


本-錫安·戈普斯坦希伯來語בן־ציון "בנצי" גופשטיין‎,1969年9月10日)是以色列極右翼政治活動人士,梅爾·卡漢的學生,以色列反猶太人同化組織勒哈瓦的創始人[1]

戈普斯坦給Facebook創始人兼行政總裁馬克·扎克伯格寫了一封信,抗議扎克伯格與一名非猶太裔女性結婚以及允許巴勒斯坦人使用Facebook。 [2]

本-錫安·戈普斯坦反對LGBT,他在2023年6月1日反對耶路撒冷驕傲遊行的抗議活動中高喊『這不是驕傲,這是一種可恥的行為』。」 [3]

戈普斯坦呼籲焚燒基督教教堂。[4] 2015年12月,戈普斯坦呼籲禁止在以色列舉辦聖誕節慶祝活動並驅逐基督徒,他把基督徒比作吸血鬼。他認為基督教教會是「幾個世紀以來猶太人的死敵」。[5][6]

2019年11月,他被指控煽動恐怖主義、暴力和種族主義。 [7] 2024年4月,他被美國國務院[8]歐盟制裁。 [9][10]


  1. ^ Tal Ariel-Amir. המרכז שנלחם בארגון להב"ה: "כסות יהודית שנועדה להסתיר גזענות" [Center fighting organization Lehava: 'Using Judaism as a cloak to conceal racism']. Maariv英語Maariv. 2016-05-20 (希伯來語). 
  2. ^ Benari, Elad. Head of Anti-Assimilation Group Appeals to Zuckerberg; Benzi Gopstein, head of the Lehava Organization, sends a letter to Mark Zuckerberg over his marriage to a non-Jew. Arutz Sheva英語Arutz Sheva. 2012-05-25. 
  3. ^ ToI Staff. Homophobic conference held in Jerusalem after two locales refuse to host. www.timesofisrael.com. 
  4. ^ Levinson, Chaim 'Israeli Extremist Group Leader Calls for Torching of Churches', 國土報 6 August 2015.
  5. ^ Pulwer, Sharon. Jewish Extremists' Leader: Christians Are 'Blood Sucking Vampires' Who Should Be Expelled From Israel. 國土報. 2015-12-22. 
  6. ^ Robbins, Annie. Merry Christmas and get out of Israel, you blood-drinking Christian vampires. Mondoweiss英語Mondoweiss. 2015-12-22. 
  7. ^ Sharon, Jeremy. Lehava head Bentzi Gopstein indicted for incitement to terror, racism. The Jerusalem Post. 2019-11-26. 
  8. ^ Designations Related to Destabilizing Activities Affecting the West Bank. U.S. Department of State. 2024-04-19. 
  9. ^ Extremist Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, as well as violent activists, blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza: five individuals and three entities sanctioned under the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime. Council of the EU. 2024-07-15. 
  10. ^ O'Carroll, Lisa; Beaumont, Peter. Extremist Israeli settlers hit by EU and US sanctions. The Guardian. 2024-04-19 [2024-08-29]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英國英語).