

頒發單位 蘇聯

開發西西伯利亞礦藏和發展石油天然氣綜合體獎章(俄語:Медаль «За освоение недр и развитие нефтегазового комплекса Западной Сибири»)是蘇聯最高蘇維埃主席團於1978年7月28日頒布法令設立的國家平民獎章。[1]以此表彰三年來致力於西西伯利亞石化綜合體開發的忘我建設者。


旗幟 時期 用途 設計
1881年早期-1916 Civil ensign 三色旗配有西里爾字母標記НІ(i.e. NI) of Prince Nicholas I topped with a golden crown in the center. Because the owners as well as the crew of Montenegro's Ulcinj cruisers were Muslims, Nikola changed the flag not to offend Islam
1881–1916 民用旗 Version of the Civil Ensign that was predominantly used. Usage extended beyond primary purpose to even of that of the National flag.
1880年晚期-1881年早期 民用旗 Tricolor flag with the cross from the war flag (krstaš-barjak) with Nicholas' initials set in canton; stripes based upon domestic national flag.
1880年早期-1880年晚期 民用旗 Horizontally divided red-white-red with the cross from the war flag (krstaš-barjak) with Nicholas' initials set in canton; based on the naval flag of Austro-Hungary according to the Dalmatian marine codelines sanctioned by the 1878 Congress of Berlin.
1878–1880 海軍旗(非官方) White flag with a red St George's Cross. Inspired by the British Naval Ensign back from the 1814 British navy's takeover of the port of Kotor during the war between the Montenegrins and the French.


旗幟 時期 用途 設計
1876–78 戰旗、民用旗 Vučji Do戰役英語Battle of Vučji Do中使用的黑山戰旗(1876),白邊紅底,並有一個白色扁形十字英語cross pattée位於中央。在鄂圖曼帝國承認黑山公國獨立的聖斯特凡諾條約的基礎上,該旗幟於1878年在采蒂涅採用。[2]
1871年後 大公尼古拉斯一世彼得洛維奇戰旗 Red with a double-headed eagle with Nicholas' initials and the biblical lion below; based upon the Alaj-barjak from Danil I's era. After Nicholas' martial reforms since 1871 he created a war flag for himself signifying the supreme command over the Montenegrin Army. Used by the World War II Axis puppet Montenegrin state.
1861年後 大公尼古拉一世戰旗 博物館保存版本
1871年後 旅戰旗 Red with a double-headed eagle with Nicholas' initials and the biblical lion below; based upon Nicholas' War Flag. After Nicholas' martial reforms since 1871 he created a battle stag for a Brigade, the largest Montenegrin military unit in the Montenegrin Army. Better quality materials than the Battalion Stag.
1871年後 營戰旗 Red with a double-headed eagle with Nicholas' initials and the biblical lion below; based upon Nicholas' war flag. After Nicholas' martial reforms since 1871 he created a war flag for a Battalion, a military unit composed by a corresponding Montenegrin clan.
約1876年 尼古拉斯一世彼得洛維奇戰旗 Red with the krstaš-barjak with Nicholas' initials in it and border. Used at the Battle of Vučji Do英語Battle of Vučji Do.
達尼洛·彼得洛維奇大公統治時期 達尼洛·彼得洛維奇大公戰旗 Alaj-barjak of Prince Danilo, signifying the supreme command over the Montenegrin armed forces. Introduced by Prince Danil during his martial reforms. Used at the Battle of Grahovac英語Battle of Grahovac.
達尼洛·彼得洛維奇大公統治時期 達尼爾大公近衛軍旗 Flag signifying a unit of 1,000 men; red field with the double-headed eagle and Prince Danil I's initials in it. Introduced by Prince Danil during his martial reforms.
達尼洛·彼得洛維奇大公統治時期 達尼爾大公百人隊長號軍旗 Flag signifying a unit of 100 men; red field with the traditional Montenegrin Cross of Saint George and Danil I's initials in it. Introduced by Prince Danil during his martial reforms. Based upon the old tribal Montenegrin flag.


Flag Date Use Description
1844 - 1848.[來源請求]
second half of the 18th century Banner of the Tsar Šćepan Mali英語Šćepan Mali White banner with a red border, worn on a swear with a golden cross on top of it. Different from the Metropolitan flag to represent sacral rather than spiritual power it left out the cross. The cross was removed to symbolize secular rule.[來源請求]
while the Petrovic-Njegos family held the seat of Cetinje Metropolitans Martial Banner of Montenegrin clans英語Montenegrin clans Flags signifying a Montenegrin clan, to differ from the authority of the Scander Metropolitan. Where created by ripping and resewing captured Ottoman flags.[來源請求]
while the Petrovic-Njegos family held the seat of Cetinje Metropolitans Banner of the Metropolitanate of Cetinje of the House of Petrović-Njegoš英語House of Petrović-Njegoš Orthodox red cross in a white field with a red border. Represents the highly Christian virtue of subjected peoples and the desire to fight against invading Islam. Adopted in during the Great Turkish War at the end of the 17th century.[來源請求]

第一版(1931 - 1936版本)


The "type 1" Order consisted of a 38 mm wide by 43 mm high silver badge in the shape of a cogwheel, at center, a disc bordered along its entire outer diameter by panicles of wheat. Protruding from under the lower half of the central disc, a red enamelled triangle pointing downwards. On the central disc in the background, a hydro electric dam, at center, a gilded hammer and sickle, at the top, a waving red banner bearing the inscription 「全世界無產者,聯合起來!」(俄語:“Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!”) At the very bottom of the cogwheel, the relief inscription「蘇聯」(俄語:“СССР”)on a stylised horizontal shield bisected by a smaller cogwheel meshing into the larger one. On the otherwise plain reverse, a recess at center bearing a threaded post, two rivets used to secure the hammer and sickle and the award serial number engraved on the lower portion opposite the "USSR" inscription. The Order was secured to clothing with a threaded screw and nut arrangement. The earlier nuts were 28 mm in diameter, later ones measured 32 mm.


該命令1928年樣本的蘇聯紅旗勳章是在大小和外觀更高版本顯著不同。該基片在有齒的齒輪,沿其中,在一個圓圈,置於麥耳的邊界。齒輪的下部覆蓋直角三角形的紅色搪瓷,一個轉換直角向下。在板的中心部分,部分地覆蓋一個三角形,圓形置於與它水力發電廠的圖像。在圓的中心放在了錘子和鐮刀的金身。該範圍的頂部 - 小布琺瑯紅旗,上面寫著「所有國家的無產者,聯合起來!」。字母「蘇聯」位於一個程序化的屏蔽順序的底部。其實令徽章由兩部分組成。第一,主要部分是一個齒輪與搪瓷三角形,圓形和在底部的中央屏蔽。第二部分是鍍金的錘子和鐮刀通過兩個鉚釘固定到主體上。在該標誌的逆過程,在其中央部分,有一個大的壓痕正確的捨入,其位於螺紋銷的中心。自己的PIN碼,受輪遊樂場製成的銀。兩個鉚釘拿著錘子和鐮刀,毗鄰銷(3和7小時錶盤上)。郵票「MONDVOR」中所提出的信是位於約5毫米以下的銷(6小時)。郵票略彎曲成弧形向下(抑鬱症)。經衝壓,位於中央凹陷外發訂單的數量。他用腳踩相反,在較低的形板帶有字母「蘇聯」的投影。夾緊螺母的直徑為28毫米(最早標誌)或32毫米(晚期符號)。

順序是由銀製成。字符尺寸:寬度 - 38毫米,高度 - 43毫米。



The "type 2" Order also consisted of a silver badge in the shape of a 齒輪, it measured 38 mm wide by 44 mm high. On the lower circumference of the cogwheel, the relief inscription 「全世界無產者,聯合起來!」(俄語:“Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!”) below the cogwheel, a red enamelled relief five pointed star superimposed on a shield from which four short panicles of wheat protrude left and right. At the center, a disc surrounded by a gilded wreath of oak leaves bearing the relief image of a hydro electric dam, below the dam, blue enamelled water, at the center of the disc, the gilded hammer and sickle, from the inner left side of the disc, a gilded mast bearing a waving red enamelled banner protruding from the central disc, covering the upper portion of the cogwheel and protruding past its outer upper edge on which 「蘇聯」(俄語:“СССР”) is inscribed in gilded letters. Along the outer circumference of the central disc's wreath, white enamelled slots spaced equally on the cogwheel. On the otherwise plain reverse, a concave recess at center bearing a threaded post, eight rivets (only three rivets on the post 1943 variant) used to secure the various parts to the badge and the award serial number engraved on the lower portion below the recess. The Order was secured to clothing with a threaded screw and a 33 mm in diameter nut until 1943 when it was secured by a ring through the medal suspension loop to a pentagonal mount covered by an overlapping 24 mm wide light blue silk 莫列波紋 ribbon with 4 mm wide dark blue edge stripes.[3]

訂單的徽章由五個部分組成。首先,秩序,一個齒輪與水力發電它並題詞形象「所有國家的無產者,聯合起來!」的主要組成部分。第二部分是搪瓷紅旗,上面刻著「蘇聯」,美國與橡樹葉的圓潤鍍金花圈。第二部分是由三個鉚釘裝置安裝於主體上。該命令的第三部分是小麥,中間絲帶交織的金耳朵。這些尖峰迭加在符號的基本部分,在它的下邊界,並通過兩個鉚釘固定。訂單的第四部分 - 一個小搪瓷紅星迭加在小麥金耳朵。它扣緊與單個鉚釘。最後,該命令,一個金錘子和鐮刀,附著在兩個鉚釘的主體部分的中心的第五部分。該命令的各個元素可以看出圓形夾緊螺母,其直徑為33毫米。


  1. ^ Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 28, 1978. Legal Library of the USSR. 1978-07-28 [2012-04-28] (俄語). 
  2. ^ Nenadović, Ljubomir P. O Crnogorcima: pisma sa Cetinja 1878. godine, Volume 212. Štamparija "Sv. Sava,". 1929: 187 塞爾維亞語. 
  3. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為19june43的參考文獻提供內容