长波之名源于苏联经济学家尼古拉·康德拉季耶夫。他在著作《大经济周期》(1925年)及同一时期的其余著作中提出了此一观点。另两位荷兰经济学家 J. van Gelderen 与 Samuel de Wolff 在1913年归结出类似的现象。
依照这套理论,世界现时(2024年12月22日 14:14:34)正处在第五个长波的转折点。
[编辑]康德拉季耶夫已经指出,生产扩张使得资本急于寻找新的市场及新的原料,由此将造成国际关系紧张。华勒斯坦等学者认为,在资本主义体系下,战争的频率与长波密切相关:大规模战争倾向于在生产上升阶段之前爆发。Joshua S. Goldstein 根据统计资料,推断战争高峰落在长波的生产高峰与价格高峰之间。他以战争能力的提高、竞争加剧与商业繁盛的心理效应解释生产的扩张何以倾向于引发战争。
[编辑]- Vincent Barnett, Kondratiev and the Dynamics of Economic Development. London: Macmillan, 1998.
- Edward Cheung, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Social Cycles. Toronto: Longwave Press (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 1994, 2007.
- Ernest Mandel, "The Economics of Neocapitalism", in The Socialist Register, 1964.
- Ernest Mandel, Long waves of capitalist development: the Marxist interpretation (Alfred Marshall Lectures, 1979).
- Chris Freeman and Francisco Louca, As Time Goes By. From the Industrial Revolutions to the Information Revolution. Oxford: OUP, 2001. ISBN 978-0199251056
- Joshua S. Goldstein, 1985: Kondratieff waves and war cycles, International Studies Quarterly 29(4).
- Joshua Goldstein, Long Cycles: Prosperity and War in the Modern Age (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). New Haven, Yale University Press, 1988. (可自由下载)
- Solomos Solomou, Phases of Economic Growth, 1850–1973: Kondratieff Waves and Kuznets Swings (1990).
- Murray Rothbard, "The Kondratieff Cycle: Real or Fabricated?". Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1984.
- Turchin, P., et al., eds. (2007). History & Mathematics: Historical Dynamics and Development of Complex Societies. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Moscow: KomKniga. ISBN 5484010020
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- Arno Tausch and Christian Ghymers (2007), "From the 'Washington' Towards a 'Vienna Consensus'? A Quantitative Analysis on Globalization, Development and Global Governance" Haupauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers
[编辑]- Smith, Marx, Kondratieff and Keynes; R. L. Norman, Jr.
- Cause of the Kondratieff Cycle (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Theories of the Great Depression, R. L. Norman, Jr.
- Revista Entelequia
- 200-yr chart of Kondratieff cycles, multifactorial & intricate
[编辑]- ^ Kondratieff Waves in the World System Perspective. Kondratieff Waves. Dimensions and Perspectives at the Dawn of the 21st Century (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) / Ed. by Leonid E. Grinin, Tessaleno C. Devezas, and Andrey V. Korotayev. Volgograd: Uchitel, 2012. P. 23–64.
- ^ Ayres, Robert U. Barriers and breakthroughs: an "expanding frontiers" model of the technology-industry life cycle. Technovation. 1988, 7 (2): 87–115. doi:10.1016/0166-4972(88)90041-7 (英语).
- ^ 江恩小龙. 「康狄夫長波」與「共業」. [2018-08-30]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-10).