








冷戰時,北約中央情報局在很多歐洲國家資助組織了敵後網絡,以在華約共產軍佔領或者共產黨可能在大選中上台的局勢下展開行動。根據Martin Packard的研究:"資質、武裝、訓練秘密抵抗行動,包括刺殺、政治挑釁、假情報。"[3] 1990年10月24日,意大利總理朱利奧·安德烈奧蒂公開承認短劍行動。1990年11月20日,歐洲議會發表聲明,譴責「短劍行動」脫離了民主制度控制,對相關國家的平民生活帶來了危險。歐洲議會要求予以徹查。





  1. ^ Collins, John M. Military Geography. Potomac Books, Inc. 1998: 122 [2013-09-28]. ISBN 9781597973595. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-11). The Pripet Swamp, which created a great gap between German Army Group Center and Army Group North soon after ... June 1941, made it impossible for large military formations to conduct mutually supporting operations. Attempts to bypass such extensive wetlands proved perilous, because outflanked Soviet stay-behind forces and partisans pounced on logistical troops as soon as German spearheads disappeared. 
  2. ^ Gill, Henry A. Soldier Under Three Flags: Exploits of Special Forces' Captain Larry A. Thorne. Pathfinder Publishing, Inc. 1998: 45 [2013-09-28]. ISBN 9780934793650. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-11). The Finns soon became seriously hindered and harassed by Soviet forces operating in their rear areas. Some of these units were left to operate as stay-behind or partisan units as the Soviets retreated. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Packard, Martin. Getting It Wrong: Fragments From a Cyprus Diary 1964. UK: AuthorHouse. 2008: 364. ISBN 978-1-4343-7065-5. 
  4. ^ Ballinger, Adam. The quiet Soldier. 1994. ISBN 978-1-85797-158-3. 
  5. ^ Sinai, Tamir. Eyes on target: ‘Stay-behind’ forces during the Cold War. War in History. 8 December 2020: 0968344520914345. doi:10.1177/0968344520914345可免費查閱 –透過SAGE Journals. 
  6. ^ SMT-Verfahren im Zusammenhang mit der Kampfgruppe gegen Unmenschlichkeit (KgU), in: Bohse, Daniel/Miehe, Lutz (Hrsg.): Sowjetische Militärjustiz in der SBZ und frühen DDR: Tagungsband, Halle 2007.
  7. ^ Koestler, Orwell und „Die Wahrheit": die Kampfgruppe gegen Unmenschlichkeit (KgU) und das heimliche Lesen in der SBZ/DDR 1948 bis 1959
  • Ganser, Daniele, Nato's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, ISBN 0-7146-5607-0 .