用户:Addis-Bot/20140530/List of diplomatic missions of the United Kingdom
This is a list of diplomatic missions of the United Kingdom, excluding honorary consulates. The United Kingdom has one of the largest global network of diplomatic missions. British diplomatic missions to other capitals of other Commonwealth countries are known as High Commissions (headed by 'High Commissioners'). For three Commonwealth countries, (namely India, Nigeria, and Pakistan) the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) still uses the term 'Deputy High Commission' for Consulates-General (headed by Deputy High Commissioners), although this terminology is being phased out.[1]
In 2004, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) carried out a review of the deployment of its diplomatic missions, and subsequently over a two-year period closed its missions in Nassau in the Bahamas, Asunción in Paraguay, Dili in East Timor, Maseru in Lesotho, Mbabane in Swaziland, Antananarivo in Madagascar, Nukuʻalofa in Tonga, Tarawa in Kiribati, and Port Vila in Vanuatu. Additionally several consulates and trade offices were also closed, including those in Fukuoka in Japan, Vientiane in Laos, Douala in Cameroon, Porto in Portugal, along with Frankfurt, Leipzig, and Stuttgart in Germany, and Phoenix, San Juan, and Dallas in the United States. Other consulates in Australia, Germany, France, Spain, New Zealand, and the United States were downgraded and staffed by local personnel only.[2] In 2012, Foreign Secretary William Hague announced the opening of an embassy in Liberia, and Haiti, the re-opening of embassies in Laos, El Salvador and Paraguay and a Consulate-General in Recife, Brazil. He also said that by 2015, the UK would have opened up to eleven new embassies and eight new Consulates or Trade Offices.[3]
[编辑]- 阿尔及利亚
- Algiers (Embassy)
- 安哥拉
- Luanda (Embassy)
- 博茨瓦纳
- Gaborone (High Commission)
- 布隆迪
- Bujumbura (Embassy Liaison Office)
- 喀麦隆
- Yaoundé (High Commission)
- 刚果民主共和国
- Kinshasa (Embassy)
- 象牙海岸
- Abidjan (Embassy)
- 埃及
- Cairo (Embassy)
- Alexandria (Consulate-General)
- 厄立特里亚
- Asmara (Embassy)
- 埃塞俄比亚
- Addis Ababa (Embassy)
- 冈比亚
- Banjul (High Commission)
- 加纳
- Accra (High Commission)
- 几内亚
- Conakry (Embassy)
- 肯尼亚
- Nairobi (High Commission)
- 利比里亚
- Monrovia (Embassy)
- 利比亚
- 马达加斯加
- Antananarivo (Embassy)
- 马拉维
- Lilongwe (High Commission)
- 马里
- Bamako (Embassy Liaison Office)
- 毛里求斯
- Port Louis (High Commission)
- 摩洛哥
- Rabat (Embassy)
- Casablanca (Consulate-General)
- 莫桑比克
- Maputo (High Commission)
- 纳米比亚
- Windhoek (High Commission)
- 尼日利亚
- Abuja (High Commission)
- Lagos (Deputy High Commission)
- Kaduna (High Commission Liaison Office)
- Ibadan (Liaison Office)
- Port Harcourt (High Commission Liaison Office)
- 卢旺达
- Kigali (High Commission)
- 塞内加尔
- Dakar (Embassy)
- 塞舌尔
- Victoria (High Commission)
- 塞拉利昂
- Freetown (High Commission)
- 索马里
- Mogadishu (Embassy)
- 南非
- Pretoria (High Commission)
- Cape Town (Consulate-General)
- Johannesburg (Trade & Investment Office)
- Durban (Trade & Investment Office)
- 南苏丹
- Juba (Embassy)
- 苏丹
- Khartoum (Embassy)
- 坦桑尼亚
- 突尼斯
- Tunis (Embassy)
- 乌干达
- Kampala (High Commission)
- 赞比亚
- Lusaka (High Commission)
- 津巴布韦
- Harare (Embassy)
[编辑]- 阿根廷
- Buenos Aires (Embassy)
- 巴巴多斯
- Bridgetown (High Commission)
- 伯利兹
- Belmopan (High Commission)
- 玻利维亚
- La Paz (Embassy)
- 巴西
- Brasília (Embassy)
- Recife (Consulate-General)
- Rio de Janeiro (Consulate-General)
- São Paulo (Consulate-General)
- Porto Alegre (Commercial Office)
- 加拿大
- Ottawa (High Commission)
- Montreal (Consulate-General)
- Toronto (Consulate-General)
- Vancouver (Consulate-General)
- 智利
- Santiago (Embassy)
- 哥伦比亚
- Bogotá (Embassy)
- 哥斯达黎加
- San José (Embassy)
- 古巴
- Havana (Embassy)
- 多米尼加
- Santo Domingo (Embassy)
- 厄瓜多尔
- Quito (Embassy)
- 萨尔瓦多
- San Salvador (Embassy)
- 危地马拉
- Guatemala City (Embassy)
- 圭亚那
- Georgetown (High Commission)
- 海地
- Port-au-Prince (Embassy)
- 牙买加
- Kingston (High Commission)
- 墨西哥
- Mexico City (Embassy)
- 巴拿马
- Panama City (Embassy)
- 巴拉圭
- Asuncion (Embassy)
- 秘鲁
- Lima (Embassy)
- 圣卢西亚
- Castries (High Commission)
- 特立尼达和多巴哥
- Port of Spain (High Commission)
- 美国
- Washington, D.C. (Embassy)
- Atlanta (Consulate-General)
- Boston (Consulate-General)
- Chicago (Consulate-General)
- Denver (Consulate-General)
- Houston (Consulate-General)
- Los Angeles (Consulate-General)
- Miami (Consulate-General)
- New York (Consulate-General)
- San Francisco (Consulate-General)
- Seattle (UK government office)
- 乌拉圭
- Montevideo (Embassy)
- 委内瑞拉
- Caracas (Embassy)
[编辑]- 阿富汗
- Kabul (Embassy)
- 亚美尼亚
- Yerevan (Embassy)
- 阿塞拜疆
- Baku (Embassy)
- 巴林
- Manama (Embassy)
- 孟加拉
- 汶莱
- Bandar Seri Begawan (High Commission)
- 缅甸
- Yangon (Embassy)
- 柬埔寨
- Phnom Penh (Embassy)
- 中国
- 塞浦路斯
- Nicosia (High Commission)
- 印度
- New Delhi (High Commission)
- Bangalore (Deputy High Commission Office)
- Chennai (Deputy High Commission)
- Kolkata (Deputy High Commission)
- Mumbai (Deputy High Commission)
- Hyderabad (Trade Office)
- Kochi (Visa Application Centre)
- 印度尼西亚
- 伊朗
- 伊拉克
- 以色列
- 日本
- 约旦
- Amman (Embassy)
- 哈萨克斯坦
- 寮国
- Vientiane (Embassy)
- 朝鲜
- Pyongyang (Embassy)
- 韩国
- Seoul (Embassy)
- 科威特
- Kuwait City (Embassy)
- 吉尔吉斯斯坦
- Bishkek (Embassy)
- 黎巴嫩
- Beirut (Embassy)
- 马来西亚
- Kuala Lumpur (High Commission)
- 蒙古国
- Ulaanbaatar (Embassy)
- 尼泊尔
- Kathmandu (Embassy)
- 阿曼
- Muscat (Embassy)
- 巴基斯坦
- 菲律宾
- 卡塔尔
- Doha (Embassy)
- 沙特阿拉伯
- 新加坡
- Singapore (High Commission)
- 斯里兰卡
- Colombo (High Commission)
- 叙利亚
- Damascus (Embassy)
- 台湾
- Taipei (British Trade and Cultural Office)
- 塔吉克斯坦
- Dushanbe (Embassy)
- 泰国
- 土耳其
- 土库曼斯坦
- Ashgabat (Embassy)
- 阿联酋
- 乌兹别克斯坦
- Tashkent (Embassy)
- 也门
- 越南
- Hanoi (Embassy)
- Ho Chi Minh City (Consulate-General)
[编辑]- 阿尔巴尼亚
- Tirana (Embassy)
- 奥地利
- Vienna (Embassy)
- 白俄罗斯
- Minsk (Embassy)
- 比利时
- Brussels (Embassy)
- 波黑
- Sarajevo (Embassy)
- Banja Luka (Embassy office)
- 保加利亚
- Sofia (Embassy)
- 克罗地亚
- Zagreb (Embassy)
- 捷克
- Prague (Embassy)
- 丹麦
- Copenhagen (Embassy)
- 爱沙尼亚
- Tallinn (Embassy)
- 芬兰
- Helsinki (Embassy)
- 法国
- 格鲁吉亚
- Tbilisi (Embassy)
- 德国
- Berlin (Embassy)
- Düsseldorf (Consulate-General)
- Munich (Consulate-General)
- 希腊
- Athens (Embassy)
- Thessaloniki (Consulate)
- Heraklion (Consulate)
- 圣座
- 匈牙利
- Budapest (Embassy)
- 冰岛
- Reykjavík (Embassy)
- 爱尔兰
- Dublin (Embassy)
- 意大利
- 科索沃
- 拉脱维亚
- Riga (Embassy)
- 立陶宛
- Vilnius (Embassy)
- 卢森堡
- Luxembourg (Embassy)
- 北马其顿
- Skopje (Embassy)
- 马耳他
- Valletta (High Commission)
- 摩尔多瓦
- Chișinău (Embassy)
- 黑山
- Podgorica (Embassy)
- 荷兰
- 挪威
- Oslo (Embassy)
- 波兰
- Warsaw (Embassy)
- 葡萄牙
- 罗马尼亚
- Bucharest (Embassy)
- 俄罗斯
- Moscow (Embassy)
- Ekaterinburg (Consulate-General)
- Saint Petersburg (Consulate-General)
- 塞尔维亚
- Belgrade (Embassy)
- 斯洛伐克
- Bratislava (Embassy)
- 斯洛文尼亚
- Ljubljana (Embassy)
- 西班牙
- Madrid (Embassy)
- Barcelona (Consulate-General)
- Alicante (Consulate)
- Bilbao (Consulate)
- Málaga (Consulate)
- Palma de Mallorca (Consulate)
- Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Consulate)
- Ibiza (Consulate)
- Las Palmas (Consulate)
- Tenerife (Consulate)
- 瑞典
- Stockholm (Embassy)
- 瑞士
- Bern (Embassy)
- 乌克兰
- Kiev (Embassy)
[编辑]- 澳大利亚
- 斐济
- Suva (High Commission)
- 新西兰
- Wellington (High Commission)
- Auckland (Consulate-General)
- 巴布亚新几内亚
- Port Moresby (High Commission)
- 所罗门群岛
- Honiara (High Commission)
Multilateral organisations
[编辑]- Brussels (permanent representation to the European Union)
- Brussels (permanent representation to the NATO)
- Brussels (Delegation to the Western European Union)
- Geneva (mission to the office of the United Nations)
- Geneva (permanent representation to the Conference of Disarmament)
- The Hague (representation to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)
- Manila (representation to the Asian Development Bank)
- Montreal (representation to the International Civil Aviation Organisation)
- Nairobi (Mission to UNCHS)
- Nairobi (Mission to United Nations Environment Programme)
- New York (delegation to the United Nations)
- Paris (delegations to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
- Paris (delegations to the UNESCO)
- Rome (representation to the United Nations agencies: Food and Agriculture Organization, World Food Programme and IFAD)
- Strasbourg (permanent representative to the European Union)
- Strasbourg (delegation to the Council of Europe)
- Tunis (representation to the African Development Bank)
- Vienna (mission to the United Nations)
- Vienna (delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe)
- Washington, D.C. (representation to the Inter-American Development Bank)
- Washington, D.C. (delegations to the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
[编辑]The United Kingdom is one of two countries, the other being Thailand, that use diplomatic flags abroad. These special flags are flown on their embassy and consulate buildings. In addition, there is a flag in use for British consular vessels in international or foreign waters.
Flag | Use | Description |
Flag used on British Embassies | A Union Flag defaced with the Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom | |
Flag used on British High Commissions | High Commissions fly the Union Flag | |
Flag used on British consulates | A Union Jack defaced with the Royal Crown | |
Flag used onboard British consular vessels | A blue ensign with the Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom |
See also
[编辑]- Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- List of heads of missions of the United Kingdom
- List of diplomatic missions in the United Kingdom
[编辑]- ^ The British Consulate-General, Hong Kong reports directly to the FCO, instead of the British embassy in Peking
- ^ The UK embassy to the Holy See is located outside Vatican territory in Rome.
[编辑]- ^ Definition of Diplomatic and Consular Missions
- ^ "Britain to close to High Commission in Nassau." Caribbean Net News. Friday December 17, 2004. Retrieved on January 9, 2009.
- ^ Strengthening Britain's diplomatic network in Latin America and the Caribbean, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 21 June 2012
- ^ British Embassy Pristina, Kosovo