模擬聯合國(Model United Nations,縮寫作MUN或Model UN,漢語常簡稱為模聯)是一種模擬聯合國大會的學術模仿活動。旨在教育其參與者當前時事、熱點、國際關係、外交和聯合國大會流程。其參與者扮演一個國家或非政府組織派出的外交代表,參與模擬聯合國的委員會會議。與會者將研究一個國家的國情,並且扮演外交官參與國際問題的研究、磋商與辯論,最後制定針對該議題的解決方案[1]。近來,也會模擬其他議事機構,如聯合國安全理事會的內容也被安排進其中[2]。
參與者包括從初中生到研究生期間的年齡段[1]。模擬聯合國涉及研究、公開演講、辯論和寫作,並且經常伴隨着批判性思維、團隊協作和領導能力[3] 截止2012年,全球已經召開了至少400次模擬聯合國大會[1]。
[編輯]模擬聯合國會議的第一個示例是在模擬國際聯盟會議[2]。第一個有記錄的「模擬國際聯盟」在1927年的哈佛大學舉辦[4]。1946年,隨着國際聯盟的解散,而聯合國建立了[5]。次年,「模擬國際聯盟大會」也轉變為「模擬聯合國大會」。在1980年代,為協調和跟蹤模擬聯合國在全球的發展水平,美利堅合眾國模擬聯合國協會(United Nations Association of the United States of America,UNA-USA)成立了[2]。
第一屆模擬聯合國大會一直是一個有爭議的問題。The MUN Project(LfhED)之處,第一屆模擬聯合國大會在1951年的哈佛大學舉辦[6] ,而Bese Delegate則認為1952年的伯克利模擬聯合國大會是第一屆[7]。
[編輯]In order to maintain decorum, MUN committees have rules of procedure to guide the procedures of the committee. Since there is no governing body for MUNs, each conference differs in the rules of procedure. Some conferences may directly adapt the UN rules of procedure while others adapt the Robert's Rules of Order.[8] Following rules of procedure applies to general MUNs but may not apply to every MUN:
MUNs are run by a group of a administrators known as the Dais. A Dais is headed by a Secretary-General. Each committee usually has a chair (also known as moderator), a member of the Dais that enforces the rules of procedure. A delegate may request the committee as a whole to perform a particular action; this is known as a motion. Documents aiming to address the issue of the committee are known as resolutions and are voted for ratification.[9]
MUN committees can be divided into three general sessions: formal debate, moderated caucus, and unmoderated caucus. In a Formal Debate, the staff maintains a list of speakers and the delegates follow the order written on the 'speaker list.' Speakers may be added to the speaker list by raising their placards or sending a note to the chair. During this time, delegates talk to the entire committee. They make speeches, answer questions, and debate on resolutions and amendments. If there are no other motions, the committee goes back to formal debate by default. There is usually a time limit. In a Moderated Caucus, the committee goes into a recess and the rules of procedure are suspended. Anyone may speak if recognized by the Chair. A vote on a motion is necessary to go into a moderated caucus. There is a comparatively shorter time limit per speech. In an Unmoderated Caucus, the delegates informally meet with other delegates and the staff for discussions[8][10]
Resolutions are the basis of all debate.[11] They are considered the final results of conversations, writings, and negotiations. Resolutions must go through a draft, approval by the dais, and consequent debate and modification.[12]
[編輯]Model United Nation conferences are always held in the English language[13]
[編輯]The committees are usually of the six committees of the General Assembly, but may also include the Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC) and the Economic and Financial Committee.[2] Other committees include:[14]
- Disarmament Committee
- Economic and Financial Committee
- Human Rights Council
- International Court of Justice
- International Criminal Court
- International Monetary Fund
- United Nations Children's Fund
- United Nations Development Programme
- United Nations Economic and Social Council and its specialized councils and agencies
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- United Nations Environment Programme
- United Nations General Assembly in both plenary form and within its functional committees
- United Nations High Commission for Refugees
- United Nations Security Council
- World Food Program
- World Health Organization
- World Trade Organization
- World Intellectual Property Organisation
Many conferences simulate other IGOs including:
- African Union
- Arab League
- Association of South East Asian Nations
- European Union
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- NATO or North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Organization of American States
- Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
- South Asian Association For Regional Co-Operation
A special committee that does not have a parallel in the actual United Nations which deals with a crisis is known as a 'Crisis Committee.'[4] In this committee, a crisis is given to a team of students and the teams must come up with solutions.[15] The Crisis Committee focuses on a single historical event. The event may be fictional or non-fictional.[4]
[編輯]MUNs are usually organized by high school clubs or college clubs.[1] Organizations that coordinate MUNs such as the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA) are considered important organizing forces.[2]
The United Nations hosts a site called the UN Cyberschoolbus which contains general information about MUNs such as: advice for researching papers for MUNs, starting MUN conferences, and methods to help finding MUNs. The program also has an international Internet forum in which participants can share information.[16] Organizations such as the Osgood Center for International Studies[17] have aided in the creation of MUNs.
List of Model UN Conferences
[編輯]Model United Nations conferences are not limited to one country or even one continent, but are spread worldwide. MUN locations include: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. The level ranges from elementary school to colleges.[18]
[編輯]- Global civics
- Mock trial
- Model Arab League
- Model Congress
- Model Crime Investigations
- List of Model United Nations conferences
[編輯]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Yossinger, Nili Sarit. What is Model UN? (And Why Should You Care?). U.S. Department of State. August 23, 2012 [November 23, 2013] (英語).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Brennan, Mary Beth. The Importance of the Model United Nations Experience. Johnson Country Community College. 1996 [November 23, 2013] (英語).
- ^ What is Model United Nations?. BEST DELEGATE. November 4, 2007 [November 23, 2013] (英語). Authors list列表中的
(幫助) - ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Parrin, Anjli. The Dog-Eat-Dog World of Model U.N.. The New York Times Company. August 2, 2013 [November 23, 2013].
- ^ League of Nations instituted. A&E Television Networks, LLC. [November 23, 2013].
- ^ MUN History. the MUN project-LFhED. [November 23, 2013].
- ^ Berkeley Model United Nations Celebrates 60th Year as the First and Oldest MUN Conference in the World. Best Delegate. March 12, 2012 [November 23, 2013]. Authors list列表中的
(幫助) - ^ 8.0 8.1 Rules of Procedure. United Nations Foundation. [November 23, 2013].
- ^ Model UN Glossary. United Nations Foundation. [November 23, 2013].
- ^ Shen, Sunny; Ryan Bae, Amanda Chen, Geneva Nam, Sarah Wang, Marco Wong, Lance Zhou. The MUN Manifesto (PDF). Connect Global Youth Association. 2012 [November 25, 2013].
- ^ What is a Resolution?. University of Tennessee. [November 25, 2013].
- ^ Resolutions. United Nations Foundation. [November 25, 2013].
- ^ Klein, Rahel. Simulating World Diplomacy. Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst German Academic Exchange Service. [November 25, 2013].
- ^ Committees and Topics. United Nations Foundation. [November 23, 2013].
- ^ Montero, Nicole. Model United Nations Team Hopes to Rank First Among the Country. FIU Student Media. November 22, 2013 [November 23, 2013].
- ^ Guide to the UN Cyberschoolbus. BEST DELEGATE. [November 28, 2013].
- ^ Jackson, Robert P. Africa: U.S. Envoy on Africa at Opening of Model U.N. Conference. United States Department of State. October 28, 2013 [November 28, 2013].
- ^ Model United Nations Conference Database: 2013-2014. BEST DELEGATE. [November 25, 2013].