


維基媒體運動(英語:Wikimedia movement)是一個維基媒體計劃的全球性志願者社區。這一運動起初圍繞着維基百科被創立,此後擴展至許多其他項目,其中包括有着大約7萬人的維基百科社區[1]、其他諸如維基數據維基共享資源的項目以及有着志願軟件開發者做貢獻的Mediawiki。這些項目的志願者們被世界上很多組織支持,其中包括主要的維基基金會、相關分會、專題組織以及用戶群組。



維基百科社區是線上百科全書維基百科的志願者社區。它包含了編輯(或貢獻者)和管理員 (維基百科)



維基媒體計劃 include:





維基媒體基金會(英語:Wikimedia Foundation,或縮寫作 WMF)是一個總部在三藩市的美國非盈利慈善組織。它運作本運動大多數網站,且擁有相關域名,例如網絡百科全書維基百科維基共享資源

The WMF was founded in 2003 by Jimmy Wales as a way to fund Wikipedia and its sister projects through non-profit means. Its purpose is "... to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally."[2][3][4]

According to the WMF's 2015 financial statements, in 2015 the WMF had a budget of $72 million USD, spending $52 million USD on its operation, and increasing its reserves to $82 million USD.[5]



Chapters are organizations that support Wikimedia projects in specified geographical regions, mostly countries. Currently, there are 41 chapters.

Wikimedia Deutschland (WMDE) is the largest chapter, with a total budget of 20 million EUR. WMDE allocates approximately 1 million EUR to support the corporation responsible for distributing donations, and 4 million EUR for transfer to the WMF.[6][7]

To have the same procedure, every chapter follows the same process and requests its yearly budget at the funds dissemination committee. The foundation as internet domain owner of the project pages requests a share of the donations via the website in a country (e.g. for Germany, Switzerland), or pays a chapter the agreed amount (other chapters). A total of under 4 Mio USD is distributed via this way to chapters and thematic organizations.[8] The legal base is a "Chapters Agreement" with the foundation.[9]

Thematic organizations


Thematic organizations are founded to support Wikimedia projects in a focal area. Currently one such organization exists.[8][10]

User groups


User groups have less formal requirements than chapters and thematic organizations. They support and promote the Wikimedia projects locally or on a specific theme, topic, subject, or issue. Beginning of 2016 55 user groups exist.[11] Once they are recognized by the Affiliations Committee, they enter into a "User Groups Agreement and Code of Conduct" with the foundation.[12]


  1. ^ http://reportcard.wmflabs.org/ Statistics, accessed 2016-04-20.
  2. ^ Jimmy Wales. Announcing Wikimedia Foundation. mail:wikipedia-l. June 20, 2003 [November 26, 2012]. 
  3. ^ Neate, Rupert. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales goes bananas. The Daily Telegraph. October 7, 2008 [October 25, 2009]. The encyclopedia's huge fan base became such a drain on Bomis's resources that Mr. Wales, and co-founder Larry Sanger, thought of a radical new funding model – charity. 
  4. ^ WMF Bylaws, Article II, Statement of Purpose, accessed 2016-04-20.
  5. ^ WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, INC. Financial Statements, June 30, 2015 and 2014,
  6. ^ Chapters, accessed 2016-04-20.
  7. ^ Jahresplan WMDE 2016, accessed 2016-04-20.
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 annual plan grants, accessed 2016-04-20
  9. ^ chapters creation guide
  10. ^ What are Wikimedia thematic organizations?, accessed 2016-04-20.
  11. ^ Wikimedia User Groups
  12. ^ Wikimedia User groups creation guide