东正教十二大节(希腊语:Δωδεκάορτον)是东正教会庆祝的十二个主要节日,其在东正教中的重要程度仅次于被称为“节中之节”的复活节(Great and Holy Pascha, Easter)。在这十二个节日中,八个为纪念耶稣的节日,四个为纪念诞神女(圣母玛利亚)的节日。十二大节分别为:[1]
- 主降生节(Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
- 主领洗节(Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
- 主进堂节(Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ into the Temple)
- 圣母领报节(Annunciation of the Theotokos)
- 主进圣城节(Entry of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem)
- 主升天节(Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
- 三位一体节(Pentecost;Trinity Sunday)
- 主显圣容节(Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
- 圣母安息节(Dormition of the Theotokos)
- 圣母圣诞节(Nativity of the Theotokos)
- 举荣圣架节(Elevation of the Precious Cross)
- 圣母进堂节(Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple)