leo need to capture three cities:Mumbai,Calcutta and Delhi.

 The first war took place in Calcutta.The navy followed the river until approach a town called Howard.The army landed and lay an ambush on them.While the British army was fighting in Mumbai,the Chinese had already taken over Howrah.Then,Chinese troops followed the river and captured another town:Bally.At last,Leo commanded a full scale invasion of the eastern coast after occupied Dankuni.They marched into the centre of Calcutta.Days later,China gained Dhaka,Yangon and Jeddah port,meaning the fully control of the east coast of British Raj.

 Then,China finally sent help to the Mumbai forces.Mumbai is actually a peninsula,so the support was manly navy.The navy sailed near the city and made a surprise attack.Then,they cut off the link between the main British Raj and Mumbai.To the British’s surprise,the Chinese troops had been divided into tens of thousands teams.In emergency,even two people that basically don’t know each other can became a team.The British were often be ambushed and surrendered.Just half a day,Mumbai fell.Leo’s lightning war was successful.But,he need to retreat.The war had more casualties than he expected.Also,the flag haven’t be decided yet.This time,Leo did a bigger impact to British by using almost no army.


 Today,a brand new flag with a brand new national anthem appeared in the capital,Beijing.It seems like that Leo didn’t want to stay at war with Britain.But no.His plan was to stop importing crops to British Raj.Imstead,as Gandhi expected,China stopped importing crops to British Raj.Leo thought it will work.But in fact,it didn’t.So,Leo launched a full scale invasion of India.

 The rest of Asia,almost all colonized,declared war on China.There were other supporting forces,such as U.S.A. and E.U.China did ask the Philippines for help,but they refused.It seems like they were also fighting against falling economy.Now,Leo could not do anything but fight for this war,although there’s no chance for he to win…Really?

 But don’t forget,Mumbai,Goa and Calcutta,three of India’s most important cities had fallen into his hands.After more advancement in Bangladesh and Pakistan,Leo marched straight to Delhi.

 The army used again the strategy in Goa.Covered in smokes of the bombs,thousands of soldiers wearing anti-radiation suit captured the river.But the coalition fought hard.So this time,Leo combined the starlegy of both the war of Goa and Calcutta.

 The truth is,this was a huge success.Delhi,after three days of harsh fighting,finally surrender.With it,China crushed the British from all four sides,dividing India with Hindunistan.

(But Leo is sometimes careless.The true treaty will sign all the way until Estonia was on stage.)

 After getting Goa,the next step was Sri Lanka.If China can get Sri Lanka,that means China will soon control the entire Bangladeshi Bay.But always,a single person ruined everything,his name was Mahatma Gandhi.

 Gandhi’s dream was to build a democratic India.But,he soon realized that if India gained its independence,it was almost sure that the African countries will follow him.Later,Europe will fell into deep chaos.Capitalism is falling everywhere in the world.Even Leo left the party and made his own Lime Green Party.So,China was more like a democratic government.If India dare to stand up against him,Leo can easily cut off the supplies by simply stop importing their crops.He could not make a capitalist government meanwhile have a good relationship with other countries.So,he decided to change future India’s ideology.


 The revolution has now begun!The people’s republic of Hindonestan was founded.But in Hangzhou,Leo was furious.The revolution was good,but it was just in the wrong place:near Sri Lanka..If Hindonestan took over Sri Lanka first,he couldn’t.So,he changed his plan.He need to cut  British Raj into two pieces.But,it was clearly not easy as it seems.To do this ,Leo need to capture three cities:Mumbai,Calcutta and Delhi.

 The first war took place in Calcutta.The navy followed the river until approach a town called Howard.The army landed and lay an ambush on them.While the British army was fighting in Mumbai,the Chinese had already taken over Howrah.Then,Chinese troops followed the river and captured another town:Bally.At last,Leo commanded a full scale invasion of the eastern coast after occupied Dankuni.They marched into the centre of Calcutta.Days later,China gained Dhaka,Yangon and Jeddah port,meaning the fully control of the east coast of British Raj.

 Then,China finally sent help to the Mumbai forces.Mumbai is actually a peninsula,so the support was manly navy.The navy sailed near the city and made a surprise attack.Then,they cut off the link between the main British Raj and Mumbai.To the British’s surprise,the Chinese troops had been divided into tens of thousands teams.In emergency,even two people that basically don’t know each other can became a team.The British were often be ambushed and surrendered.Just half a day,Mumbai fell.Leo’s lightning war was successful.But,he need to retreat.The war had more casualties than he expected.Also,the flag haven’t be decided yet.This time,Leo did a bigger impact to British by using almost no army.


 Today,a brand new flag with a brand new national anthem appeared in the capital,Beijing.It seems like that Leo didn’t want to stay at war with Britain.But no.His plan was to stop importing crops to British Raj.Imstead,as Gandhi expected,China stopped importing crops to British Raj.Leo thought it will work.But in fact,it didn’t.So,Leo launched a full scale invasion of India.

 The rest of Asia,almost all colonized,declared war on China.There were other supporting forces,such as U.S.A. and E.U.China did ask the Philippines for help,but they refused.It seems like they were also fighting against falling economy.Now,Leo could not do anything but fight for this war,although there’s no chance for he to win…Really?

 But don’t forget,Mumbai,Goa and Calcutta,three of India’s most important cities had fallen into his hands.After more advancement in Bangladesh and Pakistan,Leo marched straight to Delhi.

 The army used again the strategy in Goa.Covered in smokes of the bombs,thousands of soldiers wearing anti-radiation suit captured the river.But the coalition fought hard.So this time,Leo combined the starlegy of both the war of Goa and Calcutta.

 The truth is,this was a huge success.Delhi,after three days of harsh fighting,finally surrender.With it,China crushed the British from all four sides,dividing India with Hindunistan.

(But Leo is sometimes careless.The true treaty will sign all the way until Estonia was on stage.)

Chapter 7:A brand new country/1



  『The meeting went very well,’said Estonia.

  『Yes,I agree.’replied Leo.

  『Now,should we change the flag?』asked Estonia.

  The treaty of Yalta recreated the Earth.China gained all of the Soviet Republics,Afghanistan,Turkey,Koreas,Japan,southeast Asia peninsula and Mongolia.Meanwhile,U.K.again became the British Empire.All of their colonies still remained.And for Europe,they United.United States didn’t get anything,except all of America(not including Canada).

  So,the world stepped into the three majors era.But a small country in Southeast Asia also became large.The Philippines,who helped China way back in the southeast Asian war,got Borneo,Sulawesi and New Guinea.

  But,the world had only a few countries left,and different cultures were mixed.To make the definition clear,the world was divided into 195 regions.(Equals to 195 countries nowadays)

  As you can see,the treaty totally changed the world.

  『Finally,world peace can come.’said Estonia.

  『Really?』asked Leo.

  『You want world war three?』Estonia asked.

  『Hehehe…』Leo smiled.The world still has another war.But then,he yawned.

  『I really need to sleep.』He said to himself.』As for the war,just wait for the correct chance.』


  『Bro!It’s 12 p.m.!’shouted Estonia.

  『Wha…what?』Leo climbed out of the bed and rubbed his eyes.

  『Quick!Could you decide on the national animal now?』asked Estonia.

   『Right,fox.』!Leo said.

   『Seriously!』Estonia was angry.

   『Panda panda.』Leo replied.

   Estonia signed.』How many times did you spend on sleeping during the war?』

   『Four to five hours I guess?』asked Leo.』I am really tired.』

   『You really need to train yourself.Your physical health is extremely dropping.』

   『Alright.Just let me sleep.I think there will be a war in a few months.』

   『Stop joking!』

    But as usual,although this was only a joke,Leo was again correct.War didn’t end.Even didn’t after the next Illuminati war.Consequences of the World War Two pulled the war long.From 1939 to 2049,world peace will never come.And just after a few years,Leo will lost his sister.They just didn’t know. Now,the Illuminati war was silently beginning.


  Nuclear clouds covered the world and acid rain began to fall.2 billion people were living in the bunkers.Fortunately,nobody in the world will never starve.China’s Professors,had already invented grains and vegetables that can grow underground.China imported millions of tons of food to the world almost free.

 World eco-system was about to collapse.No animals or trees can live on the ground.But in the underground cities,there were animals already.

  In this happy new year,a war began.Joseph Stalin,who had already fly to Greenland,started a revolution.He claimed that Greenland was his,and quickly occupied Nuke.Denmark government surrendered,and soon,a new country had been created:The Soviet Socialist Republic of Greenland,or so as called Nova Russia.

 U.K. and E.U.(European Union)were furious when they found out about the incident.Soon,they made a coalition and declared war.Soon,U.S.joined too.

 Meanwhile,Leo’s pressure was about 10000 tons.China’s power was no match for the coalition.Can he do it?

Chapter 6:Defeat the Axis/1



『Look,the planes came again,『said Daito Akio.

  『Don’t be disturbed by that,they come every day!’said another person.

  Meanwhile,on the jets,two skilled pilots were doing the most dangerous flight ever in history.

  『Bei Hai,can you hear me?』

  『Yes,Tin Yi.』

  『Are you afraid?』

  『Why would you ask this question?Yno,I’m not scared!』

  『Hahaha….』Li Tin Yi burst into laugh.

  『Li(Tin Yi),focus on the mission.Target 2 kilometres away.’said Estonia to the Russian S.S.R.She looked at the map.』Your』e at nearly the position.』

  『Target 1 kilometre away!』

  『Target 500 metres away!』

  『Drop the bomb!』

  Zhang Bei Hai pushed the red button.The nuclear bomb dropped into the city.Zhang and Li flew away as fast as they can.First,they flew up at 20 degrees ,after 5 seconds,30 degrees,10 seconds,40 degrees….40 seconds after throwing the bomb,a mushroom cloud appeared behind them.

  Leo added a spoonful of green tea powder into his cup.He knew,the Japanese army’s surrender is not will they surrender,but when they surrender.


   ``Great Leader,nuclear research had already begun all over the Empire.』

Imm    『 MMM!’said Hitler.』Quick!Quick!Our non-aggression pact with Leo is just a trick.If the time is here,we will explode the whole China!』

    Meanwhile in the air,two skilled pilots(and also our best friends)Zhang Bei Hai and Li tin Yi were flying above Hitler.Here is another diary,written by Zhang Bei Hai.

     (Zhang’s Dairy)

      『Zhang,Can you hear me?』This was the first speech that I heard when I arrived in Hamburg.

      『Yes,I can.』

      『This time we are carrying ten fat missle.Feeling great?』

     『No!I was under a lot of pressure.』

     『Just calm down.Just feel like you’re travelling around the German Empire.You are going to ten cities:Hamburg,Bremen,Amsterdam,Calais,Caen,Brest,Bilbo,Porto,Lisbon and Barcelona.』

      『Yeah!Time to destroy the German  nuclear factories!』

      (A Chinese Newspaper on that day)

      At 5:30 am Yesterday,two skilled pilots flew along the Nazi Germany.Ten nuclear factories had been destroyed.All of the German nuclear experience were gone,including their 『Glorious』leader Adolf  Hitler.He was listening to the staff when the bomb dropped.The new elected president:Erwin J.E.Rommel,said that he can’t forget about what Leo had done. Rommel declared war on China an hour later.

      Meanwhile,the two pilots are still 『travelling』 through the Empire. They arrived at their 9th station,Lisbon,just as the same time,an hour before.They will arrive at their final destination:Barcelona about three hours later.Leo said that he will give the two pilots three star generals.

     Lot’s of famous professors,such as Albert Einstein,had gathered with Mao at Jinggangshan,Jiangxi.Will the 『desert fox』 defeat the 『fox of China』?This will be their topic.

  『Nazi Germany’s plan to conquer the world will never be successful!’said Leo.

   [7-4-1945,Ural mountains]

  『Who did you talk with on the telephone?』asked Estonia.

  『Charles de Gaulle,『replied Leo.』The U.K. and French colony in Africa united.The controlled all of the continent.He talked to me about the alliance,which I had told you earlier.』Although Leo’s speaking May seem special,Estonia noticed that he called the British Empire 『U.K.』

  『You’re very confident,『 said Estonia. 『You’re even looking down at the western powers.』

  『Yeah Yeah.’said Leo.

  Seven days after the nuclear incident,Leo exploded the nuclear factories of Nazi Germany.He pretended that the U.S.A. did it.And of course,this is the first time that Estonia said he is foxy.

  Now, one thousand,five hundred and seventy six nuclear missiles were ready to launch at Germany.They were chilling at the border line.

  『I am sure that the…..』

   An explosion let Estonia shut up.Zhang Bei Hai kicked open the door,which made Leo shocked.

   『What happened?』cired Leo.

   『Sire,the enemy troops had gathered up and had a surprise attack!We need to act!!!』

   『Aircraft army!Highest command!One Nuclear bomb for each plane!Fire!!』Leo shouted as loud as he could to the telephone.Then,he turned to Zhang.

   『General,you are going to direct the operation!The god’s are on our side,good luck!』

   After Zhang left,Leo told Estonia:

  『Tell the citizens of the ports on this paper,evacuate!』

   『Wh…why?』Estonia asked.

  『Nuclear bombs.We’re gonna nuke them.’replied Leo.

   『Are you out of your mind?』asked Estonia.』Care about them!』

   『So this is why I let you tell them to evacuate!』Leo shouted at Estonia.

   Once again.another hard task was here.Two options:Nuke or don’t nuke.This chose the entire ending of World War Two.The world switched and switched.From a nuclear wasteland or Nazi hell,Estonia will choose it.

   『Do it!’she cried.

   Leo picked the telephone.』Zhang,Li,there’s more flying to do.』


   Zhang Bei Hai and Li Tin Yi,were going to do the mission.(again!)

 (Zhang Bei hai’s diary)

 『I can say you’re much better than last time !’said Li Tin Yi.

 『Yes,Yes.』I said.』Just like you said,feeling like traveling above Germany!』

 ``Ready,next stop,one kilometre ahead,ready to drop at Rotterdam!Listen to command,drop in 5,4,3,2,1!』

    I drop the nuclear bomb and open the auto poliot.The plane will flew to the city of Galle.I pushed down the seat grabbed my blanket.I started to imagine about the scene after I drop the nuclear bomb.A missile drop down,the Uranium atoms split in half,one by one.Then,a huge power explode out of the iron shell.A mushroom cloud appears in the sky.The buildings and port are completely destroyed,and deadly acid rain started to fell.The people in the bunkers can only felt fear,and they can’t sleep for the whole night.

  『They can’t sleep for the whole night,but you can.It’s 11pm.Are you tired?』

 『Definitely !』I replied.』Goodnight,Tin Yi.』

  『Good night,Bei Hai.』

 (The second day)

  The alarm clock woke me up.I opened my eyes,and saw the city Galle.

  『Hi,BeI Hai,ready to work?』asked Li.

  I grabbed my breakfast and ate it quickly.After that,I turned off the autopilot.The sky was blue and clouds were white.What a beautiful day!It’s a pity that it’s going to be destroyed.

 I dropped the nukes like I usually do.I flew straight forward…

 『You fly straight forward?You IDIOT!’shouted Li,angrily.

 That’s when I realized that I and my plane will disappear in the nuclear explosion.I am not high enough to escape!I was freaked out.

 I turned almost 90 degrees up.Although I escaped,my fuel was not enough.

 Li sighed.』Fine.Drop the two other nukes in Lisbon,Madrid,Toronto.Flew to the United States and add more fuel.Leo won’t punish you.』

  (Days later…)

  『My fuel is going to be 10 percent!』I cried.

 『Don’t be scared….I can see land!’shouted Li.

 What’s a miracle!I escaped from the nuclear fire,dropped three other nuclear bombs,and returned to New York.I imagined I returned to China,stepped on our glorious fatherland once again.I now finally knew that life is the most important thing to a human….

  『Hey!Hey!We are allied troops!Why did these people keep shooting bombs at us?』

   『What?』I shouted to Zhang.

  My heart suddenly became as cold as Antarctica.We can’t land on New York!

  『Zhang!I found out!Can you see a black cross on one of the flags?』asked Li.

  『Nazis!』I cried.『They have already captured the city?』

  We flew further south,and the only thing that I kept looking at was my fuel tank.We flew over Philadelphia,Baltimore and Washington D.C.And what’s more,they were all captured by Germany.

   『My fuel tank is going to be empty!』I speaked to Zhang.

    『Wait….Wait…..Hold on….』

   『My fuel tank is empty!』I screamed.

     『Jump!Jump!』Zhang shouted to me.I had no choice but to jump.

    (The next day)

     Last night,I jumped off the plane and fell into a city.The great news was:the city was not occupied by Germany.The name of the city is Richmond,the capital of the Confederate states of America.And when I dropped on the land(it’s a bit chaotic),I met the highest commander of the American army:General Douglas Mikeauthor.

  『Don’t be worried.The American troops are gathering at the border line.Thanks to your nuclear support,the allies are going to strike back!』

(12-6-1945,China,Hangzhou )

 Snow started to fall.

 『Leo,time to move in the bunkers.』Estonia said.

 『Okay,please wait.’replied Leo.

 『You seem to be under a lot of stress these days.』Estonia said.


  1572 nuclear bombs had all been dropped in the last two months, according to data,90% of the German air force had been destroyed.But,as the land force wore anti-nuclear suits,our attack hardly disturbed them.So,Leo has secretly started a operation.One month ago,a troop with 1 million soldiers walked across the the border between Russia S.S.R. and Kazakh S.S.R.the didn’t attack much,but they did attack important cities.The German were confused because they’re basically capturing a long,thin land.

  But the truth is,they were wrong.After the 1 million army reached Istanbul,they stopped.The Nazi forces tried to break into the city,but their plans had all failed.

  Then,a large force,with 5 million people,attacked.They followed the route of the 1 million army,and got supplies from the cities they had captured.They gained European Kazakh S.S.R.In ten days,Caucasus in two weeks,outer Caucasus in a week,Turkey in another week,and Balkan Peninsula in a month.Although they received more and more attack,the kept going,all the way into Munich.At the same time,the allied won the war of Liverpool,and they also kept tooling over the British Isles.

The British Isles war had high casualties.But if the allies can’t get them,it will be impossible for them to start the new operation.

 First,they need to decide the position of landing.After defeating the


  Directed by general George S Barton,the allies landed in Normandy,France.

  Actually,this operation was preparing for a long time,since China took over Turkey.They tried to let Germany think they will land on Galle.But,they were landing on Normandy,On a rainy night, battleships with a million soldiers on them,had a surprise attack on Normandy.The Germany’s casualties were ten times more than the Allies.Meanwhile,Chinese troops land on Italy.In just a week,the troops pushed to the southern Alps,while the others liberation France.But still,Germany was there.So,Leo launched the greatest attack in all of the war,and this operation explained my title:Operation Illuminati.

 And why was this operation famous?Because they stopped a disaster.


 It’s almost midnight.Leo was sleeping in his bedroom.Suddenly,a flash of light woke him up.

 『What?』Leo rubbed his eyes.

 『What’s that?』asked Estonia.

 『I don’t know.』answered Leo.

 『General!』Li burst into the door.』An unknown nuclear bomb had just flown into the border of Zhejiang province!We had nowhere to hide!』

 『What?』exclaimed Leo.

 『Now who can help us?』asked Estonia.

 『Nobody but…』


  The sound of an explosion came into everyone’s ears.

  『Who fired the missile?』asked Estonia.


  The truth is,the people who fired the missiles were the soldiers at the Illuminati operation.Leo thanked them for saving his life and gave a lot of rewards to them.They traveled through mountains and oceans,and finally,they arrived.

  While the first operation was still holding the enemy in the Balkan Peninsula,the 『Illuminati's Came.They were not going to attack in the Balkans,but in Norway.

   They had a speed run and captured Stockholm,Oslo,and Copenhagen.Rommel knew this will be his last chance to win.He push the Chinese soldiers away with no resist.But it was a trap already set.Germany regained Balkan Peninsula and Eastern Europe in half a year.But the allies also captured Western Germany and Central Germany.But if the German reached Istanbul,everything’s done.A thousand nuclear bombs were stored there.If Germany captured the city,the allies will absolutely lose.

 But as I said before,it was a trap.

 As the German troops reached about 26 kilometers to Istanbul,the found out that Berlin has been captured.The returned their heads and wanted to save Rommel.When they arrived at Prague,they again found out that Balkan Peninsula has been again captured by the allies.And what’s more,they were trapped in Czechoslovakia.Historians called this as the Illuminati trap.On the final,last day(the date that I write on this chapter)the last and the most significant battle of all World War Two begun.

 Li and Zhang directly commanded the war.But,Zhang’s brother,Zhang Wei Si,is the person who actually joined the war.

 Unfortunately,the Chinese government lost the document during WWWA(World war west Asia).But,according to Leo,who listened to Wei’s story,we still can write about the whole incident.

 Although Wei Si was only a small soldier,he was the main show.Night before the war,he suffered from insomnia.He could not sleep,just like Leo before the second invasion of Soviet Union.He walked outside of his camp.That’s when he saw a bag of grain.It is clear that it isn’t come from China,because it had DEUTSCH on it.He walked straight forward.Then,he saw a whole mountain of grains.He called his friends and investigated.At last,he used his match to light the entire grain mountain in fire.

 The German troops were out of food.They had no choice but to surrender.Leo soon found out who was the true man to destroy them…

『Wei Si,welcome to the General club.

Chapter 5:Soviet Union is in my hand/1



  『Leo,our troops are very tired after the war.Do you let them even sleep in these 3 days?』asked Estonia.

  『Yes,I did.But I think it’s time to take a rest.’said Leo.He took a deep breath.


   『We don’t need that much.But please help with the Chinese Manchurian army.』

  『So,that means you accepted the request?』

  『Yes.『answered Leo,signing his name on the treaty.『We are also supporting the Communist Party.』

  『Good.And don’t forget if you tried to attack them,we will switch roles.『 said Stalin.』


    『Assembly,document number 1147:Our leader,Yan Le An asked us to invade the Soviet Union.Please say anything about the document,because you must not speak during the voting process.Yes,sir?』

    This is the People’s Assembly of China,containing 5000 voters,including people who were known on different topics.

      『I don’t agree.』a tall man stood up.He was Zhang Xue Laing,the former commander of the Manchurian warlord,and was elected as the leader of the Chinese nationalist party.』In the past years,the Soviet Union had helped us a lot,including the Manchuria war with Japan.Also,the Soviet army is one of the world’s strongest.We can't and impossible to challenge them.If we do this,means completely destroy our friendship with them that constructed in the past century.Meaning only U.S.A.the weak country that had no power to fight with Germany,is our Allie…』

     『Enough speaking?Now shut up!』cired Xi Zhong Xun,the leader of the Conmmnism  party.』Told the leader,people who only know sit and look will never become powerful!』

     At last,Leo accepted Xi’s request.He thought this was the perfect chance.Soon,he grabbed the army,closed the border,signed a nonaggression pact with Germany,and declared war.

      For Leo,the Soviet Union meant a ton of land.To gain these lands,he needed to go step by step.First,he commanded his army on Sakhalin island to move north.The navy sailed all the way to Kamchatka peninsula.They grabbed the peninsula and kept pushing.Same as last time,Stalin realized until a week later.But he reacted quickly.In just a few days,millions of soldiers arrived at the front,pushed Chinese back to Heilong river.Leo suffered his most humiliating defeat.

 But if you want to know Leo clearly,then you must know one thing:He never gives up.

Leo could not sleep for three days.There we’re only two choices for him:Surrender or keep going.

 World census reports in the 23rd century showed that more than 50 million videos about the decision had been made,and a total number of 300 thousand books had also been published about this topic.

   Except for alternate series,all books and videos showed that Leo did the second one.

   It was hard for him.Fighting in the East front was no use for winning the war.For the first time,Leo bought a Russian map.He looked at it every day.

   He looked again and again on the map and sandbox about outer Manchuria.He thought about this question for the entire three days.He was sleepy,and had a headache of course.

 Estonia was very worried.She told Leo,』Just give up.Russians can’t hurt you much.』

 But giving up for Leo,means all his hard work will disappear.China will again fall into chaos.But also,he couldn’t find an idea to still invade.

  That’s when he solved his problem in a secondary history book.That’s his history book when he was in secondary.He has n’tidies his room for days,and he decided to do it.When he saw his book,the book was at the 192th page:The treaty of Beijing.According to the book,this treaty let Russia gained 500 thousand km2 of land in the western front….

    『Attack from the western front!』Leo cried.

   Days later,China attacked from the western front,and marched into Kazakh S.S.R.Then,after reaching Ural Mountains,he attacked to the north,capturing a lot of….Well….village.Although the village was poor,they were less defended.Three days later,the troops reached the Arctic Sea.Millions of Soviet troops had been circled.They had no way to run.

 The third operation begun.The troops reached outer Manchuria again,Kamchatka peninsula again,and Berlin strait for the first time.While China attacked,Germany was doing the same thing too.Leningrad (S.t.Petersburg)fell,and Germans took over Caucasus.A.though they suffered a lot of damage during the war of Moscow,they captured the city.

      Later,Leo and Hitler sign a peace treaty in Kiev.They split the Soviet Union into two,Asian part for China,and European part for Germany.


  Leo stands in front of the vast Siberia.』Stalin……』This voice kept surrounding his brain.The Chinese army had approached the Ural Mountains.

  『I won’t regret what I have done.』Leo said to himself.

     『How long do you think we can stay here?』asked Estonia.

  『Maybe this weekend?’replied Leo.』Hitler said he will stop at the Ural Mountains.』

  『General,』it’s Peng De Huai,the highest commander of the communist  army.』These Japanese are invading Manchuria again!We should do something!』

  Leo rubbed his chin thoughtfully.Then,he made the final decision:

  『Fire the nuclear bombs.Target:Hiroshima,Nagasaki.』

  『I don’t think this will work well, General…』

  『Why?』Leo asked.

  『Radiation,』Peng said.

  『Anti-Radiation suits.’said Leo.』A very simple solution.』

  『Don’t be kidding!’said Peng.There are millions of residents in Manchuria.We don’t have enough time.』

  Leo sighed.』No other choices,tell them to move into the bunkers.』

Chapter 4:Rebuild great Qing/1

  ‘You can have a gathering-chat,you have time,right?’
  If you are good at riddles,then you must know who is man on the other side of the telephone.Adolf Hitler,the leader of Nazi Germany.
  A month after the second Pearl harbour incident,Hitler immediately cancelled the operation Barbarossa.In his own words ‘We only need to focus on the American side.’So,he put all of the troops that were going to be use in the operation into the western front.Especially,the United Kingdom.
  On the 9th March,1943,Hitler launched a fully invasion to the U.K.First was the airforce.Although the British airforce fought fiercely and destroyed twice the number of German air force ,they were still outnumbered.Hitler ordered the factory in Germany and France made more air force.The British had no chance.Germany destroyed the airports in London,Brigham,Manchester,Liverpool,Edinburgh,Belfast…they also grabbed the Channel Islands and Iceland.
  Then,the navy.Hitler didn’t want to annex U.K. so fast,so then he can plan better.Hitler used three steps to annex U.K.Step 1:He met the Irish president in Dublin.Hitler agreed to gave northern ireland and wales back after he annex U.K.Step 2:He talked to the Scottish rebels,also agreed to let them had their independence.And for step 3,that’s of course talk to Leo.
  ‘A gather-chat!’said Estonia.’That’s great!Does that mean that Hitler saw China’s skyrocket power,and he doesn't want to attack us?’
  ‘No!Hitler has already annexed the U.K. and Canada.He won’t let us go!’shouted Leo.He turned his focus to the big map of the Chinese federation.
  The federation was founded in 1942.Soon after,Leo quickly gained the Chinese territory.And it’s much bigger than Hitler does.But his proposal is different:take back,but not annex.
  Outer Mongolia is Leo’s first target.It is simple.He just needed to find the correct time. And to his surprise,the time came very quick.The anti-socialism rebel in the Soviet Union broke out in Siberia.Leo caught the chance and sent a million troops to the Soviet protester:Mongolia.
  In Mongolia,the war started in a ridiculous way.The Mongolians could not notice the difference between Chinese and Russian.The welcomed them into Ulan Bator.
  Two days later,Stalin finally noticed the issue and sort of declared war on China.But it is too late.The Chinese troop had already occupied half of Mongolia.The Chinese troop fought hard.They had three million people.A real outnumbered compared to only a quarter of Chinese.The thing that kept them fighting was delicious food.In Mainland China,Mao and his team reconstructed the poor villages into factories and cities.There are estimated 1329 supply line in the entire war.On the other hand,the Soviet troops need to travel from Moscow to the border,which means they had no supplies.After taking the important city of Mullen,the Chinese began to push north.They pushed the exhausted troops all the way into Russian S.S.R.Meanwhile,the war with Nazi Germany was very important,so 75% of the troops that were returned to the western front.
  But China didn’t stop there.They kept pushing,from Outer Manchuria to Sakhalin Island.On the 10th day of the war,the Soviet Union surrendered.China gained all the territories that had lost to Russian since the Qing Dynasty.
   Also in this period of time,Leo wanted to take back everything,everything that the Chinese controlled in history.So,he invaded  French-Indochina.With a non-aggression pact secretly signed with Japan,he took action.
   This time,Leo did it with a whole new strategy.He took over Haiphong instead of Hanoi.Then,he captured more and more coastal cities,and made a coastal blockade in just a week.The French government,without supplies,had no choice but to surrender.
  ‘Haveyou decided?’asked Hitler on the other side.
  ‘Please wait.I need to discuss with my crew.’said Leo.He didn’t know that Hitler was about to turn crazy on the other hand.Hitler turned off the telephone.
  Leo sat down of the sofa and kept thinking his memories.After doing all his stuff,Hitler’s navy force sailed across the English Channel.Winston Churchill did his great speech again and again.The British were more united than ever before.But when he was talking on the stage in Liverpool,a mysterious killer shot him.Churchill fell down the stage and crowd went quiet.After the leader dead,U.K.fell,and so as Greenland and Canada.Hitler finally achieved his goal,and more and more refugee came into China and India.
  ‘Sir,a refugee came to see you.’said Mao,stepping into the room.
  Leo stood up and opened his eyes.The refugee had messy silver hair and wore a black suit.He is also carrying a violin.Leo knew  the elderly refugee for sure:his name is Albert Einstein.
  ‘Professor,what happened to you?You looks like tired.’asked Leo with respect.
  Einstein sighed.’A lot of things,a lot of things.’But then,he looked straight at Leo.
  ‘Today,I bring my invention.’said Einstein,seriously.He took out a chalk and wrote on a small chalkboard :E=mc2.
  ‘This is my equation,although the mass is small,if the speed is enough,it can also release a large amount of energy.If you use a normal proton to collide with uranium,it can release the biggest power that humanity has ever made.’
  ‘Professor,this is a great idea.An nuclear bomb.Why don’t you talk to Roosevelt?’
  ‘What?’Einstein exclaimed.’My goal is not let this be a deadly weapon.It can be a great source of electricity!
  ‘Professor,I now know why you didn’t told Roosevelt about your invention.U.S.A. is developing nuclear bomb like the Manhattan Project,right?’
  ‘Yes.’sighed Einstein.’I don’t expect you and your government to think the same…I regret telling you about this.’
  Three months later,the first nuclear bomb exploded in the gobi desert.
  ‘This will let the war go on in an unpredictable way.’whispered Estonia.
  ‘I don’t know,but it’s the allies’ last chance.

Chapter 3:Disney of the republic/1



   Leo became the third president of the Republic of China.

  After Chiang’s death,the Japanese captured Nanjing and Hangzhou.Leo needed to find a new,stronger ally.

  『Welcome,Mr Joseph,’said Leo.

  『I have decided already.The Soviet Union will help China with a million soldiers.『said Joseph Stalin.

  『We don’t need that much.But please help with the Chinese Manchurian army.』

  『So,that means you accepted the request?』

  『Yes.『answered Leo,signing his name on the treaty.『We are also supporting the Communism Party.』

  『Good.And don’t forget if you tried to attack them,we will switch the role.『 said Stalin,he looked at Leo.

  Weeks later,the first troop of Soviet army arrived at Hei Long River.Half a million Soviet troop attacked from East and West Manchuria.Meanwhile,the Nationalist-Communism army of the Chinese republic had a surprise attack at Taiyuan.They push straight forward to the coast of China sea and cut Japanese army in half.Then, the land army wiped out the Japanese troops.The Japanese retreated to Korean Peninsula.

  [7-3-1943,Yan An]

  Leo stood on the yellow land of this western city.He took a deep breath, and then walked into the building.He sat down on the chair.The people in front of him all turned their faces.

  『Mr.Yan,it is our pleasure that you come here,’said the leader of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP),Mao Ze Dong.

  『Mao, I think we should stop these useless argues.’said Leo.『Although our ideology is different,we had the same goal:create a better, stronger China.』

  『Certainly.’said Mao.』What do you want us to do?』

  『Last year I’ve been to the USSR.I see lot’s of anti-government people being killed,sent into the army,and the 『5 year plan』 is just a joke.But,I also see that their economy in poor regions skyrocketed.』

  『You mean…』Mao’s eyes shined with delight.

  『I want to let the poor,landlocked provinces use  Communism’s ideology,but the rich provinces use Capitalism ideology.This can make our economy grow all over the republic.』

  Mao and Leo stood up and shook hands.They signed the treatment immediately.

  『General,god saves the republic,and you’re the god!』Leo said to Mao.He walked out of the meeting room.He looked at the yellow land and blue sky.But meanwhile,a war,9054 kilometres away,changed the history.Meaning the final victory of the AXIS POWER.

  [a month later,Pearl harbour]

  Commanded by Japanese navy commander Yamamoto Isoroku,Japan sent 5 aircraft carriers and hundreds of planes to Pearl Harbor.These planes were flew by the best pilots in the Japanese Empire.In 1941,Japan also directed a attack,but as everyone know,they didn’t destroy some of most important places.So,Yamamoto decided to do it again,with more army.

  It’s a sunny day.American soldiers were relaxing on the ships.Suddenly,they saw Japanese aircrafts.A American soldier,David Liechtenstein recorded the disaster in his diary:

   『They quickly broad on the carriers and on their positions.But it was still too late.Besides the aircrafts,there were also five advanced Japanese aircraft carriers.Hundred of planes flew up,and shot thousands of missiles to the harbour.The American army was not even prepared.』

  Although the Japanese Empire didn’t destroyed the U.S. airforce and navy base on the 1941 first Pearl Harbour incident,they did it this time.Even if the soldiers wanted to run away,it is also impossible.The fire was so big that the carbon dioxide covered all the oxygen.All of the island became a completely wasteland after the attack.Almost everyone on the island died.

  This is a disaster for the pacific navy.The attack lasted for three days and completely destroyed the U.S. fleet.After that,the Japanese Empire took over Midway and Honolulu.The U.S. troops surrendered with almost no resistance.

Chapter 2:Start your business/1


  Polished version:

On February 16, 1943, in Hong Kong, Leo and Estonia were having a conversation about Leo's new business venture. "This is my company," Leo said to his sister. "Cool! I didn't know you chose business when you were at university," exclaimed Estonia. "I have a hundred thousand pounds now," replied Leo. "That's a lot of money," he added. "And I had a long story to tell you..."

"Why are you calculating with pounds?" Estonia asked. "Never mind. We use the pound because the currency in the British Empire is the most stable on Earth," answered Leo. "Right, why are you here?" he realized something.

"Chiang had been assassinated," said Estonia.

"I already knew years ago. What's the point?" Leo asked.

"The council had chosen a new leader to replace the current one," Estonia replied.

"So? I still had work to do, Estonia," Leo said.

"You!" cried Estonia. "The new leader is you!"

"A fox? Became the president of China? Is anything wrong with you?" Leo couldn't believe it.

"No! The true story. You can ask the council. I don't care if you did not choose to be a president. I can talk to Chiang Jing Kuo," Estonia said.

Leo was stunned. If he chose not to become president, then the Axis powers would win the Second World War, and China would become a slave to the Nazis. But if he became president, he could be one of the most talented generals ever to exist. He could change the course of history and create a million-word novel. He could also become a fox with 99.7 trillion dollars in the 23rd century. Everything was in his hands. The future of humanity and even aliens was in his hands.

After a moment of contemplation, Leo said only two words and five letters: "I will."

Leo's decision changed the course of history. He became one of the most influential leaders of his time, leading China to victory against the Axis powers and creating a new era of prosperity and peace in the country. His leadership and strategic brilliance earned him the respect and admiration of his people and the world.

Leo's legacy lived on for centuries, and his story became the subject of countless books, movies, and documentaries. He remained an inspiration to many, a symbol of hope and courage in times of adversity.

As for Estonia, she became Leo's most trusted advisor and confidante, supporting him in his decisions and guiding him through the challenges of leadership. Together, they built a legacy that would endure for generations to come. But for now,let’s move on.

Original version:

(16-2-1943,Hong Kong)

『This is my company.’said Leo to his sister.

  『Cool!I didn't know you chose business when you were at university.『exclaimed Estonia.

  『I had a hundred thousand pounds now.replied Leo.』That's a lot of money.』he added.』And I had a long story to tell you…』

『Why are you calculating with pounds?』Estonia asked.

   『Never mind.We use the pound,because the currency in the British Empire is the most stable on Earth.』answered Leo.』Right,why are you here?』he realized something.

   『Chiang had been assassinated,’said Estonia.

   『I already knew years ago,what’s the point?』Leo asked.

   『The council had chosen a new leader to replace the current one.』

   『So?I still had work to do,Estonia.』

   『You!』cried Estonia.』The new leader is you!』

   『A fox?Became the president of China?Is anything wrong with you?』

   『No!The true story.You can ask the council.I don’t care if you did not choose to be a president.I can walk to Chiang Jing Kuo.』

   『Wait wait!I decided!』cried Leo.

   If Leo chose not to became president,then axis will win the world war.China will be a slave for the Nazis.But if he became president,he will be one of the most talented General ever existed.He could change the history for times and create a million-word-novel.He could also became a fox with 99.7 trillion dollars in 23rd century.Everything is on his hand.The future of humanity and even aliens are on his hand.At last,he said only two words and five letters:

  『I will.』

Chapter1:Start of the empire/2


New version


Chapter 1: The Beginning of the Empire

On December 25, 2271, the world was shaken by a surprising discovery in one of the most remote regions of the Australian Outback. For almost two centuries, the area had been under Chinese control, and the highest commander of the Chinese army, Yan Le An, who was also the president of the Chinese Federation, had been found in a cryonics cell. The discovery had been made by the construction team of a new radar station, which had been built to detect alien activity in the region. The diggers stumbled upon the cryonics cell, and the discovery left everyone in shock. The cell was carefully removed and sent to the headquarters of the human cryonics in the Philippines Republic a week later.

Yan Le An was a legendary figure, known to be the most talented general of the past three centuries. He had single-handedly defeated the Axis forces in World War II and went on to build the largest empire that humans had ever seen. In the 23rd century, he was going to face more and more enemies, but the world was still unaware of it.

But how did Yan Le An become the great leader that he was? Everything began in 1931, in a lush forest that lay between the borders of the Chinese provinces Fijian and Zhenjiang.

-732 days to 1 day before Chaing Kai-Shek's assassination,Zhejiang,Hangzhou-

The forest was home to a group of animals, including a fox and his animal friends, who were playing hide-and-seek. The fox's sister suggested playing the game, but the squirrel found a new hiding spot and claimed that they would never find him. Suddenly, the group noticed a human in the forest, and the fox recognized him as someone he had seen before. Despite the rabbit's warnings, the fox went to investigate.

The foxes went nearer and nearer.The man seems to notice them and picked them up.

'They are so adorible.'He said.

The man turned out to be President Chiang Kai Shek., who was wearing a gray suit and had just received news that he would be joining the republican government. He saw the two little foxes looking at him with curiosity and remarked that their eyes reminded him of his childhood. He then suggested keeping them as pets, and his subordinate agreed.

In 1932, Yan Le An, also known as Leo, and his sister, Estonia, who was now called Yan Xue Pin, were living with Chiang Kai-Shek, who had taken them in as his pets for two years. Chiang taught them Chinese in their spare time, and the two foxes proved to be excellent learners. On their birthday in 1930, Chiang gave them two army suits of the Chinese nationalist party, and they looked like two fox generals. Leo didn't know how he had learned to speak Chinese, but he had surprised everyone by pronouncing the "a" sound on his birthday.

'That was impossible!Howdid you do that?'excialmed Chiang.

After that,Chaing started to taught Leo about Chinese.

However,it is therotacally impossible.The reason why Leo can speak is...

'We have already achieved step one.'said a robotic voice on Eroupa,Moon of Jupiter.

'Countdown:12 years to the Axis winning Crisis.'

-1 Hour before Chiang's assassination-

Leo expressed concern about the japanese invasion,'I have no idea why Chiang still not try to fight the Japanese.,'

'Don't say that.Chiang will be unhappy.'replied Estonia.'But I agree to leave Nanking.'

They booked their tickets and planned to leave in four days.

On the day of their departure, the foxes heard a strange sound.

『Is that a dripping sound?'asked Leo.

'Not really.Probably just a normal sound.'replied Estonia.

'Fine.Whatever the sound is,I....'suddenly,Leo noticed a trail of blood.

They followed the trail of blood and found Chiang lying on the ground, bleeding from a gunshot wound. They tried to save him, but it was too late. Chiang Kai-Shek had been assassinated.

This event changed everything for Leo and Estonia. They realized that they could not stay in China anymore and decided to leave the country. They embarked on a journey that would take them to different parts of the world, where they would learn new skills and meet new people. Little did they know that their journey would lead them to become the leaders of the largest empire that humans had ever seen.

Leo and Estonia quickly gathered their belongings and left Nanking, heading to Chongqing as they had planned. They knew that they had to warn Chiang's followers about Zhang Xue Laing and the betrayal.

In the dark starry night,millions of kilometres away,a quantom caculator stared at them,using it's robotic eyes.

--11 years and 321 days until the axis winning crisis-

As they traveled, they discussed their next steps. "We have to convince Chiang's generals to join us in resisting the Japanese invasion," said Leo.

"I agree," said Estonia. "But how do we convince them? They are loyal to Chiang, and they may not trust us."

"We have to show them that we are committed to the cause," said Leo. "We have to be willing to fight alongside them and prove that we are worthy of their trust."

Estonia nodded in agreement. "We can do this," she said. "We have to honor Chiang's legacy and protect our country."

As they traveled through the countryside, they encountered other animals who had also been affected by the war. They met a group of rabbits who had lost their home to the Japanese army and were forced to flee.

"We have to help them," said Leo. "We can't just leave them here."

Estonia nodded. "We'll find them a new home," she said.

They continued on their journey, with Leo and Estonia speaking with other animals they encountered along the way. They shared stories of their struggles and hopes for a better future.

Finally, they arrived in Chongqing after three weeks, where they were welcomed by Chiang's generals. Leo and Estonia shared their plan to resist the Japanese invasion and warned them about Zhang Xue Laing's betrayal.

The generals were hesitant at first, but Leo and Estonia's determination and commitment to the cause eventually won them over. Together, they formed a resistance movement, and Leo became one of its key leaders.

Leo and Estonia have made a plan to defeat the Japanese.This plan is known as...

Project Illuminati.

There,in the lush forest of Southwestern China,the two foxes enrolled the United Southwest University of China.There,Leo learned all the stralegies.And for years,He became a businessman.

Original Version


This was the twenty fifth of December,2271.A surprising news shocked the entire world.

  Australia’s Outback.A dry,inhabited place,which had been under Chinese control since 1947.Just in this year,the highest. commander of the Chinese army,also the president of the Chinese Federation,Yan Le An’s cryonics cell,had been found there.

  Few months ago,a new radar station,which was used for detecting aliens,started building.When the diggers touched the cell,everyone was shocked.They carefully took the cell out.A week later,the cell was sent to the headquarter of human cryonics in the Philippines republic.

  Yan Le An was the most talented General over the past three centuries.He defeated the Axis force in World War Two,then constructed the biggest empire that the human had ever seen all by himself.Now,in the 23rd century,he was going to face more and more enemies,but the world just didn’t know.

 Everything began in the year 1931.In that time,there was a large forest between the border of Chinese province Fijian and Zhenjiang.

 『What are we playing today?』In the lush forest,a fox asked his animal friends.

 『Hide-and-seek is great,’said his sister,『Is 30 second too short?』

  『It’s just the perfect time.’said a rabbit.』And squirrels,don’t hide in the pines anymore.We always can find you.

 『No,I found a great place to hide.You’ll never find me.』 said the squirrel. .『Oh look, what's that?』

 Everyone turned their head to the rabbit point.『Humans.Why are you so sensitive to them?』asked the fox’s sister.

 『No!I don’t think he is a normal person,I think I’ve seen his face before.『 said the fox.『Let’s go and see!』

 『Is it dangerous,don’t go!’said the rabbit,『come back!』

 『No,this can’t work.’sign the squirrel.

 『President,Zhang Xue Laing said he will join the republican government on the telephone.’said a man to another man wearing a grey suit.

 『Finally!I can have a good night's sleep tonight.’said the man.Then he saw the two little foxes looking at him with curiosity.

 『There eyes make me think of my childhood.’said the man.『They dream big,hope I can keep them for my pets.』

 『Uh,of course you can,president,『said the first man.

 Chiang Kai-Shek smiled,then. He went to his car.

 『Things are not expected,’said the fox to his sister.



   『Listen,Leo(Yan Le An),how do you even know how to say Chinese?』asked his sister Estonia(Jin Zhao Yu).

   Nobody know,even Leo himself.After being Chiang’s pet for two years,He tried to pronounce the 『a’sound on his birthday ,and to everyone’s surprise,he did it!In his spare time,Chiang like to teach Leo and Estonia about Chinese.Chiang is a good teacher,and the two foxes are great learners.On their birthday at 1930, Chiang gave them two army suit of the Chinese nationalist party.Even Chiang took them as his family members.Now,they look like two fox generals.

   『Don’t ask me,I don’t know,just I don’t know why Chiang still has not resisted the Japanese invasion.』

   『Shhh!Chiang will not be happy when he  that.『reminds his sister.

   『Ok fine.But we should really do something.They have already captured Shanghai.I have asked Chiang to move to Chongqing.』

   『It’s a genius idea.He will surely accept that.’replied Estonia.『It’s not early now.It’s 10:13.It’s going to sleep.』

     『Okay,okay.I have already booked the ticket.』

     『You booked the tickets?』asked Estonia.

    『Yeah.We will be set off four days later.Bring your package!I am sure that Nanking will fall in a week.』

   It is an exhausting day of commanding the foxes.So they quickly fell asleep.

  (Weird Sound)

  『What’s that sound ?』asked Estonia.

  『I don’t know.It’s sounds like a gun fired.replied Leo.『 Just a very common sound,as you know,we wanted to get back to Shanghai.』

   『It is not!It’s coming from Chiang’s And there's a dripping sound.』

  『It’s fine.I really want to sleep.’said Leo.Suddenly,he jumped out of the bed.『The dripping sound is blood!』he cried.