




If you have any questions about the Chinese Wikipedia, please leave a message here. Thank you for visiting!

瀑布寒 夏用瀑布汗,冬改瀑布寒(這裡暖和) 08:38 2005年11月17日 (UTC)

Hi! I saw your question on the English Wikipedia, and so I decided to come here and extend you a very warm welcome to the Chinese Wikipedia! If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask me at any time. Happy editing! =) -- ran留言) 00:49 2005年11月20日 (UTC)

Hi... sorry, didn't notice your question till today. There's a Wikipedia talk:Guestbook for non-Chinese-speakers, but sad to say nobody really goes there... *tumbleweed*. So um... I guess if you have any questions, you can ask me or one of the other English speakers at Category:En 母語使用者. Or you can simply post a question at the village pump, since there are plenty of English-speakers around. -- ran留言) 09:07 2005年11月26日 (UTC)




  • Do you know? <=>你知道嗎?

謝謝你在中文維基百科做出貢獻,加油!--維游 (+_+) 00:42 2005年12月14日 (UTC)

Comments on your user page


Good day, mate! I saw some pictures you uploaded so visited your user page. And here are some comments on those Chinese sentences on your user page. If what I say is different from what your learned, follow mine. :)

學了漢語三年多了 It sounds a little bit awkward to have two 了 in one short sentence. You can say 我學漢語已經三年多了 or 我已經學了三年多的漢語。

用英文的維基...用維基共享資源... Do you really want to say "I use English Wikipedia"? Or you meant that you spend most time there, or contribute mostly there?

看我的照相. The word 照相 is mostly used as a verb. Here should be 看我的照片 or 看我的攝影作品 (if your pictures are artistic)。

And in Chinese, when you list a bunch of nouns together, you should use 、頓號, instead of , 逗號。That's a special punctuation of Chinese, and it means that one should pause for a shorter period when reading this sentence, compared with comma.

  • 五大基石政策 5 pillars!
  • 百科 Encyclopedia? Yes.
  • 中立 NPOV!
  • 開放 Be bold? Literaly it means to open. Like the 開放政策 of China is the open door policy. Here, probably it means to be open minded.
  • 互重 This is a word made up by who wrote that. Probably he/she meant 互相尊重, mutual respect, i.e. no editing fights and bad words. You see, people make up words in Chinese sometime, just like in English or 'Straiyan.
  • 無權威 Ignore all rules? No authority, i.e. you can argue with anybody, and nobody's opinion is "the one".
  • 請尊重著作權 Please respect author's intelectual property.
  • 格式指南 Guidenese of format (about editing)

--蒙人 ->敖包相會 17:44 2006年1月11日 (UTC)

"用英文的維基...用維基共享資源... to me, "use" is OK in English, but maybe it's different in Chinese." In Chinese, to use Wiki sounds more to read/refer it, than to contribute/edit it. If you meant to read/refer, to use is fine. Otherwise, 編輯 is good. 繳納 is a verb for tax or fine, etc. 投稿 is more formal, like to send your stuffs to a publisher.
"我已經知道怎麼用頓號,但我的IME很差! 很麻煩。我只用拼音,因為我沒有時間學習很複雜的辦法。" Me too. I just use Microsoft IME, and when you swith "Chinese/English Punctuation" to Chinese by clicking on that "period comma" icon, type back slash \ will give you 頓號. Or to copy/paste, which always works.
格式指南就是manual of style嗎?Yep.

--蒙人 ->敖包相會 22:23 2006年1月20日 (UTC)

雅拉河 (Yarra River)


Not sure if you'd like to contribute to the article 雅拉河 (Yarra River), as the river was recently mentioned in a documentary programme in Hong Kong, about the use of the river bank that used to be occupied by the rails. ^__^ -- 石添小草 12:54 2006年6月23日 (UTC)


  • 已經將儀器加了中文名字,照片很漂亮!不寐聽江 21:21 2006年7月7日 (UTC)

很高興又認識一位澳洲的朋友。 嘿嘿,這不是灌水。--維基動力引擎 14:15 2006年7月13日 (UTC)



wiki相冊里哪張是你本人啊。 ;)--維基動力引擎 (留言) 2008年8月7日 (四) 07:34 (UTC)[回覆]